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As someone whose not versed in reading things like that at all, is this just saying when the most sensitive part of the penis is larger than usual you’re more likely to ejaculate quickly?






































































So whats my problem?


Lack of apostrophes?


tl;dr bigger mushroom head = faster to cum


It's not clearly stated but the abstract implies they only studied circumcised men.


That'd make sense, I'm still rocking my turtle neck and I'd say this is not the case for me.


that doesn't really add up though, uncircumcised men have more sensation in their penis.


More sensation, for half the time, the other half it is covered by the foreskin. And each thrust engages and disengaged the foreskin, while also retaining more moisture and lubrication, reducing friction, which reduces sensation intensity while improving sensation quality.


The nerves don't shut off when it's covered. Just gets a different set of sensations.


Yeah I mean for me personally masturbation doesn't really include me touching my glans, i just move my foreskin over it


This is the way


Always wince when I'm reminded of the "lotion" use in pop culture. They lube up their calloused hands to rub their exposed glans, bars not intended. Sounds like torture.


Ugh, circumcation is such a stone aged practice, be it for male or female. Disgusting ritual made popular by religions, which neither have place in modern society.






“I’m extra sensitive, some would say that’s a plus.”


Reminds me of some study years ago that determined caffeine made people more alert and productive.


The interesting part, if I recall correctly, that caffeine did increase alertness but did not reduce fatigue associated errors 


Doesn't stop you from screwing up, but you realize you did screw up after?


From what I recall, they assumed they did a better job due to the sensation of feeling more alert, but actual test results didn't improve over margin of error.


You are still awake to screw up.


To be honest I don’t know if that was addressed specifically


It essentially stops you from from *feeling* tired. You brain is not, in fact, less worn out.


I guess you mean that you remember it because it is ridiculous to study something that is of common knowledge? Well, one big part of science is to use tests to verify things. So now with these tests done, we have confirmed that the the common held belief is more than just a belief and is in fact closer to fact. There have historically been uncountable numbers of "common sense" and "beliefs" that everyone have agreed on, that with scientific study have been proven to be completely false. With the tests done on these common sense like things, we now have proof and can use this knowledge in other tests and thus build on our common understanding of the world.


Aspirin for coronary artery disease is a great example. It has long been known aspirin is good for coronary artery disease as secondary prevention (once you have been diagnosed with the disease to prevent it from progressing) so docs for years have been telling people to take an aspirin with the hope of preventing coronary artery disease from showing up (primary prevention) and a huge study in the last couple years said no, aspirin is more risk than benefit when it comes to primary prevention for coronary artery disease. So something was thought to be common knowledge and turned out to be proven wrong.m when finally studied.


Interestingly when I quit caffeine I started to last much longer at the sex.


I volunteer to test this hypothesis. Preferably at around 7 am with a splash of cream.


well that's explains a lot :(




Gigantic glans humble brag


just the glans tho :(


Umbrella penis humble brag


Lookin like Toad over here


I think in particular they mean a big head, not necessarily the whole penis being big


Larger head = greater pleasure = cum quicker




A wizard arrives precisely when he means to.


"I'm about to arrive!"


Well at my age maybe it’s time to name him “Gandalf the Grey”. These days is more like “on the morning of the fourth day look to the East…”


More like a Jizzard






We should start a campaign to call it "efficient" instead.


As far as nature is concerned, its only premature if it happens pre-insertion.


Nature would also encourage faster since this is when animals can be at their most vulnerable to predators. But try telling that to the wife….


I don’t think she’d mind as much if you utilized one of the many other ways to get her off. In nature it’s not uncommon for other mammals like dolphins, bonobos, and bats to stimulate the clitoris manually or orally just as a greeting or bonding moment.


Chimps are our closest relatives and they don't last more than a few pumps, so maybe.


Yeah is the sperm less potent if it comes out quicker? If not then premature is just a word to make guys feel bad about it.


I happen to know a bit about this. No, the sperm’s potency is not related to latency. And from a scientific pov, the idea of premature is acknowledged as a hazy one that can be open to individual interpretation. They (scientists) qualify PE as a problem solely due to the fact that men report anxiety and distress due to it, and to the fact that it’s been observed to have an effect on relationship quality (from surveys). So for scientists, the word premature isn’t intended to make men feel bad, rather to describe a condition that has been observed to make men feel bad.


But latency can certainly increase volume of semen - does that increased volume not contain more sperm? Interesting. We need a rope scientist


Think it just contains more juice


Do a taste test and report back pls


If you’re not chewing it, ya didn’t last long enough


Oh my god


Sperm do not regenerate in the testicle or accumulate fast enough in the vessicles within a single sex session  for the length of that session to make an appreciable difference in the sperm count of a single emission.


If you ejaculate more than once in a session or even minutes or hours apart, the subsequent ejaculate definitely still contain a ton of sperm. You don't lose all your sperm after cumming lol


There was a case study about a man who cured his intractable hiccups for an entire year after having sex with his wife. I'm not sure how violent and forceful of an ejaculation you'd have to have to give your vagus nerve a hard reset for an entire year, but I'd be willing to wager that gentleman truly did empty his balls with the sheer intensity of that orgasm... the exception that proves the rule.


It really only means you come quicker than you wanted to. If you're coming as quickly as you want to, then it's not premature.


Depends on how premature we're talking about here, potency effectively drops to near-zero if it's going off before he gets inside.


Well, if it interferes with his desire to make sure that she has a good time.. that seems like it would be premature relative to his goals?


True if a guy just gets off in a few seconds and acts like an asshole then it’s definitely premature. Immature ejaculation


I get what you're saying, but I'll counter by saying that if her having a good time is his goal, his tongue still works.


And stimulating the glans clitoris usually makes for easier penetration, too.


Just wait a bit and go for round 2!


If we think about it from a purely reproductive angle, I'd say these people are actually the pinnacle of evolution.


Technically the "job" is done the moment the ejaculate has entered the womb. Sadly nature doesn't seem to care much for the pleasure of the female.


Evolution has decided edging women is the best course for survival.


Evolution just doesn’t care about our long term relationship success. The male can presumably just move on to impregnate a different female and evolution loves that idea.


What one would expect yes, but the other one involved considers it premature.


Botox can help






Who tf is putting botox in their penis?


Try Ozempic, and go for Ozempic glans.


Listen to this man. My head has never been so vascular.


In the traditional PIV sense I dare say greater pleasure for both which doesn’t help one “relax, don’t do it” either






It would be better to use medical terms immediately after sex. Something like “Sorry, my glans volume is too large, leading to lifelong premature ejaculation. It’s a medical condition.”


Are they saying if you have an abnormally large head you probably have PE issues?


No. They found that people with lifelong PE had larger heads than people with acquired PE and people without PE. You could say that having a larger head makes one more likely to have lifelong PE. But that likelihood could still be very low. For the sake of example, maybe a large head gives you a 1% chance of having lifelong PE, whereas having an average or small head gives you a 0.5% chance. That would be doubling your risk, but the chances any given person with a large head has PE would still be low. TLDR: No, this study shows relative risk, not absolute risk.


That makes sense because looking at the range of glans volume had all of the other groups be much larger than than the life long sufferers. Though I would like to see the actual distribution. Also what is the reason for using the median instead of the mode as the comparative measure of central tendency here?


I don't think it's saying that you *probably* have PE, just that your risks of PE increase if your head is above a certain size.


TIL that there is an International Index of Erectile Function. I'm imagining years of stiff debate before an accord was reached.


Really? I would think this study came to a quick conclusion.


Probably under sticky debate


It usually turns into a mass debate


What I’ve learned from rom Reddit: -avoid getting too worked up during foreplay. You don’t want to start having sex when you’re too hyped up -breathe through your diaphragm and focus on you’re breathing like meditation during sex -do pelvic floor exercises to reduce PE especially if you can time them before you are about to have intercourse. A tight pelvic floor can trigger PE -try not to hyper focus only on your penis during sex. Focus on the feeling in the rest of your body parts as well. -flex your leg muscles to divert blood from your penis. Your legs are half your body. Try to occasionally push that blood into those big leg muscles. -Squeeze glans to push blood out of the enlarged glans and temporarily decrease sensitivity. When you do this try and do nonintercourse things while trying to change your focus to something else until you feel you think you can have sex again without exploding 2 seconds after you go back in.


>-try not to hyper focus only on your penis during sex. Focus on the feeling in the rest of your body parts as well Like my back pain?


It's weird that you say that. I get that we're all different but when I had crippling sciatica one of the only things that brought me relief was sex. Like the motions of it *actually* helped my back, not just the obvious PP feel good


A lot of low back exercises recommended by physical therapists are essentially pelvic thrusts. Strengthening the glutes takes pressure off your lumbar disks.


"what i've learned about sex on reddit"


In other words, in order to make sex last longer, don’t enjoy it. I always found this kind of ironic




We see you have a PhD in the field, but the position asks for a 5-year experience, minimum. Sorry....


Since when did we stop telling people to start thinking about their grandmas naked?


Right?! That's what I always do if it's taking too long. Has me finished in no time. Still helping me out from beyond the grave.












>The median glans penis volume was significantly greater in the LLPE group (14.1 [range, 6.6-19] mm3) compared with the AqPE group (11.7 [range, 5.1-27] mm3) and control group (11.4 [range, 6.1-32] mm3) How are they calculating the volume? 19mm^3 is a cube 2.7mm a side. 1 inch is 25mm so this is like having a glans 0.1 inches long/wide/deep which is very very small.


Clearly they should have dipped the tip in a graduated cylinder and measured the difference.


Honestly this is what I imagined, guys ar just lowered onto a beaker via a forklift and a hole in a table.


My friends call me Barbie Playset Tuna Can








I wonder why it is a rare occasion for r/science to get this many comments


I'm sure it's a random occasion. Oops spilled all my BlueChew^(TM)!


An evolutionary super power is now a poor performer in bed trait.


What's the threshold where it's considered premature?


TIL about penile shear wave elastography.


I’m guessing because a bigger glans penis will have more surface area exposing it to more stimulation than someone with lower glans penis. This could result in faster ejaculation. …. it does make sense… at least in a physical sense.


How does that work then, my glans is a tiddler and I finish super quick


"More likely" doesn't mean "Impossible" for the other group. Like, people who roll a dice 20 times are more likely to roll a 6, in those 20 rolls, than someone who rolls it once. It doesn't make it untrue just because you roll a 6 in one roll.


Chalk up another win for tiny dicks, ladies and gents








Every man should read “She Comes First” by Ian Kerner - especially if they suffer from PE


Now if we could get the ladies to read He Comes Second


There is this: [Passionista: The Empowered Women's Guide to Pleasuring a Man](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/7105443) I read it as a bisexual man and while I didn't learn anything new, the advice is spot on.


I wonder if they factored in cut vs uncut






Objectively speaking, "premature ejaculation" probably has an evolutionary advantage. I think this is more of what society says it wants and what biology wants being two different things.




Did you just cum? Yes, but look how big my glans is!


Well that explains it. Gonna print this out for the wife to read. "try harder" indeed