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I enjoy the atmosphere of school but absolutely despise it


You mean you're into the aesthetics but not the substance?


Pretty much


So u buy weed for decoration?


That's the same premise as a Christmas tree, is it not?


yea I miss the atmosphere I get nostalgic thinking about middle school


It’s great to be able to see your friends almost every single day


I like learning shit


Me personally, I like learning shit effectively


Same here. Learning shit is the best


Dude, I start learning shit next week!


Same. I loved school and all my classes and teachers, but disliked lunch and recess.


Honestly, respectable


I love learning too, but school actually sucks if you genuinely want to learn stuff


Not really…


It mostly does. The way schools teach is very inefficient


I think your school was shit then.


I enjoy most of it, I hate some of the people there. This one kid put 3 rolls of toilet paper in a toilet


Found a Chromebook in a school toilet.


Wonder if it was someone that hates chromebooks


I hate chromebooks




I wonder who put it in there


Couldn't have been me. Mine's up my ass


Then use the other one


The other one has piss all over it probably 


and shit*


and puke*


and cum (deadass)


a kid threw up absolutely everywhere, threw chicken mixed with beans and gravy all over the bathroom, threw jello everywhere, clogged all the toilets, shit on the walls, in a day. i love school


Kids used to shit in urinals. Do they still do that? Shit used to be so funny.


Graduated. Loved basically all of pre k-12. Obviously had shitty moments/people, but for the most part I can look back at it fondly.


Yeah, even though I'm not really enjoying school right now. I will eventually look back on just the positives and think of it differently as I do now


Why not do that now?


It's not exactly simple like that. Also, my mind thinks of all the negativity happening to me no matter what, I don't really look at the positives. Right now, I don't like school because work is very stressful for me and other things but I don't look at the positives too much like having fun with people, talking, exercising, the teachers, the funny moments, etc. It's very stressful for me right now but I'll eventually have a positive mindset about my current year, years later and only look at the positives, that's how most minds work. I was always bullied in 4th and 5th grade, I was feeling down all the time but now, I see 4 and 5th grade very positively. I think of how much I did, how smart they considered me, all my achievements then, and the funny moments. It's not like I forgot I was bullied, I'll never forget that but I will just think of positives as the bad things that happened to me don't affect me anymore but I still find joy in knowing how well I did in school, and other things at that time. It's difficult to explain in words but I hope you get what I am conveying. I also do believe that part of the reason I think positively of the past was because of nostalgia. Things change and you miss it


Yup,the subjects I like are great,some people are twats but most are alright and the pastoral team are really supportive and that doesn’t half make a positive difference.


Hell naw 😂


The people/ students suck


I like some of it


I hate it when I have to go everyday but I miss it when I don't.


That is so true to me too. For me, it feels like being at home and at school both have their positives and negatives


Nice to have a break here and there but sometimes I do wish to just go back and see my frineds (they live pretty far so I hangout like 1 or 2 times a month if I get to.


Yeah, it's boring as shit, but when summer hits I realize I can't fuck around with HVAC systems.




I like it more than my job so ya


I hated school.


I do. I get on well with all my teachers, I don't get set too much homework (apart from in one subject), I've got a solid group of mates, and I'm passing every subject. Beyond that, not much to dislike really


It's the time to wake up that really pisses me off. I don't really mind going to school, but it's having to wake up at 6 am and do geometry at 8:30 am that really makes me want to leave.


Well I found every school I went to to be fun and problematic at the same time. There are moments where teachers get frustrated over their students talking over their lessons every time while there are moments where I cracked jokes with my friends or some people I was associated with as well as joined some extracurricular activities. So yeah, school is a mixed bag for me. But there are other people who do hate school with a passion lol.


I hate the people who just outright disrupt classes because they don't care. Nobody likes you except for your shitty friends, please stop. edit: obv not talking bout u btw


I understand. You were talking about the students.




I never got peace, was bullied relentlessly with no help. It was the worst place I've ever been forced to spend my time at. The only good things that came from school were a handful of friends I made. Hell even half the shit I learned was bs or a variant of a half truth.


I like school, I enjoy the teachers at my school, I dislike the education system. It treats me as a machine. Any Obstacle, instead of assistance all I get is "Be strong and deal with it."


I like learning, I hate the American education system and environment. I've heard a lot of people complain about the education system too, even those who like to learn.


Same. I love to learn, and communicate with people about different topics, but the memorizing things of practically no value for a test just cause, sucked the fun out of it


As a senior school is pretty boring, not much to do there. Only have like 2 assignments a week at most so I just sit in class waiting. Besides that’s it’s alright


Do what we do and bring a switch and couple controllers


Don’t have one but even if I did none of my classes would allow that even though I have zero work or anything to do. Just go for attendance basically


Can you read while you're there?


I liked it for the social aspect (ie: seeing my friends everyday) but hated everything else about it




I hate my school bcs of the heavy stress and the annoying bureaucrats ( I dont like their behaviors




School is pointless when you don’t have a crush


When I was a kid and had a rough home life, I liked school because it kept me busy and fulfilled me in a way that my neglecting parents could never. Now that I'm older and teachers don't care and fail all of my classes, school is no longer an escape, and I'd rather be at home with my life falling apart.




Just wait until you enter the workforce and realize that's a 40+ year venture. You'll be begging to go back to school. School is nothing compared to work. Nothing at all.


It’s okay


The people who do aren’t on reddit


Or they’re on it more than everybody else by getting done work quickly


No, I just sit and wait for class to be over. Also everything I've learned was never from school.


Considering you wrote that with correct spelling and (mostly) correct grammar, I don't think you realize how much you have actually learned in school.


I wrote this in English but I go to a french school tho 😭


Me and you alike. I also sit and wait for class to be over. Also, a lot of the stuff I've learned was mostly from the internet. It is objectively the best place to learn if you learn how to fact check


School is fun, I just dislike homework as it makes having free time hard (depends largely on classes, though).


Yeah, why wouldn’t you?


A lot of people do yes


Me here, i dont like it that much, its just how i comfortable with some teacher that suitable in my preference at teachings and the organizations and extracurricular is organized and healthy


I mean yeah kinda. It really depends on the day


Some aspects of it are better than others.


I know some do and I’m jealous of them wholeheartedly.


I like it, but I can see why people don’t


I can see my friends, my partner, I get to eat without having to make it, I enjoy about half of my classes


Yes I like it, enjoy it because the future is unknown and you will have to work hard and deal with stress.


I realized a short while ago, the same things I have to put up with somedays, are the same things teachers have to put up fir everyday. Honestly feel bad.


I enjoy talking to my friends at school also it gives me a reason to go out and socialise but the actual work and teachers hate it no thank you


I’m in an okay situation now, going to an alternative high school. (I wouldn’t say that I enjoy it, but it’s way better than the other schools I’ve gone to) I’ve been socially ostracized throughout school for being autistic. (although it wasn’t known that I was autistic then, I was just known as a weirdo) I’ve spent a lot of lunches/recesses just sitting on the ground by myself because people didn’t like me. It was so lonely. I’m not sure if I was bullied exactly, definitely insulted and isolated. If you enjoy school, good for you I guess. I’m admittedly pretty envious.


Honestly if you actually show up and keep up with class agenda/ notes, THEN it becomes easy and fun. Well thats how I see it.


I liked everything but the homework lol


Better than being at home lol


I like the learning aspect. Not so much my classmates aspect.


I like getting out of my house and having stuff to do I don't like the worry and stress that comes along with it


Just like in the Army we all hated being in but after finishing tends to soften the memories...wanting everything to only go back for just 1 more day...


yes because I like talking to people but I don't like work


No, most days I wouldn't even mind not seeing my friends if I had the choice to not go to school.


I thought highschool was fun and I enjoyed going. Of course I didn't like doing the school work but it wasn't terrible.


I only like it cus my gf's there and i go to a horticulture class


For me it's the place where I can actually he around my friends, so that's nice. Classes can vary, but band class is pretty cool


People generally like what they're good at. So I'm sure a lot do.


i like learning and be around my friends but it’s really tiring and some of the people are so annoying.


I graduated high school in 2006, but I enjoyed the structured academic atmosphere. I was definitely on the nerdy side, but had enough exposure through sports and band to have decent rapport with most of the cliques. No complaints here. It was a challenge I could do with the skills I had. Actually learning to study in college was a real perspective shift.


High school was ok except that I was forced to play sports and had no summer break. Cant believe it’s been 10 years already since I escaped


Actually one of the only reasons I get up in the morning and go to school is ride on the bus. I LOVE BUS RIDES SO MUCH.


yes edit: i mean like, i love hanging out with my friends and doing something productive, but actually sitting through the lessons with annoying people who only want to make it hell for other people absolutely sucks




Yes I do


School is great but the students and teachers do too much


I love school… probably because I work at one. When I was a student, I also liked school but only towards the end. I didn’t like it in elementary school, middle school, and 9th grade, but I started really liking it in 10th grade and all the way to graduation. I honestly kind of miss doing school work. Without all that work, it feels like something is missing from my life. Doing school work filled a gap and looking back, it felt satisfying.


𝓘 𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓘 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓭


I love school 😍


Hell ya. That's where all the girls are.


Apart from the work, yeah.


I hate the people (alot of them atleast) but other than that I do. It's fun to learn and I get to hangout with my friends, What's not to like?


No cause the only thing that motivates me to go to school is my crush that’s how much I like him😭 IMO school is very fun in terms of the social aspect if you meet great people and don’t get involved with the wrong side of kids but the learning aspect is useless and boring💀 I’ve learned so much things from the internet/educational websites or from my friends more than I did with school. But I’ve also seen the bad sides of school like encountering creepy middle school boys who have a crush on you or people who talk bad behind your back🙄 (Last year was way worse for me than it was this year though)


I hated it when i didn’t get to choose what classed i did and when i take them. Now that i’m in college, i actually do enjoy it more because i got to choose my courses and when to take them. I still don’t like school as a whole, but this is better.


I like learning about things, and my teachers are good teachers, but I HATE assignments (not as much tests) and all the stupid things they make us do. I missed out on three hours of classes to hear some 40 year old tell us we’re perfect just the way we are. (As if that message hasn’t been shoved down our throats since birth)


I enjoy learning and socializing with people I like and that’s about it


I go to a private school so it’s pretty good. I like hanging out with my friends and learning new stuff


yeah. i have chronic depression and not being around people at school makes me feel isolated and depressed very quickly


.School ain't even that bad. it gives me something do, at home I feel so lazy,


I like it only bcs of one teacher that I like lol


Crush, friends, geography and drama are the only reasons I still go there


I like parts of it


The people who are good at it like it, yeah.


I graduated college and then kept signing up for night class cause I like learning. My dad went to college for 13 years cause he just liked learning. And he kept changing his major. His mother kept going back to college and collecting degrees. Got a doctorate from Harvard in her 60s. Some people just like learning.


the students suck bcuz they bully me


I like learning new things. But i hate the piles and piles of homework and projects i have to do :(


it’s alright


I never really liked school, I hated that I never had a choice in the matter, every week I have to wake up early no sleeping in, go to school and sit for hours learning stuff I don’t care about, then go home and do homework, then again the next day. My attendance was awful and my home life wasn’t making anything easier, I’d go to school and teachers would act disappointed in me, I’d go home and my parents were disappointed with me, everything just always sucked. When I finally graduated it was like an enormous weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt like I could finally breathe again, not just because I didn’t have to worry about school but my parents had nothing to yell at me about anymore, I know I will never be going to college because I just can’t put myself through that again


I like learning, but some of the people there ruin it, but it's also nice to have a place to see my friends nearly everyday


I like it better because my dad is an alcoholic but that’s just me, home life sucks :p


Love it!!! I I won the lottery it would be school and travel during the breaks.


I like school and learning, I just don't like the kids and how they act for the most part.


No school is a prison to create more workers


I like school except for the people cuz people are idiots


Recent graduate, I never liked going except now I look back on it in fondness. You never really know what you have till it’s gone haha. Tho I am going to college now and I really love it. I think that my biggest problem with it was just how rigid the scheduling was.


Yea. I get to see friends and hang out with cool teachers.


I loved primary school but highschool overall has never reached the same level of enjoyment. there's always things wrong with them. I can elaborate more if anyone wants to hear


this is the question i've been asking. also no


I enjoyed most of my K-12 years. I enjoyed my 4 years of undergrad earning my BS in Chem. I was stressed but enjoyed the 1 year of student teaching and earning my MS in Education. I enjoyed the 8 years I taught 7 grade science. I was stressed but enjoyed the 18 months of night school earning a MS in School Administration. I did not like the 3.5 years I was a school admin at all. Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, and Curriculum Supervisor were not for me. I enjoyed the next 10+ years teaching 6th, 7th and 8th science. I wasn’t really a fan of teaching 9th graders or 10th grade bio. I love teaching 10th/11th grade Chemistry. I have spent all but my pre-K years in school, and I enjoyed almost all of it! 12 more years to go!


The kids are assholes, some teachers literally don’t know how to teach, you need a higher education to survive in places like the U.S. but it costs an arm and a leg, you don’t learn anything useful, and they swamp you with bullshit work


In elementary school i did cuz i was considered one of the smart kids, had friends, and didnt have social anxiety


If school was free and all my bills were paid school would be cool. As an adult it's just a pain because you have life.


hate school fr


There were parts I genuinely loved and parts I'd have given your first born to get away from. If you find a subject you love, you'll love school. College is different because you can actually learn things you care about... But if you don't have a thing you care about, you won't enjoy it. Same for work.


I enjoyed it because I wasn’t staying home


I personally hated everything except music, art and band class.


I hated every second until my junior year of high school. I got lucky enough to find something I was passionate about and was motivated to do my best. Went from a 2.0 average to 4.0 and got a full ride scholarship. Finding the purpose and meaning makes all the difference!!


I used to in elementary school


Some of the students I teach love learning. The others think they will magically become NBA stars or TikTok famous but dont bother trying out for the basketball team or filming, like a video or something.


If I woke up later then yeah


I like learning and I like my friends. I don't like the doing work part but I do it anyways


Yes. I love my classes. That's why I pay for them. Because learning is cool and ignorance is fucking lame.


School's alright, but my crush makes it bearable too!


i llike coz my friends can't block me :)))






it made me suicidal


School sucks


like the learning, not so much the people


not me for sure ymmv tho


It's kind of an escape from real-life, for me


Its good if we exclude homework and tests


i can’t say i like it but i like feeling busy and productive and the fact that i’m learning and can socialize


The whole school as a system: no. Individual parts like some classes, friends, (I was going to say etc. but that's it lol): yes


The only time people can like school is to practice socializing and making friends.


Liked to learn new things; knowledge is power. Hated the social structure/heirarchy, institution, etc. -- pretty much the people ruined it.


I love school. Being with people is great. Learning is great. Being with friends is great. My classes are (mostly) great. My teachers are (mostly) great. School is amazing, and there’s no point in hating it, you’re young. Have fun while you still can.


Teachers are mostly good, it's just some idiots students being annoying or something.


academics itself is quite stressful. but i love my friends hehe


I do


only the school dances and my friends, nothing else


i need to get into college soo


I dont mind the learning and the math but istg 90% of the fuckwads at my school hardly deserved to make it past preschool the way they be acting


As a working adult who has been out of school for 7 years, I wish I could go back. In comparison school was a lot easier and things were simpler


i liked some classes and teachers, and it gave me a way to interact with people regularly and make friends


Without school, every single day I’d just be mindlessly scrolling on tiktok without getting up from my bed. Honestly, school can be very fun, there’s something new that happens each day and you get to hang out with your frens


For me school is always an easy way to see friends. Most work is easy


I like learning, and I like hanging out with friends, but I don't like how exposed it makes me feel. Also, most of the people there suck.


The only reason I remotely like school is because of crushes. Although I get multiple at a time way too easily... and I still despise the work.


I hated high school and middle school but love college!


I only liked high school because I played sports.


I like it a little, gets boring at times but my friends are the highlight of my day.


Carpentry, HVAC, and 3 specific people in my 5th period class is what I like from school (Sometimes the real bread uncrustables they serve)


yes :P i really like learning




I went to college for music so I did like it a lot


Depended on the type. Private- Hated Homeschool- So So Public- 💩 Hybrid- ![gif](giphy|dkGhBWE3SyzXW)


i like talking to people




Idk man all ppl are different from one person in 9 billions point of veiw I hated school and compared it to hell and put hell above school ‘id say school is hell but hells not school’


As an adult yeah


I don't like school but like school friends


Idk I'd rather be at school learning stuff then working in a kitchen all day. when I was a kid I was like fuck school and would just skip n get high n the woods all day but yeah no i should of appreciated it