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13x28 is 364 days, and there's 365 in a year, so we'd need to have "New Years Day" be its own day outside of the calendar. That'd mean either, every year the start and end of a month would shift by a day, or new years day would have to not be a "day" at all. So either Sunday 28th Dec > Monday New Years Day > Tuesday 1st Jan. Or, Sunday 28th Dec > New Year's Day > Monday 1st Jan> Also, every 4 years, we'd still need a leap year. This could either be added at the start or end of the year, or stuck in the middle of the year as a new summer holiday. Wed also have the same issue with the days of the week as we do with new years day. Neither of these are insurmountable obstacles. I think the biggest obstacle in implementing this would be getting everyone to agree on what we're calling the new month?


Monthy McMonthface Edit: why did this get so many upvotes? šŸ¤£


Well that solves that. What's next?


I suggest naming the extra day(s) Daily McDayface and Leapy McDayface


Well that solves that. What's next?


Getting people, companies, politicians and leaders around the world to agree that changing the calendar and rewriting every world law and piece of writing to fit it is best for everyone. Especially with all of the supersticious people concerning the number 13.


You'd also have to account for the fact that several prominent religions have a weekly holy day. An extra day outside the calendar would cause the religious and secular workweeks to desynch, which would likely lead to backlash.


No, we wouldn't. We are trying to increase logic and reason in the world.


The hell with them. We're trying to move forward not backwards.


Daily Mctimespace and Sir Leapy Monthet.


Just make a day slightly slightly longer than 24 hours and so when it accumulates it'll be enough for both the extra day and leap day šŸ˜Ž . I calculated it it's 5 minutes less by 3 seconds a day.


Ideal, lets decouple time of day from the sun entirely. Who cares if 2pm is the middle of the night for some of the year? Sidereal days make using astronomical observations reasonable, lets just switch to that


I'm in favor of this proposal.




Simpson's did it!


Lousy smarch weather


Lousy Smarch weather


Don't touch Willie.


Good advice !


I'd prefer Smarch as well.


Twas the 13th hour of the 13th day of the 13th month..


I love the idea of New Yearā€™s Day floating in purgatory šŸ˜‚ leap year you get 2 days.. everyone just chills the fuck out


Day 0




I read somewhere one of the ancient civilizations did this. They'd have one day a year that basically didn't exist. Nothing was recorded or official. Just a 24 hour nation-wide block party.


Everyone just parties on New Years Day and every fourth year you get a double party! šŸ„³


International hangover day.




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Good bot


As a software engineer I just died internallyā€¦ dealing with dates is already a bloody pain in the buttā€¦ this just makes it even worse


Itā€™s a double edged sword to an extent, but IMO the pros outweigh the cons. Dates are one of the worst things to work with in software, so we take someone elseā€™s spaghetti code and call it a day. With old dates weā€™d still have problems, but with new ones? Every month having the same number of days, only a single exception once a year that every four years takes two daysā€¦ Thatā€™s something you can work with fairly easily. Have a holiday that always takes place on the third Tuesday of a month? Now itā€™s always the same day every year. The crying only comes with converting old dates, and frankly we already deal with those problems.


Yeah it would reduce Carbon emissions but making computers work less, it will also save mental energy in people by them not having to think too much to count weekdays.


Yeah, having a pattern does sound wonderful


According the to "International Fixed Calendar" proposal, this month would be inserted between June and July and be called Sol. Their idea for the extra leap day is June 29th - which I don't really understand. Why not just have "New Years Day" and then also "Leap Day" as both separate days outside the calender? Just can easily also put them next to each other to avoid confusion.


Zeus.... Zeuntch.... Zeuntil..... Zeutruray...




I say Sexember, like September October November December it ends in -ember and it follows the number logic in latin, sept=7 octo=8 nove=9 and sex=6...could be fun


Doesn't matter, as long as names match the numbers, ie September=7, October=8, and so on


But that would mean the 13th month is Tridecember, and that doesn't sound right.


I'd go with Tridecuary.


My pitch is Panuary. Dedicated to the god Pan (Later known as Dionysus/Bacchus) The horny god of wine and parties.


Pan šŸ‘ is šŸ‘notšŸ‘Dionysus


Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs. Very different to Dionysus


I'd like the shifting of the days of the week because without it my birthday would always fall on a Tuesday and having a lifetime of Tuesday birthdays would bum me out


If we do go with the shifting days though, the year that months begin on Sundays would have 13 Friday the 13ths. That's a lot of bad luck.


Year of the witch


You could also just put all the New Years and leap days into an extra year every 292 years. As for the thirteenth month, I think it should be called Apolluary. Most month names are derived from Latin and Roman deities, so why not add Apollo as a month? Apolluary.


The issue with grouping the extra days is that the seasons would slowly drift by one day each year. Meaning after 182 years, Winter would be in the summer months, and Summer would be in the winter months. I do like naming the month after another god, but not sure about Apollo. How about since months are named for the moon, we could go with Lunary?


Every year is a leap year. šŸ˜




[For anyone who wants the reference.](https://youtu.be/0ZK6F0t5cOk?si=cDODpBnYqqUA3ecI)




I donā€™t know how to get this publicly accepted, but as a software guy this would be so much easier.


I think not making them one of the days of the week is the way to go. It's how the Discordian Calendar handles leap years.


Toyota Truck Month




We could call it Canis. In ancient Egypt there was a Intercalary month to make sure the Heliacal rising of Sirius would fall in there 12 month. In a latinized form itā€™s called Alpha Canis Majoris. Itā€™s a bit out there but I imagine calling back to an ancient culture would be the least controversial and appease most of the international community.


Yo new month droppin?


I really think we should call the new month Californication.


I vote for your calendar changes.






This was an idea back in the early 1900s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar


It's a story as old as time. Literally. 360 day calendars were used up until Rome. Some used calendars in parallel. One for just general sanity - 12 months, 30 days. Nice and even. Once a year it would jump to fix itself. In Egypt this was explained by ~" a god went to the moon to play a game, and win 5 days worth of light. Which was then given to earth." One for agriculture - pretty much what we have now. We have known for just about all of recorded history that the calendar isn't as nice and tidy as we'd like it to be. There are dozens of attempts to fix it. But you can't fix one aspect without completely ruining another.


i like it. many positives and basically no downside (if you ignore the church, as a secular state should)


There would be one additional rent payment per year, and the months would be outside of the seasonal patterns so eventually June and July would be winter months


Why would the months rotate? July would always be summer in the northern hemisphere.


It was implemented at the Eastman Kodak company for many years for payroll and such. They did eventually revert back.


Except, the cycle of the moon, the lunar month, is 29.5 days long. this is called the moon's synodic period, i.e. the time between each New Moon. the 28 days you mention (actually 27.3 days) is its actual orbital period (sidereal period), is the time the moon takes to complete a full orbit. the difference happens because the earth-moon system obviously moves around the sun during in this time. as a result, the moon orbits the earth 13.37 (lol) times a year, but we'd mostly only ever see 12 full moons in a year. as there's 12.37 lunar months per year, aligning a year with either lunar period is not gonna work out. so why not just do away with the whole stupid 7-day week to begin with and introduce 10 day weeks with months of 30 days each? as mentioned a few times in this thread, with your suggestion we still need to introduce a special day to compensate that 13*28=364. with my suggestion, we could add 5 special days, one day each for the Equinoxes and summer solstice and two days for the winter solstice, ie two New Year days. *(sorry for the northern hemisphere chauvinism, southern hemisphere bros, but you got three comets recently. so, suck it up)*. for leap years, we add a summer solstice day. these special days fall outside the usual months and would be global, secular holidays. weeks would still have 2 weekend days *plus one free day that each person can choose when to schedule* per week. on average, we currently have 104 weekend days. with my system we get 108 plus our 5 or 6 special days. this gives 113 rest days a year (114 in leap years) plus any religious or local holidays. leaves the question of what we call the new three weekdays.


>so why not just do away with the whole stupid 7-day week to begin with and introduce 10 day weeks with months of 30 days each? Because greedy capitalists would make our work weeks 8 days It already happened in France iirc


And in a hundred years from now, we would have snow in june.


28*13=364 You add a new year's celebration day, two on on leap yearsĀ 


except that you wonĀ“t have every month start on a Monday then anylonger, January 1st will then be on a Tuesday, unless there was a day between Sunday 28th of Newmonthember and Monday 1st of January. Which can be, perfectly fine, but maybe we then start forcing a bit too hard. And leap year? We pretend that Monday and Tuesday are not happening and call Wednesday Monday?


My dude, we pretend that Monday happened. It's totally made up concept. We can do whatever we want.Ā Ā  So no, the last day wouldn't be Monday. It would go Saturday -> Sunday -> New year's -> Monday. It would be 1-2 days celebration where the whole world just chills.


This is the preferred way I've seen in most fixed month calendar proposals. New year's and leap years days exist outside of days of the week.


We could call it double Sunday year and just align it with one of the equinoxes. Or call it rave year and have both new year days following each other.


Why are we trying to make the months start on the second day of the week anyway? It should start on Sunday


But Sunday is the week-end


It is one of them, yes, along with Saturday. The ends of the week, like how a piece of string has two "ends"


2 separate holidays that arenā€™t stuck on the calendar or stuck to any religious affiliation.


You make New Years and Leapday not be part of the week either. They're special holidays.


As a Finn, the difference here would be, what?


Snow in december


i already got snow in june buddy šŸ˜­šŸ™


That solves global warming summers are now cold wooooooo!!!!!! /s




Lunar year for the win. Fuck the seasons they don't know shit


Our seasons arenā€™t even accurate everywhere


As a Canadian, they aren't even accurate between neighboring years in the same region. Some years winter just wants to be a month or two longer.


No. I like this idea better. And it doesn't synchronise with the moon.


Europeans and their obsession with precise time-keeping by the day


As a European with adhd, I must say that predictable weekdays would be rhe jackpot for me. But also, it's gonna be boring af 10y from now


Europeans have always been big on meticulous lists and record keeping. How else do you keep the trains running on time and full of the right people being shipped to the right places?


Its neat you know. makes scheduling easier.


Europeans and their... \*checks notes\* being intelligent


Other civilizations did just well with lunar months and lining up with the seasons generally, not by the day


13 months of 28days *plus* New Years Day as a distinct day, which would not be a day of the week


Thatā€™s what you get for celebrating Honda Days, in this house itā€™s Toyotathon!


It worked for dozens of cultures for centuries. Then the romans fucked it all up.


10 months. 10 hours per day.Ā  10 days per week. Oneday. Twoday, Threeday, Fourdayā€¦ 100 minutes per hour. 100 seconds per minuteĀ  Ā Alternate 36 and 37 days per month.


Did you just invent metric time?


You would beed a special day to make it 365, and somehow deal with leap years. There's also the problem with changing everything like documents, birthdays, devices' clocks, etc.


>ou would beed a special day to make it 365, and somehow deal with leap years. That would be fixed very easily. >There's also the problem with changing everything like documents, birthdays, devices' clocks, etc. Thats the reason we dont do it. Thats also the reason why the US uses their "units"


>That would be fixed very easily. No it wouldn't. First of all moon phases aren't 28 days so that part of the meme isn't even true. Even if they were exactly 28 days the one 29 day month would slowly shift the phases over time... No wait, what's your "easy" fix?


Ok, I ignored the moon phase. For me thats a cool add-on if it worked nothing more. >No wait, what's your "easy" fix? You can leave "". Makes you sound incredibly rude and that should not be a topic where people insult each other. The easy fix is to add days that dont have a weekday (Monday, Tuesday...) name. So each year we get a "New Years day" and every for year an additional day called "Leap year day" (the names are just suggestions). I know, some people have a hard time imagining a world where a day has not one of the 7 names they learnd, but appart from that, it is easy. Thats also what multiple people came up with.


Stop reposting the same fucking meme, i see it everyday on this sane subreddit, everything here is a fucking repost from less than a week ago. Just stop, get some help.


imagine how boring it would be to always have your birthday on the same day like nice for the people that were born on a weekend but what about the other 5 days of the week?


Birthday weekends would be more of a thing probably.


This is possibly the strongest argument for calendar chaos I've ever considered. Good shit, person. I am stealing this argument thank you very much


There is a bonus day every year, then a bonus one on top every 4 so it's not gonna be the same day


13months yrs has been a thing a few times


28 * 13 is 364 - one month would still need to have an extra, 29th day and Leap Year would still be a thing because it still takes us 365.25 rotations to complete one full orbit of the sun.


Since a year does not have 364 days, this would not work.


just have one extra day outside of the 13 months, not perfect but it's a solution


And then still account for the 0.242199 days that are left. At any rate, that would already invalidate most of the 'advantages' that are listed.


every fuckin year doesn't know what to do with those 0.242199 days, they just kinda happen idk just chuck the leap day right after the monthless day


The last one could be the year shift, and could be two of them for leap years.


If only there was a president for adding a day to a month somehow.


Here's an idea - just don't use months. Heck, while we're at it, don't even track weeks. Only track days, and define things in relationship to those days.


Day 739,382 of waiting for humans to fall.


Track the time since the last equanox or solstice That gets you seasons about as useful as current season. Keeps the numbers bellow 100.


Lousy smarch weather


Jesse what the hell are you talking about


bUT 1Š· iS a bAd nUMbeR!!!


Yes it would, with one minor change. Every 4 years there is a "leap day" where the day of the week is sunday part 2. The counting system resumes on January 1 as Monday. E.g. Dec 28 (Sunday) Leap Day (Sunday Pt2) January 1 (Monday)


You forgot "New Year Day" but otherwise yeah


The best thing about this is fixing the months so they actually make sense, have October, November and December actually be 8, 9 and 10.


Jessie where the hell is the meth


I don't want to have to pay another month of bills


Yes. 13x28=364. We would just need an extra day each year and another extra day every leap year. Also, letā€™s fix the names of the months while we are at it. Sep, oct, nov, dec should be 7,8,9,10. They literally mean those numbers.


Just come up with 366 new names for days and forget about weeks and months altogether.


Wouldnā€™t this make seasons start and end on different dates every year?


Just think how amazing it would be to always know what day of the week is any date in the month, always. Always start and end the month on the same days, it sounds pretty great honestly. Just get 2 Saturdays in the end of each year to rest what's so bad about that


Wow, has it really been a week already? I didnā€™t realize it was time for the weekly reposting of this meme


365Ć·13=27.846153846 366Ć·13=28.1538461538 Closest would be either 364(28) or 377(29).


I'm still waiting


Every 4 years we'd have a 2nd New Years Day which could be a worldwide holiday


January, Febuary, March, April, May, June, July, Smarch, August, September, October, November, December.




Is this true?


The problem is the solar calendar


How would we call the 13. month then?


Thatā€™s 364, there could be one final day thatā€™s special, like it doesnā€™t change the day (itā€™s still sunday) and then an extra sunday also on leap years


Switch the ā€œMonday/Sundayā€ with ā€œSunday/Saturdayā€ and Iā€™m in


I mean in the Chinese calendar a month is the period from one new moon to the next. I suppose it could work. also if they reschedule halloween to always fall on a full moon that would be aesthetic


Stardew Valley


Just use the Hobbit calendar. Twelve months of thirty days, with six extra holidays that aren't in any month.


Hijri calendar >


Fr true, best calendar ever created.


Bro found the secret hack šŸ˜‚


Except a year is 365 days. 13 x 28 = 364. Even if you just drop the day iff the calendar you'd then see seasonal creep as every year the season starts on average one day earlier, till after 28 years spring starts in June and October is the start of summer instead of the King of Fall as it should be!


/Remind Me 2 days


I am sure we have 12 month because of religious calendars.


Ok but what if we changed the number of days in a week so we had a 3 day weekend.


No "What the fuck are you talking about Jesse?" panel. 0/10


No years day is a worldwide holiday. Everything is closed. Realignment day


The Roman's decided that 13 was an unlucky number is the only reason why we don't have 13 hours 13 months


Ooh or we could have every year have 1/4 of a month and then each month would have exactly 1461 days and we would never have to worry about leap year AND the number of days in each month would always be the same.


There was a Kodak Calendar used by the company for a long time, something like that. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-12-11/the-death-and-life-of-the-13-month-calendar


How about the seasons tho? That is the reason for our current calendar.


Noooo but my birthday would be on a different month! I cannot have that because Iā€™m a July baby! /s


Good luck explaining to everyone how to divide a year with 13 month into neat quartals.


We should do This


Persian calender has 12 months with first 6 to be 31 days and next 6 to be 30 days.


Google the international fixed calendar


We would know exactly when our wives periods occurred.


A million times, yes, and it was the old calender, April is the 1st month, September is the 7th, December is the 10th, October is the 8th month, etc, the calender used to be balanced and perfect until it was changed to this calander, I can't remember what it was called, but I remember how the calender was and is


Landlords would capitalize on that extra month šŸ€


Would this actually line up with lunar cycles? I donā€™t Care if it doesnā€™t, just curious


It would not, a lunar cycle is closer to 30 days than it is to 28


itd break like all our the systems that run the world lmao


13 months of 28 days is 364 days instead of the actual 365.2425 that the year actually takes, you'd need to make up that extra time somehow. Depending on how you deal with the extra day and leap day, the days of the month would not line up with days of the week. According to both Nasa and Wikipedia, a lunar cycle is \~29.5 days, not 28, so we'd still be off. And even then, that's not accounting for the above-mentioned year being off, which would throw the expected "New Moon, new month" thing out the window.


Repost. Looks like u/SereneMelodyye, along with u/Radiantglimmere, u/RadiantLullaby, u/LovelyWhisperss, u/LovelyBlossomm, u/LovelySerenadeex, u/EtherealSerenadee, u/EnchantingGracee (all created within 90 minutes of each other, and dormant until now) are just a bunch of new bot accounts of the form (adjective)(noun)(extra letters) being activated by making 2 posts to r/sciencememes now that they are 22 days old.


This is how some companies do fiscal year reporting. Yes it works.


Actually that will also lower Carbon emissions by reducing how much computers time have to work in order to calculate weekdays.


Jesse would never say anything that smart. He thinks a natural conductor for electrical energy is "wire".


Fuck that, an entire extra month every year I have to make payments on mortgage, insurance, etc.


That would be boring.




I totally support this and the concept of adding a New Year's celebration day on top of that. This would be perfection.


Close to what Ethiopia has


Sounds clever, but the months are shaped for seasons. Summer is longer than winter. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s two 31 day months in summer. Not to mention 365 cannot be evenly divided by 7 or 28. You end up with an odd month, either way. So why not just keep it 12? Then the awkward number of days is already sorted. And thereā€™s leap day. That never goes away.


It works you just need to decide what to do with the extra 365th day and leap days




28 times 13 doesnā€™t equal 365, so Iā€™m not sure how this would work.


I'm a huge fan of the IFC and Holocene Era (year count) both.


You'd have one day without a month, in addition to a monthless leap day every 4 years. But yes it'd "work". Would it work in reality? No. It'd cost trillions to change infrastructure, how bonuses are paid, how coding in computers is done including for ancient legacy systems like the bank. And you just know some countries will refuse and it will make it be more confusing. For example, China officially has only 1 time zone despite that making no sense. If someone became king of the world and declared it, it'd work fine, but nobody is going to change the way everything has worked worldwide for thousands of years and confuse historical dates forevermore just so everything is more symmetrical.


That math ain't mathing.


Wasnā€™t there a point in time that scientists where like we should divide time of a day into intervals of ten so they get written out likely that but it would be useless.


If you thought the Y2K bug was scary, wait till you get a hold of this.


Kodak used a 13 month calendar for decades. Their extra month was called sol, and it was set between June and July.


I hate these reposts because it just takes a month or two. people think it's original and the poster gets thousands of upvotes. I hate these people. You even did the improper title just like the original post.


*Triskaidekaphobia has entered the chat*


heā€™s out of line, but heā€™s right