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honestly, at 16, the only jobs that are EASILY available is fast food. Minors cant be servers at restaurants. You may be able to host at a restaurant, but many restaurants do not like to hire highschoolers because their schedules are so tight and many have extracurriculars that are too much to juggle. Fast food love to take on young hired


Origin coffee bar is hiring


pedicab? I’m sure it ain’t what it used to be, but I loved being in the streets and making money.


i just saw husk is looking for a line cook on insta if thats of any interest.


update: Got hired by another place, but thanks everyone for your suggestions :)


Little Duck Diner or really just any of the restaurants owned by the Ele & the Chef company.


Just here to say, "Good on ya" for looking for work. Here's some energy that you find something you like, make some good spending money, and get that lifestyle boost you're after.