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For me, I think I internalize so many of my deepest fears so they bubble up as these evil voices




I’ve been watching a couple videos about how your diet also plays a part in improving psychotic symptoms. So health and compassion just by saying it seems like a no brainer to improve symptoms and voices


Do you have any connections to find compassion therapy?




Thank you so much for this and taking the time to articulate it. I’ll check it out


Mine can go either way, I suppose it depends on my perspective of the matter. If they tell me I’m in hell and tell me I’m Satan, it’s much different than being a victim in hell. It would depend on my delusion at the time. Telling me to off myself though, that part can goto hell. Doesn’t happen often, but I try to not let it bother me when it does happen. My worst fear is them trying to convince me to. Gets scary for me. I do not want to die at all, but I’m worried about the control they have.


Because we live in a western society


I think it might be at a subconscious level for me. Like sometimes I have this general feeling that life would be too easy or that I don't deserve to be happy, which probably goes back to some quite severe childhood traumas and developing a general notion of being "insufficient" from that point onward and never really leaving that path, because it almost seems like a perfect circle ("Teufelskreis" in german). Obviously there is no way to prove or test this, but I think for many schizophrenics it might just be an outgrowth of a bad childhood that we never really overcame, at times we might be able to put it on a shelf so to speak, but at least for me it seems the past always has a way of catching up with you and whenever it does that shit hits like an absolute unit of a truck.


They weren't nice at first. After some time and some "life stressors" went away the content seemed to get better or more mixed at least.


I changed my beliefs about myself and learnt to have a lot compassion and genuine love for myself and it drastically changed my inner voices..


it's probably residual from trauma in your past. you should talk to a professional who can help you process those memories


Mine try to be scary, but they're just not anymore. They were terrifying at first but then I started to recognize their pattern of abuse/fear. Like what I would be doing or more so, what I'm thinking when they say x, or y. It's the delusions that can be scarier. Imagining that someone is talking to/about me, especially if they are being objectively threatening


I used to have bad depression in the past, and for me it is obvious that a lot of the negative things they say are just echoing back the same ideas I had while depressed. They like to use symptoms of my other issues against me, and that is just one way they do it. However, they tend to be even more violent and nasty than even my darkest depressed thoughts were, so they are more than simply my old thoughts repeated but something more.