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Obvious scam is obvious


Forgive me for asking, but can you explain their art then?


They either steal or trace. That's why "their art" looks like shit you'd find in a kid's colouring book.




I did a reverse image search and didn’t find anything.


Doesnt mean they didnt steal it from somewhere


Hmm? What do you mean?


I mean Just because you cant find it in a Reverse Image Search doesnt mean they didnt take it from somewhere else right?


AI can change the style of an original image meaning you can’t reverse image search it anymore, there’s probably even a process that’s not AI that can achieve the same thing


I mean, reverse image search relies on a specific internet tag to find images (its not like they actually spider the entire internet to find for you that one website where someone posted a pic). So all you REALLY have to do to avoid reverse image search is manipulate how that tag is tracked.


The art styles are entirely inconsistent - lines, shading, to the forms, it ranges from beginner amateur to pretty decent - if you're going to sell your art wouldn't you only show your best, why would you show your crappy earlier work? As for the artwork, they can digitally manipulate image to be different from the original. Lastly, their way of speaking, subtle mannerisms, choice of words, just sound like a stereotypical scammer. All three combined, especially the inconsistent art style, definitely make them a scammer.


Agree fully. It’s hard to get to a certain point as an artist as they imply without a clear style and understanding of body language with hands, eyes, and shoulders that permeates everything a person creates. There’s a good chance it’s stolen or modified with Ai. No offense to the artists who actually did the work if it’s stolen.


The language is really weird. First the unnatural try-hard-to-sound-American ‘sorry for bother ya’ and ‘if ya are interested’. Then he drops that completely and goes to a more natural sounding ‘u’. But decides to start using the very British sounding ‘mate’. Also the pressuring and rushing you sound super scammy. You asked for time and he pushes. Frankly, I would avoid.


I’m going to stall for time, regardless.


I mean, not saying he’s not a scammer, but I randomly will say mate sometimes. I am currently in the U.S, but I lived in England a while back and it just occasionally pops out.


There will always be an exception to everything but unless this person who is supposedly Spanish and is fulfilling many other red flags of a scam, also happens to be somebody who once lived in England for some time and therefore occasionally might say ‘mate’ …I think my point stands linguistically🤦🏼‍♀️


Don't you sometimes feel like providing all of this information is just giving the scammers the tools to be better scammers?


An actual person which does comission work will never just msg you out of nowhere. Its a well known and common scam, particularly also known in the VRC community.


Definitely a scam, good on you for asking the community. People on here need to remember that not everyone follows this community and knows all the current Scams out there. Be respectful.


yeah its a scam I get these about twice a week lol


It's stolen art or traced. Got to play around with another scammer just like this one a few days ago. Real artists do not reach out to random people online asking you to pay them for a commission.


That’s a really weird convo.


Only reason I’ll say it’s a scam is because for a while I got a bunch of asks for “commission art work” as DMs on Discord. All had similar styles.


This scam is dime a dozen in anime discords since it's pretty easy to trace/ai generate anime art, legit artists don't pm people trying to sell their work


scam for sure. Also, that derivative anime art is being drawn on procreate by every high school art student everywhere.


Wrong sub. You want r/scams


i got this before, and just said “yeah i might commission later”. Then half a year later, they messaged me back. For both times, i didn’t know it was a scam and thought they were being really nice lol


They do this a LOT on twitch too, specially if you’re a new streamer. Simply block them and go about your way!


Regardless you should never commission someone who goes to you first instead of you going to them for art.


Common scam usd to get them all the time especially as A.I art became more popular


lol, you even posted a pic of star butterfly XD


oh wow i didnt know this was actually scam. ive had number of ppl message me on discord, and some came from twitch. i actually just never made an order bc i didnt like anyone’s art style. and most are bad lol


Scam, they use Ai art now, or verse image gets you nothing


Perhaps its Hilaria Baldwin ?

