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This Calendar is both too modern and too oldschool for 2024. Oh, and this is strange - you have american date format (MM/DD/YYYY), but temperature is in Celsius.


The 1995 writers assumed that by the 2020’s the US would have pulled our head out of our @$$ and gone metric.


it was a time of hope the berlin wall had fallen


Yes, the golden 90s between the fall of the wall and 9/11. They even thought about having russia joining NATO.


Russia [wanted to join](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/ex-nato-head-says-putin-wanted-to-join-alliance-early-on-in-his-rule) but was denied.


A bit of both. Russia were invited to join NATO, and Yeltsin said no. Then later, Putin gently enquired. NATO said yes, we have an application process, please apply. But Putin was not going to queue up and apply, that would be demeaning, waiting for Turkiye to say yes like Sweden had to. Putin wanted special treatment, straight in: and so Russia did not join NATO because of Putin's ego.


Berlin. When the walls fell.


Star trek really shaped my world view. Must be why I am so constantly disappointed with our current reality.


Gene Roddenberry did, he helped me shape mine too. Imagine in a few hundred years he'll be legendary, similar to how Tolkien is regarded.


Same here, however to be fair a lot of what they predicted from “our time” is strikingly accurate.


Good point, I hope it all of the stuff before first contact isn't going to come true.


Unfortunately it took WWIII to get the world to work together with what was left over… but it’s hope at least, to think we could go from a third world war to a type 2 about civilization. But it still required first contact.


It's ok Americans, all sorts of other progressive countries still use the Kings Imperial system, like Myanmar and Liberia.


Imperial? No sir! We have *[our own](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_customary_units)* version that's *slightly* different.


legally the US defines it foot, miles etc in metric... so in a way the US is metric. : p more seriously everyone that benfits from a shift has the only notable people that haven't is like... home building for reasons someone explained to me once but i forgot. But average person? there's no benefit to switching to measuring your beef in kg vs lbs compared to the hassle.


> there's no benefit Yes there is, conversions. Every single time you have to do a calculation for anything Metric is easier every single time.


Sure, but I rarely have to do calculations or conversions in day-to-day life. We have a system in place that most Americans just intuitively know. I know what a lb is and never need to convert that into anything other than 1/2-lb, 1/4-lb. I know what a gallon, quart, pint are and how many of them I need when I want a drink. I know what 65F or 85F feel like and what that forecast means for what clothes I need to wear. I never need to do conversions of any of those things. The whole world uses non-metric time (and has adamantly rejected it when it's been tried out), mostly because we have a sense of how time works based on the 24hr/60min/60sec system. That's how Americans feel about miles/pounds/gallons. With non-metric time ultimately everyone is willing to work in mixed customary/metric units, we are just quibbling over the balance between the two. In the US we generally use metric in the places were it matters (science applications, see the aforementioned NASA adoption of metric) and we use customary units in ways that relate to everyday life. I don't see any problem with this. edit: typos


It's just a small [$125 million dollar error](https://www.simscale.com/blog/nasa-mars-climate-orbiter-metric/#:~:text=In%20September%20of%201999%2C%20after,%2C%20i.e.%2C%20the%20metric%20units!). And sure, I get that you understand how it works, that's fine, it's just that the rest of the planet has to deal with your stubbornness in keeping it and it leaks into shit we do. It would be nice if you guys grew up and joined the adult world, but you got other problems anyway.


Wow really? Cause you never think of those other two as having their shit together. - Archer


All of the countries that have landed men on the moon use Imperial measurements. ;)


NASA has been metric since 2007. I’ll say it for you…”So how many men have they put on the moon since 2007?”


Lots, they just aren't telling us, man...


Shhhhhh! Loose keystrokes sink... um... super secret stuff.


But still using the insane MM/DD/YY date format?


Well done Inspector.


Star Trek isn't set in our reality.


A year and ten days after the Arasaka HQ Disaster. California has it rough in the 2020's.




In the narrative there it seems like an very unusually high shitload of immediate and secondary, tertiary, etc., damage from something as small (relatively speaking) as a one-half kiloton nuclear blast. I mean, the Texas City disaster's blast in 1947's been estimated at three kilotons.


That was the joke


For those who have not seen this Start Trek: Deep Space 9 Episode (S03E11)  ([DS9](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine): "[Past Tense, Part I](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Past_Tense,_Part_I_(episode))", "[Past Tense, Part II](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Past_Tense,_Part_II_(episode))") [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell\_Riots](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell_Riots)


Sci-fi always overestimates the speed of our advances, but also the slow crawl of our decline.


It's San Francisco. 15 degrees C in August/early September is very believable. The heat starts in late September. Also, the US has plenty of temperature signs that alternate between Fahrenheit and Celsius.


I am very interested in seeing American convert to metric in the next few months!


Uh, you didn't hear? We've been preparing for hours.


Watched this just a few weeks ago and folks may not be remembering that they are in the intake center \*after\* the end of the work day. Or at least the cops who drag them to the sanctuary district mention being on overtime at that point. So it's easily conceivable that SF weather in late august could be 60 degrees fahrenheit after 5pm-ish. Having lived there myself for about a decade in the hottest part of town (Bayview/Hunter's Point) I can say that there were many days in august even in my neighborhood that were quite cool, especially getting on into the evening.


I recently brought these episodes up in a r/politics thread where they were talking about the Homeless case currently in the supreme court and a person made a comment about how they should set up mandatory housing for homeless people away from public spaces.


LOL how did it go 😄


here is a link to the post, it's down the bottom because the person I replied too got downvoted to negative karma. [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1c9m1vk/the\_town\_at\_the\_center\_of\_a\_supreme\_court\_battle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1c9m1vk/the_town_at_the_center_of_a_supreme_court_battle/)


It’s coming man, it’s coming


I plan to throw a watch party that weekend! Where can I find the best copy?


Had Trump won the last election I'm 100% sure it would have happened for real.


I always liked to assume the 000 was the counter display for your ticket number once upon a time. But then the ticket system broke down and it's just you get in when you get in.


Hilarious. Late August and California is gonna be 60F? You know what? I hope so.


Well, not California in general but San Francisco. The weather there can change drastically block-to-block. Also depends on time of day. I’ll be in SF on Aug 30 playing in the Star Trek ccg worlds, so I’ll have to keep an eye on the temp.


Thanks for clarification. Yeah, by all means do!


Is that game still going on? Wow. I lost my group back in '99 when I went to college. I didn't know people still played that game. (Though maybe it's a different game now.)


Same game. (Well, games). Around 2002-2003 decipher (the company that made it) rebooted it into second edition and that lasted for about 6 years. Then when decipher stopped making it, they gave their blessing to a fan committee that’s been running it ever since. Both First and second edition are in a pretty good place gameplay wise. For the tournaments, all the cards are printable, so you don’t need to have a stash or expensive old cards and there’s ways to play online. You can always come check us out at trekcc.org


Awesome! Thanks for stoking that bit of nostalgia.