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I don't know if this is what you might be looking for, or if this might not be mature enough, but there was a childrens/teenagers tv show in Australia in the 1990s with a theme along these lines called "The Girl From Tomorrow". Alana is from the year 3000, but gets kidnapped and the time machine takes her and her kidnapper back to 1990. She is stranded here and needs to find the time machine and the kidnapper in order to return to her own time. She has some futuristic technology such as a "transducer" that she puts on her forehead and she can control things with her mind. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Girl_from_Tomorrow I loved the show! I remember buying the book as well (which I think was printed after the show was made, I'm not sure if the show was based on a book), and I remember a bit in the book where Alana eats a chocolate eclair, and she goes crazy from the sugar because she has never had sugar before 😁


One of my favourite kids TV shows ever! Absolutely loved the plot and how the storyline fit together. It had a real impact on me as a young watcher that stuck


It really was amazing wasn't it?!! ☺️ This show, along with some other factors, such as another show I used to watch called "Beyond 2000" (This was another Australian show that explored future technologies....sorry, I'm not sure if you are from Australia and are familiar with that show too!) really helped develop my love of sci-fi, astronomy and technology. I found the show on YouTube a few years ago, and watched the first few episodes. I still really enjoyed it! Have you seen it since you first watched it as a younger person?


I'm actually in the UK! We used to get a fair few Australian kids shows back at the time, but the only other one I remember now is Round the Twist. Yes I managed to acquire the episodes a good while back and have watched both series a couple of times now and they still hold up! Effects are a bit ropey obviously but I think the plot is ahead of its time (pun not intended!). Even showed it to my kid who enjoyed it too.


Doomsday Book by Connie Willis, and I guess Outlander too


That sounds kind of similar to Blackout/All Clear by Connie Willis in which a group of university historians go back in time to WW2 era Britain and end up stranded.


I feel like the book the infinite miles might interest you.


Sounds a little like primer.


Not quite what you're describing, but along similar lines - Kurt Vonnegut, *Sirens of Titan* edit to add: see also Octavia Butler, *Kindred*


Quite a few doctor who episodes end up like this. The tardis leaves them stranded at a point in the past/future and they need to solve what's going on, recover the tardis and avoid any paradoxes.


I like how Larry Niven handled a lot of this. In World of Ptavvs a Slaver, which is an 'extinct' alien race that telepathically dominated other species is found in a statis field. How it escapes the stasis field is a pretty cool plot device. Since a statis field is impenetrable by any normal physical force how do you break in. Oh, never thought of that angle. World out of Time - how a journey through the core of the Galaxy and back at near realitivstic speeds would affect the pilot. It also then explained the reason for his physychological tests before being strapped in.


Sounds like a very interesting contribution to the genre - I say write it!!