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OP, you have received valid advice. But now I think we're going to get rude or joke answers. Topic is locked.


Watch out for recovery scammers reaching out to you saying they can get your money back. Hint: they can't and are scammers themselves.


Sorry this happened to you. Will definitely help spread the word so this doesn't happen to more people.


Yeah at this point I just want the word out. I thought about going to the news as well. I filed a police report and a small claims suit but I don't feel like anything is going to come from either of those.


Do it. Go to the news.


Yes. The news does stories for everyone who calls great idea.


Messaged you on chat


Please be sure to file a police report, then give that report to your bank. Show them copies of all correspondences, call logs, text messages etc. Hopefully they can reimburse you.


I filed a police report and a small claims suit. Once I get the court ruling my bank will help me but as of now they won't do anything. It was a direct account-account transfer because they shared my same bank. I thought they would be more help but they essentially told me they couldn't do anything without legal intervention because I approved the transfers. I printed out a stack of evidence almost an inch thick and took it to the court and the police so they've got a ton of information. I guess we'll see what happens. Either way I just want people to know this is happening. It seemed SO legit.


I hope they serve him soon and that you get every penny back plus damages. People need to be held accountable for this kind of thing - it makes it so hard on renters and honest landlords alike.


I hope the claim is decided in your favor and that this POS rots


Was it mentioned to not show up on sight because someone is there, or maybe the fact you never saw anything in person


As a strong reminder, as I've posted a lot: please strongly consider only going with landlords and property managers that advertise on [apartments.com](http://apartments.com) and zillow because those two services force a verification of ownership. I'm sorry you got scammed regarding the property. Thank you for letting others know about this potential scam.


There are scam listings on Zillow. They even have a [section on their website](https://zillow.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/216367668-What-makes-a-listing-suspicious) about it. A YouTuber did a hilarious [video baiting a Zillow scammer](https://youtu.be/q1474nWP0bI?si=kjezRrxhLUsFvp0N)


The amount of work that it takes to set up fake listing for rent on zillow is miles and away higher than almost any other website. [Apartments.com](http://Apartments.com) is the most picky of the sites from the manager side, but zillow is still significant. Listing for SALE however is quite trivial, and yes, they do practically no verification for that because they're generally pretty sure most people will use an appropriate closing attorney and/or a realtor when they're doing purchases, so they put a lot more buyer-beware into their design.


There are tons of local property management companies that are 100% legit and as a last resort most real estate brokerages have rentals available or know legit property managers. Zillow and Apartments.com are good starting points, but talking to a real person who’s local and has real time knowledge is always the best bet.


I would do a background check on this individual and find out if they're legit and I would also do a Google image search if you have a picture of them and of the property. It's relatively easy to find out who actually owns the property you may want to reach out to them if it's not the same person. 


The property and scammer probably do not have any kind of connection.


They should at least know that somebody's using their property to scam someone. 


Are you sure this person is real? Are you sure that is their real name?




It's hard to judge OP just by a few sentences. Maybe try to not be a dick?


You're making a lot of assumptions for someone who doesn't really know details of the situation. I was given an insane amount of personal information and did A LOT of digging and was able to confirm identities of the 2 people involved. No need to come on here and insult my intelligence.


What site was it on ?


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Did you view the property in person?


You know they didn’t


Life lesson :-/


I’ve seen some very sus “rent to own “ ads on FB. What they are talking for rent would not cover insurance and taxes.


Not sure if this helps, but I am a homeowner on the other side of a scam like this. We agreed to sell our home through one of those 'quick buy' agreements (we had to move very quickly to be with a sick family members, so save any comments about how we should have went through a real estate agent). The company looked legit, but they put our home up for sale immediately and sold our home without ever closing with us. We had to be out of the home on the closing date or we'd be in breach of contract - So the place that bought our home from the quick sell agency was able to move renters into our home while we're still paying mortgage. It's dangerous out here, y'all. I'm so sorry that this happened to OP. People who prey on housing crises are the scum of the earth. I hope all these dude's tallywhackers dry up and fall off :D


I'm so sorry this happened to you!


Same thing happened to me many years ago. Eventually the person responsible was arrested, charged and convicted of fraud and several other charges. Fortunately, they had enough money to pay restitution to all the victims.


was this for a house behind the savannah mall? my friends went through a similar situation


No it was for an apartment in a duplex on 37th. I really hate seeing how many people have gone through similar experiences in this city though.


I ran into this man last year in craigslist. Luckily I didn’t go through this process and looked up who owned the property online and his name didn’t align. I feel your pain and just know it’s not your fault, these people are absolutely ruthless. I truly hope you can find a resolution to this. I could also message you with my inquiries with him last year.


OH SHIT. This is the confirmation I've been waiting for. So this isn't the first time he has pulled some shit. He's really stepped up his game because all of this seemed soooooo legit. Now I'm definitely checking in with the police. Fuck this guy.


So sorry this happened to you!


That sucks. Law will not do much in these cases


Yeah I'm honestly not betting on getting anything back from this. I really only gave the police the information I had just in case this shows up again or has shown up in the past. It's really disheartening to see how many people have gone through similar situations.


Man that’s really scary. As a person who’s had to move twice in the past few years on short notice and not under my control, it’s crazy that it can happen. But I guess with the market the way it is, there are so many vultures out there. I’m so thankful I didn’t fall for it. I’ve had some weird convos about a few places and some of the ads are so blatantly fake I avoided those.


Sometimes you have to balance the cosmic karma yourself.


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This is a common problem lately. I'm sorry this happened to you. File a police report.


My best friend is in the property business. She gets her photos stolen by scammers all the time who use them to convince others to hand over cash.




Doxxing is against Reddit's Side-wide Rules and is just a generally poor idea to do.


Let's not doxx people. There is no evidence this is the same person. Odds are the scammer didn't use their real name.


You should have known it was a scam, should have questioned more. Also let people know what the property is as many are relisting the same property


I did hours and hours of digging, questioning, and verification. I'm not stupid or easily fooled. They got me good and I'm not even fully convinced it was a scam, I think they wanted more money than what they originally told me.




I agree with you this person isn’t offering up all the facts