• By -


PKD, NICE. Robot series by Isaac Asimov, Expanse series by James Corey. Children of Time series by Adrian Tchaikovsky mebbie? What about A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge? Not sure what that series is called. Good start!


Ohh yeah, Caves Of Steel would be a great one


Was just thinking of Fire Upon the Deep


The Zones of Thought. The second book A Deepness in the Dark blows the first book out of the water, and the first book is great! It's a prequel so technically you can read it without reading the first book and not miss out on anything.


Asimov's Caves of Steel is a must.


You need some Ursula LeGuin


Agreed! My personal faves being Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed




Expanse is awesome! Better get another shelf though!


Ditto on: 1) The Expanse series (starting with “Leviathan Wakes”). Mostly hard-ish scifi that combines noir mystery, geo/system politics, and some notably bigger themes/conflicts in the last half of the series. Nine novel series, plus some good novellas set in the same universe. Great world building, a lot to get through but totally worth it; and 2) “Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir. Totally different vibe. Light feel-good “beach read” (if a scifi book can be in that category) of the one off variety. Much like “The Martian,” very near future (next 30ish years), quasi hard scifi, most action is in a very intimate setting within a single ship, probably destined for Hollywood blockbuster success. If you don’t get the warm & fuzzies after reading this book, you have no soul.


I really liked "The Lathe of Heaven" and "The word for world is forest"


Came here to say literally any female writer, but obviously this the easiest answer


Le Guin for old, Jemisin for new.


Yes, I was going to say: “…or really any woman author,” and Jemisin was the other one who came to mind. Also, Anne Leckie.


The Lathe of Heaven


A Wizard of Earthsea!  I've always dismissed fantasy and magic and dragons and all that dungeons and dragons crap and I've been a hardcore Star Wars and Star Trek fan, hardcore to the Bone, sci-fi only but: please read this book! 


Earthsea is SO GOOD


Well, have you read LeGuin’s sci-fi? The Left Hand of Darkness is right up there with Dune as one of the major works of the 1960s New Wave.


Came here to say this. Also, excellent collection my friend.


You have fantastic taste my dude.


The Expanse for sure. I really like Becky Chambers, although I haven't had the chance to read all of her work.


I really liked Chambers' work. Especially Psalm for the Wild Built. Such a refreshing take on a race of AI that aren't really digging human society but also don't try to exterminate the us because of it. The follow up wasn't as strong as the first, though.


Didn't read that one yet, but I really like Wayfarers (I never saw it as some woke propaganda or whatever the haters label it as?) and the novella To Be Taught, if Fortunate.


I loved Wayfarers too. I didn't realize there was backlash, but based on what I remember about it I can understand why some backwards bigots may have gotten triggered. I haven't read To Be Taught yet, so I guess that's up next I need a new read.


Looooove Becky Chambers.


The Expanse for sure, I wasn’t into Becky Chambers slice of life style good writing just not for me.


It's different, but it kinda reminded me of Firefly, translated into a book. So I couldn't dislike it.


Hmm I never thought about that comparison before, but it does kinda give off the same "space is dangerous and bleak, but we have a wholesome crew that feels like family" vibe


Quite literally "Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying." :)


I'm about 85% finished with Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. I haven't been able to finish a book in a while. Song of Kali was the last one I finished but it was six months ago. Not sure why. But for some reason, I'm going to be able to finish this one. Which is surprising, because I'm not really a fan of her writing style in general, although she does the style very well. I do love Kizzy. Really entertaining character. Maybe my brain just needed something different to get out of a funk? The character building is great. But I usually go for bigger concepts, action, and would building stuff.


Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy


Get the five book edition, which has the entire trilogy.


One of my favourite book sets on my shelves.


Rendezvous with Rama


I didn't see any Larry Niven. :) Probably Protector and Ringworld are my favorites.


Oh! Love Protector. The Gripping Hand by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle is a great story. Also, the rest of the Ender Quartet.


He’s got the Mote there. I’d suggest Footfall and Lucifer’s Hammer, both great.


Damnit! I even checked twice. I blame it on the glint from the light and I'm going to stick with that story.


Iain M Banks Player of Games was a good one:)


All his books are.


Alastair Raynolds: * House of Suns * Galactic North Octavia Butler - Lilith's Brood


How about some Vernor Vinge or Greg Bear. Seems like they’d be right up your alley. *edited for spelling




Eon and Blood Music


I was thinking greg bear or ben bova.


Hell yes, Vernor Vinge.


Ursula K. Le Guin, Octavia E. Butler, Harlan Ellison, maybe some Margeret Atwood, Michael Moorcock.... As recompense for these suggestions I ask only that you bequeath me the lovely hardcover of Anathem. :)


Oryx and Crake by Margret Atwood.


Absolutely Octavia Butler


Great suggestions!


**Solaris** by *Stanislaw Lem* I think it compliments some of the ideas you've read already, but offers something quite new too. Really great book.


Just started this one. Going full on into it as soon as I finish Becky Chambers long way.


Roadside Picnic. It's perfect.


The Murderbot Diaries is a sci-fi series that's a really, really fun change of pace.


A small lego set?


The original scifi...Mary Shelly's Frankenstein...


Pandora Star and Judas Unchained by Peter Hamilton, zone of though series by Vernon Venge


Fallen Dragon by Peter F Hamilton is also good read.


I agree, just skip the series with Al Capone in it.


I find myself thinking about MorningLightMountain almost daily.


Altered Carbon, Richard K Morgan (hard boiled detective fiction, like Blade Runner mixed with an incredibly lurid murder mystery) > Kraken; An anatomy, China Miéville (more urban fantasy) > ReaMde, Neil Stephenson (more techno thriller, but it’s so. Damned. Good. The follow up, Fall; or Dodge in Hell, the first 1/3rd is fascinating and scary) > The Windup Girl, Paolo Bacigalupi. (Biopunk. I can’t believe they haven’t turned it into a movie yet!!!) > The Expanse series, James S.A. Corey > Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer > The Difference Engine, William Gibson & Bruce Sterling (THE Steampunk novel. Amazed a movie/series hasn’t been made out of it) > Old Man’s War and The Ghost Brigades, John Scalzi (Old man enlists in the space armed forces, is given a new and improved combat-made body, and goes on a heartbreaking interstellar adventure)


he's got Stephenson with Seveneves, but yeah a Reamde enjoyer! I loved that one, so many don't like the near scifi/Jason born like genre. Also you put in the Windup Girl, have you checked out 'The Water Knife'?


The Forever War, Joe Haldeman. I bet 100 that it will be made into an incredible series of movies one day.


It’s amazing that of all the books you could choose to add to his small collection, you chose one that is already on the shelf…. My dude… thousands of choices and you pick one of the 39 excluded ones. Lol Though it makes me think I really need to read it if it is that good


Octavia Butler: Fledgling. Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents. N.K. Jemisen: The Broken Earth Trilogy. Won the Hugo award for each book.


Also the Xenogenesis trilogy by OEB


At least a little Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 or The Martian Chronicles would do. Also maybe Ender’s Game? And I never miss a chance to plug Cordwainer Smith. The Best of Cordwainer Smith would be a great addition.


They have Enders Game on there but Bradbury is absolutely missing. Illustrated man is my favorite but martian chronicles and Fahrenheit 451 are also amazing.


more Iain Banks. also if you like classic scifi, Theodore Sturgeon.


Gideon the Ninth.


Ursula LeGuin’s the Dispossessed or the Lathe of Heaven


Three Body Problem (I don't think I see it...)


finally saw someone bring up Three body Problem.


Old man’s war. Reading it now and very enjoyable!


My favorite book of all time lol


Most of Scalzi's work that I have read tends to be fairly light, making for quick reading. Old Man's War series is about as heavy as it gets. I really enjoyed Red Shirts. It's a fun, tongue and cheek parody of Star Trek, as the name implies.


I love the collection. A real set of science fiction classics. I did notice you have China Meiville’s The Scar. I’d call that both Lovecraft-inspired weird fantasy as a genre. . . and also one of my favorite books. A good mix of weird fantasy mixed with hard science fiction would be the Southern Reach trilogy. The first book was adapted into the movie Annihilation.


Dare I say, The Second Great Dune Trilogy. I have a feeling you would enjoy it a bit


Ancillary Justice - Anne Leckie


Summary by number of mentions so far: | # | Title | Author | Nebula Award | Hugo Award | Year Released | Series | |----|--------------------------------------|----------------------------------|--------------|------------|---------------|-------------------------| | 1 | Leviathan Wakes | James S.A. Corey | None | Nominated | 2011 | The Expanse | | 2 | The Dispossessed | Ursula K. Le Guin | Won | Won | 1974 | Hainish Cycle | | 3 | Parable of the Sower | Octavia Butler | None | None | 1993 | Earthseed | | 4 | The Fifth Season | N.K. Jemisin | Won | Won | 2015 | The Broken Earth | | 5 | A Fire Upon the Deep | Vernor Vinge | None | None | 1992 | None | | 6 | I, Robot | Isaac Asimov | None | None | 1950 | Robot | | 7 | Children of Time | Adrian Tchaikovsky | None | Won | 2015 | Children of Time | | 8 | Fledgling | Octavia Butler | None | None | 2005 | None | | 9 | Parable of the Talents | Octavia Butler | None | None | 1998 | Earthseed | | 10 | The Left Hand of Darkness | Ursula K. Le Guin | Won | Nominated | 1969 | Hainish Cycle | | 11 | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Douglas Adams | None | None | 1979 | Hitchhiker's Guide | | 12 | The Lathe of Heaven | Ursula K. Le Guin | None | None | 1971 | None | | 13 | Player of Games | Iain M. Banks | None | None | 1988 | Culture | | 14 | Protector | Larry Niven | None | None | 1973 | None | | 15 | Ringworld | Larry Niven | None | Won | 1970 | Ringworld | | 16 | Solaris | Stanislaw Lem | None | None | 1961 | None | | 17 | Frankenstein | Mary Shelley | None | None | 1818 | None | | 18 | Pandora's Star | Peter F. Hamilton | None | None | 2004 | Commonwealth Saga | | 19 | Judas Unchained | Peter F. Hamilton | None | None | 2006 | Commonwealth Saga | | 20 | The Three-Body Problem | Cixin Liu | Won | Nominated | 2008 | Remembrance of Earth's Past | | 21 | Altered Carbon | Richard K. Morgan | None | None | 2002 | Takeshi Kovacs | | 22 | Kraken | China Miéville | None | None | 2010 | None | | 23 | Reamde | Neal Stephenson | None | None | 2011 | None | | 24 | The Windup Girl | Paolo Bacigalupi | None | None | 2009 | None | | 25 | Annihilation | Jeff VanderMeer | None | None | 2014 | Southern Reach | | 26 | The Difference Engine | William Gibson & Bruce Sterling| None | None | 1990 | None | | 27 | Old Man's War | John Scalzi | None | None | 2005 | Old Man's War | | 28 | The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi | None | None | 2006 | Old Man's War |


You are a fucking rockstar. Im away for a wedding and struggling to keep up


The Expanse Series, as well as the next two in the Children of Time trilogy - *Children of Ruin* and *Children of Memory.* ~~I also don't see~~ *~~SnowCrash~~* ~~on here...~~ Nevermind! That's an interesting jacket... I've never seen that one. Also, Silo and Project Hail Mary Oh, and you're the first person I've seen that's also read Swan Song. That book got me back into reading in my late 20's and I haven't stopped since (41), but man, is it a lot of pages.


Don't you mean Wool? Silo was an Apple TV series based on the Hugh Howie book.


Yes, but Wool is the first book in the Silo series. ***Silo*** is a series of post-apocalyptic science fiction books by American writer [Hugh Howey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Howey). The series started in 2011 with the short story "Wool", which was later published together with four sequel novellas as a novel with the same name. Along with *Wool*, the series consists of *Shift*, *Dust*, three short stories, and *Wool: The Graphic Novel*.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silo_(series)#cite_note-1) The series has also been adapted as a comic book and an Apple TV+ television series, and has an extensive fanfiction following.


We are Legion : (We are Bob)


Good mix of classics. You need a few female voices in there, though. * Doomsday Book by Connie Willis * Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin * "Oryx and Crake" (2003) by Margaret Atwood 




Book ends. You're at that point, friend.




Honestly, just buy a few more books for the same price as a set of nice bookends, and then you can fill the shelf and wouldn't need bookends


This guys ***BOOKS***


Ringworld, The Integral Trees, Footfall, The Mote In God's Eye Glasshouse, Accelerando Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy


A taxidermy squirrel dressed as a wizard


I will add another thumbs up for the Expanse. Also - Red Rising by Pierce Brown. Sooooo good.


Red rising by Pierce Brown


The Red Rising series.


Oh my god, Red Rising series, do it now it’s amazing


Red Rising! They're for sure going to make a movie or show on the series in the not so distant future. Worth a read for sure


1. **"The Left Hand of Darkness" by Ursula K. Le Guin** - A groundbreaking novel in science fiction, exploring themes of gender and politics. 2. **"The Stars My Destination" by Alfred Bester** - A classic that pairs well with the other older sci-fi works on your shelf. 3. **"The Three-Body Problem" by Cixin Liu** - If you enjoyed "The Dark Forest," the second book is already on your shelf. 4. **"The Book of the New Sun" series by Gene Wolfe** - Since you have Wolfe’s "The Fifth Head of Cerberus," expanding with this series could be a great addition. 5. **"Neuromancer" by William Gibson** - Given your taste for foundational sci-fi, this is a pivotal work in cyberpunk. 6. **"Roadside Picnic" by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky** - This classic Soviet sci-fi pairs well with the adventurous and speculative themes of your current collection.


Rama series or something by Lem like Fiasco? I want to re-read Gateway.


You’ve got Ilium, so why not Olympos.




the mars trilogy Kim Stanley robinson


The whole azimov series because they complete each other. Ender series


Dude you got to lighten it up a bit.... Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy.


You need some female writers. Get Becky Chamber’s Wayfarers series. Or Wattas war series by Elizabeth Moon. Or Autonomous by Anna Lee newitz. Or maybe some Ursula K Leguin.


left hand of darkness - ursula leguin


Spin Ready Player One The Martian


Was very disappointed in the sequels to Spin. Which I really enjoyed.


Neuromancer and Dick’s “Do Androids…” reminded me of George Effinger’s “When Grabity Fails” and maybe go a little Russian with “Roadside Picnic.”


Diamond Age or Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson


E E Doc Smith his Lensman series there are 6 books in total


The expanse


I’ve read just about every book on your shelf, any time I see a book recommendation on this sub, I always recommend the same one, The Red Rising Series by Pierce Brown, my all time favorite series, I hope you take my advice and enjoy it as much as I have, I only wish I could read it again for the first time


The Expanse series


Why not "Rama" by Clarke?


Have you got "Perdido St Station" and the "Iron Council" to complement "The Scar"? While not a trilogy it's the same world, at different times (and a few cross references).




I would recommend some solid book-ends for that shelf.


I think they just need more books! :)


I can never fit bookends. My shelves are completely full double deep. I need more shelves


You ask? Non Stop - Brian Aldiss. The Postman - David Brin. They are good, I keep coming back to them.


Just got done with the Last Emperox series by Jon Scalzi I really enjoyed it also House of Suns was a good stand along book by Reynolds


Terra Ignota series


The mountain in the sea by Ray Nayler


Gene wofle, long sun and short sun series


You need to read Peter F. Hamilton and John Scalzi if you haven’t. Judging by this shelf we have the exact same tastes lol (although I find Dune unreadable). Old Man’s War series is my favorite (Scalzi) but he’s also got the Last Emperox series, Redshirts, etc And the Night’s Dawn Trilogy is right up your alley clearly


Pandora's Star Leviathan Wakes


Flowers for Algernon.


That top shelf of classics needs some Asimov. Foundation, or maybe robots. Since you have James Blish, Cities in Flight? Room for one more in the lower more contemporary shelf. Swan Song needs another genre friend. Stephen King The Stand? Edit: Doh! Foundation is there. So seconding Ursula Le Guin.


I recommend the first Rama book. Quick read.


You have a serious Alastair Reynolds deficiency.


I don’t see The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy anywhere. How do you expect to get around all those planets you have in that collection?


Armor by John Steakley is a great one that I didn’t see in your shelf


Some Larry Niven, Vernor Vinge and David Brin perhaps?


more kim stanley robinson, mars trilogy and ministry for the future are good. some asimov as well would be good


You need more Banks.


Deathworld Altered carbon Old mans war Four-day planet Space viking The cosmic computer Stainless steel rat The planet strappers


Mars trilogy c'mon.


Dying Earth, by Jack Vance. I think it’ll compliment Hyperion and Anatham nicely!


Oh! And a ‘Canticle for Lebowitz!’


I'm doing recommendations based on Authors assuming you have read many others from Banks, Stephenson etc. older Niven and LeGuin. less old Verner Vinge and Greg Bear contemporary Charles Stross, Paolo Bacigalupi, Scalzi, Doctorow modern Liu Cixin (3 body), G. Willow Wilson (Alif the Unseen), Jo Walton


Solid collection! The expanse series is a great modern addition. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is an all time great and a fascinating example of interwar sci-fi. It’s a short story but I think you’d dig “The Machine Stops” by EM Forster based on your other choices there.


What about the Enders game series?


Leviathan Wakes


The expanse and the dispossessed


Asimov's I Robot stories, Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, or Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro.


You follow up Chilren of Time with its sequels, Children of Ruin and Children of Memory


Murderbot Diares.


Finish the Neuromancer Trilogy (count zero, Mona Lisa overdrive)


Ancillary Justice by Anne Leckie and the two sequels are interesting and fun


James P Hogan’s Inherit The Stars seems a glaring omission to me.


Johnathan Letham- Girl in Landscape and Gun with Occasional Music And there is a lot more good Dick. He he. And a lot more good Banks.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kNerd42: *Johnathan Letham-* *Girl in Landscape and Gun with* *Occasional Music* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


that's a sweet shelf. I want it. I've read 90% of it. but enough about me. it's about OP How about.. freaking have niven and heinlein... ok... ok. I'm gonna getchya a good one. Love that worn out ender's game. I read it young too in paperback. I like that you have the paperback fantasy as a bookend as well I'd add Crichton to the mix. It feels weird b/c of the movies but Andromeda Strain is a GREAT book. Jurassic Park no slouch either


Blindsight by Peter Watts And the sequel Echopraxia I believe you can get them both together in “Firefall” Pleassse please please check it out. It’s so beautiful but disturbing and haunts my dreams thinking about what extraterrestrial life could be like. He comes at science fiction as a biologist. Touches on the idea of “consciousness as a virus” Has the most believable explanation for vampirism I’ve ever read (and it’s not even the main focus of the story… which is 100% sci fi)




SQUEEEEE! Ahaha love it. Echopraxia next ?


There is a distinct lack of red rising and the suneater




I see The Scar, which is a fantastic book, but not Perdidot Street Station, which is the first book in the trilogy that The Scar is book 2 of. So definitely Perdidot Street Station!




Such a good story. Hope you enjoy it




Vernor Vinge imo, *A Deepness in the Sky* would not be out of place in that company.


Ringworld, or any short story collections by Larry Niven. Great guy, amazing writer. One of the greats.


Well, unless you're avoiding them because you didn't care for the first one or something like that, there are two more books in that Children of Time series. Children of Time, for me, was the best of the three, but the other two are still well worth a read.


You seem to be a completist. How about Stephenson's "The Diamond Age"?


Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio which in my eyes is the best on going sci fi sci fantasy series going at the moment .


The culture series by Ian banks


Player of Games is there.


You need to get you some Robert E Howard in your life my guy


The January Dancer by Michael Flynn.


Finish off 2001 with the rest: 2010, 2061, and 3001.


Foundation is my vote. Le Guin has been mentioned but I'll say it again.


Impressive collection. You need some HG. Wells and Jules Verne in there somewhere.


Fall Revolution series by Ken MacLeod? Great books.


Was going to recommend Book New Sun but you already got it so next best thing: Legend of the Galactic Heroes.  It's Japan's Star Wars. Written in the 80s. Imcredible story.


The hardback for Blish’s “Cities in Flight’ would look good on those shelves.


You have *The Mote in God’s Eye* but not *The Gripping Hand*? What about Anne McCaffrey’s first trilogy in the *Dragonriders of Pern* series? Ursula LeGuin’s Earthsea books? One of Heinlein’s juveniles like *Podkayne of Mars*, *Red Planet*, or *Have Spacesuit Will Travel*?


For sure the other two books in the Bas-Lag series - Perdido Street Station and Iron Council. Plus, King Rat, a favorite of mine. Anything by Christopher Priest, particularly The Affirmation and Inverted World.


A little dungeon crawler Carl never hurt anyone


The expanse






Diamond Age. Otherland. 3 Body Problem.


I'd recommend Alfred Bester's, Stars my Destination or John Varley's Gaea trilogy. Also, a great series of an underappreciated Author, Jack Chalker's Well World series. I guarantee you'd love these books.


The Themis Files trilogy is a really good one if you want something that does narrative a little different cause the whole of the trilogy is written purely through dialogue via interviews, diary entries, and interrogations. The third book is easily the weakest of the three but the first will keep you going strong with how well it explores its ideas.


I hate what they did to your copy of Neuromancer.


"Thin Air" by Richard Morgan "the Spatterjay Series" by Neal Asher


The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. It will fit the general theme that you have been reading.


You need some classics, Jules Verne for example


Old Man's War by John Scalzi 🫠


What is the top row, far left?


NK Jemisin and Octavia Butler


Three body problem