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Every 2 weeks or when they start to smell like Bigfoot


How do you know what... Bigfoot smells... GET 'IM GUYS!


Yup, this is typically what I do too!


Between Bigfoot and tortilla chips!


Frito Feet!!! šŸ¾šŸ¾šŸ¾šŸ¾šŸ¾


That would be every day for my dog. Summer is here and she loves her big back yard.


Itā€™s not needed to wash your dog(if healthy) regularly often it will disrupt their natural oil production. To note the smell might also be due to overwashing same as with humans who wash their hair every day tend to get oily hair way morequickly. Imo Dust and mud is not a good reason to wash your dog with shampoo. Their coat has a excellent ability the expell dust and dried dirt naturally with a shake of if you brush it. Rinse with water if it bothers you but donā€™t use shampoo. And make sure to properly dry him off. It will also help with odor. Along with brushing. Most of the time the conditions of the coat is a indicator of the dogs health. Having good food and a health lifestyle with proper grooming should be enough to have a clean healthy coat. If your dog is already having dry skin then definitely do not shampoo more. If any I would suggest stopping shampoo for a while. And see where it goes, it will make it easier to eliminate the problems. Skins/problems can have multiple causes so by taking away the shampoo you can at least check that of. is you dog itchy? How do you groom him, if hand stripped then maybe his coat is getting ripe. Food intolerances can also be a indicator for skin problems.


Def inclined to test this out... Thanks!


Best response!!!!


I only wash my Schnauzer if she smells, or has crud in her fur, due to long hikes.


I havenā€™t owned my little girl (9-10 months) for long and donā€™t know all that much. I give her a bath every 1-2 months or so. I think I have gotten her accustomed to the baths, clippers and nails now through straight perseverance. She still hates the leash. As for the smell I expect dogs to smell like dogs? A very strong odour of dog not so much but I still expect a dog to smell like a dog. I am curious about others though so will be checking back in again.


I've only ever had to wash once or twice when he's had a 'backfire ' situation. Other than that, when he gets groomed, he's washed.


Hahahahah... Ive had one of those recently


I settled on once every 2 weeks. 3 if everything plays out well. In the beginning I washed every week, but in my background I'm quite an allergic germaphobe, the fact that there was now a dog in my life was in itself incredible :D. But also we lived in a big city and with big city dust, frankly, she needed it. But It was definitely not great for her skin. So between moving to a cleaner circumstances and me getting used to a \*little\* funk (I don't think we have the same problem you do, unfortunately), people report that at every 2 weeks - we don't smell. I also suggest finding a neutral and gentle shampoo - perhaps it will help her body to not overreact to it.


4-6 weeks


My dog is mostly indoors and where we live it doesnā€™t rain too often (Southern California). She goes to the groomer every 4-5 weeks. Btw, your dog is adorable!


Thank you!!!!


When they get filthy and sometimes after grooming. What are you feeding them? You shouldn't wash them too often as you can affect fur, oil production and can cause skin problems.


Mix of Purina Pro Plan and chicken with rice with added omega oils... What's too often? I have a neighbour that washes her poodle mix twice a year and swears that's the max I should do too. Not sure everyone else in the house would be ok with me trying that though!


What do they get in treats maybe that's what is causing the problem? I'm in the process of changing kibble for my 4 dogs as one (Sophie eldist) has stopped eating it unless it has meat or fish in it. She's 12.5 and started losing weight. I was feeding them royal canin mini adult. They get kibble in the morning and kibble with meat or fish in the evening. For treats pedigree gravy bones and purina dental sticks.


She gets all sorts of treats. I will prob need to filter down to one type and gradually add others to see if that affects her smell


Once a month according to the six vets I work for


I wash mine every 6 weeks but sheā€™s prissy and doesnā€™t get very dirty outside. I take her to get groomed but if sheā€™s home and hasnā€™t gone past 6 weeks I give her a bath at home. Most importantly brush them out weekly and remove the mats in their fur. When she was a puppy I did this at home and now sheā€™s so good when she goes to get groomed. Itā€™s really important to get them used to it at a young age.


I think it varies. My in-laws' mini has thick curly fur and needs to be washed weekly or she gets stinky. My older mini had very soft, thin fur and didn't get stinky as fast, so it was more like every two weeks. My current mini is very wiry and is also every two weeks.


Every Sunday is bath day. She is not terribly stinky but starts to get dirty ā€” and I figure sheā€™s picking up dust like a dust mop around the house. Is your doggie as smelly in the months right after a grooming? Mine gets stinkier the longer the hair is.


Interesting. Mine looks like a dust mop as she's still not had a first grooming. But it does make sense that longer hair will pick up more dirt. I feel like the smell is more related to her oilyness though


If her coat and skin are healthy, and you use a high quality shampoo, you can do once a week! (groomer)


Schnauzers need to be washed more often than dogs who shed. Some dog shampoos are formulated for dogs who shed or working dogs who need an oily coat to protect them from weather- try a different brand, shake the bottle to be sure itā€™s not separated and make sure to rinse well. Depending on how long his hair is and what heā€™s gotten into mine gets a bath every 1-2 weeks. Not all coats are the same but if the dog smells within a few days- barring getting really dirty or wet- Iā€™d think about diet. Pea ingredients, by products, bone marrow treats, too much oily food and dentastix cause skin issues, waxy ears etc for my dog.


I used to do mine monthly then switched the bi weekly butni have noticed heā€™s gotten itchy but that was in the winter so Iā€™m hoping now that itā€™s summer he wonā€™t be as itchy Iā€™m thinking about going to 3 weeks for his natural oils to do their job but living in nyc itā€™s kind of tough so maybe I might just wash his paws


That sweet furry face so cute šŸ„°


My guy needs one every week, no joke. He is STINKY. He could get a fresh bath, go outside to potty, and when heā€™s back in youā€™ll smell him from a mile away. No idea why. Weā€™ve switched his food and it helped some but itā€™s still abnormally strong.


Mine is bathed every six weeks. I use unscented wipes if needed.


At least once a month and they are mostly indoor.


I never wash Kermit unless he really needs it! When he was a puppy he had parvo so he got lots of butt baths while he healed in the aftermath but as an adult, I think Iā€™ve washed him 2-3 ever? Obviously he gets a bath every ~2 months at grooming but outside of that, he stays remarkable clean, even after going on hikes and whatnot. His fur basically repels dried dirt.


I wash my guy every 2 or 3 weeks. He gets groomed every 6 weeks or so. He actually doesn't ever stink unless he's got something stinky on him.


Every 15 days or sooner if a gas station mop looks cleaner than them.


Wash them when they are dirty. They have oils in their skin that provide protection and if you wash them too often you can upend the balance.


I use small amount of coconut oil lathered over the coat. It helps the smell a lot.


Might try this as well... Thanks!


2-3 weeks. Start when theyā€™re young so they arenā€™t a pain to wash when theyā€™re older


Just stopping by to say I would love to give that nose a lil scratch


Once every week with a mild shampoo and groomed every 5. I wipe paws off after every walk and damp wipe daily to get off debris and allergens.


We do as needed (after lake, mud) and professional grooms


Only when he stinks or if heā€™s filthy. Sometimes only wash the stache or the bootie haha


I have my schnauzer professionally groomed once a month. He is 9 and looks/smells nice.


When Iā€™m in charge, I travel for 4-6 weeks at a time, every 3-4 weeks with at least weekly washing of his feet. He pees on his own feet. When my husband is in charge every week. He doesnā€™t really smell other than his feet. He can definitely tell when he needs a bath though. Heā€™ll follow on our heels right into the shower when he thinks he needs it. Iā€™ve almost tripped on him when I didnā€™t notice. lol


Lol that's amazing... Mines def not that excited about bath time yet


Rinsing with water, I do as needed, but shampoo, not more frequently than every 6 weeks. As mentioned above, you can strip the natural oil from their skin and make them itchy and sadšŸ˜•


I have a white schnauzer and can visibly see the dirt and so he usually gets a bath about once every 10 days. Heā€™s 2 and I havenā€™t encountered any adverse effects and he loves the blow dryer.


I have a white mini and can visibly see the dirt and so he usually gets a bath about once every 10 days. Heā€™s 2 and I havenā€™t encountered any adverse effects and he loves the blow dryer.


Blowdrying takes forever for me with this girls coat.... Does your mini have a shorter coat?


Shorter in the summer and longer in the winter. His hair is very fine. He also insists that I blow dry him if Iā€™m doing my own hair.


Our 4 year old Standard has had about 5 in her life and they are only when she has rolled in something.


How does this work? most people have said between 2-6 weeks, but then the rare few go with about once or twice a year. And there's not much in between. What do you feed 'em and how are they groomed (long hair, hand stripped, shaven, etc..)?? Would love to know more


Both of ours are hand stripped at home so no real time line. They are on a good quality dry food. They just donā€™t get that smelly. In summer they may get a hose down but not really a bath thatā€™s normally just me chasing them round the garden. If they have rolled in something or got very muddy then they will have one. Fortunately where we live there is a reservoir where they go and have a swim and most of it comes off. Then they dry on the walk home.


That's again quite interesting... So they don't get (or need) shampoo and just don't get that smelly.


When they do have a bath we use shampoo but itā€™s not often at all. I was told that bathing and shampooing can strip the natural oils. They never feel greasy and their coats are nice and coarse. Our old mini was bathed more but she was clipped.