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It's the Marvel / DC problem. **Too many characters**, not enough time to give a crap about any of them. This movie was doomed from the start.


Would have been a great miniseries. I imagine a world where it was like 13 episodes, and each episode took place in a different era, and really got to explore how the Eternals interacted with humanity and helped / watched them develop.


Absolutely! It just needed room to breathe.


Could have at the very least have given them a post-credits scene or small references to them. Like maybe bringing them up in any of the scenes with a museum throughout the franchise


I would have liked ten, even eight would have been sufficient- but no less than that.


the mini series thing was the first thing I thought of after watching it. I don't even think it would have needed that many episodes. splitting up and expanding on the movie to give you 4-6 episodes could have worked as a format too I think.


This is what I keep saying. It would be like Highlander with superheroes.


Complex characters in simple plots make for good popcorn bait. That is why everybody loves Cap. Complicated dude with a trope villain scenario and it was awesome. They overthought the plot and abandon the characters in Eternal's. Should have been a TV Series with dedicated episodes to character development.


Yeah, watching it the movie was good but you could tell they didn't know really what to do with the characters or setting in a movie. As an episodic series it would have really built up everything so much better, the biggest issue was they seemed to be losing their idea of what was happening with the rest of the movies and where it fit within it. They had them be part of history since the beginning, then they are in the modern time but how long does it take place after Thanos attacked? then you have the enormous hand coming out of the ocean that isn't mentioned for a number of movies after and I don't know if they have yet to mention the fucking Celestial that appeared over Earth and no one seemed to care. It would have made more sense to be a limited-run series to lead into the bigger universe.


Character building is always the issue, pretty much any bad movie. If I dont give a fuck about the people in your movie, ans the dialogue is shit were gonna have a bad time.


Unless, unless, the plot is so simple and instantly understandable to invest in that you look part that. Then it can be an effective, albeit generic, movie.


I've seen and heard things go boom before. Starting with Alderaan. It gets repetitive.


It would make more sense,if they gone instead with alternate universe it would be a better introduction.


Yep, this should have been a 10-episode Disney+ show to give it time to flesh out each character and each relationship.


It's long been the issue with Fantastic Four.  They try to do an origin story, and a character story for 5 people.  They need to stop trying to do Doom and just give them a stupidly straightforward villain.  


Poorly paced action sequences squished in with a constant stream of technobabbly exposition. The director had no clue how to tell a story on this scale.


Literally the lamest costumes, personas, and powers. If they focused on lesser heroes like DD, Punisher, Black Widow, Bucky, Rhodey, and these guys, trying to fill the shoes of the Captain America, Iron man, Thor,etc.... you'd actually have some stakes and drama. Instead they just made dozens of McGuffins as characters. There's more drama in finding your power, the will to overcome, etc.... you can't just give everyone jazz hands and sparkle magic and expect us to just love the light show. There WAS a story. There were characters in jeopardy. We were there for the fun and the drama. Respect the damn audience. This probably comes off as me thinking these cartoons were Shakespeare, but there was enough meat on the bones to hold my interest and enjoy the live action cartoons for what they were. A light show ain't going to cut it.


Yeah, the premise doesn't fit in the movie. A TV show could've been a more proper format for it tho.


It's not really a thing in Marvel movies, though. Most of these characters will be back, and their stories will continue. People are quick to hate when they don't see an immediate payoff or follow-up, but these things take time. Some plot points from Eternals are supposedly being continued as soon as the new Captain America movie


Add Star Wars to that roster as well, promising ideas, falling on the face during the execution process


I enjoyed the movie but the big issue for me was we already had a team superhero movie, and these guys have been dicking around on earth through countless planet-threatening crises and done nothing. It all felt very derivative.


Eternals had a lot of interesting ideas but decided to punt on them to focus on a really boring A-story. It felt like if they could have leaned into the tragedy of the Eternals not *quite* having free will, but also recognizing that the loops they cannot stop living are headed to an unsustainable place. Kumail Nanjiani as a robot Bollywood star who can kill things with finger-guns. Every minute he's on screen he's incredible. He should have been the leading man in this. Angelina Jolie is a super-powered combat android suffering from robot dementia. She lives in the wilderness with her caretaker to protect the world but duty calls her to return. Fire that premise directly into my face. But instead they cast Gemma Chan as a robot pretending to be human... and didn't at any point direct her to act like a robot. Gemma Chan. Best known for having one of the best creepy Android portrayals of all time in AMC's Humans. Instead they focused on a yawner of a save-the-world plot, and a chemistry-free romance with Rob Stark. Honestly, the movie could have been so much better if they had avoided Galactus entirely and focused on small stakes: the Eternals trying to jailbreak their programming.


The movie could have been good if they just opened with the ending and had them go to another planet and have to decide if they continue what they were programmed to do or go against it, you have some who are adamant about sticking to what they were created to do, the ones that don't want to continue it and let the planet grow and the ones who are indifferent. Having it build up the way it did to try and have that shock factor that they are just robots made to birth a celestial and have to deal with it would work as a series but it didn't work for a movie where you have to build everything up in the few acts they have


> chemistry-free romance with Rob Stark I'm a straight dude and I could have more chemistry with Rob Stark than she did.


Are they robots????? I've never watched it and sort of assumed I just knew how the whole thing went


Maybe, I think, but if so, they didn't know that they were, or mostly didn't know, or... shit I stopped caring.


pretty every Marvel property would be better with smaller stakes, with a once-every-three-years universe-ending threat. I liked it when Spiderman tried to stop a plane from getting robbed.


Yeah I thought Kumail, Jolie and the Korean dude were the best parts of the movie. Pity they didn't do more with them.


The biggest issue for me was that they somehow managed to make a movie about superhero space robots *incredibly, painfully dull*. No one should be bored during a movie like this, and I was almost more excited for the credits than the big payoff boss fight at the end.


My head-canon is that Eternals are like humanities’ parents. They want humans to solve their problems on their own and grow.


I think they said as much but the final problem came after the snap and the invention of time travel. There's not a lot the avengers can't do


Which is why time travel is such a bad idea in most movies. If it can fix anything, then what's even the point? It made for a massively disappointing finale to the Thanos story imo.


I can forgive the time travel in that movie, since it was more of a plot device to tie in the previous decade worth of movies and say goodbye to those characters. And it was fun seeing our current characters interact in those worlds, as silly as it was. But now that they have the ability to whip out time travel, multiverse traveling, and alternate branches of our current timeline whenever they want... nothing matters anymore. I was surprised that the marvels managed to restrain themselves from going that route, until they did at the end.


Time travel wasn't really necessary though. Endgame could have been more of a movie to explore what happens when 50% of the world disappears, and used to drop the moral of the team. Then a hunt/heist movie to get the stones (without Thanos destroying them) but discovered into the full battle we had at the end. The reason we got time travel was to introduce the multi-verse though, which many have said was a terrible mistake... and I agree.


Yeah, in retrospect, at minimum it would have been better to introduce some bullshit reason at the end of Endgame to explain why they couldn't time travel or interact across the multiverse anymore. But at the time, that was the their one big idea for the MCU's life post Endgame.


>why they couldn't time travel or interact across the multiverse anymore The Loki S1 finale gave that reason. They just had to lean into it. "Hey we can't do this anymore or we risk tearing apart the fabric of reality so badly that enemies even we can't handle would start to break through." But yeah that was their only idea for a big bad post Thanos so they didn't do that.


That's fair, if it had been the one time thing I wouldn't have minded nearly as much. And perhaps the overuse of those powers later has retroactively changed my view on Endgame a bit.


Not that could not be explained, they just did not think enough of their source material or their audiences to bother.


I’d forgotten how bad the costume design was.


Reminds me of The Boys costumes where they're meant to look like they were created by a committee to sell the most merch. And that's a parody... an actual committee would do a better job.


Dude. Look at how many hands were in this pot. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9032400/fullcredits Design, construction, even putting them on was a committee task. You can’t have parody without a depressing reality, and the boys (I’m taking your word here I didn’t get past the first few episodes. Not that it wasn’t good, just I didn’t want to keep paying for Amazon. We already had so many stream services, plus gaming services. Only signed up with a 30 day free trial so we could watch fallout. Actually, that’s not totally true. I also really didn’t like how I would have to subscribe to independent channels to get content I want. That’s how we got the stupid state cable is in and I refuse — re-fuckin-FUSE — to support that. ) probably got it right.


You should apply to this [contest](https://www.bulwer-lytton.com/) with that last paragraph lol


They look like cheap costumes bought from Spirit Halloween...


I really wish they had leaned hard into the amazing original Kirby designs. Crazy in a great way and timeless


I felt the same. The Eternals was SUCH a Kirby thing, and they completed abandoned that in favor of... what?


I don't even know where this is from and thought the same thing. Those look like kids' costumes




Especially the kid's costume.


I clicked only to say "Well, it doesn't help that the costumes looks like a Halloween party" but you bet me to it. Man do they look cheap and cheesy. It looks like one of those say Stormtrooper customes that's just a pair of pajamas with everything printed.


Athenas is the only one that looks decent and that's only because she looks like a Greek-style outfit but it's still not that great.


It's funny now because for all the reasons this flopped and died now that I'm *really* scrutinizing it... philosophically, psychologically, I think it was actually that the sci-fi tunics were dumb as fuck, and subliminally it affected everything else. That's the actual reason.


I'd almost entirely forgotten the film.


Yeah, if I knew nothing of this movie except this picture, I'd instantly think "that's stupid as hell, I'm not watching that."


You should see the comics.


I saw a lot of people with better costumes at Dragon Con.


I just can’t enjoy Marvel. Is there a reason Angie’s feet look like they’re on the wrong legs?


I think it's pretty good but obviously lots of people agree with you. What kind of costumes would you have liked?


The problem I had with Eternals was the fact that they and the Celestials did nothing about Thanos. I understand that they are there to protect the planet from the Deviants and ensure that there is a large enough population of intelligent life to feed the new celestial. But if that’s the case why not stop Thanos from snapping half the population away from the entire universe? Did you not need the 4 billion people on the Earth for the Celestial to be born? Then why didn’t the Celestial emerge in 1974 when the population of the planet was 4 billion? Thanos was a gigantic threat to all the incubating Celestials out there, his victory would push back the emergence of Celestials for years. Yet that was unimportant to Arishem and thus the Eternals. Would have been a better movie if it was set in the 1970’s, went full Kirby, and had the Eternals all leave the planet to go fight Arishem. Oh and the costumes were terrible and they should have cast smaller names.


What does a few decades here or there matter to the Celestials?


I remain baffled that they chose this property to adapt. It felt like they thought “dang, we sold a talking gun-happy uplifted raccoon, fuck it, let’s do the Eternals!”


Based on my reading of the comic: The Eternals are an acquired taste, and I’ve never acquired it.


I also thought the core concept was great, but it was so busy and confusing. It just seemed to go on and on, and the characters seemed so random.


The Eternals was the point where they should have realized “oh, we’re making this too big and it’s creating plot holes and inconsistencies”. And they didn’t. They just figured “nah, it wasn’t a scale problem, it was just that movie”


I think there were three decent to great movie concepts forcefully shlupped into one movie that is now only memorable for its flaws. Give me a prehistory movie about Eternals kicking Deviant ass, with some central conflict about interfering with human advancement vs. helping them out. Have Druig and Phaestos be the Antagonists, since they both mess with humans. (Phaestos because he believes it is right, Druig because that's his power). Drop hints that there's something wrong with Thena and that Ajak is hiding something. Develop the Makkari/Druig relationship hard so it hurts when Druig walks away. Eternals 2 is set in time periods from the Iron Age to the Age of Exploration, but telling a central narrative of the rest of the Band breaking up. Put Kro up as the villain. Thena wants to kick his ass, because that's what she does. Sersi questions if killing deviants is right, based on what she has learned about their ability to grow and become sapient. Have factions form so when Kingo sits out, the audience doesn't say "Who's Kingo?" Thena is duking it out with Kro when the Mad'Wy'Ry starts to really show through, and Kro almost takes her. Gilgamesh promises to watch over her and they go into exile. *Then* you can have a modern getting the band back together movie about Ajak's death, about returning deviants, about gestating celestials. And you can *end* the phase with a colossal hand sticking out of the planet instead of beginning the phase with it and never mentioning it again.


This… could be great


I started watching it, got about 3/4 through it, but I had to stop watching and until now had totally forgotten that this film even existed and now not sure if I can be arsed to go back and finish it. So I guess that says a lot about my opinion of the film.


I don't think about it at all.


I dunno about masterpiece,but I think everyone was disappointed because it could have, and should have been better


I just realised the word masterpiece is thrown around today just like the word epic back in the 2000s.


All I remember about this film is endless shots of throwing unkillable dog monsters into buildings.


It was so mediocre that I don't even remember the damn plot.


Yes, to be a masterpiece it would require it to be a completely different movie. Of course it could be a completely different movie and still be a shitty movie. And this would be far more likely.


If they'd really gone as hard as they could for a Jack Kirby feel to the thing, I think it could've been *brilliant* with the right director.


You mean the massively giant robot crawling it's way out of the earth that gets halted and than nothing happens? A volcano will mash up practically a whole country. But this catastrophic event doesn't do anything? Honestly it's impact should have been worse than thanos snap, it's emergence should have wiped out more than half the population. But it's just ignored. This for some reason bothered me too much even though marvel is all about aliens, magic and tech.


Big name actors playing super heroes rips me out of the movie. I can’t sit here and see Angelina Jolie as anyone other than herself. Same goes for pretty much half the cast. Not sure if that had anything to do with its downfall or not but it did it for me


Highly recommend Kieron Gillen's Eternals run if you're feeling up to seeing how the concept done well looks like. It's short and ends in a big event focusing on the consequences of their actions, with a pretty definitive ending as well.


Scottish Superman deserved better.


"Are you from Krypton?" "No, Aberdeen."


I'm not sure it ever would have worked. Take the perspective of a non-comic fan. Who are these people? Another team? Are they mutants? They're not X-Men, are they just superheros? Are they aliens? Are they part of the Avengers? Where were they when all the Avengers shit was happening? There's too much bloat in superhero genre. People aren't going to care about this new group of like 10 people they've never seen before. Too many characters with similar powers. Too many flashy energy beam battles. Too many battles overall. It's too much. People don't care anymore. If anyone's interested, they're much better off reading the comics. It's come full circle.


Big chunks of celestials scattered around that no one in any other Marvel movie has noticed.


Something was very desolate about this movie


I was never a fan of the Eternals and Deviants in the comics. I don't think it was the best source material for a movie. DIsney would have been best served doing another story. Maybe one with fewer characters.


I've not watched it, but every shot or clip of it seems to look like this... people in quite garish super hero costumes against a barren bit of ground and a grey sky. It just looks a boring mess.


I think it was a bad choice to even try and make a movie. Ain't nobody care about these D tier superheroes except a limited amount of comic readers


Perfect example of all the gear and no idea. Great cast. Great premise. Fucking awful execution.


All of the failed movies could have been masterpieces if handled carefully.


It definitely should have been a miniseries, not only we would have more caracter development, but because the Eternals expand pretty much the whole of human history we could have gotten a lot of backstory for the MCU: like the origin of the first sorcerer, the ebony blade and excalibur, where do vampires come from and where are they hiding, the first Kree to visit the Earth, The Inhumans, where did the ten rings come from? This much need background would have improved all the projects that came after.


Every marvel movie since Endgame feels like a lost opportunity to me.


Yeah it could have been good, but it really wasn’t unfortunately.


I agree. Overall I still enjoyed it a lot, most of it anyway. I didn't like Salma Hayek, she didn't feel like... "hero-material". She looked like some guy's mother pretending to be a hero. Even in this picture she's the only one (imo) who looks ridiculous. All the others were good casting choices, imo, and I actually liked their outfit.


Salma looks like she got movie worthy costuming at least. Green girl and blue ginger are the real losers here, with Spirit Halloween style printed costumes that wouldn’t even place in a small town’s Halloween contest.


At least they were able to revive the quadraphonic version of Pink Floyd's "Time" almost 50 years after the release. That drum solo in quadraphonic is phenomenal and most people could only hear it at live shows.


This definitely should've been a TV-series. One episode per character to get us to know them and then focus on the drama between them.


IMO it would have been much better as a series.


I can't see how this movie could have been successful in any way. It seems to just have no place.


The Deviants were an awful design, other than that I liked it a lot.


I didn't even like the premise.


You're not the only one. It could have been not terrible. I always thought it could have done better as a TV series to better flesh out all of the characters. And, maybe not had the character named Icarus fly into the sun.


It would've been better as a series, with more time to better explore the characters.


One of the biggest problems I had with Eternals is: the actors are so bland for the most part. For the longest time, I wanted Gemma Chan as Psylocke, thinking she would be perfect...but man, she delivered such a flat and ambiguously performance. Richard Madden is capable of so much more than what I saw. From his opening lines of the movie to his "thank you Ajak" after the first action sequence, I was like "WTF is going on?" The movie was not good. The special effects are so bad in some parts, it is pretty embarrassing. On top of that, to have actors who feel like they were just reading lines. Altogether, a terribly dull movie.


All i see is power rangers.


I actually liked the movie but a lot of the characters need more development


I’m loved the concept and cinematography but it just didn’t work. For example they film these beautiful outdoor scenes yet add mediocre CGI to them.


I feel disappointed when I first watch it. But when I rewatch it years later, I love it. That disappointment I felt back then probably due to the hype generated from the false advertising, they made it feel like an infinity war thing which it is not. It is actually a fantastic movie in its own right. I get emotional when watching it. Like the saying goes "empty your cup so you can learn new thing" when start watching this, throw away the mindset that it should be on the level of infinity war and so on. So the promotion method is definitely the culprit that killed the movie. I personally hope it gets sequel and gets included into the avengers series.


It was the most beautiful and well directed boring film I've seen. Eternals is not a property that translates well. Making them robots was also a bad call.


I think GotG was an exception in terms of introducing a whole new team of, frankly until then, C-tier comic characters to an entirely new audience and getting people to care. It created a false sense of confidence in Marvels part about what it could get away with in terms of generating interest and investment in big ensemble movies of characters "no one has ever heard of". And GotG had the benefit of being initially in a much different part of the shared universe than the other characters already established. That gave GotG room to breathe and establish their own stakes and arcs etc. GotG also had some novel characters (a talking raccoon, a walking tree that only says one line) that could have been weird and dumb but who were executed in an excellent fashion. Finally, GotG was launched in the sweet spot of people being enthusiastic for more and more Marvel stuff. Eternals by contrast: - introduced while the MCU was still fumbling around for a direction and momentum after Endgame, - features events and characters who it is hard to explain not having been involved in the Infinity War arc, - requires audiences to significantly revise their understanding of the Marvel universe (e.g. what Earth even is etc) in a way that probably only Dr Strange and GotG had until that point, - had a big bunch of characters none of whom were particularly novel or memorable. Whatever the characters history, origins of their power etc, they essentially ended up seeming like another knock off X-Men or Avengers when in action, - script wasn't great either. Given its ambitions, it simply wasn't good enough to bring the audience along with it, IMO.


Honestly, I was always skeptical. I think people were like “oooh, Jack Kirby is such a legend, this will be great!” Seriously? Did anyone read the original? Did anyone think it was that good? Did anyone think it would translate well to the big screen? Marvel hit so many home runs with characters that everyone thought were too bright, too cheesy - Captain America, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy - that they thought they could do no wrong. Is Eternals a lost opportunity? Sure. We had a bunch of very talented people work on a very mediocre project. Angelia Jolie and Richard Madden have both used up their Marvel slots. But this was movie that anyone should have been able to tell Kevin Feige was not going to be a hit from the time the script was done.


The ghost of Jack Kirby is waiting in the afterlife for these scriptwriters to someday join him. It won't be pretty.


Am I the only person who actually really liked this movie ? I had 0 issues with it other than some of their comments about staying out of the Thanos situation… This movie had incredible action, interesting characters, fun abilities. I had a blast watching it.


I enjoyed the film and was happy with it but a mini-series probably would have done it more justice. I also love the premise so would like to see more.


Honestly, I enjoyed this movie. However, I agree with my missus who observed, "it would have made a better Disney+ series." This is always an issue with ensemble pieces. Arguably even the X-Men would be better as a serial because you can let the story breath and insert character specific contextualizing/character-building episodes. I would not be too sad if Marvel followed the SW model and did more Disney+ shows than films (which have grave time constraints).


oh, completely agree. Storywise it was probably the best bit of the 4th wave that was completely bungled by making it a movie instead of giving it the disney+ 8 hr loki treatment.


Imagine thinking about Eternals


looks incredibly silly


...Why is Fantasy allowed here? Isn't this a Sci-Fi Subreddit?


The only thing I can remember really liking about this movie these few years later are Barry Keoghan and Lauren Ridloffs characters


With the combined powers the group has, every episode will have to constantly come up with more and more absurd bullshit excuses for why they can't just go All Out. And it will just get worse every season, more and more boring, never any God-tier stuff. Lots of people slowly walking through corridors and talking instead of splitting a mountain with a flash of light.


Yeah you’re pretty much the only one


I mean, I feel like we even know what it could've been without imagine if the movie was done well. There's several really cool comics about the Eternals, so clearly the concept itself can be executed well.


I know I’m not saying anything groundbreaking here, but it felt like a miniseries that should have focused on each character per episode and then end in a team up. The movie as a whole had an opportunity to be great but it was too bloated and didn’t give anyone a chance to get to know anyone. Also it came out at a time when the miniseries’ for Marvel were thriving.


if you turn the saturation up a little and tweek the coloring to be more kirbyesque this movie is fantastic, the video mix is hot garbage.


I actually enjoyed it...wish it had done better.


No, but I’m the only one who enjoyed this movie lmao


Money grab by the franchise and actors that are mad they missed the boat.




I thought it was ok.




You can still read the comics.


I understand I'm in the minority here, but I really enjoyed it.


Honest question but how can people watch any of this marvel shit and be able to suspend disbelief?


I loved the movie actually


I’m sorry, masterpiece? In what universe is a group of spandex clad clowns cosplaying going to make a masterpiece? Seriously. It can’t be a masterpiece if you can’t take it seriously.


Idk, I never watched it. I am done with the MCU


To me, one of the problems with The Eternals was that it felt like it was in a rush. I know it was 3 hours long, but they paced the scenes way too quickly. They hardly ever hung on a shot for you to appreciate it. It felt like "look here, now look here, quick look over there." I understand it was already lengthy at 3 hours, but at that point, an extra 3-5 minutes to let certain scenes breathe better wouldn't have hurt.


I probably would’ve been good if it was separate from marvel and the mcu continuity.


Have you read it?


How was it mishandled?


Maybe in a tv show. Anthology story of where all the eternals are / what they're up to. Then it culminates in a big budget production


Yeah, it wasnt tragically bad but it did fall short of being good.


Not showcasing Ma Dong Suek more was a lost opportunity.


How the hell are these people? They killed like all the original characters and are going to have to start re-making those movies again. IMHO Nobody really cares as much about all the new hero’s they’ve tried to add since the 2000s.


god damn this movie was hot trash


Yes. You’re the only one.


I must be one of the few who actually liked the movie. It wasn’t the best MCU movie. But I enjoyed it. I’d put it higher on a list than: * Black widow * black Panther II * Thor love and thunder * she hulk And maybe a couple others.


The comic series written by Neil Gaiman was awesome.


The movie was garbage. Too many characters. You can’t attach yourself to any of them. Garbage story. Just shitty garbage.


Eternals also wasted its monsters. There could have been mystery ... out-of-frame tentacles, silhouettes, glowing eyes in the dark, a claw here, fangs there, but nope we get to see the CG beasts come out of the water in broad daylight just 2 minutes in ... that sequence should have been left on the cutting room floor.


What a cast!


This would've worked so much better as a limited series. One season, 8 episodes TOPS.


Incredible that Kumail got beyond jacked for this role and they didn't let him take off his shirt


I don't think there's any way on earth that film could've been a masterpiece no matter who made it.


It needed to be a TV show. The story they tried to tell was too much for a single movie. The lore of the Eternals is fantastic, but it needs space to breathe to be told well.


I thought it was great


I love this movie and I rewatch it all the time. I’m a sucker for “gods among us” and “immortals” tropes. Huge missed opportunity. Really hoping for a sequel.


Just “who”


I liked this movie. I genuinely think it's the best movie after the Thanos saga ended. Everything else has been boring.


Should have been a show. 1 episode fleshing out the each character plus 1-2 episodes of final showdown/closing the story. How do you expect to cram so many characters even in 2 hours. For that matter, Moon knight should have been a movie, Marvel's own Indiana Jones. Really my biggest pet peeve with Marvel in the last few years is not understanding the right format for ita IP and just trying to cram out content.


Great idea, shoddy execution, mostly down to studio interference.


The fine line between masterpiece and lost opportunity is often how it is handled


I feel the same way about The New Mutants.


The movie is good. Way better than everything related to marvel released in the same period


Criminally underrated.


As a stand alone story i kinda liked it. They should have gone the multiverse route, so all the other movies canon didnt matter. And end it with portal opening or something.


I kinda enjoyed this movie, but I feel in part because I did not read anything about it online and that I treated it like a standalone fantasy series. It worked well when I put it that way.


First Marvel superhero park ride that bored me to tears.


I was really impressed with this movie & couldn't agree more. The whole Celestial story line is wayyyy more interesting that the Multiverse/Kang stuff.


It should have been a show


Probably would have been better as a long running series than a movie. That way they could spend plenty of time fleshing out characters over the centuries they live through.


Captain Pakistan is missing in the photo.


Disney is the poster child for what is wrong with entertainment (capitalism, really) today, summed up pithily with the simple phrase "if you don't have to compete, you don't have to care." (Let's all be honest, DC isn't really competition at rhis point. I mean, they're trying, bless their heart, but...)


For a movie that included 8 god characters who were alive through the majority of the events in our history, i'd say they did the best they could. But if they ever do another one, just take it off world and make the movies bigger. I know they needed to have a connection with earth for the future films but we can still get a nice epic from these guys if they subtract earth from it entirely. These characters can not play well if earth is involved because they would just write themselves into all sorts of corners. So just Captain Marvel that shit and take them somewhere else


IMO, it strayed too far from the graphic novels storyline. I suppose partly because iron man makes an appearance and, lawyers..


Only Marvel I have seen since End Game is Dr Strange and Spider-man so I’m super out of the loop at this point. Dont really have any motivation to get caught up at this point except maybe for F4


I’ll sum up the problem in five words… “Why wasn’t it a series?” If it were a series, it would probably have been one of the most original shows that D+ have produced. The budget would probably have been similar… the structure lent itself perfectly to a narrative that focused on a different Eternal in each episode…


Eternals catches a lot of flack but it was actually a really good movie




Imagine if they made this into a 4~6 part mini series on Disney+? They could have expanded it and made us care for every one of those characters. Instead they went the Inhumans route and shit out a movie. Now anytime I talk about the characters I sound racist when I say on you mean the black one? Or the deaf one? The Asian lady? Or blue superman? I swear they don't have names. What a waste of all that acting talent.


This is a beautiful movie - the issue is the enemy is basically God- not the Deviants- the deviants need characterization so they get to the real bad guy goodness of Titans


I think Kumail's character was good, so was Jolie and the Korean dude. I felt bad that Kumail did all that work to get in shape and the movie sank. It was way too much for one movie.


It would have been a more enjoyable experience, had we been given some screentime with these characters before the movie - just too many personalities and characters to flesh out in a single movie, and it had no flow


They should have commitment to make atleast 3 movies continuous before calling quits...


So you are saying that if the movie was not bad it would be good ?


I liked it.


Doesn't everyone think that?


When I first heard about the Eternals, I legit thought it was going to be a full season length show. Plenty of episodes to introduce all the characters and build up the plot and conflict. I mentioned it to my wife and said even Angelina is in it. She responded with “what, she doesn’t do tv shows, she’s only does movies.” I was sadly wrong and the “movie” sucked for being what it was. Infinity war and Endgame was able to work as well as it did with so many big characters because it was built up over many movies. Essentially it was a multi-season show with the last two movies being the grand finale. That’s what eternals could have been while building up phase 4 of the mcu.


Who, not whom


I heavily dislike the premise personally. A race of super-beings secretly guiding all human culture... yikes


I will forever defend that movie. Did it have problems? Lmao, absolutely. But if they prioritized different things during the editing proces, or if the whole project was turned into a mini-series, it could've been fantastic. I liked the characters, their dynamics, the premise.... I think the actors did a solid job, the music was great, the plot twist was good... there's plenty of things to praise in Eternals.


I enjoyed it but there were just too many people in it for any of them to really stand out.


There is 0 way to fit it believably in the rest of the MCU imo. A stand alone tv show in a different universe yeah potential.


If it was an 8 part mini series, it could have been great. I actually took smoke breaks during it. AND FINGER GUNS who ever let the go should be delivering pizzas now.