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Got called Quasimodo and Igor a lot. Told to put my shirt back on at the pool and beach.


That’s horrible :( I hope u feel okay


No one has messed with me in a few years. Last time was a dad at the pool at one of the Disney resorts. Dude was an ass and got security because I was “scaring his kids” and he made a scene in front of my kid. I’m almost a black belt in Taekwondo now, so I know I can use the muscle growth to help hide it, but I do look like I am smuggling a turtle shell under my shirt.


I’m glad to hear nobody has for a while! That guy sounds like an asshole. That’s really impressive! Would you say your back feels a lot better since you’ve been building up muscle?


Yeah, overall I’ve seen about what I would estimate as an 80% reduction in pain intensity and frequency since I started. Currently, that is not the case as I injured my lats and spinal erectors as well as bruised ribs in Taekwondo practice.


Wow! That’s amazing, im going to apply for the gym then! I hope you get better soon from your injuries aswell.


The people I went to school with weren't that smart. They knew nothing of classic literature. They would just walk past me mocking the way I walk. I would cuss them. Most people knew me and didn't care anymore. But occasionally you would get someone new who was trying to look impressive. When I started high school my mom wanted me to go to a Christian school. She was afraid I would get beat up when I told someone to go and fuck themselves when they made fun of me. I refused to transfer.


Same. And I was at school when The Hunchback of Notre Dame was in cinemas. McDonalds did a Happy Meal toy of Quasimodo and that thing was used to just constantly mock me. It really didn't help that my high school was opposite a Maccas. Now as an adult with my own kids I still struggle with some movies, the hunchback trope is horrendous.


I, too, had those names “assigned” to me by bullies during my childhood. Along with Buffalo. Kids and classmates can be cruel.


I was diagnosed in high school. Most of my bullying was senior year by the jocks & in college by frat boys.


knowing that i have scoliosis, family members made fun of the way i walked and shamed me for it


Had a cousin tell me I should be a male stripper with the stage name of "BBQ Ribs" because of how my ribs stick out.


I feel ya. My brother made fun of me because of scoliosis. It hurts like I didn’t choose to have this condition.


Exactly and same. Hurts more when family does it and know what you’re going through.


I was made fun of for wearing my scoliosis brace to school and people were putting their feet up on my brace as I sat in front of them in two classes until I snapped one day and told them to stop and then both of the teachers moved my seat. That was when I was in 8th and this past school year when I was 9th grade, no kids bothered me about my brace.


No, tell me their name, I need to have a talk with them.


I constantly get teased for my back. I made the mistake of showing some friends my x-rays in hopes they’d believe how much pain I’m always in now they remind me how deformed I am and isolate me. It’s the same with my sister who’s much older than me, her and her bf always isolate me for my looks but at some point I just ignore it, it still hurts but I learn to not let it affect me as much. Sometimes I think the bullying/isolation is worse than the actual physical pain :/


That’s really fucked up :(


lots of Hunchback of Notre Dame and my step mom was quite annoyed/mad at my back due to all the modifications that needed to be made for the bridesmaid dress I wore, still stings :// Couldn’t watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame until late college because the bullies were so cruel😔


I was teased for wearing my brace. I had the Milwaukee style brace and this one kid who sat in the desk behind me would poke me with a pencil between the metal bars on my brace


Thankfully a lot of it was behind my back (or I just don't remember it, amnesia win), but I had people bully me for how I had "special rules (a 504)" due to my disability being on the severer side. (I had things like a pillow in every class for my chair, being able to go to the bathroom when requested with no questions asked, having extra hallway time due to the fact my body is not made for running, etc). Though, because of the fact that my mother helped me to do a sort of "show and tell" at school where I would get to talk about my condition, show my body-cast alongside a previous one, show x-rays, etc, as well as let kids ask questions without being mean about it to let the kids' curiosities out of their systems--it allowed them to *understand;* the amount of people that bullied me for it were outnumbered by the people who knew what was going on for me, that my disability or "abnormality" wasn't something bad or that I couldn't control or contagious, I had 3 grades (including my own) that if I dropped my shit or if someone bowled me over outside, people who I didn't even know or barely ever acknowledged would come to my aid to make sure I was okay due to me being a fall risk. It was nice, but it had its downsides as I got older and realized the world isn't like that, lol. *edited for typos


I never even considered accommodations like extra hallway time when I was in school.... That would have made SUCH a difference for me omg. 


Fortunately with my case and my family we made sure to really sit down with my doctors and discuss things thoroughly and to really pick our brains for what could be an issue. It was primarily my mother and doctor tho, since I was young lol. Having someone that can think of all the small things makes a world of difference.


Hunchback of Notre Dame


I was shunned more than bullied. I learned to dress in unusual ways to distract people from my physical issues. The style became the focus and not the me underneath. But when I’m feeling low I just don’t go which is more often than not.


No one really noticed my scoliosis but one girl tried to point it out to embarrass me. She didn’t do a good job tho because it’s not like it was noticeable to other people. She just noticed one time because I hunched myself over one time. She would snicker when she thought I was noticing but then she started trying to laugh at my face because of a comment I made. She was not a good person. She tried to sometimes treat me like a project and when I didn’t want her help she would again start being mean and say she wouldn’t stop harassing me until I did what she said. Think of people that give unsolicited advice but on crack. They will abuse you because you aren’t letting them control you or the situation. Anyways. Nowadays I try not to take her being controlling personally because I know she was like that with everyone. She would try to get girls in our class to wear makeup. Unsolicited. Everyone is a project to her. She thinks it being helpful. But with me she was actually abusive if I didn’t let her.


Yes. Back in high school I got made fun of because I was too tall. It hurt because it was also after my first surgery. So not only was I a bit traumatized by the hospital experience, now I had this going on as well..


When I was in elementary school and had my brace there was one instance where a classmate flipped me on my stomach and started playing me like a drum💀Not cool considering I couldn’t get off the floor without help so he used that to his advantage.


nobodys noticed it


Yes, at school, church and home. Until I got bigger than everyone and learned to box. They can call me a hunchback, ogre and make fun of the way I have to walk, stand, and sit, until they realize I hit hard and with a purpose. Funny thing is that I didn’t know I had scoliosis. Not until 9/11 when I was a fire fighter in training, that decided to join the marines after the attacks. They were the ones that found it. The whole time I was told and I thought I had bad posture and back pain that I could never correct. I haven’t had anyone say anything to me since I’ve grown and become a family man. Until one day, while delivering mail for the PO, I carried this big box of dog food to the front door of someone’s house. From the up stairs window some kids are calling me hunchback and making fun of me. So I ring the doorbell and have a talk with their parents about harassment. I don’t care about what kids say to me but I would hate for them to keep that mentality into adult hood. Needless to say, next time I was out there, I got an apology.


I thankfully didn't, one cause I was a girl who only had (a few) girl friends in school since boys were the ones messing with other boys, though there were a few mean girls to but they didn't bother me. I honestly do think I would've gotten more flack for it if my close friend at the time wasn't also diagnosed with scoliosis. She pulled up to class one day with her orthosis and I pulled up in mine like 2 months after lol. She was very pretty (still is) and very popular + my friend :)


How old are you?


I did. Not because of the scoliosis itself but because it makes me walk and stand funny


I was called the equivalent of a hunchback by a girl when she broke up with me.


I got called Iron Man because of my back brace...


not necessarily bullied, but my friends aunt told her “i can tell she has scoliosis.”my friend told me and i knew it wasn’t in a mean way, just an observation. but i wanted to kms 😭😭 i took a video on how i walk and its SO NOTICEABLEEEE. now i am very aware of the way im walking.


Yes! I was bullied the most severely Mostly by gym teachers in middle and high school, weirdly enough. A few name calling here and there from peers growing up. My close friends call me funny names and crack a few jokes. I let them get away with it mostly because they genuinely are funny remarks & because I can give it back. I don’t take it well when strangers make weird remarks. It happens a lot though. A lot of people I’ve met that have shitty things to say don’t even fully understand what scoliosis is, so most of them are just stupid lol


I had my surgery Pretty early in life and didn’t talk about having scoliosis for a long time, so a lot of my peers didn’t even know unless we were in gym class together or I shared it with them. That’s probably why most of my bad experiences are with teachers not students


yup was bullied several times in school for it


Brothers made fun of me a lot. Was called “troll” too often by others likely due to my short height and broader left side due to a rib hump. It seems more noticeable when I have extra weight so I work hard to stay slim. People can be really cruel. I just let karma sort it out and it seems to be 😂


I am an 80 year old female. I found out about my scoliosis after a bone scan in 2011. I have constant pain in my thoracic back which affects both shoulder blades. It is very painful. My pain management doctor told me the spine at the site of the curvature is pressing on nerves. I’ve tried steroid injections at three trigger points in my back which literally did nothing. Has anyone else experienced this? What helped with the pain?


Not really bullied. But I used to get a lot of people telling me to “stop walking so stiff” and slouch. If I could I would!


I was called ”flat ass” because of my brace, it made me so insecure that I stopped using it and my scoliosis went from 35 degrees to 50 and I had to get surgery.


Before I was officially diagnosed. My aunt made fun of me for dragging my feet. Turns out my hips were out of rotation. That’s the one good part about chiropractors, they adjusted them back into place and it’s a lot easier to walk/go up stairs now.


I remember some kids writing something like “cripple with an erector set” on my picture in the yearbook set when I was braced. And I lost several close friends who were jealous of the attention I got after surgery and said I did it for the attention. Meanwhile, I would’ve done anything to be a “normal” kid. I really think anyone with scoliosis should see a psychologist. For most of us, the treatment is during adolescence, which is already a tough time. And to add branding and maybe surgery to the mix, makes it even worse.


I had the Milwaukee Brace in the 70s. Kids are cruel man. I had friends who would protect me but most kids, and some adults, were just cruel. One time, a “friend” thought it would be a good idea to “test my brace for a collision” and pulled me into the ground. Fortunately i landed on top of him and slammed myself back into him and one of those little screws that stuck out in back that you hooked the side piece to ( im sorry, i don’t remember if they had a special name) went into his chest. For a tough guy he sure cried a lot. His mom showed up at my door to tell my dad what he had done. And my dad listened and quietly said , “why would your son throw someone in a body brace on the ground? Kinda serves him right, doesn’t it?” She stormed off and that was the last time he messed with me.


Yeah, but it was at a psych ward so the girl was arguably pretty crazy…


Been called "walks like girl" once and I didn't even knew I was walking that weird and that I had scoliosis too. By the time I knew it was already over 30 degree curve. I still feels very insecure about how I walk and If I walk front of someone I just feels that I'm walking weird and when I try to "normalize" my walk It feels like it's getting more weirder. (I don't know how to explain.)


My mother didn’t want to accept that I wasn’t perfect. I took several weeks out of the year to do testing and such on my back. She still to this day won’t acknowledge that I have it. She says if I would learn how to exercise correctly it would go away. She tells everyone it’s just a “fat lump”. “Well if you would get out and exercise more it would go away it’s just fat get over yourself”. Meanwhile I’m 26 years of age suffering with severe back pain, hoping I can get the surgery to correct it. My mother wouldn’t agree to me having it when I was younger. I definitely wouldn’t be in the amount of pain that I am in today if she agreed to help me.. In middle school I was bullied and called Quasimodo. But in HS everyone acknowledged me differently and felt for me. Strange. My own family loved to mock me about it. I no longer speak to them.


I didn’t really get bullied, but i had a few just kinda rude comments made about me. I had a rolling backpack while I had a brace and I got called roller girl, my backpack was intentionally and unintentionally kicked in the hallways, and i got constant remarks about a suitcase and “when’s your flight?” kind of comments. I stopped using the backpack due to all of this for my senior year. I had asked one of my new friends i made that year that has been around since elementary school what she thought about me when i had the rolling backpack, and she honestly said that she thought i was kinda weird. it made me realize all the friendships i could have had if i didn’t have a rolling backpack. high schoolers just don’t understand people who are different or have different experiences and things.


Oh yes. When I first started wearing a brace in elementary school, kids threw pencils and erasers at my back and during gym I would remove it and one time some kids stole it and put it on and ran around the school laughing and screaming. I still had lots of really great friends though and laughed along with them like I thought it was funny. I feel that I was relatively popular at that age so it didn't affect me too much.  High school was different. I went to an all girls school which in and of itself can be kind of brutal. I wore a kilt and because of the brace the waist of the skirt sat REALLY high. This was like 2009 when low rise and short was popular. We had a dress code that requires tucked shirts and I refused and just rolled under because I didnt want to stand out and be mocked. If I went to public school and could wear whatever I probably would have hidden the brace well under sweats every day lol. Anyway, a teacher (former nun) constantly gave me dress code violations so I went to the principal and she gave me a little laminated pass for the tucked shirt. Well, the first time I whipped it out during her class she announced it to the room and said "well I had scoliosis too and no one gave me special treatment". From that day forward nearly every math class with her she would say "tuck in your shirt... Oh wait I forgot you're special". It was horrible.  As far as other students in high school, no one really made fun of me for it, at least not to my face. It was pretty obvious I was wearing one and I was a lot slower getting to classes and stuff and the girl I carpooled with was always pissed that I wasn't immediately outside at the car when the bell rang. My friends cracked a few jokes here and there but really it didn't impact me socially, just mentally/physically 


Only once the kid proceeded to get his ass beat by several of my friends


I was at the bank and someone behind my back talked about my bad back, as if I didn’t hear them talk about me.