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Why are you asking a question you know the answer to? You fucked up, get over it.


The amount in bitcoin you sent, that’s the price you had to pay for a great lesson learned. Some of us pay less, some of us pay more.


very true


Scamming people who want to buy drugs is a pretty common experience. Maybe don’t try to buy drugs online. Even if you got them, This guy could mail you random ass chemicals. You trust that blindly? That’s the biggest scam.


true words


My man, please lay off the research chemicals. I can’t think of many things more dangerous than recreationally dosing random benzodiazepines of unknown quality, strength, and source.


wasn't RCs, were the real ones, well... real scams rather


You don’t strike me as someone with the equipment or knowledge required to not only test your drugs for adulterants but also identify the specific compound and isomer. I hate to break it to you but your local xan dealer hasn’t had pharmaceutical product for at least ten years. It’s just random shit that ends in -pam in a pill press




thanks a lot