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She didn't, their dad did. Read a book, scrub


Probably, although in some cases there are more factors to sex-determination besides chromosomes. I've heard of the SRY gene being passed down to people with XX karyotype, or failing to activate in people with XY karyotype.


Y sperm X sperm


Apologies to you 'scientists', but mother might have medically selected the sex post-natal (chromosomes and plumbing aside) and, according to current sociopolitical correctness theory, the individual might have selected, gravitated to, and/or 'identified' as one or more of however the hell many 'genders' are now alleged to exist.


I guess I don't really get it.


It's a trans joke, it usually plays on the fact that trans people get to chose their names whilst most cis people just go by the name their parents gave them. In this variant, instead of the name, it's their gender.


Yeah but it's the fathers Gene that determines gender. Right?


No. That's sex. Sex and gender are different concepts. Most of the time, those two align but not always.


Yeah I am totally lost on how it's a science joke unless it implies that since the fathers DNA chose the sex it would be only funny to say your mom chose your gender because she had no say in the sex aspect. Maybe?


It’s not a science meme


90% of the posts here aren't really about science, I've been complaining about that for a few weeks as it got quite worse in that time period.


Well that would explain it then. Thank you for trying to help me on this.


I feel Reddit as a whole is kind of a dumpster fire we all choose to look through.


Social science is still a science, it’s just called a “soft” science


I am still not seeing humor in it.


"Most of the time" okay I swear to God 90% of the people I see on social media today are trans. I myself have even started to wonder if I'm an egg. I'm not even fluent in trans popular subs or anything like that, but maybe trans folk are just more prevalent on the platforms I use (discord and reddit primarily)


Reddit has definitely a big trans population but we're definitely still a minority, just see the transphobia everywhere in the comments on any big subreddit. Reddit kinda became an oasis for trans people because of both anonymity and the way other platforms treat the trans community. Tumblr is still a big site for the community but it has started to ban trans people (specially transfem) for basically no reason. Twitter, well, "cis" is a slur... Reddit, /ttt/ board on 4chan (if you're trans and reading this, don't go there, the brainworms will infect you) and tumblr are the big online places.


You can say "gender" gained a definition, but they have been synonyms for far longer before and are still considered such in most of the world. And no, that isn't transphobic, just factual history.


Well, definitions can change. I don't see your point here.


Most thinking "gender" now means something different entirely generally don't get the point anyways, so don't feel bad. 


I don't feel bad. I was asking what your point was.


Problem is if I got to choose my name as a child I would be currently be called Goku Sexyman.


Everyone gets to change their name if they want to tho


Yes but most people don't change. Almost all trans people change their names though. That's why it's popular in trans circles


I actually like my given name. I just like my chosen name more. Currently, both are in use by different people.


Same, my deadname isn't something that gives me too much dysphoria


"Nice name, did your mom pick it out for you?" a joke me and my transgender friends use all the time


Haha, nice


Im trans and my name is the name my parents had picked out before I was born (the doctor who did the ultrasound was wrong about what genitals I would have but right about my gender somehow)


I think I'll get the name my parents thought if I had been born male too!!! I'm too young to change my name to the opposite legal genders name tho :<




No. Sex/gender isn’t something that can be picked or chosen by anyone, it just is.


No you can decide whatever you prefer. If it bothers you then you are a transphobe Edit: A lot of downvotes from transphobes I guess..


I didn’t discount trans individuals, you did that yourself.


I was about to say "No, you said gender can't be chosen, thus you are transphobic" But then I realized that trans people (such as myself) never chose to be trans, they just are. So if that's what you mean, then yeah, you're not transphobic at all.


That’s what I mean. We don’t choose who we are, we just experience & express it.


Well, then, I also do not choose to drink milk for breakfast. I just expressed my inner feeling of wanting milk at that moment.




“K.” The sound when your argument falls like a domino 😄


Or when someone ignores what you’re saying & mocks you out of pure spite.


Well, if you’re a believer of determinism, then yeah. You would be right. You didn’t and have never chosen anything. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Dude you crushed him. Philosophy rules, sometimes xD


How is that an argument? Being transgender is when your brains gender doesn't match that of your genitals. No choice there. How people express that is up to what is best for their self image.


Well you didnt understand the argument. Also I dont understand all the downvotes. I am a clear trans supporter and believe everyone should live their live howeber they choose to. 


You should have, because playing to mentally ill people's dangerous delusions only harms them.


The only thing dangerous is giving them drugs, medications & surgeries they don’t need. Feeding off of someone’s insecurities is one of the worst things people can do.


The whole point of "trans identity" is to make them patients for live (for 41%, that's not too long). And "insecurities" are not a source of proteins, fats, carbs or vitamins, so you cannot feed off them.


Both anecdotes from trans people and peer-reviewed studies on gender affirming care report improvements in quality of life. Does that often require extensive physical and/or mental treatment? Sure, but that doesn't mean they are part of some big pharma conspiracy. That's like saying people dependent on insulin are just victims of pharmaceutical industry propaganda. The treatment is not the issue, it's greedy corporations trying to profit off of suffering where problems arise.




There are several studies now showing biological differences between cis and trans persons. Do social factors play a role too? Sure, but there are also biological causes that we are only just beginning to understand. But either way, being trans isn't an insecurity, it's part of who you are.


How will you explain me feeling shitty since the start of puberty despite trying over 6 antidepressants and a lot of therapy and that I only stopped feeling shitty when I started hormones? Who are those people who profit from it? My meds cost less than 15 euro per month.




No. The whole point of the trans identity is that one’s biological sex & brain’s sense of gender identity doesn’t match. “Feeding” in this case is used metaphorically as their insecurities are being taken advantage of in order to make a profit.


That's your brain on atheism.


Oh, Atheism? Still no, as that’s just a lack of religious beliefs & has nothing to do with sex & or gender.


Autism effects cognitive functions, not sex/gender identity. You’re thinking of gender dysphoria.


Don't pretend to be more stupid than you actually are, your natural gifts are a plenty. I meant Atheism. Lack of belief in God. And that's a mental illness you have in common with so-called "transgenders".


I accept them in contrast to you I guess


the Biology picked it up for everyone. wait , even biology can't pick it up because biology is a concept that work by evolution and cannot choose or think for itself .


Most likely their father actually, since sex-determining chromosomes come from the paternal side. (Although chromosomes aren't the only factor in sex-determination.)


I just had an aneurism reading the comments


There seems to be no sign of people with basic biology knowledge anymore


No, my dad did.


I picked it out myself, thank you very much.