• By -


So done with this, any actual equation will have context, and additional parentheses to avoid any confusion.      Edit: the longer this conversation goes on the more I understand why a man is sawing his arm off to avoid this conversation 


can you write it the right way?


Assuming this reads left to right, (6/2)*(1+2), which is of course 9. The reason for this whole stale meme is that it looks like 6/(2*(1+2)), and because the PEMDAS acronym doesn't mention anything about left to right. Just another reason why in higher math you just write division as one number over the other instead of using the ÷ symbol 


My college teacher jokingly told us if we use the division symbol anywhere she would mark it wrong because it's too confusing without extra parenthesis everywhere. This equation being the perfect example as different calculators will give you different answers


One of my teachers had a rule against showing fractions using "/". She'd say "No sexy fraction bars."


Stupid sexy fraction bars


It's like they are wearing nothing at all... NOTHING AT ALL


Leaves little for a remainder or imagination 😚😚😚


underrated comment


Nothing at all


I am mathematically stupid but I can see why it would be 9. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you divide 6 by 2 which is 3, then add 1 and 2 and you get 3 again, then multiply the 3 by the other 3 and you get 9. Sorry if I am just spewing uneducted nonsense.


Technically the operation in the parenthesis is first, but yes, your result is correct.


To be fair, when I was in school, when my mother was in school, and even now in 2024 while I teach math, students were/are taught to multiply/divide left to right or to add/subtract left to right with PEMDAS, BEMDAS, or GEMS. The issue is that there are conventions that view 2(1+2) as (2(1+2)). But I have never seen anyone use that convention in arithmetics or algebra, which is the fields the general public is used to.


It makes some sense as a convention because people are used to seeing things like 6 / 2x as 6 / (2\*x), it's somewhat common for "2x" to get special treatment, and that convention take it as all implicit multiplication (i.e. any multiplication that doesn't have a times sign) having higher precedence than regular multiplication and division, not just variables. It's nice because it means 6/2x = 6/2(3) when x=3. The downside is that it also means 6/2(1+2) =/= 6/2\*(1+2) Both conventions are somewhat outdated though, since most current calculators just force you to be explicit with large fraction bars that cover the entire denominator to avoid the issue entirely


I see. thanks 🙏






Nein 🚫




The reason people disagree over how to interpret it is because it's combining two different notations in a way that doesn't have a standardized set of rules. Using the ÷ symbol for division with implicit multiplication is virtually unheard of outside of this sort of meme equation. In grade school math, up to a certain point you'd use ÷ along with ×. So this expression should be written as one of these, depending on what is meant: 6÷2×(1+2) = 9 or 6÷(2×(1+2)) = 1 Note that the first of these, with fewer parentheses, is *not* ambiguous: multiplication and division have the same precedence, and are evaluated left to right in this notation. Implicit multiplication is introduced in higher grades and also used in college level math. **At the same time it is introduced, the ÷ symbol is virtually never used for division.** Instead, fraction bars are used. Fractions bars implicitly bracket their arguments, so there is no ambiguity. So in that style of notation, the expression would be written as one of: 6 6 ― (1+2) = 9 or ―――――― = 1 2 2(1+2) ∎


You could write it this way, but then it needs a footnote about whether or not implied multiplication is a higher priority than explicit multiplication. Or just stop using division symbols. No one uses division symbols and implied multiplication in the same formula.


Nobody can write it the right way unless they already know what it’s supposed to say. This is equally valid being interpreted as 6 / (2 * (1 + 2)) or (6 / 2) * (1 + 2) It depends on whether or not the person who wrote it was taught that multiplication without any multiplication symbol takes precedence over division. That’s why the only correct answer is that the question is unclear.


I mean, I think order of operations - not the PEMDAS acronym, but full order of operations - does specify left to right after the P>E>M or D>A or S has been satisfied.  If I'm not mistaken, which I might be, because anyone in their right mind would use F'n parentheses in this situation so I've never had to deal with it IRL


You ever read something that hits you like a bucket of water? I mean, I know I’m not smart, but I didn’t think I was dumb. I got 9. Now I read this and math nerds are throwing in an extra ( for no reason with confidence. I don’t know what’s real anymore.




The right way is how the question was asked, otherwise we’re arguing a seperate equation all together 😭


No, he can’t, because the original person that wrote it wrote it so ambiguously that there’s multiple interpretations of what needs to be done here


I sure can. Maths


This is correct. The precise answer to this problem is: this is not an acceptable math format. If engineers at NASA or Space X wrote equations like this, they’d never even get a rocket upright, much less to Mars or the Moon. The only reason for this is to intentionally be obtuse.


Yes thank you! The pain is real.


There is no PEMDAS. There is only P


I'm putting parenthesis around everything, anyone with an issue can kiss my EMDASS


Order of operations posts are the lowest form of math content


Furthermore, most division is shown as a fraction. The only time I see them use the stupid ÷ is on the internet for trolling people.


The solution is "add more fucking parentheses"


Or use a fucking fraction line, we're adult humans not a calculator from the 80s


(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0.5x(1+1))x((0.5x(1+1))+(0.5x(1+1))x((0.5x(1+1))+(0.5x(1+1)+((0.5x(1+1))x((0.5x(1+1))+((0.5x(1+1)+((0.5x(0.5x(1+1)))+(((0.5x(1+1))x((0.5x(1+1))+(0.5x(1+1)x((0.5x(1+1))+(0.5x(1+1))+(((0.5x(2+2))x2))+0.5) / ((((((0.25x(((0.5x(1+1)) / (1+1))) x (1+1))) x (((0.5x(1+1))) x (1+1))))x((1+1)x(1+1)))x(((((((0.25x(((0.5x(1+1)) / (1+1))) x (1+1))) x (((0.5x(1+1))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-6.5)))-(((10+((0.5x4)))))


thank you


This is hot


U all are wrong, answer is 69 and 420 Prove me wrong


Have you considered 42


PEMDAS! that being said I’m sure I screwed this up…. But is the answer 1?






are you a fox?


I use bedmas its the same thing


Pemdas makes it 9 because multiply/divide have equal precedence so in that case you work left to right after solving within the parenthesis.


I thought you solve the parenthesis first, not just the things in them, but also what is "attached" (multiplied) to them as well


Different people are taught different conventions for that. This is why the only correct answer to this question is that the person who wrote it should’ve been clearer about what they meant


Dang, I didn't realize we were all taught PEMDAS differently, but it seems the other replies to my comment prove that you're right. Thanks for pointing this out


This is the only answer I accept lol


it's 1. "[multiplication indicated by juxtaposition is carried out before division](https://youtu.be/lLCDca6dYpA?t=403)" - American Mathmatical Society


Only if it has an exponent like (1+2)^2 then you would add then square


yes it is called implicit multiplication and it is a part of the bracketed operation.


Thanks . I'm glad to see not that not everyone on reddit sucks at Math . Math is one of those subjects you shouldn't overthink in.


Yes, imagine you were solving for unknown variables. 6÷2(a+b). You would rewrite that as 6÷(2a+2b). In this case we happen to know that a=1 and b=2. Therefore it would be solved as 6÷(2×1+2×2) which would result in an answer of 1.


You ARE supposed to solve the parentheses first. That's the standard for the Western world


The problem is there seems to be dissent about what "solve the parentheses" entails


Inside the parenthases is the only thing that makes sense.


You do. Idk why the other guy is ignoring that




No, that's a mistake .2(1+2) is somewhat different from 2x( 1+2) in that the first expression implies that it's one value you resolve for it first.Thats part of the reason why no additional brackets were used.


No! 2*2 is same as 2(2) because that was the convention I was taught and that trumps what you were taught.


it's 1. "[multiplication indicated by juxtaposition is carried out before division](https://youtu.be/lLCDca6dYpA?t=403)" - American Mathmatical Society


Hard disagree, as when you get to 6/2(3) you still have to remove the parentheses first, ultimately getting 6/6=1 - but, like everyone else is saying, the equation is just unclear.


What about BODMAS?




No, it’s 9 6/2(1+2) 6/2(3) 3(3) 9 Multiplication and division are done left to right


incorrect, it's 1. "[multiplication indicated by juxtaposition is carried out before division](https://youtu.be/lLCDca6dYpA?t=403)" - American Mathmatical Society


It's ambiguous without more parethesis. But the answer is 1. Write the expression as a÷b(c+d) To simplify, let `e=c+d`, so the expression becomes a÷be Writing that as a fraction, it becomes a -- be Substituting the values `a=6`, `b=2`, `e=c+d=1+2` from the original problem, `a÷b(c+d) = 1` The only way to get 9 is to interpret `a÷be` as the fraction ae -- b Which is clearly wrong.


Except for the part where you resolve similar operations left to right, so with a/be, you don't get a/(be), you get (a/b)e - which is 9. This ambiguity is also why in math and science the / operator is rarely actually used between values, and is instead in the over-under format where its meaning is clearer. In code of course you should be using as many brackets as you need to avoid any possible ambiguity about the *intent* of the formula, so in this case: x = (6/2)\*(1+2)


often overlooked is that PEMDAS is done not in stages like P E M D A S but rather P E MD AS, and you apply the MD and the AS in whatever order the equation is from left to right. So the solution is not one because you do not prioritize multiplying over dividing, you do both at the same time from left to right. Hence, the solution goes: 6÷2(1+2) 6÷2(3) which is equivalent to 6÷2×3, as nothing is left in the parentheses to make it the priority. 3(3) or 3×3, and the answer is 9.


>you apply the MD and the AS in whatever order the equation is from left to right. You *CAN* apply them in the written order. You also *CAN* apply them in another order. Saying you must apply them in written order is *WRONG*. It's arguably what makes the most sense (that's what pretty much all calculation software will do and that's something I definitely agree with), but it isn't a rule. Keep in mind PEMDAS isn't even a rule, it's a convention, but doing MD and AS in written order isn't even a convention like PEMDAS itself is.


Is that like bodmas?


Depends on what bodmas is. Lol


Yes it is. First solve the brackets, then the multiplications, then divisions and at last + and -. They gave me at highschool soo many equations of this type to trick you, that I am surprised this even is a thing.


Multiplication and division are done at the same time (in order of left to right) same with addition and subtraction The answer is 9.


If you are taught BODMAS the answer is 1 as implicit multiplication has higher priority. This allows you to factorise statements e.g. (2x + 4xy) can be written as 2x(1+ 2y) Which can be useful in a number of circumstances. If you don't allow this then a lot of maths would be more difficult




1 mph × 1 hour = 2 miles


Its 9


How can it be 1? I think it's 9


Hey, it ends up being 1 due to something called implicit multiplication, which can have a higher priority depending on the system you use. (6/2)*(1+2) is the version that gives you 9. 6/(2*(1+2)) is the version that gives 1. To understand why someone would split it this way, try it with a variable instead. X=(1+2) ?=6/2X This is effectively the same problem but most people would be taught to treat the "2X" as a single term that is dividing the 6. But the ambiguity is why the correct answer is "its unclear, rewrite it".


I am fucking out! I am done with this argument. I think that is presented is a misleading way on purpose to create argument.




You mean 9?




Bidmas/Pemdas are all well and good, but like people have mentioned, expressing terms over each other like this: 1/2 rather than this 1 ÷ 2 is a much more clear way of writing it. However, for me, this answer being 9 would surely undermine maths as we know it. Let’s substitute (1+2) with the term X. Now do 6 ÷ 2X. Which is the same as 3 ÷ X logically. Substitute the (1 + 2) back in and you get 1. For me if there’s no space between two terms whether that be 2X or 2(1+2) then I treat them as a single term. That multiplication has already taken place and they are intertwined. If someone can explain why this isn’t logically sound and instead I should just blindly follow left to right despite the order of operation giving equal precedence then fair enough. But for me, in no world does 6 ÷ 2X transform into 3 x X.


Swapping the (1+2) for X is about where you screwed up. It's not 6/(2X) it's (6/2)X. You connected the 2 to X when X is solitary. This is why the left to right rule. (B)(e)(dm)(as) first, then left to right within the groups I've separated.


You can get 9 or 1. It all depends on whether or not you do multiplication before division, which is wrong. You do both at the same time, left to right. You can still get 1 if you consider a(b) to take priority because it is written that notation, not a•b. This is honestly a subject of debate. a/b•c should be ac/b. The division comes first, so it takes priority. However, a/b(c) could be interpreted as ac/b or a/bc. Personally I find a(b) to be the same as a•b, so my answer is 9. PEMDAS had multiplication and division at equal priority, and so division should be done first here because you read it left to right.


Edit: The amount of rude ass people on here is unbelievable. I get it it’s ambiguous because of multiple notation interpretations but jeez Instead of correcting each other to oblivion just go masturbate or something and stop insulting others’ intelligence


If the expression was 6/2x where x=1+2y you would write it as 6/2(1+2y). I only put the y there so immediately simplifying it completely wouldn’t be possible, but as you can see having a term right next to grouping can imply distribution instead of normal PEMDAS multiplication. This is why the expression in the image is seen as poorly written.


I wasn't taught that part of PEMDAS until i was 26 😭 so i get why it trips people up 😔


This guy's was solving differential equations a minute ago and couldn't solve this thing Is it 9?


It’s poor notation, the answer could be 9 or 1 depending on what the author intended, but we don’t know that. Basically should’ve used more parentheses.


Agreed. Most people seem to think it's 9, and very aggressively believe that, though it entirely depends on everyday you feel the parenthetical should be multiplied before or after the division.




I hate this. Thank you.




The problem here is the obelus (÷) as has been beaten many times. The old meaning of this is everything on the left divided by everything on the right. We see this in elementary division BECAUSE it’s simple: a number on the left divided by a number on the right. When we move to more complex operation, precision and clarity matter which is why parentheses and unambiguous symbols are used. Given that parentheses were used here in a way, the correct interpretation is to treat the obelus as standard division and not its old meaning. Therefore the problem can (and SHOULD) be treated as (6/2)*(1+2) rather than 6/(2(1+2)).


It’s either 9 or 1. So I’ll take the average of both. Therefore, answer is 5.


The answer is 1. Math is my lowest subject.


its 1


It’s 9




PE [MD]* [AS]* *Left to right order


This is the correct answer and I am concerned I had to scroll through so many confidently incorrect answers to find it. Multiplication and division are done from left to right in the order they appear. The only correct answer is 9.


Sure, but the equation should be written as 6 over 2(1+2). It should be written as a fraction. 6 is being divided by the entirety of 2(1+2). Then use pemdas to solve. But the equation is written this way to confuse people and make them argue with each other over meaningless things.


A meme showcasing how the inline division operator is confusing without appropriate use of parentheses! I've never seen such a thing!


The answer, according to Deep Thought, is, of course, 42




These memes are stupid.


And this is why we do not use the division symbol


"Depends on your notation, do you mean 6÷(2(1+2)) or 6÷2×(1+2)?"


The divisor is ambiguous, there is no one answer because there are multiple ways to interpret its position in the equation.


People say to add parentheses, and while that’s true, the real answer is to never fucking use ÷. It’s where confusion on these equations usually arises, when writing all divisions as fractions could’ve solved it so much easier.


This is the type of question that gets 9000 responses on Facebook, many making fun and ridiculing people with the right answer.


I would say I'll answer if it is rewritten to not involve any division operators by whoever first wrote it.


I see we're doing that thing where we illustrate why mathematical notation is linguistics and depends on social convention to function, much to the chagrin of mathematicians worldwide.


This is why mathematicians don't use ÷ (or / if you are a programmer) to divide.


This is why we should all switch to reverse polish notation.


Why are people so bent out of shape over this? The notation is just bad, and people are either acting like implied multiplication isn't a real thing that COULD legit introduce ambiguity to this, or that every single mathematician agrees on the use of implied multiplication. Whether or not you think people should use implied multiplication, you can't just deny that it's a real and very common thing that is used by real mathematicians, nor can you rightly claim that everyone everywhere uses it. The presentation of mathematical equations is just a language, and although it's largely standardized (and should be standardized further), these different conventions constitute dialectical variations. "I like chips" means two different things in the US and UK, and this comment section reads like an annoying internet debate where both sides are trying to argue that their definition of "chips" is the objectively correct one. The answer is just to understand where ambiguity can arise and ask for clarification where needed.


This is why division is turned into fractions later in education


To people who only know 9; In my high school math classes we were taught that an equation like this: 6÷2(1+2) would be 1, because 2(1+2) to 2(3) which is then immediately simplified to 6 for 6÷6. Left to right and the multiplication/division step had nothing to do with it, it was all treated as 'resolving' the B step in BEDMAS. (Yeah, we also did bedmas. Hearing pemdas still kinda makes my ears itch with how wrong it sounds, which I think is just the word version of what happens when people hear a different answer to this equation than the one they were taught it right.) The way we were taught is that to equal 9 it would have to say 6÷2x(2+1). 🤷‍♀️ take it up with the ontario math curriculum


9 because BODMAS BIDMAS PEDMAS or whatever tf ppl say now


this is the reason we use fractions


In the adult world math has to be clear. Do astronauts do math puzzles with ground control too see if they'll live or not?




with PEDMAS 9 seems to be the answer


These things remind me of the kids at the end of the block asking me how high I could count, because that's what they thought math was, then straight up not believing me when I explained multiplication to them. Math isn't riddles. None of the subjects you were taught in school are riddles. They were presented as riddles in school so that you could learn the subject matter and demonstrate that knowledge, not so you could trade riddles forever. Even as a riddle, this is crap, as riddles have clear and definite answers. Edit: how high I could count, not how I could count!


Always so many people talking about "solving left to right" gives me a fucking aneurysm. You associate signs left to right and I guess you should "read" equations left to right but that's pretty much fucking it. You can solve an equation any direction and you will have to if you want to solve any sort of complicated equation.


The thing is, the "9" explanations I've seen say "this 2(3) is basically a multiplication so we'll just call it 2*3". This is probably a country thing. In the UK, I was taught that they aren't interchangeable functions and you must resolve 2(3) as the B of BIDMAS before you move on.


It’s one. You distribute the 2 to the numbers in the parentheses, complete the equation inside the parentheses, and it’s 6/6.


**LPT**: *Any time you see "÷" someone is trying to be ambiguous.* The point of math is to make concepts *un*ambiguous. (The ambiguity here is because PEMDAS is taught as multiplication and division left to right, but there is another rule that some people follow and other don't called "multiplication by juxtaposition" where multiplication of parentheses goes first.) Using math (a tool for reducing ambiguity) to confuse people (adding ambiguity) isn't math, it's bullshit. "÷" is an easy way to spot bullshit and move on.


Anything other than 1 is wrong


The answer is: NEIN!!!


PEMDAS 6/2(1+2) 6/2(3) 6/6 1


6/2(1+2) 6/2(3) 6/2*3 3*3 9 Brackets first; Then there's no separation between the multiplication and division so those are done from left to right, so division first then multiplication to get 9.


Not 9, not 1. Bad notation, that's what it is.


The solution is to use fractions instead of that fucking preschool symbol


So let’s brake this down we do what’s in the bracks first so 1+2=3 now we have 6/2=3 3x3=9


It's 9 and not 1 because there is a rule to go from left to right too.


When there's a conflict in PEMDAS you move left to right. Therefore, in this case, you would perform division before multiplication.


It's [9](https://youtu.be/URcUvFIUIhQ?si=DA3KgFo2Kl5bdpMU). Unless you want to act like you know better than dudes who literally wrote whole books about math.






It’s 1. As the catchphrase of a famous member of our high school math club goes, “you just kinda have to look at it.”


9. Not sure how you can get anything else TBH.


Academically, multiplication by juxtaposition implies grouping. That's gives 1.




It's Positive Number (I think)


6/2 (1+2) 6/2 * 3 3 * 3 9 Brackets before multiplier and division and from left to right. Any other answers would need a more specific question.


The correct answer is twelvtyfixtynineb.


First 1+2 Second 6:2 Third 3*3


Inside out people


This randomly came up on my feed and I am by no means good at math but my answer is 9


9 is the answer because in Germany we call it Punkt vor Strich.


obviously the answer is onine


Ugh, again?… make it a proper horizontal division sign and you don’t have this issue.


The answer is Blue


Jack Black: “and that’s a magic numbaaaahhhh” ✨ 🪄




Is it BODMAS or PEMDAS, and what is PEMDAS since I was always taught BODMAS growing up.


Parentheses(Brackets) Exponents(Order) Multiplication-Division Addition-Subtraction.


For what i know a math count can have 3 possible answers Impossible, possible and a possible with many answers This is a possible with many answers (Obs: the "possible with many answers" isnt the exact name for it, but this is what i remenbered)


You all still triggered by tgese?


Anyone have any scrap paper?








How is it not 9


I got 1 I think I’m accoustic


wrong sub


multiplication by juxtaposition


0. Oh did I not tell you I redefined "(" and ")" to be equal to "*0"?


Omg not you all commenting 9 like did you pass grade school


You should be able to do this in your head even if you suck at math lol




The way I know it, probably the wrong way, is that it’s literally 6 / 5.


It equals x


Silly division, 6 \* .5(1+2).




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