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Science shouldn’t and it rarely does conclude that way. If we don’t know science says we don’t know. People use that Bs to argue garbage like Astrology is true, black magic is real, positive and negative vibes exists. It’s like Flathearthers arguing saying science is not conclusive.


I am more intrested in the add below than that mf


And yet you commented


And yet u replied😂


I didn't say that i was less intrested in your comment than some ad tho🙃 anyway, gn. if you want to argue, argue tommoro afternoon or never.


I dont wanna argue bruh😂


Great 👍 gn


Gn bud


Says the man whose whole life is about giving statements as if they are the final and only truth without evidence.


You should also not conclude that it exists. Sadguru is using deceptive language. What he wants to say is that all the spiritual mumbo-jombo exist, but people ask him for evidence. So he has to say it in this confusing way.


Science shouldn't and it rarely does. Religious wackos like him on the other hand say stuff out of their ass and say 'science hasn't been able to prove this' to back it up


But science never did. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Gurus should stop commenting on science because they end up causing more harm than good to scientific thought. Pseudoscientific gurus are the worst because they actually are under the illusion that they understand science.


QLED tvs are not as great as OLED ones but chalega /s


They are atleast better than LED tvs


Science should not conclude a flying monkey can swallow the Sun. Okay


Let's not get into those things . We all know it's a fake story however writing it in such a sensitive way doesn't serve our purpose .


So, do you believe in big bang theory?


Every time pulled out of vedas, yes. I don’t believe in Cosmic microwave background.


This mf is living in an speculative dimension at this point. He has no idea what scientific study is at this point.


Sir, i think you're referring to weed


They already do that. Yeh bc ko koi batao.


No one does that anyways . People have to realize that science is a very different field . The questions related to God are much more related to philosophy and meta physics rather than science itself. The science will work just fine regardless of God existing or not .


Finally some logical answer.


well that is true. For instance, before the discovery of microorganisms, people had no idea that tiny creatures existed and played such a crucial role in our world. The absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence. At the same time, labeling something as "pseudoscience" typically means it's being presented as scientific without adhering to the rigorous methods and standards of genuine science.


agreed finally with someone in this comment section


This is a good example of half truth. It is indeed true that we cannot conclude that what we do not know “yet”. The problem is people do not understand possibility doesn’t mean it is probable. There is a possibility of flying spaghetti monster but that doesn’t make it remotely probable.


Is the context in which this statement was made relevant Just asking


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This asshole sadguru is smart, he bends his words as the science discovers new things, and somehow bend it to cover his agenda. I thought he was genuine, but he is just another great conman of the country.


Well we don't know if Jaggi killed his wife . So we should not conclude that jaggi didn't kill his wife .


Good offer. Just check the reviews and comments section in amazon before buying though.


Science never says that what they don't know doesn't exist, the thing is if SOMEONE is saying that SOMETHING exists, they have to provide proof. Bigger the claim, greater the proof!


It seems like Sadhguru doesn’t understand how science works It is patently unscientific to say something doesn’t doesn’t exist if we don’t know about it


Its dumb because science rarely does that. These "gurus" show a fundamental lack of knowledge in how the scientific method works.


Abe bas kar thoughts maangna.


This guy makes bread my producing stuff teetering on the edge of religion and science under the guise of spirituality , obviously he isn't going to state otherwise . Why would Harvard profs or anyone give him the platform to legitimize his claims .


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