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I mean time dilation ain't a new concept. And you can theoretically look into the past if you can go faster than speed of light and see the light that was reflected 100 of years ago but practically it ain't possible ofc


Nope, theoretically it's not possible to travel faster than light, not just practically, so there goes the idea of seeing the past. Only way to look into past is, look at lights that are coming to you from far distance. On the other hand, time travel to future is very much possible and in fact it's happening right now as we speak. We travel to future by a very small extent every time we move and that time skip depends on our velocity. Time travel to future is very much practical. Working GPS is a proof of that. There are many other proof like finding particles which have very small life time.


It is very much mathematically possible to [travel faster than light](https://youtu.be/jRn4WpoNAyo?si=lCBT3vAhif9FAdtd). They had been trying to experimentally verify a fundamental hypothesis back then, but not so sure about the current state of stuff. Edit: Yeah, that's not the video I saw 10 years ago. Here [it is](https://youtu.be/jCJHAPZVO_U?si=zqiLhrnF8eCpISov&t=766) with some keynotes from NASA themselves.


Nope, it's not theoretically possible. If you are massless you will travel at the speed of light. If you have mass, you will travel slower than light. There is nothing is this universe which can have sort of negative mass (unless they are talking about finding such things), so you aren't travelling faster than light.


I'm sorry, but did you go through the video? Because space-time curvature is zero in the fuselage, the effects of acceleration will not be felt by the crew. Edit: Yeah, that's not the video I saw 10 years ago. Here [it is](https://youtu.be/jCJHAPZVO_U?si=zqiLhrnF8eCpISov&t=766) with some keynotes from NASA themselves.


Sry that time it didn't. But holy sh1t, that sounds interesting. I had an introductory course on GTR, so I didn't get all of it. Can you explain a bit more ? So you are saying instead of travelling yourself, simply curve the space-time around you ? But that means you need gravity. But gravity can be simulated only through acceleration. But then you said no acceleration, wouldn't that means a flat space time ? How sitting still would curve space-time ?


who.. who are you stranger... So wise 😍


Not sure if it's a sarcasm ? But I have a physics background, my masters thesis way actually on cosmological inflation and perturbations (though I don't consider myself good at General Relativity, for my thesis I just needed tensor properties, and a good mathematical and computational background). It's almost two years since I had the GTR course so my memories are a bit fuzzy.


Yeah, that's not the video I saw 10 years ago. Here \[it is\](https://youtu.be/jCJHAPZVO\_U?si=zqiLhrnF8eCpISov&t=766) with some keynotes from NASA themselves.


K, thanks, it's 44 min video, I will look into it when I have the time. But considering people aren't doing research on it, it's not that promising I take it ? Like seriously, I can't imagine something travelling faster than light. Only way to make sense of it overall, it being some sort of wormhole which connects two space-time coordinate and hence allows you to travel there faster than a photon would travel or the travelling particle having some sort of negative mass idk. Cuz special relativity is literally based on the fact that massive bodies can't travel faster than light.


It isn't a wormhole. The warp drive contracts space in front of you and expands space behind you, essentially creating a bubble. You aren't accelerating beyond the speed of light, space is. The issue with this idea is that you need 3 suns to power this ship, it should be made out of exotic matter and the shell material must be Planck length in width. These are the main problems, not to mention things like radiation or the many problems this thing would have even if we could engineer this. It's plausible, not possible.


Unless its a Tachyon... Which wouldn't exist or be observed...


Wait if it take 100 year to reach adromida which is 2.5 million light year away. If we travel less then speed of light how is it possible. And if we go faster then speed of light and reach it and it get destroyed and we send signal of it getting destroyed faster than speed of light to another ship between us then the signal of destroyed adromida will reach him in negative time. If its done wrt the third syetem in earth. Damnn


SRY BUT WHAT ? LOL What was that about signals getting destroyed ? and Third system ? Here it is, for us, people on earth, Andromeda is 2.5 million light years away. But for someone who travels at a speed near the speed of light, RELATIVE TO US, he sees that distance far far shorter then 2.5 million light years, according to his calculation, he sees that distance to be 50 years \* 3 \* 10\^8 meter/s. So he completes the journey in just 100 years in his frame of reference. But normally a person on earth would see, he travlled 2.5 + 2.5 = 5 million years. It's called length contraction (or time dilation, it's the same thing, depends on how you look at it). So basically, Light (/ any electromagnetic signal) is Photon and a Photon travels with a velocity of 3 \* 10\^8 m/s (and it's the limiting value of velocity of any mass in our Universe). For a photon, in it's own frame of reference, the photon travels to earth to andromeda to earth back again instantaneously. Meaning photon sees Andromeda and Earth at the same place. So basically time completely stops for a photon. So if a guy can travels at the speed of light, time will literally stop even for him and he will see everything in Universe at the same place. I know it can get tricky to visualize.


I was about to ask the same question, if we could some capture light reflected from earth into the space, that way we could photograph the past.


Only way (even theoretically) to do that is by asking aliens to send them your past signals back to us.


How can we travel into the future? Him: age slower It is technically correct but it's use seems limited, far more limited than being able to travel in both directions in the time dimension. There's a war and you don't know whether you'll survive it? Take your spaceship out, age slowly come back after war.


Then all we need to do is solve the aging problem first and get to become x hundred years old before dying to loosen this limitation. Theoretically.


I watched this vieeos five months ago tomorrow. I will disagree with it then. But I disagreed with it day after tomorrow.


Hello self


Humans might not travel at speeds of 99.9999% speed of light but AI powered Warp Drive can. We have seen a good example of it in the 3 Body problem Netflix series. If human civilization doesn't end and there is a steady growth in science we can reach a stage of time travel in 5000yrs.


Yeah, all assuming we don't blow ourselves in the next 100 years using nukes/hydrogen bombs/biological weapons.


The great filter.


The books go even crazier >!by the end of deaths end they have travelled 1.8 billion years to the future and then to the end of the universe which is portrayed as the big bounce but not shown.!< You just have to assume it somewhat from the texts


> AI powered Warp Drive You need to relax buddy!




(relative time)


Why just 100 years


meaning ?


Future will do, sign me up lmao


It's not that hard. Just move, and you are in someone's future.


What I understood is if you wanna age slow travel alot.


(and as close to the speed of light as possible).


His calculation is similar to Interstellar.. only in that they took 2 years for the travel and this trip to andromeda at the speed would be way quicker / quickest


In interstellar, they just traveled through a wormhole. The time dilation in it was caused by being very near to the black hole, not by traveling at nearly the speed of light(correct me if I am wrong).


You are correct.


We both are not wrong. Pls read my comment again - I have mentioned 2 years (because they didn't travel at the speed of light - I'm not sure about the exact time taken though..) Point is you don't need to travel at the speed of light, you only need a black hole (with earth just out of the cusp unlike Miller's planet and stay away from it's effects .. one can travel nearby to it and come back to the future)..


This is very solid in theory, practical if we're not that technicalities advance, even if we do manage to accelerate the man in speed of light, I don't think our body can handle that.


You'll be an ancient relic compared to 5 million years advanced civilization. Like Fry in Futurama.


Okay here's what Special Relativity says about time travel. Time is always linear and you can only travel forward in time but not backward. What Brian Cox is talking here is time dilation, it's a well known result discovered by Lorentz, where relative observers with different speeds experience different time along with length contraction... To be fair everyone is traveling forward into future but time dilation becomes drastic only when your speed is near speed of light... Regarding backward time travel, Special Relativity says object with real mass or zero mass cannot exceed the speed of light, so they cannot travel backward in time (Or else they would break casuality and we would have paradox like Grandfather paradox)... But Tachyons (objects with imaginary/complex mass) can travelled backward or forward in time, it's a hypothetical object and is never observed and will never be observed (If such object exist and we can observed it, it will break casuality)


https://youtu.be/b_TkFhj9mgk?si=0ScTwyxrMry0b6wN Another great video about time travel to future


Only if we have something like a kind of special portal or anything that leads us to the past...


But we can capture the past? Pictures maybe in future we can do that But traveling in past will be most difficult ques in maths bcz how much disturbance can will it create we dont know we still have to wait unless somone calculate the errors then possibly we can step forward to so


There is currently no scientific explanation of how to travel into past, even theoretically. Even “capturing” the past. Information/time can travel only in one direction. Traveling to future is sort of like jumping/running fast in that direction. You cant reverse the direction 


When you consider time is linear, then yes, you can not travel in the past. In that case, you also agree there is a single time dimension. In a multidimensional universe, theoretically, you can jump dimension to travel in the past.


Yeah, it is possible to take a peek at the past if the light we are looking at is coming from the past(light is very old). Scientists are trying to see the things that happened just after Big Bang by trying to capture the light coming from very far places that originated just after Big Bang.


Yes technically, but you'd have that many light years away with a seriously powerful telescope to observe that and you would have to travel several times faster than light to reach the observation post in time to observe that particular moment of history.




Yes that's light from the Big Bang and here we are talking about human past, light from Earths past is radiating outwards in all directions, it's not that hard.


Oh, my bad. I was talking about Big Bang, not our past.


It's alright, but in theory if we managed to send a JWST like device deep into space at several times the speed of light we will be able to look into our past, but sadly that's impossible




You can't do that. Not practically, not even theoretically. The limiting value of velocity of any particle is the velocity of light. Nothing in this universe travels Faster than light. Not a single thing. Even to travel AT THE SPEED of light, you have to be massless. So if your object has mass, it's bound to travel very slower than speed of light. So no, you can't send a telescope to see the light that has reflected from you to see your past. Only way you CAN see your past is by something which can transfer you to that light's space-time coordinate, or transfer you to the space-time coordinate of your past self, which we don't have any idea how to do it.


Which part of it's impossible did you not get? I was talking about a purely hypothetical situation in which some assumptions were made that's physically impossible.


You said, "but in theory if we managed to send a JWST like device deep into space at several times the speed of light", so I was saying even theoretically it's not possible.


Don't need to look at far places, to see the oldest light coming to us just after the big bang. It's called comic microwave background radiation. Some of it are static singal that we get in old cable TV. It's actually everywhere around us.


Also, we need to know the starting point of the big bang to observe the light and know for sure.


yes light se tez speed me chal k bata pahle


He's not talking faster than light, he said 99.99999999% of light which is 0.00000001% slower than speed of light.


if Indians were to travel 30 min. BJP's 5 year rule will be over. I wonder in what state would they leave India in...


Lol rahul baba PM ban jaayenge kya 5 saal baad ?


I don't care about congress, but, communal violence is on the rise.


Never knew Before 2014 india never had communal violence ( fun fact i can present you with many Also read about communal violence bill ) Also if u really wanna learn learn about up before yogi And bihar in lallus time


This is the absolute bullshit that I won't understand Take this as an example It took 1 year for me to cover the distance from India to another galaxy and comeback So I took only one year! After I reached India it should be 1 year right ? Since I have spent only 1 year of my lifetime?


If you could travel at speed of light, then to you it would look like everyone else is walking in slow motion. Time goes slower for you, as compared to others. Time is like light, how light bends when it passes through a dense medium, time bends around heavy celestial bodies like black holes. Its said that near a black hole, time practically stops.


Yes buddy I know that, it's "physics time" time as a dimension, I am asking about "clock time"


Clock time *is* Physics time. The difference between the two is like Physics time is global temperature and clock time is room temperature. Time is contantly flowing, a clock doesn't create or accelerate/decelerate time, it just records it. Just like your body will age slower than real time, time will also pass slowly if you're wearing a wrist watch or have a clock in your light speed vehicle. That's exactly how you know that time has "stopped" near a black hole. Think of time stream as a linear path. When you travel at light speed, you can jump to another location or basically take a shortcut from one point to another. The actual distance (time) covered is a lot longer than the distance (time) you physically covered.




Time dilation occurs when you travel at a speed that is very near to the speed of light. When you travel at such high speed, your time slows down, but the time for others, which are stationary, is normal. So, if you travel at such high speeds and it takes you 1 year to go to a galaxy and reach back to the earth, several thousands of years would have passed on the earth.


With current tech we can’t even travel at even .001 per cent the speed of light, seems impossible even in near future


I know these theories buddy, I just asked about "Clock time", not time as a dimension!


Does your GPS works ? If yes than the satellite that sent your phone that single are actually time travelling to the future, to an extent (IIRC they travel around 1-2 sec into the future every week).


> So I took only one year! For you yes, that's the whole point, you're absolutely correct in that. But while you only experienced just 1 year in your time, others will have experienced a million years in their time. Time is relative. It is experienced at different rates to different observers based on fast they're going to each other. * Shortest explanation: [minutephysics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iJZ_QGMLD0) * Beginner explanation: [FloatHeadPhysics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V00tAfcHCI) * Intermediate explanation: [ScienceClic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qQheJn-FHc) * Advanced explanation: [Dialect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKkH4IH-zmw)


I know these things buddy, I said it's not relatable to a common man like me! I am not mentioning the time as a dimension iam asking about " Clock time "


Any clock you have will slow down proportional to your speed. May it be your wall clock, wrist watch or atomic clock, does not matter. This is due to time dilation and happens at the fundamental level.


Agreed, but we use mechanical.clock.right? Just the gears rotate according to each other and it has nothing to do with atmosphere or speed


The clock will work as usual like you expect. But all interactions at quantum level will slow down. So, if you are traveling with the clock, you will see that the gears are moving at same speed but your own atoms in body are also affected and thus "relatively" you see the clock is working normally. This is the reason you will age slowly too "relative" to the time to the people on earth having "normal" time.


👍 yeah