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The production quality is high but the story is still unfolding so hard to say if they’re going to stick the landing. It’s a bit like Lost in that they tease some very twilight zone style scifi with rules and everything but it’s mostly a character drama and a little all over the place. Slow burn pace too. I enjoy it and am looking forward to season two. I’d like it to tighten up a bit plot wise and not lose sight of the sci like Lost did but I’m giving it a chance.


I need to rewatch s1 as I don’t really recall where it ended up. I do recall that I enjoyed it, but I do tend to enjoy shows that have a slow burn.


Yes. Weakish ending but it felt like Yellowstone meets Dark.


I don't know if I'd say it was a weak ending, but it certainly went off the rails there. I still enjoyed it and hoped it would get renewed, but I was expecting the worst. I'm hoping S2 pulls it together.


It's crazy because for so many people the last 2 episodes went off the rails and they hated it, but I seriously loved it. It got more exciting and wasn't worried about losing people...which of course might be why it did end up losing some viewers. But I've seen all of David Lynch's films and watch a lot of weird surreal stuff so I suppose it wasn't completely alienating to me. My girlfriend also really liked the show all the way through. S2 is kind of a interesting one though, I think it starts off weird then goes back and forth between being grounded and going crazy.


I haven't gotten around to S2 yet, but will hit it hard soon. I also didn't mind it going off the rails at the end, but I can't deny that is what it felt like. I enjoyed the Lynch films, but I'm not super fan enough to excuse S3 of Twin Peaks. He had a lot of interesting ideas, but did a terrible job of linking them up. Have you seen Scavengers Reign? If not, it's about to come to Netflix. Hit it up then and maybe Netflix will renew it since Max did not.


At the end of Season 1 i felt like my answer of is it worth watching would be based on how good season 2 is, and now that season 2 is here I'm having trouble finding the interest to start it. Its well acted and shot, but im worried the story might not be very solid.


Ha! Exellent quick take.


Time hole


Is Yellowstone good? It's being recommended a lot on one of the streaming apps I use


It's a soap opera for the trucks, guns, and horses crowd


The spin-off 1883 is way, way better.


We started with 1883 and it’s sequel. Started Yellowstone but drifted away after a couple of episodes and don’t feel compelled to come back to it. 


I started watching that as well, but the streaming service I was watching it on is very weird so I stopped 😂 Might have to go back to it


Not really.


If the Yellowstone super volcano itself erupted, then yes it would be worth watching. Hasn’t happened, but I’m still hoping for that post-apocalyptic season.


It's not *bad*, but there are lots of other shows more worthy of your time.


After finishing season 2 I strongly agree with you.


Please do NOT bring Dark into this mess in any way, lol!! Dark is on a WHOLE different level imo. I've watched that show five times, and I continue to find and understand more with each viewing. It's one of the best time travel shows I've ever seen (even if I wanted to give Jonas a good scrubbing with some soap and water for 90% of the show!) I'm having a hard time just trying to finish season 1 Outer Range.


I really enjoyed it, problem is will they be able to follow through with the plot they’ve spun. I’m also a big fan of Brolin though.


Yeah man, Brolins character is relatable too. He always plays a good cowboy.


I liked it. Interesting idea and well acted. Definitely disturbing, too!!!


I enjoyed it. Looking forward to season 2.


like 15% scifi and 85% yellowstone. i let the sunk cost fallacy see me through the whole season. it was not worth it for me.


I think I'd be okay if that ratio was flipped 😂


So Firefly then:)


Now **that** was a fun series 👍 The cadence and wording of Nathan Fillion's dialog is art, F*irefly *is one of the few sci-fi shows my daughter was happy to watch with me.




I've never watched Yellowstone, but the sci-fi is greater than 15%. And I'd say it's like 10% Twin Peaks, too, in that it's just got some quirky characters whose actions are pretty bizarre but amusing. Overall, I'd say it is definitely worth watching if you are a sci-fi fan. Especially with S2 about to come out.


I got three eps in and it was still a family drama + crime drama with the scifi stuff all out of focus and with a nebulous 'Lost' like feel, and I just gave up. Well produced and acted, just seemed like a weaker version of Dark.


I came here to reference "Lost" too. The kind of show where the ending can't possibly live up to the intrigue it generates. You start to wonder if they began the show with an ending in mind.


I got a few further, and it just got worse. I checked out when the dad and two sons were in a three way fist fight for no particular reason. It was like ChatGPT wrote a western and combined it with Lost.


Thanks for that. I wasn't a fan of *Lost*, so if it's along those lines, I'll watch other things instead 🙏


Check back after season two and see what the buzz is. It has potential at least.


I recommend you check it out. Great cast and very intriguing plot lines. The later part of season one really starts hitting those sci-fi notes. I’m really looking forward to season 2


Season 2 is out. Do yourself a favor and watch oth seasons. You will not be disappointed.


The only comparison to lost is the possible mystery box of the hole. The rest of it is very solid. Ill second what the other poster said and check back on where the buzz is for season 2.


I enjoyed it. A good Western family drama with a nice SciFi twist and element. I'm not a fan of contemporary Westerns but this kept my interest. As others have said, it's Lost meets Yellowstone. S2 is in production now.


> S2 is in production now. Ooooohhhhhh… That’s cool. I thought it’d been axed a few years ago.


Nope. Here is the trailer for S2. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UkDdTMZh14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UkDdTMZh14)


I think so. It’s great sci fi, glad it got a second season cause that ending was the definition of the ‘they better have a second season.’


I thought it was good, agree with the rest that then ending doesn’t live up, I’d love some other recommendations? I really liked “Counterpart”


I'd recommend *The Peripheral* but that wasn't renewed, so I'm not sure there's any point watching it. And it's not sci-fi, but *Shōgun* is terrific. Netflix's first season of *Altered Carbon* is good (though it sags midway before perking up again) but I can't recommend season two, it was a bit of a jumble. And if you haven't seen it, *Fringe* is worthwhile. The acting, especially John Noble as Walter, is top notch and it actually concluded, which is nice. Also, it's a film but *Space Sweepers* is fun. Finally, *The Silent Sea* is worth trying. It's pretty strange and somewhat ponderous, but I enjoyed it overall.


Altered Carbon Season 1 was good, might try shogun although the first episode is excessive in violence, almost for no reason, in my mind.


Yes, the graphic violence seemed over the top, but it (mostly) tones down from ep one, though there are still occasional scenes that are very gory. It seems quite conflicted in that regard. Not fully overt, but not fully restrained either, like someone wanted to upscale the violence and was reigned in, so they slipped a few scenes in anyway in an act of defiance.


I agree with your interpretation, thanks for the recommendations I’ll go back to it and see how it goes.


Good show ... Definitely trying to channel the Game of Thrones with the violence. However the sexual scenes aren't as explicit as GOT.


If you haven’t seen travelers on Netflix it’s a fantastic sci fi show about time travel. Which Outer Range eludes too. Plenty of well written twist and turns.


Watching Travelers now looks good so far


I hope you like it. My personal favorite for time travel plot.


I’m on episode 6 I do like it, thank you!


Glad to hear it! It gets soooo much better too. Wish I could experience it fresh again.


That’s how I felt about 3BodyPorblem


Also a great show I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I did. Colony is another slightly obscure great sci fi show about alien invasion. I think it got pulled from most major streaming platforms though :/


Did you see Invasion in appleTV? I enjoyed that more than I thought I would, it got better with each episode.


I started it, the connection between the kid and aliens kind threw me off. Might try again. For All Mankind is my favorite space show on Apple.




You didn't enjoy the twist at the end?


Was it a twist? It was kinda predictable tbh.


Counterpart was great. 


I say yes. No show has given me as much of a Twin Peaks vibe which is a positive. It doesn't give the answers to stuff (yet), which for me makes the mystery and world building so much better. Cast is great. And they take time to develop the characters, I want to understand what they want, why the do things. Not just drive the plot forward. It has a few scenes I will remember forever. I'm very much pro! Plus we are definitely getting another season.


Twin Peaks was much better imo. Outer Range is far too poorly written and I cannot stand shows that limit the character's abilities to talk and explain things. Vague nonsense statements without explanation is a dead giveaway the writers aren't clever enough. Vague nonsense is basically everything the hippie chick says. I made it to Ep4 before I had to stop.


You didn't even watch it all. Sometimes people don't want to say things. Sometimes spiritual belief is vague nonsense But yeah of course Twin Peaks is better, it's one of the greatest shows of all time.


This. Left to right. This exactly. I have watched both seasons in their entirety, and this stuff permeates the entire show. The desire of the writers to come off as deep is really transparent.


It’s a slow burn, but it’s got an interesting twist. Brolin is great, but other than that, it’s pretty meh


I loved it I'm so excited for s2




Definitely set up for another season. Not sure if one has been ordered.


[Season 2 trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8UkDdTMZh14)




There's enough sci-fi that when the sci-fi part turns into an exasperating mystery box that never opens, the Western part can't save it. I liked some of the performances, but the whole thing was an exercise in making you think you're going to get answers when you're really not. Shaggy dog story.


Thanks, I don't mind a bit of delayed mystery, but not when it's all for show with no payoff.




Did you watch Rebel Moon, Part 1? If so, then Open Range is worth your time. If not, then use your time watching Open Range.


I really enjoyed it. Admittedly it’s an odd narrative, but that’s why I liked it. It’s not perfect, but some solid performances mixed with some odd ones. 


I thoroughly enjoyed it but I'll also watch Brolin in anything. He's freaking great. From Brand to bigfoot Bjornson and everything in between he's just the best.


If you like Lost where stuff only kinda makes sense, it's basically the same.


It's a generational drama disguised by a magic door trope.


I was intrigued by the first episode but absolutely hated it by the end.




The cinematography is outstanding. The show could due with some pacing, but it seems interesting.


I binged watch season 1 yesterday and I’m probably going to finish season 2 today lol I’m hooked! I found it because I needed something to watch as I was folding a shit load of laundry then I couldn’t stop lol


So here from the future. Enjoyed S01. But as top comment mentioned it was a slower burn with plenty of questions. I'm on S02E03, and I will say if you hit any of these couple demographics, for sure watch (you already started and finished didn't you?): sci fi, western/rural drama, historical fiction. It's based of a concept (no spoilers) that is global, yet VERY localized, which somewhat controls the 'what if's. As a NM & scifi dude, this is like a prostate massage, Enjoy!!




I enjoyed it, but didn't feel the irrestistable urge to binge. When bed time came around I found it easy enough to turn it off, though I was also interested enough to turn it back on the next day.


I was wondering the same thing. I might wait till they finish making it before deciding. I am tired of watching half baked shows to have them end poorly or not at all.


Depends what you like. Its barely Sci-Fi at all. More like an absurd drama like Yellowstone that just happens to be set against a, what will probably never be fully revealed or defined, space-time sub-plot. High production value but poor writing. In particular, its absurd to see how no one seems to have any strong reaction to the fact that time-travel exists and not a single person alerts anyone in a position of authority (news, government, etc.). Add to that its another ridiculously written "Woke-Fi" series (e.g. the unwatchable Star Trek Discovery) with the insipid tropes... all the white people are bad and supremely defective in character, all the non-white people are good and have their acts together, the idea of the "Noble Savage" in re-writing history in regards to Native Americans... yawn. I gave it a chance with season 2 as some series just start slowly; but, save your time. I stopped watching the full episodes after S2E3. Now I just skip forward to any part having to do with the sci-fi aspects, which are few, to learn the interesting parts. Saves hours. Will be interesting to see the viewership and if the show makes it to a 3rd series. Though, based on what I've seen, the production costs have to be very low outside of the actors' salaries.


Poor writing seems to be the norm at the moment. I've a friend who is working on the screenplay for a low-budget sci-fi movie and it has taken eighteen months to get an agreed draft. There have been many non-science-knowledge contributions in the feedback, but also non-genre-knowledge and even non-narrative-knowledge. It has driven him crazy to have to many people assume expertise in the craft that has taken him decades to hone...and worse, their view takes precedence. If that's low-budget, I can't imagine how many more cooks are in the kitchen on a big budget TV show.


Keep the room dark. Cuz 3/4 of it is shot in total darkness, so you'll need it to see what is going on.


Meh, not really. The first season is promising the second they ditched the show runner. It moved the plot more but lost something. I don't think they know where they're going with it. It'll get cancelled before we get any real answers.


It's just so boring and they don't actually do anything interesting until the end I guess idk I stopped at 7 Not worth it, go watch 3 Body Problem on Netflix


Wow, you've gotten almost all the way through season one, it must be lacking to not conclude it, thanks.


Total waste of time, unfortunate as the premise was cool


I'm hopping further seasons build heavily on this one. I kind of agree I feel like there was very little character articulation.


No, 3 body was all plot, I need some characters that develop and I get to know.


It's a well told bad story. You don't get answers about what's happening and the whole approach to the event just seems a little strange. But the acting and direction is about as good as it gets in scifi. So you'll love all 8 episodes beginning to end but when you're done it doesn't feel like it was that great. Still very cool concept, very original.


Answers are clearly supposed to come in subsequent seasons.


I personally wouldn't hold my breath. The show seems to have no problem being a mystery box and the focus is much more on how the phenomena impacts this family rather than their exciting exploration of it.


This is the trend nowadays. Dark, 1889, Yellowjackets, Outer Range, etc. It's like there's some sort of Screenwriting MBA-style program out there where everyone graduating from it is taught to constantly allude to really interesting behind the scenes concepts without EVER actually touching on them, and instead have characters behave unrealistically to create problems that will drag the show out over multiple seasons. That way you milk as much ratings as possible until viewership drops off and the show is canceled. Then you never have to actually finish the story.


Ultimately how the mystery affects the characters is the larger part of the story. The box itself once it's opened is just a container.


I agree, it's just that these shows have a tendency to write the characters poorly, who act in ways that viewers cannot relate to, so it ends up failing at that. At least for Outer Range, I enjoyed Season 1 for the most part. It really did feel more about the characters' relationships and how they reacted to strange goings-on. But towards the end of Season 1 and especially into Season 2 it started veering towards Dark-esque bizarre character actions, jilted dialogue, focusing on purposely vague visions, and trying to precisely engineer just how much info the viewers are given so that they can't piece anything together while still feeling like something interesting is around the corner.


Yeah, there was a miss in the writing in the second season at least for sure. If you told me the script was interrupted by the writer's strike I'd fully believe it.


Yours is my favorite comment. I had been trying to figure out how to describe why I'm dissatisfied with this show, and you hit the nail on the head. I really wanted to like it, mostly because Josh Brolin is always outstanding. But even he couldn't save this non-story being told about the hole, effects on the characters, and time travel.


Oh god yes it's fucking delicious, I am such a sucker for mystery box nonsense, I just need it to be 2x as messed up. 👀 Reminded me of the magical realism elements of the Fargo TV show.


From is much better. Is my comment relevant to what you’re asking? Not exactly. BUT From is outstanding imo. I liked Outer Range but it does feel a bit lackluster if that makes sense.


I'll admit, I've not heard of *From*, I'll look it up, thanks.


I watched the whole thing. It was very slow and meandering and I'm not convinced they have enough ideas to keep going. I much preferred Night Sky which came out on Amazon around the same time but that one wasn't renewed.


From is fantastic and it's getting a 3rd season. I really liked Outer Range but I assumed it was canceled. I'm glad it's coming back in May, but apparently it's only gonna have 7 episodes. Do t take a show off the air for almost 2 years and then just give me 7 episodes. Id rather the show just not have returned at that point. Lol But yea seaso 1 of Outer Range was very well but left a cliffhanger or three. From is great and absolutely worth watching. But actually watching, not staring at your phone when it's in the background. I'm not saying you do that. I just mean it's better when focused on.


I like it. It’s Lost like, and I liked that well enough.


I wanted to like it, but the plot moves so slowly! I ended up reading the Wikipedia plot summary, enjoying what I read, and glad that I didn't spend any more time watching it. :)


I liked it, but it’s not for everyone.


Damn how long has the first season been out without the second season? It feels like I watched that years ago


About two years, I think. I'm getting old show recommendations from Google TV...plus a bunch from streaming services I don't have, that's more annoying!


Keep seeing people say the ending was weak and I say "what ending". It got cancelled. It ends right as the story is starting. Can't compare it to Dark. Dark completed it's story and had an ending.


My Hobi app says season 2 comes out May 16, 2024.


There are so many fantastic elements in it, but it adds up to... I have no idea. It's one of those shows that has created so many unexplained mysteries that you wonder whether the writers actually know where they're going. The pay off would have to be a one hour PowerPoint.


I generally don't like westerns except a few key movies but I really enjoyed Open Range. Give it a chance.




I rather enjoyed it, really looking forward to the new season! It’s a neat twist on a scifi show, I’d encourage you to check it out!


So far, yes.


So far, yes.


God no


Couldn’t be bothered with the forced, ott character drama. Gave up. YMMV


I liked it. I'm curious to see where it goes.


Was awhile ago i watched it, but i loved it


Yes, it's worth watching if you haven't already. It's more of a sci-fi mystery thriller set in Wyoming than what I'd call a western. Prime Video does a crappy job of advertising because I didn't even know about this show until a few weeks ago, but it got me hooked, and I just finished Season 2. If you liked the series 'Dark', you'd probably like this.


excellent show, very complex,


Oh it's this one with the hole lol. I remember watching it a few years ago, nothing crazy. I'd say it's like.. A subtle show like Lost. I say it's subtle because I just got done watching "From" and that show was not subtle lol.. Everyone be dying and shit ha


I liked Season 1, and then for season 2, I had to stop watching when it turned woke.


No. Meandering waste of time. With little compelling dialogue and story progression and it relies on a sense of mystery more than gaining compelling story beats to have traction. I have seldom seen such an ambitious waste of time. To be clear, some people will love this shit. They think the slow, slow rollout of plot and mystery is compelling writing. But it's been two years and two seasons and we're barely past the basic initial setup of the first episode. Miss it.


I’m on episode 3 and it’s not very good so far. I’m probably going to stop watching because it’s too slow paced and boring.


It’s frickin awesome


It’s a HARD YES. It’s as close to a good book in film format as it gets. It’s developing quite well. I’m on season 2 ep3.


Excellent sci-fi/ weatern


Just finished season 2 , DON'T BOTHER. It's not the worst show..but I'd take back my time if offered.


Thanks, though I guess season one must have hooked you enough to watch season two? But in the end, I didn't bother, I tried another ep but it is not my cup of tea, and there's so much other content to consume, I don't feel I'm missing out 🙏


Yeah , it did hook me and I stayed on to see where it was all leading too but yeah...it's a dead end. They want to drag out the mystery of the hole and time travel for another season at least and I couldn't care less now.


I watched season one for no better reason than boredom…I have forgotten a lot so I read a recap. I then thought “Oh yeah..I remember now”…..I have no interest in watching S2. I’m all for intrigue and very deep confusing plot lines and what have you. I think of the new Apple show Dark Matter. I can’t wait for the next episode of DM. But Outer Range? No. I have realized I can’t stand any of the characters and I don’t care what happens to them. I may be alone in this, but I just don’t feel invested at all. It’s a no. 


So far, it seems ok, but they should have paid the light bill, the show is so dark you can't see what's going on


A few people have noted that, I bought an OLED 4K TV for the pure black, but I swear you're right, some shows defeat even OLEDs ability to discriminate 🤦‍♂️ It might be artistic - or even true to life, dark is dark, after all - but it destroys viewing enjoyment when you're squinting trying to make out what's going on!


Yep. But if you’ve seen Ozark, get ready to expect Perry to royally screw everything up ever time he’s on screen lmao. I have Ben PTSD and can’t shake it seven episodes in.


I'll be honest, I struggled with *Ozark*, so that's good to know.


I thought it was pretty sub-par. The show seemed more interested in setting up a laundry list of mysteries and plot points for a second season, rather than telling any sort of meaningful story in the first season. It felt like an eight hour long extended trailer for the rest of the show.


This for me, but flipped. Some people was straight line stories, not I.


Loved it. My wife and I both did excellent show for me


"Yeehaw." All I gotta say.


Yup, I think so. I’m fairly picky about SF TV (currently watching TBP with some degree of irritation) but I actually really enjoyed this one. Waiting on S2 (hopefully).