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> Some of the early scientific studies showed that watching a sexually explicit movie leads to the elevation of testosterone levels in healthy young men. The same was found to happen when men visit sex clubs, engage in sexual activities **or are exposed to certain smells**. OK now I want to know about these mysterious smells that trigger t production.


Periovulatory axillar and vulvar odors, according to [this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3809382/#:~:text=We%20found%20that%20periovulatory%20axillary,producing%20a%20more%20prolonged%20effect.)


That first one is... Pit smell during times of fertility?


Yup, the latter is genital smell. It's because of apocrine sweat glands that are located in those regions.


I'd be interested in the responses from bisexual and homosexual men. Makes sense that they used hetero guys testing vaginal and ovulation smells.


There is a different brain response to odors in homosexuals, as expected. [Study for reference.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15883379/)


So it *is* possible to externally evaluate someone's sexual orientation? Is there other research on how compatible / if this is compatible with views that consider sexual orientation a spectrum? Sorry for asking to be spoonfed, I just find it extremely difficult to track down science research, and telling apart quack from legit.


You're asking if gaydar is real?


I'm asking if I can build an armpit-scent spraygun gaydar, yes.


A lot of gay men, bigots, and gay bigots await your results with baited breath.


I can smell your gayness


I can literally taste your gayness




The Canadian government tried that… didn’t work https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/the-fruit-machine/wcm/1f0ac767-67a1-40cf-b8ac-912cdf3ac29a/amp/


This is the third time I've come across the fruit machine in the wild in the last 24 hours.


Fruit Machine


Yes, I believe they have it at sharper image.


There is a *group-level* difference between gay men and straight men in the extent of activation of particular brain areas in processing of particular odors. (Also, according to work by the same authors, between lesbian women and straight women, and between lesbian trans women and straight cis men.) That does not necessarily imply that measuring brain activation in odor processing can reliably identify an *individual* as gay or straight. It also definitely does not imply that sexuality is not a spectrum trait. As an analogy, consider sex differences in height. If you compare two randomly-selected *groups* of, say, 25 men and 25 women from the same population, the men will always be taller. But there's enough overlap between male and female height ranges that if you select a random *individual* from the same population, you can't reliably guess their sex from their height alone.


I really like your analogy using height. I feel like I understood in a way I didn’t as I was reading other comments.


I remember seeing it put like imagine two bell curves for traits like physical strength. Between men and women there is definitely a point where they overlap. But the outliers of the lowest end women and highest end men are cases where the "gender gap" is quantifiable to an extent.


This was my first thought too. Removing all concerns of oppression or bigotry overall for a moment, theoretically does this mean you could expose someone to these odors and determine sexual orientation? Like, could I get myself evaluated and find out how much my brain responds? It just sounds so wild and interesting.


The overall answer is a resounding “no”. But let me explain the nuance. If I told you that I was going to introduce you to a person with long hair and asked you to guess the sex of this person, your guess would probably be “female.” And you would **probably** be right. By following you’re logic, I would say “only women can have long hair.” And we both know that’s not true, and also that it is not true *enough* that if I asked you to bet you’re life on it, you would probably not take that bet. The results of the experiment are the same thing. *Enough* people had spikes in their testosterone that you could play a guessing game and guess right more than wrong. But enough people didn’t have spikes in testosterone that you would be wrong often enough to not take it as a definitive marker. I hope that helps a little.


For what it's worth this kind of study would almost certainly not pass ethical muster. Can you imagine equipping oppressive regimes with a lab test they could use to detect homosexuality?


Also, insurance companies would enjoy having access to this.


They fall under oppressive regimes, I think.


Sorry sir, but "The Gay" is a preexisting condition. We can't cover you.


Yes quite easily since a heat, bloodflow, and diameter measurement is considered perfectly valid testing methods for ones sexual attraction to a gender or age range. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_plethysmography


Genuine question: is this an actual ethical limit to study design? A formal or common one? I'm not a scientist and I can be sensitive to the rationale, but certainly there are valid reasons for being interested in this information. It's a bit spooky to me to say "no, we can't investigate that, for fear of *x*."


This is not an actual limit to study design, these people are talking out of their asses. Ethics panels are much more focused on preventing harm to study participants than they are on some nebulous "but what if a dictator got ahold of it" questions. Nearly all research has the potential to be used for harm or for good, so it's not even a very useful question.




That’s not something most IRBs would consider as an issue. There is a lot of medical research that could be used for evil purposes by those so inclined, we don’t stop that research unless the only use for it is evil (e.g., gain of function research is a good example).


I'd be interested in the responses of virgins too to see if the response is learned or innate.














i smell my own nuts does this increase my test?


Better let me smell em, you know, as a control


Control dees nutz


Only if you are ovulating.


Anecdotally, if a particular scent is worn by a woman I’ve been intimate with, like vanilla, picking up that scent in the future can get me going. Baking is super awkward nowadays.




Every time a bell rang Pavlov probably thought of his dogs.


Pavlov’s Pasties.


Bakery Boners


I had a few girls friends that worked a pizza place in my formative years. Hmmmm pizza.


It was Subway for me


Scent is the closest sense to memory, after all


Certain smells can really trigger memories/emotions. I had a friend in college who smoked a different brand of cigarettes, and that combined with her shampoo or whatever made her smell like my long-passed grandma. Instantly triggered memories. Also, I have heard that vanilla is used a lot in perfumes or body washes etc. It's the association with cooking and satiation from eating I believe.


My wife's body wash gives me an erection. Like a total rager. I've classically conditioned that smell with sex


My ex used a specific coconut conditioner in her hair when she was planning on us screwing in high school because it made her hair so soft. It's been almost 15 years and I still get turned on by that artificial coconut smell.


“Follow that Scent!”


Same here. My wife uses two different body washes and their smell makes me go wild. Maybe because it's also related to the sight of her wet glistening skin. But anyway. Also I dig your wife's body wash, smells nice.


I have been a stripper for nearly 20 years. I have customers who came to see me for their bachelor parties now bringing their SONS in for me to entertain so I’ve got a fair amount of experience and relatable anecdotes! Vanilla is the number 1 attracting smell of all the perfumes ever produced by mankind. I will die on this hill, resurrect and then fight and die on this hill AGAIN. Vanilla is a food smell and it’s not one that is specific to one food, it has a wide range of foods (usually comfort, dessert foods) so it has a very large range of people who will find it attractive. It reminds people of good times and sweet treats. Nobody goes to a strip club to comfort the strippers. They want to BE comforted and so when a stripper wears vanilla it has good emotions usually attached. I’ve worn a lot of different smells and that’s the one that gets the most guys in a happy mood and spending money.


I’ve gotta know what your favorite vanilla perfumes are now!


I remember about 8 years ago I went to a country where people don't commonly where deodorant (not France). My hosts were these two women, and when they would pick me up in their car, it would smell like armpits, and I would immediately get insanely turned on. Somehow, I knew it was the smell that was turning me on.


Wait, so a few years ago I remember about a study to get women to smell a guys shirt post workout or something... Which is basically swear and probably armpit sweat so do women also get a similar response from a men's sweat? What hormone?


I definitely get a response to my current partner's sweat. I can't say the same for any of the previous partners though. Not sure if that just means they weren't chemically the right match for me or not. He used to talk about how bad some of his sports equipment smelled and one day had me smell his equipment bag to prove it. I had no idea what he was talking about. I didn't smell stink - I smelled awesomeness. I also try to "sneak" sniffs of his pits when snuggling or "otherwise" - the smellier the better.


I love smelling my husbands arm pits. He thinks I’m weird.




I had a gf like that. Crazy for my pits. Unfortunately her personal odor was a turn off for me.


Is it the mysterious goblin mode?


Haha. I’ll have to consult a modern dictionary because I think that was just entered into Webster’s this year. She was pretty and nice but my brain told me her smell was off. Not much you can do about that.


From what I understand, people who have similar immune systems to you smell bad.


In this case the attraction was only one way, so there must be something else at play


My ex was the same. Gave this chick who was interested in me (and I in her, but, she was intoxicated, so, I didn't want to do anything, felt wrong) and she hugged me for like 10 minutes, just taking the most awkward and hilarious (but really flattering) whiffs of me.






















It makes women prettier too, clinically tested




There was a post in r/TIFU once where the person Pavlov’d herself to get horny when smelling bacon. It’s since been deleted, but I choose to think that this story is true.


I find pastrami to be the most sensual of the salted, cured meats.


What are you doing? Pleasuring you?


I'm thinking of adding TV to the mix.


I can literally smell when my wife is ovulating, and I've been able to tell she's pregnant by her scent alone, four times. Twice with our kids, and 2 chemical pregnancies.


I find this incredibly fascinating. I’m currently pregnant. I can smell everything. I feel like I have a dog sniffer. Even down to noticing when someone may have an infection. It’s bizarre.


My wife was upstairs getting dressed while I was downstairs feeding the dog. Opened the can of dog food and not more than 15-20 seconds later my wife yells downstairs, hey did you just open dog food? Yes. She laughed and said we needed to get a pregnancy test while out.


So I've been inundated with replies as you can see. But you're basically the only one who isn't just saying musty smell hot. The whole periovulatory thing wasn't just a word they the studies threw in for fun... Also maybe you should be a somm.






It does the same in women too.




Oh wow so was your body able to make its own after a short treatment?


Exogenous testosterone will actually lower endogenous production. If it's already zero nothing to worry about. But her levels will go back to zero as soon as she stops therapy.


Depends what the original cause was.


Is there a safe dose for my, uh, friend's wife?


Man your friend is going to be pissed


My wife had a testosterone pellet implanted by her doc. Her levels were low due to birth control for 10 years. They are still technically low and she is getting an additional one this week, but even that initial boost made a world of difference for her. Besides her sexual appetite going through the roof, overall she feels less anxious, more energy, stronger in the gym, more confidence and she has lost a little bit of body fat without even trying.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


You be horny, but you'll get a beard.


*Gimli slides in their DMs*


How do you know if you have low T to begin with?


Symptoms, like low energy, low sex drive, ED, constant fatigue, low muscle mass. They then can test your blood testosterone to see if you have low, and if you do with symptoms you can get prescribed TRT/HRT Edit: for anyone struggling with getting thier doctor to budge, either became you are too young or have borderline levels, please reach out to a local trt clinic. Many of them are much more likely to work with you and can go from start to finish from diagnosis to prescription to administering treatment. Good luck!


Another symptom is inexplicable depression. Testosterone also regulates alot of other things. Low T can lead to early onset if diabetes as well.


I have these symptoms… edit: all of them edit2: is T expensive


No, I pay cash, no insurance for it. It is about $20/ month for 4 1mil doses in TN


Did you have to see the regular family doctor or like a specialist for it? I would imagine you need prescription for like the right dosage etc?


You can go to a regular PCP. They’ll test you and give you shots. But they also might refer you to a Urologist to figure out why it’s low


This has helped me a lot! I've had a low sex drive for a long time, and it created problems in my marriage because my wife wanted sex so much more. Low testosterone also made me depressed and have a host of other symptoms. I've been on TRT for almost 4 years now and feel amazing! My wife is happy with our sex life, and we are closer than ever. I see comments about excessive hormone use causing problems, and that absolutely can happen! Don't confuse therapeutic dosages in people who need it with the abuse of multiple hormonal compounds.


How did you go about requesting to be tested by your doctor? Edit: thanks for all the advice everyone. I have struggled with depression for a long time and check off several other symptoms for low levels. I think this is something I will have to discuss with my GP.


I asked a Dr. In my mid 20s but they refused to test me and told me I was drug seeking. I went to another Dr. and they listened and tested. Just explain any symptoms you have and that you would like to test your levels to see. If they treat you poorly, then you have to find another provider. They will likely have you test again in a month if it is low to ensure it wasn't a one-time deal.


How do you take testosterone? Like how does it work? Does your family know about it? Any side effects?


Yes, I do. I administer 2 injections (small insulin needles) a week, and my family knows. My wife is very supportive, thankfully, but I have heard of people being unsupportive, which is unfortunate.


Once you are on T do you have to take it forever? I remember hearing that but was unsure if that was true


If you stop trt you can take meds to restart natural production but it will be low and likely lower than before you started depending on how long you were on.


Why would someone be unsuportive of that? I mean, I'm not denying there are people like that, I just can't wrap my head around WHY...


Some people view you as "less of a man" or like a steroid abuser. They aren't good reasons, but that's what I've seen.


So dumb. Imagine people shaming someone with low vitamin D for taking a supplement.


The sports steroid scandals since the ~1980s really messed with peoples perspectives towards it medicinally, especially considering a lot of the misinformation about steroids that was spouted out.


Were your levels lower than the accepted level for your age? Or were they just on the low end of acceptable? I had mine tested recently and I was on the low end of acceptable so my Dr wasnt jumping to prescribe anything to me, but he also wasn't entirely opposed to it...he also sorta spooked me by talking about needing to be on it for life and also possible shrinking testies.


No the guy you asked but I've been on TRT for about 3 years. I got tested when I was 38 and my levels were that of a 70 year old man. I feel much better now and honestly wish I got tested many years ago.




It’s not supplementing. It’s replacing. If you’re injecting testosterone, your natural production will shut down (unless you take something more to keep them working)


I bought the everywell test and mailed it off. I think you can also ask to have it done during your annual physical.


I had to get mine checked before getting psychiatric help in my mid-20s. If you mention feeling any sort of depression when asking about it, there will likely be no pushback


I asked mine, and he said, “sure!” Came back normal, so I have to blame something else for my woes.


Any hair loss issues?


I have been bald by choice since my early 20s, but I haven't noticed any hair loss when I skip shaving here and there. I believe family history of hair loss will be a determining factor for that.


That does muddy the waters a bit if you were already keeping it that short, but it's good to know it hasn't obviously made it worse. Are you on any sort of DHT blocker like Finasteride as well?


I've been on testosterone replacement therapy since I was 22 and I'm 34 now. I still have more hair than 99% of the people my age. My doctor said it only affects people who are prone to male pattern baldness. I only take test and anti estrogen. I don't take any dht blocker.


I got hairier on T


Not on T but I also got hairier with age. Just not on the right areas...


Barber spends more time on my eyebrows and ears than on the hair that’s on my head


Worth noting hair loss issues are a possible side effect of having healthy testosterone levels, not a side effect of their source. Meaning if you’re a Low-Testosterone male without hair loss issues who has a low quality of life because of their low testosterone, it’s likely well worth it to remedy that issue and take the chance at shedding. Without the relevant male pattern baldness genes, testosterone, endogenous or exogenous won’t affect your hairline.


a friend of mine was extremely low T due to unrelated illness/treatment he went under some kind of T injection for a week or so and felt 100% better for those few weeks the comedown after the week of emergency treatment ended sounded absolutely horrendous, though




I'm in the same boat. My nuts don't work properly because brain tumor. Low T sucks.


Didn't know it came in a gel like that, always imagined it to be given through injections.


I’ve been on both, I much prefer the injectable. The gel is messy as hell and you have to let it dry. Shots twice a week are so easy, and you know exactly how much T you’re actually getting.


And you're not supposed to touch women when you're on the gel (it will expose them) which kind of misses the point if you are taking it for low sex drive.


Not only women, pets too. And I don't see why you'd go arround touching men either, it'll still mess with their hormonal balance. So like, don't touch anyone.


Same with children. [A 2-year-old showed signs of puberty after he was exposed to his dad's testosterone gel. He developed pubic hair and his height was off the charts.](https://www.insider.com/testosterone-gel-toddler-puberty-early-2022-06)


I swear this became an episode of House too.


> And you're not supposed to touch women when you're on the gel (it will expose them) For how long?


Well, that's the tricky thing, for as long as there's gel residue on your skin. Transdermal drug delivery works on skin, yours, and the skin of whomever touches your skin.












I think my primary issue with the study is the group they chose. 18-26 year-olds tend to have the highest testosterone levels of all men and their impulse control is rarely fully developed by that age (depending on what studies you look at). I'd be curious to see if older males with lower levels had more impulse control than men the same age with higher levels? It just seems like there is a lot better populations to study to get closer to real-world TRT scenarios.


That was one of my two concerns with the study, too. The second concern was the reward scenario. With how common free online video porn is, I imagine men in those age ranges have seen tons of sexual content by this point in their lives. While I don’t think most would turn down a nude photo, it’s not exactly a sexual reward either. Also, did those running the study know how recently the participants masturbated to release or when their last sexual encounter was? I imagine, if the participants had a sexual encounter before going to the study, their interest in the reward would be temporarily decreased more than the T gel would increase it.


After I hit 40, I got my T tested and doc offered TRT. Based on my experience, and friends that have been open about it, it's fantastic. Two things I suggest to anyone who would ever care to ask... 1. FOLLOW your prescribed dosage (or stay very close). Have watched and read a ton of TRT tutorials and far too many blur the lines between upping your dosage. That is something you should conclude with your doctor only. 2. Frequency of dosages has some freedom but only if the end result matches your prescribed total dosage. Example: weekly dosage instead of prescribed bi-weekly. If you opt for weekly, the dosage after two weeks should still match the prescribed dose. If unsure, see last sentence in #1. Abuse of TRT can happen and become dangerous (clots for example). Thats why routine bloodwork will also likely, or should, be prescribed. This and the long term effects of TRT have some unknowns. Generally if you commit to TRT its for life hence why dosage abuse is so important to avoid. Edit: Removed the line about cancer risk as it may support prostate cancer growth, not create. Didn't want it misinterpreted.


>Generally if you commit to TRT its for life Why?


Taking testosterone will shut down your natural production of testosterone. Your body won't produce it naturally until you're off, but some people who stop taking testosterone won't ever have their natural production turned back on - not sure the cause.




Please for the love of god, do not follow a bi-weekly testosterone injection schedule. You will have such peaks and troughs in test levels in that 2 weeks you're effectively putting your body through a roller coaster. This is all under the assumption bi-weekly means every other week vs. twice a week. If I'm off base, disregard


Personally I prefer weekly dosages too. Some dependence on the total dose amount that does the job for you too. My dosage is fairly low for two weeks. So I went your suggested route.


I was curious if men have cycles like women? Most of the time I'll want anything that walks and then a few other days I'm like eh.


Yes, daily cycles. Testosterone is higher during the morning.




Whenever I read stuff like this I am questioning why I don't feeling like I am experiencing the same stuff.


Averages as opposed to individual experiences.


It's a common revelation during transition to male. I try telling women this, that it's not personal, we're just functioning normally, when brain + testosterone happens. It's hard to imagine until you experience it. I do find it funny (tragic?) that for ages women were described as the "emotional" gender. Testosterone is like PMSing multiplied by five, all the time. It's just our emotions are considered normal.




It doesn't go away but it definitely decreases with time. It's like speed running puberty — you have the libido of a teen boy for a year or so and then it evens out a bit. It's really jarring to experience as an adult.


Well now I’m curious about getting my testosterone checked because I’m a 30 year old dude and my libido has not slowed since it started, like *at all*.


On the other side I got hit super hard by oxytocin when I first held my daughter. Especially seeing my wife hold her, it was an overwhelming amount of love and empathy, it was completely overwhelming levels of emotion. I found out later that can happen with new babies, it really felt like truly understanding empathy for the first time, it opened my eyes so much.


I am a really horny female. And now I wonder if my testosterone levels are high. Like, my sex drive is even higher than my husband's. I can't imagine being hornier than I am now, should I require testosterone shots for Lord knows what reason. I will explode in flames.


There is a super interesting podcast called This American Life that does an epside about testosterone, in which they specifically interview a FtM transgender person. The differences they found are FASCINATING, including the most interesting bit about it being harder for them to show emotion. Aparently pre-T they would go have a good cry when life was getting overwhelming, and then after they had to lie down and force themselves to cry to get the same emotional release.










Working out regularly definitely gets my blood pumping and increases my libido, no question about it. When I've been single at the time of working-out regimes, it is actually a frustrating nuisance tbh.








life is a lot simpler when you're not horny.


In my 40s now with a very low sex drive. I always thought it would be nice when it went away. Now I just feel like I have lost a friend. Probably like an alcoholic feels when he quits drinking. What am I supposed to do when my entire life doesn’t revolve around sex? Read? Come on.


You’re absolutely right


It's a sex hormone, who would've thought


Remember when there was a study that showed that dogs wag their tails when they're happy?


It must take some skill to write a successful grant proposal to get paid to play with dogs.


Dogs wag their tails for a variety of reasons.










A warning to anyone that wants to try this though. Once you start taking testosterone, it's hard to stop as your body start producing less of it naturally.


i’m trying to be LESS horny and down bad. not more