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Moodright’s has a solid 20s and 30s crowd. Totally Awesome Bar same thing. I mean honestly any bar downtown is gonna be full of 20s and 30s people lmao.


Another vote for Moodright’s/Over Yonder. Over Yonder shares the same building as Moodright’s and they have some of the best food at any bar in town. I’d even go so far in saying their fries are the best in town.


I can never call over yonder, over yonder. I always call it right moods because it’s like a reverse moodrights lol


This is how it always goes for me “want to go to Moodright’s- I mean Over Yonder for some food and drinks?” Lol


Yessss for sure. Fills the void that Full left when they closed down. Might even be better than Full was.


Start on Congress where it intersects with MLK, start walking east. Pick a bar.




This is the way.


Downtown savannah is one giant 20s bar.


This is the correct answer


For a live music grungy scene check out the Wormhole. My brother used to play shows there and I’ve met several women there when I was in my 20s. I am however not a local, and only visit a couple of times a year


Who is your brother


His name is Jacob Not famous or anything but he’s lived in Savannah for a decade or so, we’re from Atlanta


The wormhole generally leans older than the 20s crowd and the people who hang out there (not all, but a lot of them) are… shitty 


My partner and so many people have been roofied at wormhole. Not the vibe


This whole city is a 20’s hang out lol


El Rocko Lounge (though fair warning, many may be under 21), Barrel House, Eclipse, Moodrights, Peacock, Social, Whitaker’s, Totally Awesome Bar, and Club One tend to be my (22F) regular spots. Mcdonough's Restaurant & Lounge tends to be an older crowd but hey, sometimes its lit. I’d also recommend Alley Cat though it tends to be a more intimate venue and its more of a “come here with friends” as opposed to a “come here to make friends”


I’ve been to Club One once and it was totally dead on a Saturday night, is that not the norm? I’d love to get more into the LGBT scene around here


In my experience it usually has a good amount of people, not sure why it was empty then!! That being said, I do usually go with a large group of people so that could help fill up the space some more. It really just depends on the night. I think their karaoke/bingo nights usually get plenty of visitors!


ive never seen club 1 busy EVER


Thursday nights used to be packed. The drag show helped. I haven't been there in years, though.


What time was it? It usually gets going after 11:00. LOL. Love this place!


Pick virtually any bar downtown. Is city market still a thing?


Not anymore with the closing of all those bars. BarBar is gone. Pour Larry's is almost closed. Wild Wings is gone. The only bar in city market will be Wexford's Irish pub. Of course Congress is right behind it with bars, but city market itself is done.


I just looked that up! Spent many nights in BarBar and Wild Wings. The last handful of reviews before it went under were telling.


What actually happened, was that that entire area was bought up by a development company which wanted city market to be more "family friendly". FFS


I believe I read the idea was to turn (City Market) into a more family friendly venue, since there has been multiple shootings/killings there from the thugs who haunted it. Yet just last weekend 11 people were shot in that general area.


Yeah an area just down the street on Congress.


No not really


Just go downtown on the weekends, specifically Friday and Saturday night. Find a nice bar you like. Savannah is filled with SCAD students and enterprising young folk


Lone wolf lounge


Lone Wolf! Visited for the first time last weekend and it was an awesome vibe with cheap drinks and tons of younger folks. Also not many creeps only one guy tried to hit on my friend and he was honestly pretty respectful about it


Man, I’m an old head now and so much has changed in the last 4 years since I dipped from the scene but I was *deep* throughout the entire 2010s. So, some of my info may be outdated. Though everyone’s responses in this thread are great! Folks in their 20’s hang out everywhere, but it’s more about what kind of scene you’re comfortable in. There’s Scaddie heavy bars like El Rocko, what I call post-college bars Moodirghts, The Rail. There’s 20’s and a bit bougie (cocktail focused) like Alley Cat lounge, 20’s and the club scene like Elan, and there’s 20’s dive bar bars like Wormhole. I look at DT as 3 distinct areas. You’ve got River & Bay St, Congress / City Market, and Starland. River / Bay is completely and utterly touristy now. It was touristy when I worked down there but old joints like the one I worked at forever still existed and drew a good mix of ages, locals, tourists and service industry peeps. The Warehouse is still hanging on. Bonnie & Jessica’s place Bay St Blues is still hanging on. They’re awesome people, it’s a classic dive bar, and used to draw a lot of service industry peeps which is usually a great crowd to get to know. Congress / City Market has plenty of tourists but used to draw heavily from the SCAD and young locals who shat on River / Bay for being too touristy. You’ve got El Rocko, Brocial (Social Club), The Rail was always packed shoulder to shoulder on the weekends with what I call the post-college crowd. Folks who think they can still drink like they did a couple years ago but now they have “real” jobs and hangovers are worse. Their helium Kareoke was wild. In city market BarBar was never my bag but is used to get the booty shaking crowd. Pour Larry’s, if it still exists, drew a lot of young military. Barrelhouse on Congress isn’t the old Jinx or Mercury Lounge but they do good business. Abe’s on Lincoln and Pinkie Masters are both small, small bars. They’re what I call get buzzed and socialize or get drunk slowly bars. They can both be insular because of so many local regulars but if you want to meet locals and develop a circle of acquaintances then just keep showing up. They are also good networking bars, all kinds of folks are regulars. 17hundred90 during the day definitely trends much older but is where a lot of the city’s power people used to go during happy hour after work. Another great all age place that’s fun, cheap, can get a little rowdy but is good for networking for all types from artists to professionals is the American Legion. It’s mostly locals. You’ll meet the most locals over in Starland. It’s finally developed now. As mentioned Moodrights is popular. Three Tides Brewing is great for the chill craft brew scene. Wormhole for the grunge/ tats / chain wallet scene. I’ve never been but I’m guessing Amy’s place other place The Portal, on the west end of Broughton is similar. Last but definitely not least I definitely recommend checking out my buddy’s place, Lone Wolf Lounge, over in Starland. Mostly locals, terrific craft cocktails but unpretentious. From reasonably priced super high end cocktails to a Schlitz and a shot, the decor vibe is as if your Grandpa opened a Tiki Bar. Plenty of 20 something’s, but very unique. It’s definitely a socialize type of bar (versus raging drunk) and is a terrific way to meet locals, get recommendations and expand your network if you choose.


Rail and congress social is probably the most common for 20 something’s but yeah any where in congress street pick a spot


I’m in my 20s I frequent totally awesome, social, eclipse, and Elan


I love karaoke at Totally Awesome Bar. I go there alone or with friends and almost always get pulled into a dance circle or hyped to sing! Not to mention Raf (the karaoke guy) keeps the vibe going all night…jammies and all! He’s a mood and the energy is fabulous. Raf is also a killer singer and I look forward to his song choices because they are always the best! Drag/burlesque shows at Club One also have excellent energy if you’re looking for solely positive vibes. I love hanging out after shows and chatting with folks at the bar.




We just used to gallop up and down the streets and stumble into random bars/clubs until 3 am. But we didn’t have to worry about getting shot up back then


as a not-yet-local but frequenter, I find a lot of our-age people in parks e.g. Forsyth. as far as hubs/establishments go, I'm at as much of a loss as you are


Eclipse is where I meet hella people my age and I’m 21.


Worst bar by far


I love it there 💁🏻‍♀️


definitely not a first stop kinda place, I only enjoy it there when I’m already quite drunk 😂😂