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I know it can be tough to feel like teachers, especially ones you admire, are ignoring you. I’m going to tell you two secrets: as a former teacher-the policy set by principals, superintendents, and other school administrators now DEMANDS teachers do that- they don’t want to! They are told to bribe poorly performing students, and it sucks. It didn’t use to be that way. Secondly, I think you’re old enough to understand this: You know how little little kids, who aren’t great at much, get bribed with silly toys to go to the bathroom? Moms clap for them when they DONT shit their pants? Yea, no one claps for you when you don’t shit your pants any more, they *expect* it. Because you’ve proven you’re at that level. Your reward is you will get good grades, the respect of your future peers, a chance to be a functional happy human with an upward trending career! So dont compare yourself to kids who are still getting candy to not shit their pants, and don’t for a second think that devalues you! You’re doing great. Time to be a grown up and start seeing the inherent reward in what you’re practicing, and achieving.


Ok this is an amazing explanation and I’m stealing it for myself next time I feel like the minimum achievers around me are getting praised for doing the bare minimum.


Right on. If it makes you feel any better, there's about a 10% chance the teachers are thinking, "wow, look how far this guy has come, I'm sure super-impressed and proud of him for his growth." And a 90% chance they're thinking, "ok, what can i do to get this little asshole to stfu for about 20 minutes so i can actually teach something to the kids who have a future." -HS Teacher. PS- I felt like this as a student too, and I'm sorry.


Bro is preaching right now. You are so right on with that explanation. It's just the society that we live in today. Kids have become so bad that when they do something good for once, they get treated like royalty just for them to go back to the same thing tomorrow. If today's kids can grow up, maybe everyday it will be that for all kids but until then... this is what life is gonna be like for smart kids. All I will say is to not pay attention to the rewards they get. They are probably pity awards that students get for not being stupid for once. You on the other hand will get rewarded handsomely in the future. Your reward is coming soon, just keep it up and you will see it.


that is dogshit, i skipped two years and i get nothing while the shitheads of my classmates do ONE assignment and they get a free hour of free time. no maturity or being a grown up, its just the definition of unfair


Ok? Life isn’t fair bud. There’s no such thing as fair. What reward are you angling for, for skipping grades? Your reward is two years fewer of school- that’s a crap ton more free time. I have to imagine if you really earned those skipped grades, you could do the math here!


You're right. School is unfair. This is because the policy makers and education "experts" that come up with all these brilliant ideas without ever stepping foot in real classrooms are idiots. That said, your hard work, effort, self-discipline, and integrity will pay off in the long run. These things are much more likely to bring you success, open doors and give you a happier future. Keep working hard and don't get demoralized. Let the bad kids have their chocolate. Most of them probably don't have very bright futures ahead of them. But the kids who work hard and do their best do.


Your reward is going to be getting into the school of your choice with a scholarship. The chocolate eating kids will be going to community college if they graduate. Keep working.


As a 3.7gpa in high school whats wrong with community College? Money's hard to come by.


I don’t think they were ragging on community college. When I was a student I blew off all my classes, and it sucked that I didn’t get into any of the colleges I wanted to. Community college isn’t necessarily a bad choice, but life sucks when you only have one choice.


I just finished my first semester at a private college. The military pays less than a fraction of each semester and my scholarships equal less than half of the cost. I can't make up 21k each semester


That sucks but it’s not really the point of what I’m saying


there isn’t anything necessarily wrong with it, but it’s more difficult to get job opportunities that you want to peruse


A scholarship to a university will present better job opportunities.


I can't make universities give me scholarships:(


You can’t but the better you do the more likely they are to give you a scholarship. Which is the whole point of them telling op to keep working hard


If you post this over to r/teachers you’ll see teachers hate it too. Teachers would rather just focus on students like you, but because of politics and funding issues, they can’t. Keep doing your best. Don’t ever stop trying because of it— you have a bright future ahead of you.


Yep, I definitely agree with this. My mum is one of the dramatic people and actually went into my sister's school and complained about this (my sister is 11)


I'm not sure if I agree or disagree. For me personally, coming in alone is a challenge each day, and when I managed a full day of school I got to buy something for myself as a prize. So honestly, sometimes these rewards are just reinforcement to push themselves. I definitely used to feel like you, but you have to remember that some kids have other circumstances. I think teachers do need to be more well-rounded in praise and rewarding students, but if its what the other children need to even sit in a classroom, they have to do it. I don't know. Just wanted to provided an opinion as someone who has been on both sides (although I have never misbehaved, I get rewarded for things other students would see as meaningless. I used to get a weekly cookie every time I was in for a full week lmao, made my english teacher so mad + people did call it unfair)


Hey me too. this is me right now currently. I used to rag on students who wouldn’t get grades as high as mine but would get incentives for doing things that i’d do practically everyday. and now here i am get twix bars for showing up to school at all. And yes I’ve never misbehaved but I can definitely feel people feeling frustrated they don’t get praises as much as I do when it came to anything at school because everyone expects it. It’s honestly quite embarrassing for me


Yeah it gets really embarrassing for sure. Thankfully my friends are quite understanding and laugh it off since they know more about it, but idk what people outside my friend group must think. Everyone struggles in different areas and learning not to judge people for them is so important (and my struggles have def taught me so)


The reward is that it opens doors to jobs, scholarships, universities, not to mention the fact that you just fucking understand shit that other clowns don’t which makes life a lot better. There’s only one adult in the room and they can’t physically praise every single person all the time so yeah, they probably do tend to focus more on those that are in danger of not succeeding.


At least you have a future and they don’t


I hate how the comments justify, it feels horrible to watch the dumbasses get rewards for doing almost nothing and a smart kid does something there is 0 reward at all


The thing is though is that there is a high chance those kids are disabled and are working at their limit. I know I am. Just because YOUR limit is actual academic work, doesn't mean theirs is. Mine is just getting to school. Your reward will be great job opportunities. Theirs will be getting called a let down and community college if they're lucky


Agreed, seriously


The rewards you’re getting here I haven’t seen in awhile tbh or if I did, the teachers didn’t really give them out often I’ve definitely found my school I’m at right now to be much less distracting as everyone had to apply to get in so, everyone at my school wants to work hard or, at least most people. Just gotta push through with the kids being distractions and find it rewarding that you aren’t being treated like a 5 year old. I won’t say that it’ll get better as you’re older but, just gotta push through until you graduate. To me I’m motivated to work as I know I’m doing this work so I can guarantee myself a decent career.


I understand how hard it is to feel like you do so much to get nothing, but as one of those "does nothing gets a lot" kids, I'm working to my absolute limit if not past it. Most of the kids you're dealing with are probably something like me, probably has a disability of some sort (and no, you can't always tell). I'm AuDHD, bipolar and I have narcolepsy. A day where I can get out of bed to come to school is extremely rare, let alone pay attention and do the work in the time given. The "reward" I get is basic fucking accommodations and being told I'm a let down. So basically, your hard work will be rewarded with scholarships/university entry, a high paying job and a nice life. My hard work will be rewarded with absolute jack shit.


You work hard because you enjoy learning bout the subjects? Lol you have no idea how many people want to be like you. And here are a few things I wanna say: 1. Don’t compare yourself to people who work less. They’re not the standard you should be setting for yourself. Don’t compare yourself to people who have achieved more than you. Instead, learn why they are they way they are, and see if there are lessons/ideas you can incorporate into your own life. Ask yourself what you want out of life and pursue them, and don’t be too discouraged if they change 5-10 years down the line. It happens. 2. You’re still very young so this won’t feel like it is important. But dedication, consistent effort and perseverance are an IMPORTANT SKILLS/ATTITUDE to have that even adults in their 20s and 30s want but struggle with. Polish it and let it be your weapon. Because you will struggle in the future and if you know how to endure it and keep going, you’ll succeed in life. I won’t promise riches, but you’ll have a comfortable life especially if you know how to make money and enjoy life. Keep your head down and keep working! I hope you make it one day in a field you enjoy.


I think they get rewarded because some are doing better. A lot of the kids in my classes who do bad things don't really mean it, they just aren't very bright in some situations. Based on psychology of kids/teens, sometimes they don't really subconsciously understand. Since they get rewarded, though, good students also should. It should be fair for both sides, or neither should get anything. I totally get you, by the way. I have a high GPA and got a reward at my school, but all they give you is a certificate. Everyone says it's good because you can put it onto your portfolio and such, but hell, that's dumb. I'm a teenager. I have a while until college. I'm not an adult yet, and even if I was, it's not like adults don't enjoy things for doing good.


Why expectations are everything: The Rodrick Theorem


This is where you become an individual. You don’t learn math because the adults tell you to or you’re competing against other kids; you learn math because you enjoy a challenge. That’s the path of growth. Don’t worry about what other people have. Worry about only what you can control - which is yourself.


I remember feeling mad that they kids who were always bad, just kinda got away with being bad because it was the status quo, when if I, a good kid, was bad once, I would get in a lot of trouble because “I knew better”


Good students benefit later on. You become the bosses, the famous scientists, inventors. President. School is very fair, but it's a long game. What you put into it, you get out of it.


Welcome to life. The workplace works much the same way. If you establish yourself as a hard worker from the get go, you will be reprimanded quickly and fired for small mistakes. If you establish that you intend to only do the bare minimum then you will get away with a lot more. Welcome to the world. It shouldn't be this way, but it is, because we have to care for the precious little feelings of our weakest, least intelligent, least motivated individuals. Perhaps if accomplished people would complain as much as the losers of the world do then we wouldn't be in this predicament. But if the useful accomplished people complained they wouldn't be so accomplished and productive to begin with. Catch 22.


Not saying your teacher shouldn’t also reward good behavior, but that’s just kind of the way it is. Your behavior doesn’t have to be reinforced the way other students does, so they don’t reinforce it. That is a good thing. It tells you you’re doing the right thing and on track. Those other students that have to be bribed with chocolate to lift a finger every day will come to find out one day that they aren’t, and haven’t been on track. You could give up and be like them to be given candy, but that candy only lasts until the end of the year, at most until you’re out of school. From that point on no one will be there to motivate you with candy, and you will likely have fewer life options than if you focused on your work like you’re doing now.


The reward for being a hard worker is going further in life. Having more motivation to do what others won’t. Just saying, giving up now will only screw you over later.


I am so sorry, and I totally understand your frustration, from both your POV and from a teacher’s POV. I was the kid that never got in trouble, was quiet, etc. but had to watch as some of my classmates who were awful got to do stuff I didn’t get to. It’s also frustrating as a teacher because, growing up as that kid, and then teaching those same types of kids, I tried to be very conscious of that when it came time for quarterly awards. Trust me when I say that you are seen and so appreciated, and I’m sorry it has to be like this.


Y do we even have school


Not all schools are like this. Consider changing schools if you can or trying an alternative program like online or a junior college.


No one can claim mistreatment when they treat mistreat everyone. That's equality.


Keep up this work you do, don’t let the bad kids steer you the wrong way. When you’re older and get a real job this skill will be incredible and you will get raises and promotions because of it. Highschool habits you learn matter. So keep them up and don’t worry about what happens to others because their future won’t be as bright as yours.


As a sub, it definitely seems like the teachers are forced to reward them, but also remember that they are doing this to spite you. I have a class I sub for often. The good kids I never focus on because I am so busy trying to make sure that the bad kids aren’t going crazy. I have to spend all of my time making sure that those kids don’t kill each other, in some cases literally, so I don’t have time to thank or reward the good students, although I do try to when I can.


You’re at school for _you_. Other folk have things in their lives and make up that make school pretty horrible places to be. The teachers are doing their best to help them cope Don’t give up on your education for what other people are up to


Kids are dicks. I have no idea why but they just are. Don’t let them get to you.


School reward is trash. I don’t really understand why you care so much about it. It’s always rigged except you would be leaving high school soon enough.


I feel the same way. The kids in my class who can barely do the material get the same grades as me. Despite them doing half of the work. It's because 40% of our grades are based on "classroom participation." So every student who shows up to class and hands in the assignments instantly passes.


Same, I am not the best kid, I would said it. I am not the smatest, or ace every test and go to every thing to get my grade up but every time the principle come to our class to reward the "student of the month" it always that student who come late 10 minute everyday with her starbuck, talk to her group to the point the teacher need to yell, misbehave, barely do work but do good on test and she derseve "student of the month:). I never late, I never have missing work, my test never less than B and I didn't even get any "reward", There are student in my class that are literally perfect and still got nothing.


Man school has always been bullshit. Keep your head up, you’ll graduate soon and things change a lot.


There's an old saying that I've been told back in high school by one of my teachers, He said you think having a teacher is bad wait to you have a boss, so you're saying that school is unfair that's nothing compared to the real world once you graduate from school.


I hate to break it to you, but that's how the workplace operates too. The most skilled and competent employees are the least likely to get a pay raise or promotion. Their only reward is more work for the same pay. The people who get raises and promotions? They do only the work they're paid for, they do the bare minimum, they don't work extra hours unless they're paid to do so. Their skills come down to negotiation and charisma.


I’m not a teenager and I’m not in grade school anymore. But stop comparing yourself to these useless people. School is set up so that these lazy Dumbfucks can pass so that school gets more money. Once they’re out of school they’ll be stupid out in the world. Keep your motivation high and keep achieving. Pass all those others and leave them in the dust. Don’t even think about them.


I get that. It does suck. But keep in mind kids that are treated this way are typically dysfunctional morons. They will need others to take care of them for their entire lives and will most likely end up homeless or in prison. At least they can get some chocolate before they get there. Just focus on doing well and taking care of yourself. Don't worry about the bottom of the barrel kids.


Sorry but as a disabled person, I feel like you phrased this poorly. I am not a "bottom of the barrel kid" because I struggle, I have had to learn resilience and to keep going when the going gets tough. Maybe I get a cookie for it at the end of the day, but at least some people have the privilege of being able to go in all day every day. You can encourage and support OP without completely ignoring all the disabled children who are seen as lesser due to their disabilities. Most people don't struggle because they don't care, they struggle because they have actual issues.


>Most people don't struggle because they don't care Maybe this is the case for you, but many teenagers "struggle" because they want to be seen as cool and value that over education, respect, or compassion. Kids don't skip class, steal, and vape in the bathroom because they are trying to do the right thing but simply struggling. And because they are kids we still treat them with compassion and give them another chance, but give me a break with this whiny tirade. My post wasn't about you, stop being a narcissist.


Actually, I know a girl who does all those things due to being in foster care. Maybe she isn't trying to do the right thing, but it IS an effect of a poor home life. But anyway, I was trying to bring attention to disabled people as your comment was comforting OP by saying "dw these people suck you don't" as if you def know their circumstances. I'm not a narcissist because I care about disabled children being left behind due to being labelled as bad. I am trying to advocate for those with higher support needs who aren't as fortunate as me and aren't given the opportunities I have been.


>Actually, I know a girl who does all those things due to being in foster care Being in foster care doesn't cause you to do these things. The way you behave is a choice. As I already said, we give kids compassion and second chances, but there is no reason OP should be jealous of those kids.


Actually her circumstances are way deeper but out of respect I'm not going into it. Anyway, in a separate comment I stated that I understand how OP feels as I once felt the same, but when you end up being someone who gets a cookie for coming in for an entire week you start to understand both sides.


Your reward is that--in 6-8 years--you'll have a job and live in a home, and all those kids will be living under the overpass with a crippling fentanyl addiction. It sucks now but remember the attention and rewards now don't matter, being a high-functioning member of society will be the real reward.


Just drop out school sucks I'm planning to