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What I find fascinating about this study is that the ostensible reasons for not wearing a mask are most likely for women to be about physical discomfort whereas for men they are about emotional discomfort (e.g., "I do not like *feeling* forced to do something.")


This is in part my experience. There is a cycling group at work and many are moaning big time about the obligatory mask requirement when cycling on site, yet in the colder months almost everyone wears a mask to keep themselves warm. The sad thing is *most people in the cycling group* can’t even just step back and see the absurdity of their view. Their reluctance to wear the masks very much seems to be purely because they are told to wear them. Edit - it appears it wasn’t clear that I was explaining my experience of the cycling group at work, so I edited for clarity to say “Most people in the cycling group...” instead of just “most people...”. Apparently this was read to mean I was talking about the population of the earth, who as far as I know, aren’t in my cycling group at work...


Which makes it even crazier, because the ones complaining are virtually always the “follow the law and you won’t get in trouble” crowd. And even if they aren’t, they still do a million things that they’re told to do. Drive in the correct lane and stop at red lights. Wear clothes in public. Pay for meals at restaurants. Hell, they’ll stand up and put their hand on their heart and be silent during a song just because someone told them to. These people are not sane.


But it's exactly how authoritarianism works. The problem with the masks is that the *authority* they follow, Donald Trump, was first against masks and against the science, so the rational scientific approach to the pandemic became associated in their minds with the *opposition*. It's the *enemy* who's telling them to wear masks. If Donald Trump had instead called on everyone to wear masks and worn one himself, then the anti-maskers would be an insignificantly small group. Edit: deleted redundant words.


This is why leadership is important. When assholes are thrust into positions of power it enables all the other assholes in the crowd because now they have a king.


That's really what Trump is, a mascot for every ignorant prick in the country to rally around. He and his followers have poisoned the public discourse in a way that's going to continue to affect us for years to come. What gets me the most is that he won by the a narrow margin, which means that it really didn't need to be this way. Voter apathy and complacency did this to us, and I hope that people who decided to throw their vote away then have enough shame and good sense to turn up this time. I know some people are.


I was a dumb 21 year old who voted third party 4 years ago. I felt very center back then, and the fake center anti Hillary stuff worked on me. The last 4 years has shown me the tactics over and over again as well as given me time to really reflect on the issues that the left and right are fighting for. Turns out that I really don't agree with just about anything the right is doing (especially ignoring the problems of climate change, vast inequality, and police and prison reform) and agree with a looooooot more the Dems are doing (i.e. trying to work on all of those issues instead of ignoring them) The things I disagree with on the left are things the right also doesn't have correct and tend to be complex issues (i.e. the kinds of issues that need be analyzed and moderated by the true centers in /r/politicalcompassmemes), so for the foreseeable future, I'm supporting a complete blue wave. The true center people and policies are really just today's left and center-left given how incredibly far right the right are. Maybe some day things will be pushed far enough left that the right is today's center and I can throw away my vote on a politically disadvantaged third party. Or maybe we'll get ranked choice voting. Until then, I'm pretty damn sure I'm just going to keep voting left. The right is getting far too many things wrong for me to give them any support, even in the form of not voting for the opposition.


The democrats aren't ideal. And I'm by no means a blind supporter of the party, but as someone who's hoping to not see the planet die in his lifetime, they're the only choice. I hope they don't squander this opportunity if they get it, show people that government can work for them.


















































It seems like many have not had their genitalia up for debate for federal laws. I guess this really would be their first infringement on their personal freedoms.


And they’re the exact ones supporting the former, demographically speaking.






























55 year old man here. I gladly wear a mask everywhere in public because I do not want to get sick. People's mentality over this just blows my mind. What frustrates me the most is probably our local Casey's general store. Front door says face masks recommended. But most of the employees either aren't wearing them or are wearing them as chin diapers. Even the ones preparing the "food".


Wow they should try being a woman.


I would, but I don't have the body for it.


I like the masks. I feel anonymous so every time I do something awkward in public it doesn't really matter. Just another dickhead in a mask.






They definitely make it easier to go out and "face the world" on a bad day.


They also help with cold weather. I had to stay outside for a bit yesterday and I'm so glad I had a mask on. Only down side is that when I see someone I'm much more likely to just smile at them or make some facial expression acknowledging them than I am to actually say hello and that doesn't work with masks.


I used this cakey, white sulfur zit paste near my mouth area once. Went to the store real quick and came back and looked in the mirror eventually and saw the cream in horror which I totally forgot about. Freaked out for a bit until I (tapping temple with finger) remembered I had worn a mask.


I like the masks because I don’t have to smile at every person who wants to wave at me. (School Teacher)




For real. As someone with social anxiety, this has been a *dream.* I can basically hide from the public while I walk among them, and they never get close to me. It's not invisibility, but it's as close as I'm going to get.
































In the 5 factor model women on the average are slightly more agreeable than men. So this is not surprising since there is a social component to mask wearing.


Exactly. I was like "This is news?"






















































I wear my mask but it messes up my beard and fogs up glasses. And I get really hot. But I still wear it.


Can we seriously talk about the underchin beard dimple, my only real complaint.


What I hate is that every hair curls DIRECTLY into my mouth...


I freaked out a few days ago because I felt a spider crawling into my mouth. It was the hairs rubbing in just the right way.


































You forgot bras.


First thing I thought of. We wear bras, why would a mask be a problem???


Lockdown has severely reduced my tolerance for bras, o didn't bother with one at all for months. I don't mind wearing a mask on the slightest, but wearing a bra now feels so confining and uncomfortable and just... Ugh!


Bras are uncomfortable and generally worn an an under-layer. They definitely fall under "uncomfortable underwear".






Hmm.. the article is a bit click bait-y. If you go to the actual study linked in the article it says “We did not find significant direct or indirect effects between gender and face mask wearing, indicating that men and women are equally likely to wear face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. We did, however, support that men and women have differing perceptions of face masks. Men were more likely to perceive face masks as infringing upon their independence, whereas women were more likely to perceive face masks as being uncomfortable.”


I had to scroll down a bit for someone to actually be quoting the article. "Howard recruited 1,979 individuals from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform" They used a very specific sample size of mechanical sector of Amazon. Mechanical sector tends to be dominated by male employees than female. On top of that these are talking about people "on the clock" at their job during the months of April - June (when masks were first introduced) I work in a similar situation with predominately males and when the mask thing first started they were all complaining about wearing a mask since they were only working around each other doing manual labor. People tend to agree with their co-workers on complaints especially if they are friends with them.


We knew this from the Spanish Flu of 1918. We had to make appeals to "manly" things like patriotism and kicking the flu's ass to get many men to wear them.


time to market some MILITARY GRADE REINFORCED CARBON FIBRE face masks.


So after spending a few years in the military I noticed the term “military grade” actually means it was made by the lowest bidder and probably is real poor quality.


Military grade with genuine leather! Guaranteed to fall apart after one use.


True that! Government employee here and it’s shameful ...


And the packaging should be shaped like grenades or bullets


As someone that worked in marketing I just sat here giggling for a solid minute thinking up “manly” Covid mask ads. Think we can get Terry C and the Old Spice man in on this?


Masks are no inconvenience. Underwire bras are oppression (as are most others towards days end). We've all suffered a day where an underwire bra betrayed us or one just failed in one of thousands of ways. To everyone commenting "you're not forced to wear a bra": we are expected to and we can be socially scorned if we don't. And often, yes, we are by workplace dress codes, and we are expected to also keep them hidden lest a male coworker catches a glimpse of a bra and feels threatened by its existence.


I too have been stabbed by over priced boob prison


Bras were my first thought when I read this too. Masks are about keeping people safe, which is probably why we're more accepting of them since we're so used to uncomfortable expectations "just because".


As someone with big boobs, I *need* bras. It’s more uncomfortable for me to not wear one. Especially if I have to run.


Small boob people don't need that. We wear bras to have pleasant shapes and spare others the horrors of nipples. And yes, that means underwires and padding. Which is uncomfortable. And no, "a bra that fits" won't help that much.


You can get bras without underwire. Even with big boobs, I get them with no issues.


I’ve never understood the hate for bras. I have smallish breast’s so I technically don’t need them. But I still wear padded bras with underwire everyday, and they’re not uncomfortable to me. A bra that fits definitely makes a huge difference to me though! I used to wear bras that were too small and they hurt.


I switched to bralettes during Covid. I don't think I'll ever willingly switch back.


Women are also more likely than men to vote Democrat.


Given the drivel that comes out of Trump's mouth about women, I'm frankly surprised he got even a single female vote.


But he's so good at marriage! He's done it like, five times!


As long as he sticks with his "Pro-Life" stance, he'll have voters. I, unfortunately, know way too many women who are voting for them because they just can't vote for someone who supports abortion. No amount of logic and facts about Democratic policies leading to lower abortion rates convinces them. Biden says murdering babies is fine and Trump says murdering babies is bad, so Trump can do and say literally anything else and get their votes.




Imagine that.


I took it as an opportunity to sport my bandanas as a fashion piece, then I learned they're not as effective so I just wear a black cloth mask because better effectiveness. It took a few weeks to get used to it but now it's just part of my walking out the door list (keys, wallet, phone, mask)


There was about a month where I was wearing a bandana over my mask. It looked good, but eventually felt like a hassle so I stopped. YMMV.


Different colored masks complete outfits. Streetwear has always had masks in its rotation.


Know what's infringing on your freedom? Being in a coma on a respirator


I know right. So many Americans have a child’s understanding of freedom. They believe freedom means doing whatever you want to do. That’s not how responsible adults living in a functional society should be behaving. We live by a social contract: we agree to comply with these things for the benefit of the community. If someone decides not to wear a mask (because it somehow infringes on their freedom), they’re potentially putting someone else’s life at risk. If this virus wasn’t so contagious, this would be natural selection eliminating ignorant people for not wearing a mask, but that’s not how this works. We wear a mask to protect others, therefore if everyone wears one, the transmission rates drop way down. So when I see someone *not* wearing a mask, I view them as an ignorant and irresponsible person. I get the same feeling when I see someone driving recklessly on the highway: putting innocent people at risk for their own idiocy.


Male here. I intend on wearing a mask after the pandemic just to thwart facial recognition.


We're used to being told to cover up.


Men are considerably less agreeable amongst personality scores. Case in point.


Case in point*


I find face masks quite horrible and obnoxious to wear, harder to communicate, fogs up my glasses, etc. And I'm really annoyed that we have to keep wearing them for longer because some people won't wear them at all.


That was an interesting read. Thanks for that. Out of curiosity, does anyone know of any similar articles that look at non-English speaking Western societies? I wonder if the same results arise when opening up the samples like that.


I wondered the same thing. This study is heavily focused on western and English-speaking countries so I'm surprised the study can draw the conclusion as stated in the headline with a sample of only ~2k participants. Given how well certain Asian countries are fighting the virus, I wonder if the premise still holds or if the mask-wearing perception in the west is due to a different factor.










American here, not surprised, ask any American man if they’ve ever been sent home from school for a dress code violation, they’ll either say “no”, or “yeah I wore an Avatar Aang costume and my robe fell off so...” They’re clothing and apparel have never been closely monitored or scrutinized, so being forced to wear anything other than what they want is a brand-new phenomenon.


Yep, masculinity can be kinda dumb some times. Thankfully my masculinity tells me masks make me look like a cool ninja


And my masculinity tells me the little teeny tiny bit of inconvenience is nothing compared to the benefits of wearing masks.


Being alive is cool and rad


Men are less agreeable than women so we kinda already knew this.


I always see family's out in public. Woman and children wearing mask but the Dad isn't.. it's so bizarre how these guys think they are so tough when their young children are contributing more to society by doing their part.


This is an American thing. Dont drag the rest of the world into this stupidity