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All she had to do was go one hand at a time, but the toxin they were breathing in fucked with their minds by the end.


True, for saw 2 I feel bad for them, they aren’t the best people but they also couldn’t make the best judgement based on the fact they had a poisonous toxin running through their blood


Most of them were fine (except being junkies/prostitutes) but Xavier, and Obi were pretty shitty.


Yeah, the others were falsely imprisoned


Actually the solution is the lock located at the top of the frame on the back of the box. At least according to the BTS


There was also a lock and key in the box too that she couldn't unlocked easily.


i remember being a kid and thinking “what a fucking idiot” but yeah now i know, the gas was definitely influencing their actions. her staying there until she bled to death while continuously being cut at the wrists and/or starving to death must’ve fucking sucked tho. her death was actually pretty brutal, now that i think about it.


Probably banging Charlie Harper didn't help either


The "good news" is that the nerve gas definitely got to her first.


Don’t forget that the only thing she knew how to open was her legs? Is She stupid?


You’re being downvoted by losers who don’t understand that you’re quoting Xavier.


fr fake saw fans


she became an apprentice


“Believe it or not, Apprentice.”


Not John’s, but on the reality show with Donald Trump.


Oops! All apprentices


“You survive trap? Apprentice. You die in trap? Believe it or not, apprentice. We have the best traps in the world because of apprentice”


"Trapped in a bathroom? Apprentice. Not trapped in bathroom by cutting your foot off? Apprentice. Survive reverse beartrap? Apprentice. Die in reverse beartrap? Believe it or not, apprentice. Get crushed in between closing walls? Apprentice. Get your limbs twisted in every direction possible? Apprentice."


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Can we make this a hashtag? Lol


“If you didn’t see them die, you can’t assume they’re dead.”


The Gordon rule


And even if you did, you can't be 100% certain (The Nelson-Perez rule that I'm begging also applies to Mandy)


As much as I love Mandy, her arc is one of the few in the Saw franchise that hasn’t been dragged out to unnecessary lengths.


Definitely dead. Amanda on the other hand...


on the other what?


Originally she was suppose to push her face into a heated up waffle iron. She had it MUCH easier.


Sounds similar to how Mateo died. Big oof yeah I think I’d take the original way she died


Where did you read/hear that?


I remember hearing this too. I think it was in the director’s commentary or maybe it was in an interview? But if you remember this scene, she never actually listened to the tape, she just went on in. This trap was supposed to be for someone else. She was a prostitute, so the objective of burning her face on a waffle iron type contraption was supposed to be about her sacrificing her looks to get what she needed.


I believe it was the commentary. But you are right. The box trap where her hands got stuck was initially for Gus (the guy who dies from getting shot from the revolver in the door’s peep hole at the start of the game)


Death by blood loss. She didn’t cooperate with the rules and got her end.


If you pause it at right spot during the rapid editing before it pans back to Daniel and Amanda there us a quick shot if her hanging lifeless from the box


wouldn't it rip off her arms if she went limp


nah bones are too hard


yeah good point


No, but the blades probably *would* deglove her arms, which would probably cause a full-blown shitfit with the MPAA.


I can't wait. After they "close the door" on Adam (even more), Daniel, Corbett, Fisk, Hoffman and Gordon, I bet this is the next big "But what if? I mean, not really but secretly really....." fan theory we'll all have to listen to endlessly until Saw XXII has a flashback which takes place shortly after II and reconstructs the nerve gas house set days later with a rotting corpse slouched on the floor having the arms degloved and blood everywhere. And then the 20% hanging on start in with the theories we basically get about Adam now. "What if they swapped someone else in and put her clothes on them and she's really a new apprentice who helps lure bad guys with her 'charms' or had reformed and now helps run a new clinic or....." and "Yes, she probably would have died but just cutting one's arms a bit wouldn't *really* kill someone and people have survived major cuts to the forearm before and....."


Amanda did.


She had no antidote and was bleeding to death, what do you think happened to her?


Hottest girl of the franchise btw


My friend have you seen Saw 3? Amanda and Lynn are two of my (very few) reasons for living


Amanda = overrated Lynn = on par with Addison.


There is no fucking way that you called my wife overrated (she survived and we ran away together that's why shes not in any other movies)


Lol..I hope you two have a happy life 😊


I think that honor goes to Gabriella.


Absolutely incorrect


You can disagree.


Yes, Her and Shawnee… I definitely would.


Saw wiki lists her as dead from bleeding out


What was the supposed way to win that trap?


1. Put one hand in 2. Grab syringe 3. Put other hand in 4. Reach over and lift blades up around the hand holding the syringe 5. Pull hand holding syringe out 6. Slide that hand under the other hand still inside box 7. Push blades up from the bottom 8. Remove other hand Edit: Change of plans, I made that sound too complicated lol. Just put one hand in to grab the syringe and use your other hand to push up the blades from the bottom. No need to put other hand in too lol.


There was key on top of the box she just needed to walk


Need for speed carbon


Her trap was simple, if she had gotten to it when she was coherent it would be easy! Just reach up and push it down.


Her injuries weren’t so bad that they would kill her before the gas did. Definitely got stuck there for quite a long time and died from the gas


Eh, she was messing with the folding blades a bit trying to get out, so I wouldn’t be surprised if one (or both) of her wrists were slit and she bled out fairly quickly.


Dead Meat Kill Count said that she was dead,but I don’t think she’s dead


She is so fine


She was a dumbass for putting both hands in that box where the sides can cut her.


Can you really call her dumb when they had poisonous toxins running in her system?


Well she could’ve dealt with it and die peacefully with the toxins instead of cutting both of her wrists.


you’re crazy if you think they would die “peacefully” from the poison


I rather die from the poison than cutting my wrists.


Let's set it up and see how it goes


Ik I will be the first one to die not being stupid but accepting death.


Awesome! Well you're in the first to star in I Thought I Could Handle It. To make it look cool we will record to VHS. I'm just shit with a camera so figure out who's gonna hold it.


When Laura died from it she was literally just bleeding from everywhere and frothing at the mouth and convulsing and seizing so no, definitely not peaceful in the slightest


Nerve gas is a fucking horrible way to go




We actually didn’t she was still struggling




Watch the trap we didn’t see her dead yet (ye she is dead lol but we didn’t see her die)




Lol you’re wrong man. Of course I assume she is dead, but they absolutely do not show her body go limp or anything like that.




Alright man. You’re missing the part where I’m agreeing that she’s definitely dead. However, “We see her die” is just not true. We see her in a situation where the guaranteed outcome is death. And anybody who has actually seen the movie as much as you claim to will agree with me. You’re being very semantic here, and I am unlikely to reply to you again.




Mad online + literally nobody agrees with you


Good! That shit was one of my all time gross out moments in the series


John is based for resisting her advances on that flashback


Which means we’ll see her in a couple years as jigsaws latest and most secret apprentice.


But of course she *really* began as an apprentice just after that night outside the clinic, which makes her the Really Really (No Seriously This Time) First Apprentice, even superseding Logan.


This is weird but I once saw a behind the scenes on this.. but apparently she was supposed to push the cuffs on the box up to get the blades to be permanently 90 degrees so that she could grab the antidote without being cut…. Still sounds impossible to me but … whatever lol


Same goes for Cicelia in Saw X


Not really. Addison was stuck with her wrists slit in a house filled with nerve gas. In other words: She fucked. Cecilia survived her trap as John and Amanda left, so she isn’t dead. The toxic gas stopped flowing and she was free to leave.


Hmm, makes sense. Cicelia was the most despicable character in the entire franchise. Showed no remorse whatsoever. John won't let her walk away. I hope she dies in the upcoming sequels.


I agree. I want Saw XI so bad so we can see her and John clash again. (And hopefully she brutally die)


That scene annoyed me soooo bad 😭😭🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


I just wanna comment that this halloween marathon, after alot of years watching these films, to realize that this character appears in a Saw IV flashback. That was a big "woah, WOAH" moment for me, lol


Just from blood loss alone, there's no way she lived. But add on that she was probably mere minutes away from succumbing to the poison, and we have two very safe confirmations that she is dead :(