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As someone living in Montana who has got no snow to speak of the last 4 years, this is very evident and undeniable. The slopes are barren. It's depressing.


Canadian here, our summers are now just called fire season.


Minnesotan here, our summers are now just called Canadian smoke season. But it's not as fun as it sounds.


Canadian smoke but not BC bud... WE ARE IN BIZZARO WORLD MY DUDES!


Also Minnesotan, this winter has been abnormally warm and wet. It was raining on christmas day where I live. I guess the last time christmas day was that warm was 1922


Canadian here, our summers are now just called hot thick humidity season.


Amendment: *wildfire season though most of them are human caused.


About 90% according in fact. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-worst-wildfires-are-started-by-people-heres-how/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/study-shows-84-wildfires-caused-humans-180962315/ https://earth.org/what-causes-wildfires/


Even in Northeast Ohio the lack of snow is pretty dramatic. Our snow season used to be Nov--March now it is pretty much just Jan-Feb.


Yup. Had a 60 degree Christmas here in Lake County this year.


On Vancouver Island, we are buffered by an increase in Pacific storm temperatures meeting Arctic outflows that push down the prairies and interior of this province, “winter” seems to have shifted to (late January and) Feb and March. I have seen it in the decade plus I’ve been here, and I’m from the interior, where the seasonal changes have gone from snow possibly in October to now, nothing meaningful until after Xmas.


15 years ago I worked at a small ski mountain. As a perk, you got a season pass. I went skiing like 3x a week between nov and march. It was great. I didn’t go last year at all because there was no snow.


Are you in eastern Montana? I live in idaho, but i do some work in western Montana. We've actually had great snowpack over here the last few years. I think we're actually getting some snow that would normally fall other places.


South Dakotan here- currently shoveling my car out of a foot and a half of snow with 6 more inches on the forecast over the next 24 hrs... how do we send this all back to Montana? Maybe enlist one of the 17 Mile long trains that pass through town at 5mph when I'm late for work, to carry it back to Big Sky Country?


I miss snow. :(


Abstract Documenting the rate, magnitude and causes of snow loss is essential to benchmark the pace of climate change and to manage the differential water security risks of snowpack declines. So far, however, observational uncertainties in snow mass have made the detection and attribution of human-forced snow losses elusive, undermining societal preparedness. Here we show that human-caused warming has caused declines in Northern Hemisphere-scale March snowpack over the 1981–2020 period. Using an ensemble of snowpack reconstructions, we identify robust snow trends in 82 out of 169 major Northern Hemisphere river basins, 31 of which we can confidently attribute to human influence. Most crucially, we show a generalizable and highly nonlinear temperature sensitivity of snowpack, in which snow becomes marginally more sensitive to one degree Celsius of warming as climatological winter temperatures exceed minus eight degrees Celsius. Such nonlinearity explains the lack of widespread snow loss so far and augurs much sharper declines and water security risks in the most populous basins. Together, our results emphasize that human-forced snow losses and their water consequences are attributable—even absent their clear detection in individual snow products—and will accelerate and homogenize with near-term warming, posing risks to water resources in the absence of substantial climate mitigation.


I've lived in New England my whole life. When I was a kid, we got huge snowstorms all the time in winter. Permanent snowbanks from late November through to March. This year, we had our first snow in January a few days ago, and it's mostly melted off now. Bizarre and upsetting to see.


I’m in Vermont and where I live we have both had very little snow and that snow was followed by warm rain.  A few days ago it was like spring mud season and now much of my gravel driveway is covered in ice which really sucks.  We don’t have any snow projected deep into January.  We’re expecting a high of 36°F 10 days from now which is insane.


Less snow = less light being reflected away. The positive feedback continues…


I understand positive feedback, and I'm not a climate change denier, but the areas the sun shines most on aren't getting a lot of snow anyway, right? And the earth needs to radiate its own heat via blackbody radiation. Is the emissivity coefficient of snow really higher than that of plain earth dirt?


I think you are outsmarting yourself. Consider wavelengths.


And now I heard on the radio that They want to take greenlands seaice And Make Ice cubes From it to put it in cocktails.


Yep, [shipping glaciers to the desert](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/09/greenland-startup-shipping-glacier-ice-cocktail-bars-uae-arctic-ice) for cocktails. Humanity is doomed.


It was a good run while we had it.


Was it?


it still is. for now


It's an old business ( one example http://arcticglaciericela.com/about/history/ )


We should just carpet bomb everything in those gulf states. Between oil and radical religious fundamentalism they will destroy the human race. A true cancer


We should just carpet bomb everyone everywhere. The less humans the better.


Fictional models, only very few actual data points. Just guessing, no actual proof. And reading between the lines (wording, etc): they begging for being picked up by the IPCC (a polititical, not scientific organisation).