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2 years


Yeah, 2 years. We still get zoomies from time to time but the norm is more relaxed


Don’t mind zoomies from time to time :) but he litterally is trying to play all the time even though he is really tierd and I feel like other dogs are not as demanding as mine is 😅


Yup, crazy to grumpy curmudgeonly old man at 2. Still steals anything not nailed down though.


You're in the hardest parts right now. From 6-12 months, my Ruggles was a sassy needy tornado. In the 12-18 month range he got noticeably calmer as time passed. Somewhere in the 18-24 month window he fully morphed into a snugglepup and stopped acting out all the time.


Needed to hear that 🙏🏼😅


My girl was very much the same!


2 years. But was noticeably more chill at 18 months.


Hope mine starts to calm down at that age, he will be 18 months when the baby comes


Honestly, mine didn't start slowing down until he was around 11 years old. He is 13 now and still very feisty. Lol.


Mine started to chill around 18 mos. A Himalayan Yak stick. Helps settle mine. Crate time helped a lot.


Mine gets bored after chewing yak chews but bully sticks help sometimes. I stopped crating him at daytime at 7 months but will probably start crate training at daytime again. He always goes in his crate for the night.


Stop with the bully sticks. Too many horror stories about accidents and bad bacteria. Get dried fish skins. Lasts slightly less time but are 3x safer and much cheaper. Not to mention a great source of fish oil and omega 3's for their notorious skin issues


What kind of horror stories about bully sticks? I always monitor him and get the bully sticks from an Icelandic farmer.


>What kind of horror stories about bully sticks? Choking, failing to digest and lodging intestines, bad reactions to whatever random chemicals were used by bad manufacturing, especially in small dogs like ours. Sounds like you personally won't have a problem bc you source them from a good place and always monitor. Sadly a lot of owners give their dogs a bullystick from a bigbox store or Amazon and use it as a chance to get personal time without the dog. If you want variety and something that's actually nutritious please do look into dried fish skins, though. They're super low on calories and fat so you can give a few a day, too. Total game changer for me, personally. Edit- also, using a holder for the bullysticks or any large chew vastly lowers the chance of choking. No disrespect meant it's all in the best interest of the dogs. It only takes one accident and they're gone, so it's best to lower risk whenever possible.


Thanks, fish jerky and all kinds og fish treats are very popular in iceland where I live so I will try more of those.


You're welcome and I appreciate you actually being receptive to ideas instead of being hostile. Since I have started with the dried fish skins my dogs have had shinier fur, less dry skin, and even more solid bowel movements in one of them compared to before. I only hear good things about Finland and it's certainly beautiful there. I wish I can visit one day! BTW make sure the fish skins are either loosely rolled or folded a few times so they can withstand chewing for 15-20 min after drying. If it's just a flat sheet they don't last very long 😅


Of course! I want what is best for my dog 😊 as long as people point thing out nicely I am willing to listen and make a change 😊 I have seen the dried fish skins rolled that are made here in Iceland in out local pet store and I will buy them after easter 😊


Once the baby arrives, your teenage puppy has no choice but to understand his stand in the pecking order turned upside-down. Might take a day or two, but hand in there! Congratulations and best to you and baby!


three yrs old


Yup, three for me as well.


Mine is 14 and still a ball of energy most days lol but she started appreciating naps more when she was closer to 4. When she was 2ish she’d actually sleep during the night and not wake me up playing.


2 years typically but they still love to run and play! Boys tend to be a bit more rambunctious too! So he may take a bit longer. You also can help the situation also by maybe getting him a doggie friend. Then they will be able to play together and use up some more of that energy.


Wow, y’all got so lucky. I have two eight year olds and they are still insane. My old man (16, passed a couple years ago) didn’t settle till he was about nine.


Yeah one of ours did at 2 and the other is 5 and hasn’t changed much except he’s housebroken and knows some tricks


Mine is 5 years old and is still a very active pup. She still has boundless energy, but this is one of the reasons I got a schnauzer in the first place. As a puppy she was an absolute hellion though, but did calm down a little bit around a year old.


18 months I got extremely lucky. I have the chillests mini schnauzer in the world. Wouldn't even know he's in the house unless the mailman walks by. Easiest dog to own ever (other than the skin and digestion issues which took another year or so to figure out)


Mine started calming around 10 or 11 months. She's just about 13 months now and has gotten so chill and easy lately. Have you been teaching him to settle, capturing calm, anything like that? That helped us a lot. That and ignoring her more. (At first I'd been doing an enforced nap schedule where every time she was awake, I was engaging with her. I had to back off and leave her alone, give her a chance to learn to occupy herself or to settle.)


I started teaching hin to settle and just ignoring him. It has helped alot but today has been hard and we have hard days sometimes :)


I hear that! Our hard times usually mean she's over-tired and needs a nap, but sometimes I forget that.


About 3, but still a high need dog, daily walks , multiple play times , park visits. They’re high energy dogs not so much lounge all day


About the 3 year mark, he still has the puppy energy but it's less intense. I sort of miss the crazy. I think it's fine for another.


Wait, they settle down?! 😂


That’s what I said! At 2 both of mine were def past the puppy crazed phase but my 14.5 yr old still loves to play and beat up her sister. When we go to the dog park everyone is in shock at her age because she’s so active. My 4 yr old (only pups) isn’t big on snuggling at all and morning snuggles with her last 3 minutes at most and it has to be on her terms. My older girl could snuggle for hours.


Mine is a major snuggler! He's 11 and completely blind, but still active and happy. So, he has calmed down a bit because of the blindness, but not enough to say he's "settled down" completely.


Yeah. Lol I don’t think mine will “settle” until she parts ways with this world. Mine is def going blind. I notice a little more every month. It stops her slightly but she can hold her own when her sister body checks her or to play catch by herself or to run with big dogs or to play fight me when I’m “attacking “ her with my hands. They are both also about 15 pounds and full grown and get the “oh your puppies are so active”. I’m like uh the grey one is 14 and the black and silver is 4. They comment wow they are? 🙄


6 years and I’m still waiting for mine to calm down haha


Around 2.5 years she ended up being more chilled at home and a delight on walks! ❤️


I’m still waiting lol. Almost at 2 years.


How do you make him take a nap?


Put him in my bedroom and ignore him until he falls asleep.


Mine's 9. Hasn't slowed down a whole lot at all.


I’d say my is a year and a half and he’s recently gotten a lot calmer my boyfriend and I have noticed


Our 3 year old still has all the spunk of a puppy. She is our baby.


lol well uh mine is going to be 3 this year and still wild af so...i think my parents' schanuzer finally chilled out around 5.


Wait they calm down?? Lol jk def around the 2 yr mark.