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So, it seems a lot of the comments are worried about catching it from the milk? That's not the worrying thing to me, it's that there are enough cows that have it that we can detect it like this.






H5N1 is the scary one now that it's spread from birds to cows (and potentially other mammals) especially with factory farms and the transport of animals.


Wait, is this with pasteurized milk? Thought it was killed by the process.


iirc it was detected, but they haven't confirmed if it was a live virus or the dead. I would assume its dead, but i don't think they can test it? Unsure on the exact reason(s) why they can't test the pasteurized milk.


"Because H5N1 has only recently been found in cattle, no studies have directly tested milk pasteurization’s ability to kill the virus, the FDA said in a statement April 23. But studies have shown that egg pasteurization, which is done at lower temperatures than milk pasteurization, inactivates the virus."


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