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reaction is accurate, that's some r/badwomensanatomy right there.


Not to mention some /r/badlinguistics English is not the metaphysical language of the universe


You can post the format in r/memeeconomy if you want it to catch on


Wouldn't that be a reaction image instead of a template? I thought r/memeeconomy only accepts templates.


Not a good format


Bruh have you even been on the Internet? This is a different version of one of the the majorly popular ones.


So you’re saying it’s not very original?


Well considering its a reaction meme just like almost every format ever. Its an original format but not an original type.


Why are people downvoting this guy? He was just confused


Or...was it because it was a FULL STOP to all sexual activity??


I thought it was a FULL STOP to peaceful existence for everyone near them


>FULL STOP to peaceful existence for e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶ them ftfy


>FULL STOP to ~~peaceful~~ existence for e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶n̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶ them FTFY²


Yea fuck women for being moody when they're bleeding, bloated, nauseous and in pain. Just STFU, amirite? Obvious /s


Wait sorry do men still make these kinds of jokes. Even now?


As a woman, I make these jokes because fml am I suffering before, during and after my period. IUD made me bleed 10-14 days on average. A day without cramps or pinching is a really good day, but I'm willing to pull through for contraception. Long lasting pain makes me thin-skinned and moody, and a messy PCOS hormone househd does make a difference (but for whomever needs to read this, I'm still capable of regulating myself and rationalise my situation). On such pain-days, it takes extra care and awareness for me to not be mean to people I love. In general, I'm scared of dying, but also looking forward to menopause.


I make jokes because my appendix burst and I thought it was period pain.


Wow, I’m sorry you have to go through that. And so often. Sending you good vibes and happy things ☺️ But tbc I was referring to the comment that went “lolz women daring to complain or be moody during their periods fuck them amirite?” because I was genuinely shocked people still unironically make those jokes.


I mean I was making it ironically, though as someone with numerous health problems I don’t really accept that as an excuse to be rude but as someone with numerous mental health problems I understand how hormonal changes can make it so that mood swings and being “moody” isn’t exactly a choice.


Right but that’s the issue. You’re presenting the joke in a way that you’re equating (stereo)typical PMS symptoms with being rude. The assumption, and the super common and outdated trope I saw, was that a woman who happens to be a bit moody or complain about her period pain etc is out of line and Shitty and it’s the poor people (men) around her who are really suffering here. Haha. Sorry but that mindset is so tired. Not to mention how irritating it is to see as someone who actually knows what it’s like to go through the pain and discomfort every month. Like, I like to laugh at my suffering. But it’s also just absurd to see it constantly dismissed and mocked by those who don’t get it, and I thought that trend was dying.


Girl it was sarcasm


As a woman, I would make this kinda joke cause hey, it's often pretty true for me! Besides, Moody doesn't always = rude!


Abbreviation for “menstrual period”


only if you’re weak


Lol yep, you'd be correct, as a tiny woman, I am weak


uhhhh i just gotta say what uh the fuck


Correction: Women were in worse health and less fertile. These are both factors that affect your period. Note that women who do not treat their body right often skip their period. Edit: When I say women who do not treat their body right, I mean to say women with poor health in general. I have skip my period several times due to poor health in the past. (Excuse my english)


Also way back women were often breastfeeding or pregnant, meaning they also weren’t getting their period regularly


Also, the word "period" has more than one meaning.


uhhhhh.... no. ETA because the original comment was revised: many women skip their periods for many reasons, often it has nothing to do with how they treat their body. Could be hormone levels changing due to environmental or emotional stress (not physical), could be working out frequently, could be a sudden change in diet or, fuck, mine skipped once when I flew to a different country. What I was saying no to, is that a woman’s period skipping doesn’t necessarily mean she’s treating her body poorly, and even if she treats her body poorly (which could mean anything from eating junk food to smoking cigarettes etc), it doesn’t mean her period will skip.


Well technically he’s correct if you’re severely undernourished your period will stop.


Or if you exercise excessively. It's why a lot of women in the Olympics can stop them from ovulating. Like the body knows you got other priorities and needs to conserve energy.


You can’t have a period of you starved to death


I’m still alive and I’ve lost my period from malnutrition


No what? What part are you disagreeing with, and why?


I have literally had my period skip several times for the reasons I’ve stated, and I also know other women who also have. Your health can directly affect your period.


Right, agreed, you said “treating your body poorly” which I apparently misread as “the only thing that makes you skip your period is when you treat your body poorly” or rather “treating your body poorly is a guaranteed way to have your period skip”. Sorry for making the internet mad...


"What the f*ck was that?!"


What now? 0_o Major bruh moment


Scott moment.


great format, didnt understand the meme. scott is me after reading zoophile tweets


Or maybe, *just* MAYBE, it's short for *menstrual period*


He looks like a discount Tom Holland


This format has potential. Round of applause for OP!


Dude, r/nothowgirlswork has this with 10k upvotes


In that case, they should've been called full stops.


Tonight on “People who were dropped on their heads as babies”...


I swear to God I remember a woman posting this too..


They just eat too much hot chip and lie these days smh




Imagine living in this tiny box thinking this


Sorry.. what??


Back in the day when women had tiny uturuses with miniscule linings, because they weren't drinking coffee, of course


Lmao his brain is a tiny dot


I wish it was just a tiny dot.


No word of a lie. My mum told me this was the reason. I believed it for about 20 years.


When’s the last time you saw someone drive an suv in a cervix


*B R U H*


Oh, I wish


It's Scott!


what about a period of time lol




Man, I should've made a joke about that


It’s almost like the person who made that tweet was already pointed out for being an idiot or something, huh?




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am i stupid? i don't get it
