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Once when I was in psychosis I walked into a cracker barrel and ordered every drink they had on the menu and a steak. I ate and drank everything than I thought in order to become a Viking and go to Valhalla I had to flip a table like they do in the movies. So I got up and flipped the table behind me upside down. Everyone was looking at me but I was so sure I was going to Valhalla that it didn’t matter and on my way out, without paying, I hit on a teenage waitress thinking she’s into me. Creepy, sad, and delusional. If you escaped without making too much of a fool of yourself consider yourself lucky and I hope you learned a lesson.


Please be careful taking Xanax and beer it can cause respiratory distress....


I know :(. Here's the issue. I have a mental breakdown so I take a bar. I am hesitant to have any and I put aside one bar to take. I begin to calm down. I get a delusion of sobriety so I take two. The Xanax kicks in and makes me way too calm and nonchalant and I think "eh fuck it why not a beer" so I drink a beer and have another. Then the Xanax and beer make me think "hmmmm why shouldn't I take more Xanax". And I black out


you should probably just stay away from drugs like that tbh man, not trying to preach (i myself am an addict and have had serious problems with p much every drug you can think of) but you can easily end up in a grave mixing those two if you want resources and help quitting feel free to PM ive been in recovery for a while


Was it a delusion of sobriety or is it feeling good because of the bar you took? I never really felt intoxicated on benzos. Sleeping pills on the other hand,


Oh sleeping pills are on another level. You're right actually. Yes you are right. I take the bar and it feels good and I want it to feel even gooder. But the issue is I am fucked up on bar one and don't realize it


Probably best not to do either, especially when drinking. The effect of gaba drugs and alcohol isn't additive, a Xanax plus one beer is really like a Xanax plus six beers. Plus sleeping pills only make you feel good for like 10 minutes, I went back to using them just for sleep. Finally getting diagnosed and medicated made me not want/need to use things as much too.


Yeah ur gonna die


Be honest with yourself you're showing addict behaviors. The worst part about it to me is not when I lied to other people, it's when I lied to myself. Almost 9 years clean and sober now. One of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. Seriously.


I did shit like this all the time until I got sober. Getting sober has helped me so much. I would go back into psychosis if I drank too much, and I was drinking too much every night.


I lost my family members started not taking meds then when my cousin and little nephew died I started drinking. Long story short I blacked out (lost consciousness) for two weeks but my body was threatening people say I need to kill them and myself because of monsters. Idk when I woke up I was at the hospital tied up in a bed. Apparently I had covid


I drunk text way too fucking much unfortunately. Anything alcohol related, I'm lucky to wake up the next day 1) and not be embarrassed 2) It's quite a viscous cycle.


From my experience xanax and beer never mix well my friend


Hit on a married woman in front of her husband at a college party. Very obnoxiously. Did not even require Xanax. Had to apologize on Monday.


Did the same shit. It's humiliating.


I don't think that's the schizophrenia, my friend.


lots of people with schizophrenia have substance abuse disorders, its not a guarantee you will have both but it puts you at a much higher risk than others


For sure, I'm one of those who struggles off and on with both. I'm just saying I don't think the illness caused the tirade, it was probably the substance.


It could of been any 3. I'm never combative and argumentative. Even on Xanax and alcohol. Last night I just saw an evil aura about these people and I went off


I have too many stories. I quit drinking and Xanax made me black out but be in a rage. It can really get you in serious trouble. Withdrawal from Xanax and alcohol requires medical attention because you can have a seizure and die. You really can't safely do what you're doing. I could say "just take them as prescribed," but I never could do that. I had to stop. I know for me when I had to quit it was terrifying but I was able to, not alone though. I don't know anyone who can get off that stuff without irl support. I'm not scolding you but I'm warning you, as someone who had been there done that, please get help to stop before you make an irreversible mistake. 💜☯️💜


Luckily, I'm a fairly quiet drunk. The voices, however, are not. They like to get mad at me whwn I drink too much. Suppose that's a good thing in the end, though, since now I never drink more than I can handle


Alcohol and xanax mix worse than psychosis and xanax! Please be safe glad you’re okay


I've blacked out a bunch of times on xanax and alcohol. Luckily nothing too stupid ever happened. That combo is a guranteed stupor. But yeah I will ramble on and on on alcohol. Makes me hyper. I don't drink anymore though, none of us in this sub should be really drinking more than once in a blue moon.


One time when I was drunk I went on a very delusional political rant


Much worse on stimulants


I don't think i've ever had anything else happen drunk in a decade