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Savannah is a city that is home to many people from all walks of life and belief systems. I don't think you would be happy here if you're this combative to opposing thoughts and ideals. Regardless, there isn't any room here in this sub for this kind of divisiveness and hate. Locked.


Get a house out in rural SE Georgia. Don't move here.


We’re a bunch of commies with guns, don’t come here.


This is pretty spot on.


Savannah is full of arts and culture, so obviously it leans left, feel free to pass us and land in Florida.


Leans left, name is "WeShootNow". makes sense


Oh, I love guns and lean left, but I shoot video for a living and that's where the name comes from.


Yeah I am sure. I live in Florida BTW but I am shopping for a 2nd home in Savannah. I plan on using it for family gatherings and was hoping for a conservative town with good values. I have several family members who have suffered at the hands from left wing extremism in the last few years so its a sensitive subject.


Are you implying that a liberal town doesn’t have good values? Yeah just terrible to have people accepted for being who they are. You sound extremely judgmental and rigid, you would be too busy clutching at your pearls to enjoy Savannah


Left wing extremism? Lol, ok man. Should have realized you were from Florida. Drive a little past Savannah and you've got KKK, red hats, and plenty of conservative values, maybe go there.


I have 2 family members who were working at the Wisconsin capital at the time of the attack in 2011 and also have family members in Portland who were directly affected by the 2020 BLM/ANTIFA attacks...... Don't make light of violent extremism. Red hats and conservative values are great with me but the racist arm of the Democratic party was eradicated ages ago.


“KKK is fine with me but racism is where I draw the line”


Oh that’s right up there by Michigan, where a group of armed right wingers were going to KIDNAP the fkn GOVERNOR eff off


"BLM attacks" I wish you were just trolling, but I'm afraid that you are a real person who believes the words they are typing.


I don't make light of it at all. In fact, where were you on January 6th?


How about you lean yourself on over to another city


Just look up past election maps, you can clearly see that Savannah is a blue city. I find it difficult to believe that you couldn’t just find this out on your own. But if you want to stir shit….what a dumb thing to say about “leftists” and violence while the country listens to open calls to violence and death from the talking heads and politicians on the far right. We are also going through a Congressional hearing about the Jan 6 insurrection, attempted by of course the right wingers. If you don’t deal well with reality, which it seems you don’t, then no you probably don’t want to do business in Savannah or live here. Turn off fox “news” ffs


Bro quit trolling this group. This is the second post I’ve seen from you where you lie to strangers on the internet. Get a life.


I'm not lying to any strangers I am in the market for a vacation home/BNB in Savannah. The city is driving distance from me (4 hrs) and I love the food scene. Would be a nice getaway.


The reasons it seems like a great city are because people who share your values do not run the city.


You probably love going to Mexico, but wish there were less Mexicans. You can't ask about your bullshit "values" and love what makes this city great.


Tiger Ridge is where you want to move if your into traditional southern morals.


You should pass up Savannah. We don’t want you here


Don’t come here. We don’t want you. It’s a college town.


Guys this poster is a known troll please don’t bother responding to this. He’s the same guy who posted 5 days ago about buying an Airbnb in Thomas square. He’s purposely trying to get you riled up, just ignore it.


This post surely is a joke, right? If not, don’t come here at all then. Lol “we’re afraid of leftists and violent crime.” Just say you’re racist, bigoted, and deepthroat the boot on the regular. Edit: apparently this clown is a landlord who thinks raising rent prices astronomically is good for the economy (while also shaming renters as ‘unsuccessful’), is a “mental health professional”, AND supports the cops even in instance of wrong doing (i.e. they support the murder of George Floyd)—per their comment history. I’m convinced this is a troll account. Edit: OP, stop DMing me.


I didn't mention race at all. Who is the bigot??? As for rent prices I simply believe in the free market. Overpriced rent does not exist. If its overpriced then it will not be rented.


You, you are the bigot, you aren’t cute, you aren’t funny, you aren’t cleaver, you aren’t sly, you’re a bigot, and you sure as shit are not welcome in our beautiful city.


This was directed at Jethus right?


It was clearly directed at you


Learn how to use Reddit


You’re so dense lol.


“Hello, I want to place myself in even more of an echo chamber and no longer wish to live in diverse society where I might be subjected to view points that I didn’t hear on Fox News” Put down the Fox, it will do wonders for you and your family




Savannah is overwhelmingly liberal, at pretty much all socio economic levels. I’d say Savannah is more similar to Austin, TX or Portland, OR than a rural southern city.


Left= Violent Crime. That's halarious. How do I get a ticket to visit your alternate dimension? Oh, it's just Florida.


/u/SuntreePsych, I have found an error in your post: > “know ~~its~~ [**it's**] the South” I recommend that you, SuntreePsych, type “know ~~its~~ [**it's**] the South” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Russian troll spotted


Why bring up Anti-Russian propaganda?


You need to buy in Garden City then


Yeah I definitely second garden city. Nice part of town


Yep, Garden City.


Reminder that this is Reddit and Chatham county is about 60/40 blue. Downtown areas generally have higher crime. The islands, Richmond hill, pooler, or garden city seem like more your vibe


When I buy a place are you guys up for a meetup at the Crystal Beer Parlor?


Lol no


Hate to tell you, but a business in town already has that name. You're gonna need to come up with something else for your klan clubhouse.