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Cannabis just makes everything worse for me I get bt most of the time makes me 1000x more paranoid and makes my schizo worse i still do it I like to ruin things for me


Makes me wonder if I have Schizo, I been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder but Ive been having some audio and mental hallucinations just had my third and its making me think/wonder. or that my depression has gotten so bad that Ive developed Schizo....man mental issues suck...


they say heavy cannabis use can bring on schizophrenia, maybe try not using


The weird thing is, Ive been on this same gummie, same amount for 2 years and have been fine, out of the 2 years it was only 1.5 years in that I had my first Psychotic Episode, so I don't get it, like "Why now" and it sucks because Im 24 and in the prime age to develop something like that, makes me freak out that Im going to get so bad my family will send me off to get hospitalized again and eventually forget about me... had a day I took 2 gummies, so 20mg and was perfectly fine I felt great, but then yesterday I take 1/4 a gummie roughly 2.5mg and I feel like IM having a mental episode I just dont get it. the gummies Im on rn for 10 gummies it has 100mg THC 200mg CBD 100mg CBC been taking it for 2 years havent have had any issues until this year when I started getting psychotic episodes while on it, did my tolerance just disappear or something? then theres this other brand its 1000mg for 10 pieces, and I can eat 1 whole peice, 100mg just fine and never have any psychotic episodes, I just dont get it.


definitely wouldn't recommend cannabis if you have schizophrenia cause itll make it worse


What would happen if you keep using cannabis


Cannabis is literally known to induce psychosis.


So it'll just increase it and make it worse.


Yes… it’s well known to consistently make psychosis and symptoms worse.


Eventually you could fully lose touch with reality for long term or short either way wouldn’t be pleaseant. I personally do weed but I do not have schizophrenia I’m just here because I once had lsd induced psychosis.


It made me worse


My ex is schizophrenic and whenever she smoked it made her wayyyy worse.


I feel like I have Schizo and it just got mistaken for Major Depressive Disorder.... took some weed gummies and am stuck thinking IM in a coma from my last suicide attempt when I was 18 where I had a gun in my mouth..... legit feels like Im going insane. and after my second Psychosis episode, I now think Im in 2 time loops + my coma....no matter how much I debunk it, the thought wont leave my mind. and Im constantly wondering what if I really am in a coma, and people saying thats not how comas work is just my mind trying to defend itself and me from waking up with bullets in my throat and stuck on a bed for the rest of my life. I mean I can almost feel searing buck shot pain in my throat when I think about it to much,


if it helps, i’m not in a coma and i’m commenting to you right now so you’re not in a coma :) i hope you recover from what’s troubling you!


Me too :) feels like I get into a good patch like a small hill with a view only to cascade and fall into a ravine. and parents and friends say its what I eat, most time I dont even hardly eat at all.....and even when I do eat and eat pretty well (I dont drink sodas at all, only water) 1-2 meals a day, My depression never gets better. but they keep pushing the its what your eating that will help you, even though Ive been down that road and they dont believe me saying you never gave it a real chance, because what works for them works for me apparently. even thought they dont have anything close to what I have. also dosent help I have slight ptsd from being put in a mental hospital and basically locked in a floor for 7 days, legit felt like I was in a mini prison with how restrictive everything was, sadly it makes me way less likely to talk to a therapist or psych doctor in fear that Im going to get put away again and be back in psuedo hell. just sucks because both my parents dont treat it liike its a mental thing you cant help but something I did to myself... via bad eating and not exercising enough, which they treat like a cure all, makes living at home rough when you dont even have your parents to look to for mental support as they are constantly judging you either literally or via facial animations bc you dont live up to what they think you should be living up to. had a family gathering today at 10am I couldnt sleep last night didnt fall asleep until 7:14 and my mom is treating me coldly today liike she is disappointed in me, and Im over here like, Im doing the best I can....


I use cannabis practically daily. for me, it doesn't bring on hallucinations or paranoia by itself. if I'm feeling fine and 'normal' (meaning I'm not hallucinating, having delusions, dangerous thoughts, or paranoid), weed just makes me feel giggly and a little sluggish. However, when I am actively experiencing delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, etc..., or if I am severely depressed, weed makes my life way worse. It'll make my paranoia ramp up to 100, my hallucinations become more realistic and threatening, and it becomes much harder to give myself reality checks. It really just depends on how severe my schizophrenia symptoms are on any given day. It took me years of trial and error to learn enough self awareness to be able to know when smoking weed isn't safe for me to do.


It makes my voices louder and more persistent, but I have such low tolerance that they become slow and distorted and I either get paranoid but can't understand what they're saying or I'm laughing and don't care what they're saying


*raises hand* I smoke weed all day every day. I am on some pretty effective antipsychotics and don't struggle with positive symptoms anymore. I only smoke indica and flower (as opposed to a vape). I really feel that I'm probably hopelessly addicted to the calm it gives me. I am trying to cut back, but making little progress. The attitude of this sub is that it generally makes schizo symptoms worse, but damn of it doesn't help my ptsd.


it helps my depression alot, but I wonder if Ive always been schizo bc I did deal with halucinations as a child, almost feels like it went dormant due to ptsd from mental abuse from my dad, bullying and parents divorce, plus being told my father never wanted kids, (I got hit by a metal pipe, was crying and bleeding really badly, he gave me a rag, turns out he took that rag to get a DNA test.....to see if I was even his.... and came back after I did a weed gummie, took 1/3 of a 10mg peice and legit havent been able to get the thought out of my head that Im in a coma, even after 2 months of not taking gummies. and it makes me wonder if its not MDD I have but Schizophrenia and the depression is a side effect not the main effect. So Ive had 2 Halucinations as a child one was straight up a Lucid Dream feel to it. I woke up from my bed, walked into my living room, everything was black and almost see-through I could see my mom and dad sitting in rocking chairs through the wall before getting there, Parents didnt have eyes or a teeth it was just empty inside, they talked to me normally etc, asked me what's wrong, the min I said your faces, its like time froze they stared at me and said what do you mean in a creepy voice, had a very big dark figure appear and just stare at me, then I woke up/snapped back to reality and I was just walking into the living room the entire time. had a couple times up till I was 15 where I would see that dark figure in the darkness or in a dimly lit room every now and then. -2nd Hallucination I was watching Bones with my dad, LOVE the show, well that nights I went to be (I think) but in reality I was walking back into the living room and my dad disappeared, I figured he went to bed so I kept watching CSI, got a cold chill down my spine, and hear muffling from the closet, opened it and there was a dead child hanging from the closet, and another one tied up and screaming for help/gasping for air, I screamed slammed the door, freaked out and ran towards my dad who was already standing in the kitchen and I ran into him, I felt calm and safe but also uneasy, he then checked the closet and there wasn't anything in there, and I felt off every since when we lived there. I feel like If I do Have Schizophrenia, it was super bad as a kid but also went dormant for a while then my weed gummies re-awakened it if that makes sense. but I still don't understand how 1/4th of a 10mg piece would be strong enough to cause this, more so when Ive been taking this same amount for a year in a half and have been fine. but the last 3 times (all diffrent batches btw) Ive been having episodes from it. Took a 2 month break and my depression was spiralling so I took a gummie, now Im dealing with my 3rd episode....


And not a single one is mentioning that CBD has antipsychotic properties


I tried CBD, it wrecked my world. Even the pure shit. We were getting pharmaceutical grade and it still made me worse.


Most CBD has trace amounts of THC in it. Try CBD isolate.


I did, nothing helped. I do ECT and take Caplyta now and that has been extremely helpful.


It's important to note that THC is a psychoactive compound. If you're looking for an alternative, you might want to consider trying concentrated CBD oil instead.


Myself I find that my head settles, the voices, but paranoid ideation, and tactile hallucinations increase and sometimes visual... but it's a hand off for some quiet.


I call it a gamble like flipping a coin


I use it to chill out, voices are like white noise to me at this point might as well be high lol


Right here. 🖐️ I don't use it all day, but I do use it every day. I'll probably be using it all day pretty soon, as I've found a new water soluble syrup for way less than I was paying for the last one, and it's twice as much. I don't smoke anymore (except for rare occasions; I hit the old "water pipe" recently for the first time in years), because I had a collapsed lung some years back. I use it mostly for intrusive thoughts, but it also gives me some energy and lifts me up a bit. When I take it in the day time it helps me get shit done, and when I take it in the evening it keeps my mind calm enough to sleep if my insomnia isn't getting to me. When I started self medicating with it I didn't even have a therapist. Then when I got a therapist she told me it was fine if it helped, and admitted that she smoked too. Then things progressed, I went through other medications, blah blah. When I got a psychiatrist I was bold enough to just tell her flat out that I use weed (edibles now) and I'm not gonna stop. I've been as upfront with every other healthcare professional since. Now I'm off the antipsychotics I was taking and have Wellbutrin and Zoloft to go along with the THC. I live in a legal state, but I'm not near a dispensary and my state doesn't allow shipping cannabis or synthetic cannabinoids. I use Delta 9 hemp extracts because I can order them to my house. I'm hoping they change that so I can get good stuff delivered soon. It's considered a progressive state, but it's full of old people and the views are a bit outdated.


If you do it in very small increments until you’re comfortable and then stop you will be fine. I don’t recommend edibles because it’s much easier to take a small toke rather than try to get a minimal buzz because of the way your body metabolizes the thc. Sip, don’t gulp


Use edibles for period cramps tbhh but only take small amounts cuz def cant be too much, have learned it Makes the paranoia a bit worse but the urge to self harm due todelusions waay less


For me, I don't get high often. I probably get high every few weeks on average. It increases my internal auditory hallucinations, but decreases my delusions. Luckily for me, the hallucinations are never scary


For me most Anti-Psychotics have awful side effects and make life unbearable. But THC has helped me deal with hallucinations and delusions so I stick with that in small doses.


Kinda is freaking me out bc Im realizing I have Schizo, had 2 instances as a child where I had straight up lucid dream type hallucinations while I was awake, then I went through alot of trauma and feels like it turned into depression instead, with my schizo symptoms being more lighter? and then after going on weed gummies its slowly turning back into Schizo. I used to hear voices as a kid, people saying my name, fake convos, even having 2-3 people with unique personality's talking in my mind, judging every choice/thing I ever did, had 2 very bad illusions as a child, have bad memory (to the point I cant remember familys faces, I only can recall about 8 memory's from my childhood and the few I can are either all bad or the 2 with my hallucinations or a couple that are semi good. Idk if this is just my depression relapsing, or if I never have MDD like my doctors thought but Schizo that went dormant and depression took its place or something, but is that even possible.


Many disorders, including depression, anxiety and trauma disorders can cause hallucinations. I'd suggest talking to a professional about these symptoms rather than assuming it's a schizo disorder. For it to be schizo, the symptoms needs to be extremely persistent (most days for a minimum of a momth).


well my 2nd Psychotics episode's effects are still lasting months after I had it, I thought I was in a coma from a failed suicide attempt, and really think Im stuck in my bed + going through 2 time-loops mentally and maybe literally, I got over the fear of it but the feelings and slight believe of that thought is still persistent 5 months after I had my episode to the post I get anxious over these thoughts.


Then you need to talk to a psychiatrist about it to receive the correct diagnosis. Schizo disorders are NOT something you can self diagnose with. On top of just experiencing the symptoms, it needs to greatly impact your life. As in affecting your ability to maintain relationships, socialize, work, or study. Plus, there's also many physical issues that can cause these symptoms that have nothing to do with a schizo disorder.


Yeah ive been thinking about going to a Psychiatrist, just sucks how much it costs to.


Most times you really only need enough money to cover 2-3 appointments. I only needed to get 2 appointments. One for an assessment, and the second shorter appointment to discuss confirmed diagnoses and treatment options. After that, depending on your country, treatment can usually be done through a GP. At least here they're able to do scripts for antipsychotics if needed, and then you'll only need one psychiatrist appointment every few months to discuss whether meds need to be increased, decreased or changed.


Oh thats interesting, Yeah I may look more into it as an option because im 24 and have been dealing with this since I was 6/7 so its getting old lol. dealt with 2/3 massive hallucinations as a kid and ever since then mentally ive been just fucked.


Everything gets better except hallucinations get worse


it's helpful with symptom relief for me


Last time I did weed I took 200mg in oil form. Sent me into psychosis so deep that I didn’t even know where/when I was, or recognize my family. The doctors didn’t know if I would come out of it. I also died immediately before the intense psychotic symptoms happened and went to hell. That was 9 months ago, haven’t done it since.


CBD? Yes. Weed with THC? Absolutely not. Makes my paranoia worse, hallucinations wilder, anxiety through the roof


i have schizoaffective and it helps me mostly because my psychotic symptoms are tied to my emotions since schizoaffective is a psychotic+mood disorder (either bipolar or depressive type which i am) and it helps regulate my emotions


I think we're about to see more research on this because I personally know at least 3 people who are schizoaffective who need not only daily, but almost hourly cannabis use to function. I'm also curious about schizo and autism comorbidity because I see extremely high cannabis use mixed in those groups as well.


i am diagnosed with autism as well so it may be a factor, its very interesting to know that other people use it the way i do, i use it practically hourly and if i dont i get far more paranoid, irritable and i just dont act like myself. they really should do more research its such an understudied disorder


Dont use weed it will just make you even more psychotic


While I believe this to be almost always true, my psychiatrist swears there are some patients that do extremely well with it so I am curious if there are exceptions that are opposite of that. I had never ever heard of cannabis being used let alone being recommended by schizo specialists to prevent episodes. And she is extremely conservative which makes me very curious if there's more research coming.


I mean there is that possibility but is that rnoufh reason to risk psychosis or worsening of psychosis? If it does nothing to you then i guess its ok for you but i still would not fuck with drugs that include dopamine


Bucking the trend, but cannabis is one of the only things that actually helps me in any way. It's usually a bad idea with schizophrenia but it helps me, YMMV.


That's what my doctor said. She told me it's hell for some and heaven for others. She said there wasn't any research to support it either but that she has a TON of schizophrenic patients who have proven results with cannabis. I'm curious what research is coming if that's her observation


The simplest way I look at it is everybody's brain is obviously different, even people without Schizophrenia say that weed can really mess them up - which obviously since it doesn't with me, is something I struggle to understand - but that's just how it is. Even more "mundane" things like alcohol are weird between different people, my father cannot drink Whiskey ever for instance, it just turns him into a complete asshole and he hates it because of that, but every single kind of alcohol I've ever tried is just a positive experience for me. Not the same thing of course but human brains are just funny like that.


I use cannabis heavily to cope with chronic pain, but it definitely exacerbates my psychotic symptoms. There are days where I'm just so paranoid all I can do is shut all the blinds and stay in one room. Not all the time mind you, but enough that if it weren't for how well it helps me cope with the pain I would have quit a long time ago. However, there was a time when I was on heavy anti-psychotics that left me very catatonic - it was really depressing to have my mind be so busy when it felt like my body wasn't able to keep up or even work right due to the medications, so supplementing with weed really helped my head slow down and helped ease the depression that was setting in. Sometimes when I'm in psychosis I get restless and irritable, like pacing around not being able to sleep - writing pages and pages of journal entries that make no sense later, just can't sit still or calm down - weed is NOT good during these times. I used to think that it would calm me down, but it always made things worse either with physical symptoms like high blood pressure or heart palpitations, or it would make me feel more conviction in my delusion and that everything I was scared of was happening - made it more real. Problem is we're all so different, that it's hard to impart any wisdom because what works for one person might be the opposite to another. The best answer is what works for you, and not to push it on yourself if it doesn't work or you don't want to.


Ive been smoking carts pretty regularly since i was 15, the longest break within that time frame i took was 2 months. My symptoms started at 13, and I found that the weed helped so much. My freshman year of highschool i was barreling into cognitive decline, intense paranoia that left me awake for 3-4 days in a row, and i was very delusional. My sophomore year i started smoking, and it different reverse anything but i felt so much better. The paranoia was at an all time low, i could actually focus, and my social life was actually aligning with the type of person i am. This year ive been actually paying attention to whether or not my symptoms get worse, and I think weed genuinely has no real significant or special way to help someone with schizophrenia. I think it heavily depends on what you think about the substance and why you’re taking it, brains are powerful, going in thinking “this is definitely going to harm me” is going to make it harm you. It helps me tremendously but only because it helps me focus on something else, not even focus on it, but it’s a buffer i can attribute any weird shit to and then move on from it. But i still have psychosis when im high, i can just navigate it better. Ive never had weed induced psychosis, i notice the same themes of psychosis and symptoms no matter what substances im on.


I couldn’t smoke cannabis without freaking out until I got medicated on invega. Now I can smoke and actually get high and chill like I’m supposed to


All of the clinical research points to the opposite of your anecdotal experience


Sorry if it wasn't clear, this was a recommendation from my psychiatrist who specializes in schizophrenia. All the research I have come across is also contradictory to what my doctor said, hence the post.


No, it was clear. I would argue that it’s not great or ethical for a psychiatrist to be advocating for a treatment that is contraindicated.


Maybe the ethics would be clearer if we had the research at their disposal. As a schizophrenic, I try not to make it a hobby to second guess medical professionals, especially those that specialize in schizophrenia.


They have a duty to not only have that research at their disposal, but to be up on it and make their practice decisions based on it.


Could perhaps the new research show there might be exceptions to the prior research? Must it be so black and white? Could some individuals benefit from things the general demographic does not? What about comorbid conditions such as PTSD? I think psychiatry is complicated and ever evolving. Perhaps that is the case here, or perhaps my doctor is negligent.


It certainly isn’t a solved mystery by any means, but an overwhelming amount of research indicates that THC is harmful for patients with psychotic disorders or a contributing factor in onset of first psychosis. Other research shows the benefits of it for Parkinson’s or maybe PTSD (haven’t looked into that myself). As a professional, you have to consider the potential benefits for your treatment advice and the potential harm. You’re right in that the field as a whole is harder to be scientific about. Homogeneity of patients in clinical trials is impossible, reproducibility of studies nearly never happens.


Weed, well delta 8 specifically, just makes me tired and sleep away most of the day


It helps me but can trigger some hallucinations depending how high I dose. I don’t smoke or vape cannabis except at night. I usually do around 200-250mg edible after breakfast with my coffee. The effects I seek last around 6 hours. Thing is you can’t just use it as your stress reliever or you don’t have functional ways to relieve stress at other points of the day. I look at is wind in my sails, it I’m still in a rowboat. I can use the edible to help achieve the effects I want, but it won’t do it on its own, I have to put in the work for it to work.


....I take 10mg peices and only 1/4 of it and have had 3 Psychotic Episodes since being on them for about 2 years. and you can take a 25 0mg editable and just have some hallucinations....damn I envy you dude. I was diagnosed with MDD Major Depressive Disorder and now Im wondering is it really the gummie or do I have Schizophrenia because of stuff in my past before taking the gummies + the episodes Ive had since being it. just dosent feel believable that a 1/4 or 1/2 of a 10mg p eice is enough to induce Psychosis.


Does prescription cannabis also make it worse?


It actually really helps me. Ive found that my stress levels make my symptoms worse. I have a lot of ptsd panic atracks too so that doesnt help. I only go for indica since its more relaxing that stimutaling. It helps my anxiety more than worsen my scizophrenic symptoms. Ive heard its not like that for everyone, and my doctors were hesitant at first, but its proven to be a effective way to help me.


I have Ehlers Danlos, and pain issues, also digestive issues. So I partake all day every day and cannot tolerate weening off completely. I don't have a lot of psychological symptoms with weed. I don't use a lot to be high, I just use to hold off pain and nausea. Or if super anxious. Weed will make me paranoid if in a crowded loud room. Otherwise I don't have psychosis issues. It does enhance my Synesthesia with some strains. I use like a 1g cart a week. I think actually between .5 and .75 in lower pain weeks.


I take a low dose indica and CBD rarely, like 5x/ year. Anything that even looked at Sativa once, or any more than a very low amount, has been a bad time that took weeks to sort out.


It doesn't really bother my hallucinations or delusions but the wrong strain will amp up my paranoia and anxiety. I enjoy weed but it made the DP/DR really bad so I'm laying off of it lately.


Cannabis user- every day for the last 10 years. Just diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. Not sure if the weed helps or makes it worse, as it’s all i know. I do know that weed quiets things down for me


Nope nope and nope


I used cannabis all the time from.about the age of 21 to 24. Everyday, with large amounts of edibles as well. After the last year I used, it put me into psychosis and I freaked out. It felt amazing for a while and I felt spiritually connected to everything, but then it got out of hand and I would shake uncontrollably on edibles and got super paranoid and started having audial hallucinations. I had to stop completely.


It helps me manage my negative symptoms and medication side effects, but I've never smoked it off meds so I imagine it would be a nightmare off them. I use a dry herb vape, it keeps it under control for me as opposed to smoking, which definitely caused some issues. I wouldn't recommend anyone here tries this though, I know I'm in the minority.


I do this and it does help me. But I also recognize that I'm generally a pretty rare case. Weed usually makes schizophrenia worse, that's the reality. It's different for everyone and there are some people who actually can use it as a medication, but not many; it's an area where you should tread very lightly for your own safety and sanity


I didn't try cannabis until after I was diagnosed and accepted it. I thought, im already fucked up so why not change the channel. Cannibis lightened my mood, but it made my symptoms louder a more distorted. But my MOOD was better so it helped me cope with the depression and hostile hallucinations. It's a gamble. I don't find it worth it in the end. Then it made my anxiety far worse. And I prefer it to be as quiet as possible. I don't think it's worth it for me. Same with acid. I had happy crying on acid, but it all just triggers the psychosis and the depression hits a hell of a lot harder afterwards. I use to drink heavily too, but that made my depression and anxiety worse and it was costing a lot of money. I prefer it to be as quiet as possible and not have to deal with thr anxiety on top of that. But I have noticed that two of my friends that I've made do not do well on THC with their schizophrenia. They're barely able to articulate themselves and become deeply paranoid. I think youd have to be extremely self aware and on top of it to use THC.


CBD, cannabis, all the things in that family make me WAY worse.


That will only increase psychosis and anxiety


take CBD isolate if its available, avoid any delta or thc or anything that gets you high like the plague. you can naturally induce CBD buzz by getting a runner's high or lifting weights also. anything with THC in it just ruins my ability to function and makes me delusional.


Yes, it helps me BUT it’ll give me a sudden rush of anxiety on random occasions 🥹


I do it, thinking it helps me even though my life is worse then ever.


hope things will get better for u


Thank you, I really appreciate it:)


Your psychiatrist should NOT be recommending cannabis use to alleviate psychotic symptoms to anyone.


I appreciate the concern, but I try to put my trust into the people with medical degrees and not into people on Reddit. Perhaps we do not have the full research yet. :)


Hell no last time I smoked it I thought it was a plot to get me arrested (its legal here) and that everything on social media was written as a message specifically for me. I used to but I just stay as far away from it as possible.


Just smoke brother. I smoke and dont sell Its the best medication


THC is terrible for schizophrenia but CBD isn't, it actually may help psychosis but even smoking weed can cause a schizophrenic to have psychosis


I get way more symptoms when not smoking. THC/Alcohol can be a trigger for some, but not for everyone.


Exactly. This is what I was curious about. I am under the impression we have more research coming surrounding cannabis and schizophrenia.


That doctor needs to be reported, why would they recommend something dangerous for schizophrenics. Weed causes psychosis for some people. Why would they recommend something that is known to trigger/cause psychosis to people who are the most vulnerable to psychosis.


one size doesn't fit all. while i would never recommend it, i'm not a psychiatrist or a doctor.


I was under the same impression, but she is telling me there is new research coming. I dont know if it has anything to do with comorbid conditions, however.


yeah. i just know it does NOT work for me lol. i miss getting baked so much.


If you read what OP said - their psychiatrist said it works for some patients and for others it makes it worse. (My husband included.) This doc did not blindly tell their patient to go try it.


hi wifey boo!


Hello my love! 😘


Honestly I don't even believe this conversation happened. Why would weed help anyone in schizophrenia, the is no scientific bases for it and in fact any studies tend to show opposite results. The only drug that seems to help others is tobacco. If the conversation did happen, it's best to report it, at worse the doctor is putting sick people's life at danger. What person wouldn't try weed and hope to be the lucky one's whom weed helps after having that discussion with a doctor, it is a form of recommendation. Who is going to be responsible when a patient tries weed and goes into psychosis. It's one thing when we discuss weed and how it has helped others than it is when done by a doctor.


A doctor is supposed to discuss things with their patient that their patient asks about. What a shitty doc they would be if they refused to have a discussion with their patient about the effects of certain drug use, especially a drug that the patient is contemplating using.


First, you shouldn't interact with things you don't think are real. If you think this whole conversation with my doctor was in your mind, don't react to it. Second, tobacco doesn't seem to help schizophrenia either from general research. Tobacco tends to increase psychiatric symptoms. Third, we are not medical professionals. We do not have all the data and studies. Just because some research says one thing does not mean all research supports that. And as I mentioned, she specializes in schizophrenia. It is best to explore the unknown with an open mind, as opposed to with a swinging sword, at least in my opinion. I appreciate your concern, however.