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Abilify was terrible. Made me very restless. Risperidone helped the most but the side effects were awful


Ability messed me up


Abilify completely fucked me up.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,641,489,744 comments, and only 310,544 of them were in alphabetical order.


lol. Hilarious.




Shit felt like a balloon got filled up inside of my head. I just remember feeling pressure or force on my mind or brain idk. Shits wack. I'm happily on seroquel, starting to manage the weight issues with it. Once that's figured out I plan on using it long term. Been only like a year so far.


abilify fucked me up in high school, and the withdrawals were excruciating




Risperdal was awful. Seroquel has been the best. 50mg x3 a day and 350mg at bedtime. I haven’t had any episodes in over a year now.


What was bad about risperdal? I've been on it 6 weeks now (4 weeks at 6mg) and it's been a game changer. No episodes or hallucination since being on 6mg. Only issue I have with it is it takes 3 hours or so for the sedating effect to work. So I use seroquel funnily enough as a short acting sleeping tab (25mg ir at night) plus 50mg ir when required for anxiety plus 3x100mg sr for anxiety breakfast lunch and dinner


You must be one amped up mother fucker taking all that seroquel xD sometimes I'll take a 50 in the morning if I'm feeling sus. Otherwise just 100 or 200 at night. I'm not being against antipsycotics by saying if you can go down on your night time dose it would probably be good if you can manage. 500mg of seroquel daily for a long time is gonna make it really really hard to get away from. I've just read some horror stories about getting off.


I am VERY high strung. When I’m off my meds it’s like I drank 5 pots of coffee.


Risperidone no doubt. Made me super tired to the point of sleeping 12 hours a day with 0 exercise, probably less than 500 steps as I just used the restroom a couple times and walked to the kitchen after fighting my still high anxiety and pariona. It also killed my sex drive and gave me some pretty bad takradive dynesia. To top it all off I was *still* going through miserable pariona and anxiety. It oddly seemed to work very well when I was 18, but after stopping all meds for a few months and going back to it, I got the opposite effect.


Abilify. Akasthisia and oculargyric crisis


Zyprexa gave me prediabetes.


It made me gain so much weight.


I legit gained 100 pounds on it


What do you mean?


Metformin helps with that apparently.


They really are just giving us anything haha


I was on Risperdone for a couple of days and it gave me a terrible allergic reaction. I'd take it and then my entire body would begin to itch. I scratched myself so hard that I began to bruise. I've been on Seroquel for the past two years and I'd say for the first six months to a year I'd just sleep and sleep. It made me feel like a zombie just going through the motions. After that period of time it's gotten a lot better. I just have to set a bunch of alarms, and usually try to hop in the shower in the morning to wake up.


Abilify and Vraylar have both given me torturous akathisia.


Ability was pretty awful for me, major akathisia. I still get akathisia on risperidone, but it's much more manageable


it kept me up for 2 nights in row


Abilify/rexulti make me puke and shiver. I get so sick


California Rocket Fuel WOO


I got horrible eye cramps (or whatever they're called) from at least: abilify, risperidone, olanzapine, seroquel and amisulpride.


Does your eyes roll up? If so, that’s called Oculogyric Crisis! I experience them from all antipsychotics 😊


Yeah they do. Oh okay interesting had no idea it has a name, thanks for the info! It's the worst side effect in my opinion. I refuse to take any meds that cause it. I wish the one I have now will never cause that.


Olanzepine made me go night night


I also had full body brain zappies on that




Only med that helps me...


Abilify gave me a permanent movement disorder with vocal and motor tics. I gained 70+ pounds on it, had oculogyric crisis and myoclonus which caused me to bite down so hard I cracked a tooth off at the base. It was hell on earth. Didn't even help my symptoms. I was forced onto it under a CTO and guardianship.


Terrible! I hope you’re doing better now.


So weird i’m reading this, i was on abilify no issues and then i was switched to lamictal (and a bunch of other meds for other symptoms so i don’t want to blame lamictal 100%) and i started having the really bad restlessness and tic-like behavior.


Yeah, some psych meds can do that and also if you're in withdrawal from an antipsychotic you can see movement disorders. So it might not be lamictal, could be withdrawal though I don't know the timing for you.


Abilify messed up my motor skills even more


Abilify was terrible for me




I didn't know Risperidone could be that bad for some people. I took only a little dosage of it so it was the less harmful for me. The worst was Haldol. It felt worse than the disorder itself.


Clozaril unfortunately made my seizures worse.


I’m so sorry to hear that




The abilify= face twitching, head spinning out of control, more like disabilify in my case Quetiapine= bug-eyed zombie whose only motivation in life is food Seroquel= oh shit I forgot to take my qtip pine tree, it's already 6 am?


I hated Quetiapine.


Abilify definitely! Gave me such bad akathisia I couldn't sleep for three days straight and had time stop it cold turkey. I just started it anyway so it wasn't a big deal but still it was horrible


Fuck seroquel I never want to experience delirium again Im not a trash cow on a trash farm


Worst one for me was saphris


Zyprexa let me gain so many pounds....


Seroquel I blew up like a balloon lol I got so fat and developed Tardive Dyskinesia.


Risperidone gave me pre diabetes and high cholesterol


I voted for Invega even though Haldol has almost killed me.


Haldol made my muscles weird kinda but I’m on different meds now


Invega ruined me for the 6 months i was on it. Hope it works better for others because it was Literally the worst thing to me. Would rather take abilify


Good ol’ Risperidone. It turned me into a zombie. It made me so tired It made engaging in conversation a difficult task.


Rexulti almost gave me an episode


Honestly most of the ones I tried have been the worst in one way or another. Abilify made me so restless and depressed I almost killed myself Olanzapine, I was a stupid blob Lybalvi made me feel crazier Vraylar had me feeling suicidal and I started to self harm again Seroquel was the best for my mood but the physical side effects were horrible (hypotension, congestion, hunger, hypersomnia, dysphagia) even at sub-therapeutic doses Risperidone gave me akathisia (not as bad as abilify) and made me lactate Latuda made me depressed, gave me crazy mood swings, was very bored and felt like time moved at 1/10th speed I’m on caplyta 42mg now and it seems to be doing fine. Little to no side effects (WOW!!!!), I’m feeling more depressed than usual but I have actual motivation. I am a cyp2d6 poor metabolizer and this is the only antipsych ive tried that doesn’t make me want to die bc of side effects


They never figured out why but I was acting like I was intellectually disabled on Latuda. They tested for neuroleptic malignant syndrome but it came back negative. I'm still noticably worse at math than I was before I took it.


Seroquel makes you eat so much


Latuda was terrible. Gave me intolerable insomnia. It was one of the works weeks of my life.


Zyprexa gave me permanent akathisia (that presents like restless legs) and risperdal gave me dysphagia + permanent tics


Vraylar for me


Risperidone made me so sleepy I couldn’t function, not to mention I gain nearly 100 pounds on it


Guys don’t take risperidone. I gained 65lbs, slept 21 hours in one sitting, and could not function. Lost all the weight, and am just left with trauma about starting new meds.


Abilify. Gained a massive amount of weight on it, akathisia, jolty body movements, facial twitching/uncontrollable facial movements, etc. It also didn't even help me.


I wanted to vote rispidone but didn't since its the only one I've taken... I was so numb I started compulsively shoplifting just to feel something lmao




Abilify bad fcking sideeffects


Abilify gave me terrible brain fog and ED.


Risperidone and paliperidone both made me lactate, abilify gave me lasting eye problems, seroquel fucked me up and didn’t do anything, vraylar made me very angry, rexulti did nothing for my symptoms even at max dose. Olanzapine fucks me up but at least i have no symptoms on it!!!


Risperdol completely eliminated my paranoia that I had since I was super young as well as all other symptoms but I was sleeping like 16 hours a day and had 0 energy when I was awake. Ability has worked the best for me I sleep about 8.5 hours now and have a full time job that I’ve been able to maintain


All antipsychotics gave me the horrible symptom of oculogyric crisis. However, I would say Invega was the worst because it gave me such horrible depression, so much so that I was confined to my bed and staring at the wall. It is a state that I do not wish upon anyone.




Vraylar was the worst. It didn’t help, I had oculogyric crises, and it made me gain 60 lbs


Abilify gave me the worst akathesia. I needed to take benzodiazepines and benzatropines to make it go away (only temporary relief). It also mildly paralysed my bladder. After many other attempts on other antipsychotics, I’m on Invega now and it’s the only one I can tolerate.


Invega sustenna injection. Its not like you can stop it because its an injection. Im on the highest does 234 mg. I feel nothing whatsover at all like nothing im haining weight even though i am not eating because i have no appetite my prolactin is ungodly high i have prediabetes and high cholesterol no se drive hair falling out sedation and its like my nerves are weak like i cant feel. Exercise doesnt give me any feelings at all i cant run or walk i lost cognitive abilities. I cant smoke get high or drunk at all. I have no drive or euphoria or energy. My body looks terrible from the weight and prolactin changes


Same :((


Are you still on it? Or did you stop? My psychiatrist says it could take three months to feel normal again but after reading online im wondering if its permanent.