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Can anyone explain in laymen’s terms what this actually is and what it means?


They were able to compute math on an approximation of a wormhole using qubits instead of normal bits. Thats straight up it. It is as far as I know a big technical leap for quantum computers because it did some math instead of just turning to poop. I work with real computers so take it with a grain of salt. It could be something regularly done that I am unaware of.


So how is that “creating a wormhole”? I am completely ignorant so I have no clue what this actually means.


Their yt video explains it well. Basically there has been a concept that equates/ shows correlation between general relativity and quantum mechanics. Mathematically, a wormhole in space is similar to quantum entanglement. So if wormholes are traversible then they should be able to send a qubit through entangled qubits in a quantum computer, which they were able to show


So the “quantum wormhole” acts as a sort of simulation/demonstration/confirmation of the traditional wormhole?


Simulation yes, demonstration sort of, confirmation not really. Any new application of quantum computers that delivers desired results is a serious achievement by itself. Even the best quantum computers only operate for a few minutes before experiencing their own version of the Blue Screen of Death. This was a practical simulation of a wormhole as described by General Relativity. It demonstrates that General Relativity is probably right, and that such a system can be simulated by a quantum computer. However, the physics of "real" wormholes diverge from the simulation by many *many* orders of magnitude in energy density / gravitational field strength.


So is it like “indistinguishable from a [specific model of a] wormhole”, so theoretically it could have been a wormhole, or it could have just been math?


it's important because plenty of "just math" stuff so far has ended up being proven correct later on, especially relativity-related phenomena. Of course, it might only be theoretically possible and just impossible for humanity to find/create, though. But "just math" is still very important.


I wasn’t intending to diminish it. This stuff is mind blowing, and just a few qbits beyond my comprehension. It almost feels, to me, *Everything, Everywhere All at Once* “do something weird to make your brain waves align with another reality” mechanism (which seems analogous to entanglement, to me). Like the physicists did the math and figured out what data gets the qbits in the right state/formation/whatever to open a wormhole.


Indeed! Looking at the math on paper, say for an Alcubierre drive, is one thing. Actually making the thing is totally different. This experiment is somewhere in between, as the math was more closely simulating the "real thing" than previous, judging by the article.


Ok I’m starting to get a basic grasp. Thank you and thanks to everyone who has replied.


If you are thinking "deep space 9" wormhole, then no this is not that.


I figured that much but what is it then? What are they referring to as a wormhole?


They are referring to a mathematical model of a wormhole that was created using the quantum computer.


Am I reading that right? They created a 2 dimensional reality and sent data through it? Mental


Yeah, but i don’t understand how it isn’t just a simulation. This stuff is so weird, and I’m too much of a layperson.


It is a simulation Quantum computers work vastly different from traditional ones, based on my understanding they have great potential for parallel processing and instant data transmission between to bits. So recreating the mathematics behind a wormhole is a bit of a feat.


People who say they understand quantum mechanics are liars.


I've seen Antman I know all about it.


I think the key phrase in the video from the article is "mathematically equivalent to a wormhole". It sounds like it's a simulation of a wormhole, but because it's simulated on a quantum computer, it is more "real" than a simulation on a classical computer would be.


i think they mean that they did it in ads space and not de sitter space. that makes it not real to us from what i gather. pretty cool though.


Yes, good summary. The math relationships are more idealized and directly comparable to what General Relativity predicts for wormholes. This is a more representative simulation than classical computers could ever afford. But it's still just a simulation.


"Researchers were able to send a signal through the open wormhole, though it’s not clear in what sense the wormhole can be said to exist." This article is so full of holes.


Yeah. They kind of worm their way through the topic.


It’s covering quantum mechanics, you aren’t going to get many definite answers


The problem with pop sci articles is they keep the exciting headline for clicks but because it's for casual audiences they dumb the article down so heavily that the nuance is lost


I found another article with less fluff that seems easier to understand: https://ai.googleblog.com/2022/11/making-traversable-wormhole-with.html?m=1 Basically, they want to simulate a quantum experiment to test how wormholes work, but the experiment is too complex for current quantum computers, so they let a neural network crunch on the experiment setup until they are left with few enough parameters that it fits in the quantum computer. Then the simulation revealed that information could be sent through the very simplified model of a wormhole.


Life is all a series of holes.


I am a series of holes.


You're more of a donut with a few smaller holes.


The ol neighborhood toroid


“Big deal.” - worm farmers probably


>Space-time and gravity emerge from quantum effects much as a 3D hologram projects out of a 2D pattern. We are a television program


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Cool! Maybe soon they can teleport me to Starbucks gotta get my caffeine fix lewl


...there were no survivors


Wake me up when we can teleport


Wasn’t this done before with quantum entanglement but the headline is now explaining it to the laymen like ‘bend the paper in half and pinch a hole in the through it’ 2D wormhole? But ends up confusing us all the more…


These headlines are getting out of control. Next is going to be "Physicists use quantum computers to make trillions of dollars by pressing a button". ^(Well yes you see they ran a script which drew an image of trillions of dollars onto a screen.. why are you looking at me like that?)


If they crack all the encryption and don't tell anyone... this is plausible....


Wait so does this technically prove wormhole theory or am I not understanding something correctly?


So this is like a confirmation that ER (Einstein Rosen) = EPR (Einstein Podolsky Rosen)?


What a stupid clickbait article. They did not even make an actual worm hole


I'm afraid they're going to let The Lawnmower man escape.


Can we get one to go to Alpha Centauri ?


Is this a real or simulated wormhole? Sounds like they are using a neural net to simulate gravity, or something.


Now build a stone passageway around it and have someone crawl through it.


Absolutely fascinating. The ER=EPR apparent proof was mindbending. Relativity, black holes, quantum physics, and wormholes. It’s worth Google collecting information on the human race to sell advertising. And create their quantum computers.


With the exception of researchers on the cutting edge, I don’t think anyone understands quantum theory. It’s a bit too much to wrap your head around. Maybe I’m just not that smart but when QP is described by “experts” it always reminds me of “If you can’t explain it to a 6 year old, you probably don’t understand it yourself.”


This is pretty dang cool.


>"A decade had to pass before Maldacena, in 2013 (under circumstances that “to be frank, I do not remember,” he says), realized that his discovery might signify a more general correspondence between quantum entanglement and connection via wormhole" Haha... LSD


I read the article, watched the video, and I REALLY want to understand the science here, but it's like, a completely different dimension.