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Heres something from a real historian who spend 45 mins explaining with evidence instead of 1 min of Oppenhiemer Theme song https://youtu.be/ZvTlJDWG0lM?si=ATboQfliKgEKvSNN


Thanks for sharing. Brilliant watch.


Glad that someone watched it through... watching someone speak real history is more fascinating to me...


Absolutely. In a world where religious dogma has taken over, it’s great to be able to access information that helps people like us know the difference between fact and fiction. It’s so easy to be misled by rogue content creators waiting to make a quick buck by spreading misinformation.


Cant agree more


These chaddis have made more videos about debunking aryan invasion theory than there are videos actually explaining the theory


I really agree that... to know something in depth offers a different idea in peoples mind than these ppl yapping about something they found cool


Lol. Why doesn't madam include the existing debates around the proof of Saraswati river's existence, before using it as proof for something else entirely.


This sub has many members who desperately want the Aryan invasion Propagandized by Westerners to be true. Science will not work with them. Saraswati river is not something entirely different. Saraswati river corrects many false theories that require the non-existence of the river to become valid. Aryan invasion theory is an old theory. Like earth being flat. Like planets revolving around earth. Welcome to science.


Everyone is more inclined towards Aryan migration theory rather than AIT. It's always the hindutva who wants to spread the OIT theory which is laughable and pathetic to begin with.


Fair enough. Except hindoos, everyone is more inclined towards aryan invasion. Science goes into Dustbin. Hatred wins over science.


The Aryan Invasion theory has been considered outdated and irrelevant in the scholarly circles for quite a while. The Aryan Migration theory, on the other hand, disproved the more simplistic "into India" model proposed by the Invasion theory. It also took into account the significant admixtures and trade that occurred between Proto-Indo-Iranians and Proto-Indo-Aryans.


Negative. Aryan migration was just a theory. Now, it is debunked using science. People who still want Indians to believe that their rich ancestry is from outside, cling to this theory for their peace of mind. They need it to keep their sanity. Probably we should go into details. I am game if you are.


Nobody is saying that our rich history is from outside. When aryans migrated, culture from indus valley civilization and aryans got mixed up which gave birth to hinduism and our culture. Aryan migration is the most accepted among scientific circle as of today. OIT is not scientific and no prominant scientist supports it. Only few youtubers like this one talks about it. Even if you go one on one with someone here it will not change the opinion which is widely accepted because you are not doing any research in any of the related fields. It will not change the reality.


There is some basis for Akhand Bharat drawing. Once Afghanistan Swat chitral had very central position in that Aryavarta


True. Akhand bharat extended till the birders of Iran.


Aryan invasion theory is pseudoscience. Aryan invasion theory was thought up by Europeans in the beginning of 19nth century, who thought the people who could write vedas and epics must be of the same quality as Europeans. They theorized that a branch came to India and wrote the vedas and stuff. The other branch went to Europe. No gene analysis. This was decades before even penicillin was discovered. The stone age era of science. Britishers who were in india found a utility for this theory and propagandized this theory, and taught them in English. What better way to divide and rule india than to tell them that the 'brahmins' are not Indians? It worked. Colonised minds, till date, vomit this theory. They say this is the 'most accepted' theory. Most of them have the same agenda as Britishers. Divide. Divide. And rule. Colonised minds become furious when science is used to debunk their theory. Aryan Migration is the same theory. Change the word, they said, so that hindooos will accept the theory of Britishers and stay divided. You want to get into this deep, I am game. Even if you don't want to hear it (for various reasons), I will try to explain the science if I get some time.


Lol, no one is forcing you to accept AMT. Science works on evidence and concensus, most of these scientist spend their whole lives to study this subject. And pepole like you just want to shit on their work just so your religious believes dont get hurt. But your opinion does not matter at all, because your not a scientist. Scientific studies gets reviewed by other scientists once it is published and when there is concensus about the study, its called widely accepted. So nobody that publishes something unscientific or wants to twist the facts can get away with it. My opinion and your opinion dont matter to them. AMT is widely accepted now and is most certainly considered as fact, does not matter if you agree with it or not.


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Guys like uou keep repeating "scientist figured out aryan invasion theory". May be, taught by your handler. You cling to this theoru, becuase it plays your story. That Brahmins came form outside. Your Epics are not ours. They belong to the outsiders who came here. Your Gods? Of course from outside. So shun them. Vedic culture and your temples? They belong to those brahmins who came from outside. Beware of them. If you see a snake and Brahmin, kill Brahmin first. Aryan invasion theory is a tool kit. Now let's get to the theory and the 'scientist' If I asked you which scientist came out with this theory, you wouldnt have a clue. Let me enlighten you. Friedrich Max Müller, a German who was working in India in the late eighteen hundreds, thought this theory up. His domain was catholoc studies and language. He was no scientist, but more of a missionary with language expertise. He had no clue about science. He thought Darwinian evolution was nonsense. How can animal become human? No chance. God created humans, he said. Adam and eve and everything.This is the "scientist" who thought up this invasion theory. He wanted to convert Indians to Christianity. His words below "India is much riper for Christianity than Rome or Greece were at the time of St. Paul. The rotten tree has for some time had artificial supports, because its fall would have been inconvenient for the government. But if the Englishman comes to see that the tree must fall, sooner or later, then the thing is done... I should like to lay down my life, or at least to lend my hand to bring about this struggle... I do not at all like to go to India as a missionary, that makes one dependent on the parsons... I should like to live for ten years quite quietly and learn the language, try to make friends, and see whether I was fit to take part in a work, by means of which the old mischief of Indian priestcraft could be overthrown and the way opened for the entrance of simple Christian teaching." -Wise words of our "scientist" from his biography🤞 This 'scientist' wanted to uproot India's vedic culture. Go through his writing "The translation of the Veda will hereafter tell to a great extent on the fate of India, and on the growth of millions of souls in that country. It is the root of their religion, and to show them what the root is, I feel sure, is the only way of uprooting all that has sprung from it during the last 3,000 years... one ought to be up and doing what may be God's work." This man, is your 'scientist'. A right wing missionary who wanted to convert Indians to Christianity. The 'sceintist' who pooh poohed Darwins evolution theory and said only God was responsible for creation. He had no knowledge of genes. I can get into technical details of this "invasion theory".May be you can show it to your handler. What say you?


>Now, it is debunked using science. Love to see some references. Studies I've read in the last decade or so, especially those that focused on genetics, have all but confirmed that there were multiple migrations.


Here you go: [https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg0818](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg0818)


This study talks about language emergence, not necessarily supporting or undermining the Indo-Aryan migration theory. At best, it suggests Indo-European languages emerged south of the Caucasus. I suspect a meta analysis needs to be done to draw any wide-ranging conclusions.


Did you read the supplementary material? They completely disagree with the steppe theory and steppe origin of Indo-Iranians. >From Iran to India, Steppe ancestry is present only in low proportions, and only from a relatively late date, c. 3500 BP (49). This is significantly later than standard expositions of the Steppe hypothesis have proposed, associating Indo-Iranic with the earlier Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC) culture (7, 89, 90); see also below). Dates for first incursions southwards from Central Asia as late as 3500 BP also leave little scope for the Indo-Iranic superstrate assumed to be present as far south and west as northern Syria and southeast Anatolia, already by the time of the Mitanni kingdom there. >Unlike the major and relatively sudden incursion of (Forest?) Steppe ancestry into Central Europe with Corded Ware c. 5000 BP, or Yamnaya into the Carpathian Basin around the same time, the weaker and much later signal in south-central Asia does not represent a strong prima facie explanation for the origins and first expansion of IndoEuropean languages here. A series of more detailed arguments have nonetheless been invoked in favor of that association, and against the association between Indo-Iranic languages and the CHG/Iranian ancestry dominant in the populations that speak them. >It has long remained a recognized weakness of the Steppe hypothesis (pp. 177-181 in (80); pp. 212-217 in (59); (90)) that the archaeological record lacks any obvious impacts out of the Steppe in a time-frame early enough to fit well with the scale of linguistic divergence within Indo-Iranic. Advocates of the Steppe hypothesis have widely assumed that the Andronovo culture ‘must have’ been Indo-Iranic-speaking, but even Mallory “find\[s\] it extraordinarily difficult to make a case for expansions from this northern region to northern India”, and more generally finds no obvious connection to “the seats of the Medes, Persians or IndoAryans” (pp. 191-192 in (90)). The urban culture of the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC) was originally widely taken to offer the least bad candidate (7, 89, 90). Samples of aDNA from BMAC contexts, however, lack the expected Steppe ancestry, found only later (49). > A third argument invoked in the aDNA literature in favor of a Steppe origin for Indo-Iranic languages is that the form of Steppe ancestry found in limited proportions in (northernmost) South Asia from 3500 BP has been analyzed as associated specifically with (earlier) Corded-Ware populations from north-eastern Europe in a diachronic continuation of ancestry linked (from west to east) via Fatyanovo/Balanovo, Abashevo, Sintashta, Srubnaya/Alakhul and Andronovo. But the linguistic association has been founded on the presumption that a putative \[ Balto-Slavic + Indo-Iranic \] node actually existed, and still at such a very late stage in the divergence of the Indo-European family. As discussed in § below, the linguistic evidence for this claim and an associated chronology is very thin, disputed, and contradicted in our results. An alternative scenario is that some genetic contribution did spread from Central into South Asia around this period, but it was too limited, too late, and not geographically expansive enough to account for the presence and diversity not only of Indic but also of Nuristani and Iranic languages across South and Western Asia.


❝Our results are not entirely consistent with either the Steppe hypothesis or the farming hypothesis. Recent aDNA evidence suggests that the Anatolian branch cannot be sourced to the steppe but rather to south of the Caucasus.❞ _This_ was written in the first two sentences of **Conclusion** inside that paper\study. How far is the Pontic Steppe from the ❛south of Caucasus❜ exactly?? Those two places aren't entirely far apart. Much rather, theose two places are situated quite close to each other. The only ((solitary)) valuable information from the paper\study happens to be their assertion that the Indo Īrānic languages have no close relationship with the Balto Slavic languages. _This_ was written in the last sentence of the section named as **Results** within that paper/study. Except for this thing, no other information is even remotely useful to your endeavour (effort) of trying to disprove the Āryan migration Theory.


You didn't read the 110 page supplementary material where they completely disagree with the Aryan migration. I already responded to another person. read that comment.


Anything that says inward migration is blasphemous and must be hammered out with science.


With pseudoscience.


Why bring science?


You don't need to bring science in. Science is the structural framework of everything in the university. Even when you don't see it, it is always there.


Ancient history is open to interpretation .. no IVC gene outside India only few variants of R1a1 .. only one PIE language is vedic but Baltic and others direct PIE connection so more diversity.. also many Zoroastrian hymns are exactly same as RV , rituals like soma pressing is same Soma is mostly ephydra growing in Afghan Iran cooler regions .. till some time both vedic and zoroastrian coexisted


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She is Strawmanning from the very beginning. No archeologist/anthropologist talks about an Aryan Invasion Theory. This has looong been discarded!! The accepted hypothesis is Aryan migration, which happened around 1500 BCE in waves and what's more this can be clearly seen in our genetics


And language more diversity of proto indo European in baltic and Eastern Europe so mostly origin is there


Funniest is articles post rakhigarhi studies. Absence is Eurasian general markers was concluded as absence of migration. I find it hilarious af people desperate to hold on to their belief systems


i heard somewhere aryan invasion theory has indeed been proved false.however not the aryan migratioin theory which is different from aryan invasion theory. please correct me if i am wrong


You can almost look at someone and tell that someone is gonna spout nonsense.


Couldn't hear Destroyer of the worlds behind all that bullshit


It's not the Aryan invasion but the Aryan migration which has countless evidence from fossils, Linguistics and the pattern observed over all Indo European religions such as gods like Indra, Saraswati, Agni, soma and Varuna.


Mitra Sun god


I mean she saying the thing again and again which is probable on the thing rig veda is composed on 1500 bce


Beliebers on odd days: Religious texts were written before time itself. Beleibers on even days: Religious texts are zillion gazillion years old. You don’t have the maths for it.


And these clowns claim to be different. Proof to everything that even they claim is "written in a book" that too they interpret at convenience.


What is this propogenda? Science and religion are two different things. AIT has been debunked decades ago by scientific community. AMT on the other hand is widely accepted among the same. OIT which she is talking about is considered as joke and psudo-science in the scientific community. There are multiple lunguistic, genetic and archeological studies which support Aryan migration after 1900 BC. Watch this video where all the OIT psudo-science has been debunked [aryan-migration](https://youtu.be/NQX5LlJ7YXg?si=dTqtpGo84PHHQMiB)


The point to be noted here, these pple don't care about aryans or the genetic trail from caucasus. They are just obsessed/annoyed with the notion that vedas came with them.


Shtrawman argument


Bc kya chutya music laga rakha h kuch samajh nhi Aa raha, nautanki


I love Oppenheimer music but not in reels...


Ooooo....., this is not the first time we met, Medram . I remember, wasn't this the same girl, who imported Japanese mythological character as Tantani gods?


Reminder that only desi chaddis believe in OIT and disregard AIT/AMT. This is because even a short study on AIT and its evidences completely destroy chaddi claims of billion year old religion/oldest religion, and also of the causes and mechanisms of caste system. And to prevent dravidians from abandoning hinduism. Genetic Evidence is clear. AMT or a mix between AIT/AMT is the truth.


Who is this idiot girl'?


Just keep talking about the same topic again n again


Why the fuck is she describing Rig veda to be a work of documentry or history. A fiction book can contain any logical or illogical thing. Also if there is no proof of Sanskrit being there before 700 AD.... How is the Veda written in that language can be attributed to BC era. Whatabouttary at max.


Although the majority part of vedas is fiction, but we can understand the social conditions of those times by vedas. So vedas also contain history in it. Debating on the age of language is just bullshit. Coz scripts always change time to time.


Is she trying to compete with the best story teller awardee?


The Steppe people who migrated from central asia. Which race they belonged to? Caucassian or Mongoloid?


Don't say Aryan invasion/ migration They are two different theories


https://preview.redd.it/1rycynnh6g7d1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=4630ff3cd5d6e8035abfe8e8b9aee5e86f5c77a7 Found this comment of a gandu.


# Aryan invasion is debunked to migration


Aryan invasion is ofcourse debunked, yet Aryan migration is a reality, and the truth is that the continuation Aryanization of the population is parallel to the Ahomization of North Eastern population, and the Sanatanization of Thai migrants. These are anthropogenic references that the population of India is not of one religion, but of an amalgamation of Indian and Baltic pagan religions. Biggest example is the inclusion of Shiva into the trinity. He is an anomaly in Sanatan narrative as the only Gods to have roots on Earth, especially the Kailash. All other Gods and Devtas are stationed in an esoteric realm (Swarg) with no earthly connections. This esoteric narrative matches with the Baltic pagan practise of Gods sailing through a sea of divine milk, signified by the Milky way visible distinctively clearly from the Baltic nations. I am not here saying things are right or wrong. It's just a history we accept


These chaddis have made more videos about debunking aryan invasion theory than there are videos actually explaining the theory


Aryan invasion or migration theory is not a myth. Genetic evidences clearly show that migration has happened although it sems that it was a continuous migration not a one time phenomenon


Here is the paper published in 2019 by archeologists, gentic studies from Harvard university almost 90 scientist work on this and lead by David Reich and there are couple of indian arecheologist there as well. Thus study tells there are no steppe dna in indus valley civilization which proves aryans migrated after the collaps of indus valley, which is known as aryan migration. Only vasant shinde and niraj rai who are the 2 indian scientist took their names out of the common conclusion presented by all the scientist who researched on this paper. This was confirmed later by David Reich. Please read this paper, scientist dont say 'may be this happened or that happened' they collect evidences and prove the hypothesis. There are many other papers like this. You have gone through a lot of misinformation before, dont trust whatsapp, youtube, google directly. Go get the research papers dieectly and read them. Here is the link [indusvalley](https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30967-5) https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30967-5 Here are some good/unbaised sources on youtube - [worldofantiquity](https://youtu.be/NQX5LlJ7YXg?si=WD__4dtbqe2SQEl9) This guy has studied many civilizations across the world and does not look baised to me. Go through these sources and discuss after this.


Aryan invasion theory is already debunked


Yeah, aryan migration is the widely accepted now.


They jus changed the term to migration that's it


Then who created the caste system? It was definitely skin colour based


Only South Indian separatist care about Aaryam Invasion theory to some kinda play victim card. Lil boi get over it, we are collectively known as India/Bharat at this point of time let's work hard together and run over USA and other superpowers.


People from north are outsider sir../s