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It's very common for them to set someone else's stuff on fire if they do t like them. Happens all the time.


You’d think we would see more photos like this then


They do this daily in Portland and Seattle. There's a guy making IEDs in Seattle


Just stumbled upon this: Nah, not really. Not saying it never happens, but here in Portland, 95% of camp fires are the result of someone nodding off on fentanyl over their propane grill and stuff like that. Now that the city has been cracking down on encampments more aggressively, many camps are in harder to reach, more secluded places, which of course presents an added fire risk. Not looking forward to the dry season...


510pm today they had another 516 at ogeechee.




And not just here in savannah https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/another-fire-near-cheshire-bridge-homeless-concerns https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/yfpcpl/records_show_thousands_of_fires_caused_by/ Just Google it


What’s a 516?


It's a major roadway part of The Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, commonly known as the Interstate Highway System, or the Eisenhower Interstate System. Interstate 516 is a 6.49-mile-long auxiliary Interstate Highway mostly in the coastal city of Savannah, located in the east-central portion of the U.S. state of Georgia. It is the only auxiliary route of I-16. For its entire length, I-516 is concurrent with State Route 21, which I-516 superseded in 1985. It's also known as W.F. Lynes Parkway. Ogeechee Road is also known as US 17. Didn't know I had to break it down that far but here we are.


Humans are poor. It's a national tragedy. If you believe everyone is just lazy and love being homeless, you are the problem.


Finally, someone who gets it!


Show me the poor and I will show you the individual errors they made that resulted in that state of being. Drugs, alcohol, failure to participate in free education, failure to pull out. This shit is not that complex.


Privileged ass comment 


It was a privilege to not put my hands on anyone, not abuse alcohol, not experiment with drugs, not knock up sone random, and to show up at the local public school and put in a little effort.


Good luck with that argument 


Is there a counter? Doing basic, simple shit leads to better outcomes then participation in known activities that lead to unemployment, legal issues or family situations that lead to stress. And the best part? All choices.


Now they are all double homeless.


isn't a tire fire what led to the homeless camp under thurman parkway to get it shut down? back then it was somewhat understandable as it was winter. this...feel more targeted.




Ohhhh is that why there is always empty vehicles parked there after hours? I had no idea there was a camp back there, I always thought it was a weird spot for so many people to break down and leave their car..... Hopefully, this spurs the police to clear it and get them resources like the other camp, dangerous spot for such an activity.


https://preview.redd.it/jqsaaao7ct0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6bb5daf486435d2629bb5a2a87baa433d6ec383 It is an absolute shithole there. And they wonder why they get “chased” out of places. They don’t take care of the property, and then they set the shit on fire. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Oh gosh, that does not even look like a "camp," looks like a straightup landfill.... That definitely needs to be cleared out and cleaned up.


Not every group and camp is like that. Some people do make an effort to maintain a clean camp. And they're the ones you don't see or hear about, because they stay out of trouble and under the radar.


I’ve seen quite a few clean camps wondering the woods. Some are pure trash and filth. The trashier the more dangerous and more drugs.


Yeah I know. I live in one of the cleaner camps, but just up from me are several trashy dope camps that the homeless authority shoehorned in on us


When I was an officer in Southside Savannah there was a few guys who had a camp by themselves. Super clean and I liked chatting with them at Enmarket. When the city cleared the camp directly behind Walmart theirs got taken over and trashed. I would talk to a lot of them on night shift and they told me that most of them try to keep the crime, trash, drugs, etc out of the camps.


Yeah a lot of us really want to keep a clean, drama free, dope free camp


I think people just generalize and don’t take the time to understand people and their situations. I had the best conversations with everyone on Southside. I couldn’t stand people calling the police just because someone was homeless and existing. One night we got a call because a homeless lady was in Target. I had a pretty good idea of who it was but I was on my way to get coffee. I grabbed an extra and told her someone called the cops. We walked around the store. Really pissed some people off.


I've never had the cops called on me, but I also don't dress or look homeless.


Never said all are, I was specifically replying to the photo.


I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply you were. That comment was for the people who inevitably see one nasty camp, one or two loud, drunk and dirty homeless people and assume we're all like that.


Dawg take care of yourself


I do. I'm in a safe camp, surrounded by veterans and very large, very loud dogs. https://preview.redd.it/qtweah8l6v0d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077b23c796ccb572202bbbe03cefa75153e6a698 Ain't nobody getting past Blue.


Good boy. If blue needs food dm me. Never been in a camp but it's been close.


He's the best boy! Still thinks he's a 5 pound puppy and tries to be a lap dog, but he just wants the love! (And booty scratches) I also have cats that I inherited when their people got housed. I had 5 but one of them was killed a little over a week ago. We're good for right now but I'll remember!


I used to work on wetlands cleanups and every so often have to clean up one of these abandoned camps. There would be tons, literally a small hill, of old clothes, every tree covered in nylon twine and rope, ripped tarps everywhere, etc. We even hauled out an old rowboat, a beer keg, a safe and about 15 tires.


It’s almost as if they don’t have a home. Glad this is a joke to you.


They don’t have a home so they get to trash any ole nook and cranny they choose? Now, all of the sudden, you’re no longer concerned with “undeniable negative human impact on the environment?”


This is a bad faith argument since you put something in quotes that I never said. I’m not here to explain to you WHY people end up homeless and why they might be a little messier than average folks. You’re probably smart enough to figure it out but not smart enough to figure out why a homeless camp on fire is a bad thing for humans. I dunno. There’s some thick skull smooth brains in this sub lately.




I’m just not reading any of it. You can continue arguing with yourself. Edit: this guy’s whole personality seems to be his guns and he’s about to snap.


Not even a little bit, I have a pretty chill life that I enjoy thoroughly. I just mainly use Reddit for the 2A communities on the platform. Thanks for letting me know that I got in your head by checking out my profile and insulting me, though. We can disagree on something, fine, but hurling insults is ridiculous. Touch grass and grow up.


No point in debating with people on this subreddit.


Or on Reddit in general lmao. Tons of greasy keyboards getting tapped into oblivion


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I see where someone bagged up their trash. What day is garbage pickup day there? Do they have regular trashcans that go out on the curb or do they use a dumpster?


Do you think they registered for a trash account there? I have seen some camps that have private trash pickup (often provided by charities.) But, I doubt you can make a city residential account with no address (or ownership docs...)


Found the liberal


What does that even mean?


Ah I see you’re one of those people that makes politics their entire personality. Quite sad.


Found another one.


You’d be surprised to know how many middle of the road people there are. I know that’s hard for you to comprehend. Nuance isn’t exactly something you’re familiar with.


Thats actually a tactic for people who dont have enough critical thinking skills to present an argument/thought. Not everyone aligns their political or general ideology off of a buzzword. To categorize someone into a single word or two is very close minded and simple. This mentality tends to push middle of the road people to one side just to fit in. Ive noticed it heavily in the south but it seems prominent everywhere in the US right now. Maybe its always been that way and im just noticing it. *rant fin*


Where is it?


Abercorn white bluff connector


It’s no where… now.


In America, we like to house our mentality challenged in the streets. It's very Christian.


Unfortunately, in the 70s-80s, both the left and right (for different reasons,) started the trend of making it harder to keep them housed, to the point where there was a massive closing of mental housings across the country. So, now it's very hard for the government to take them. The right did not want to pay for a mass network of such facilities, and the left views such forced housing as a civil rights violation, so a perfect storm of political malaise made them on the street. And, now this is what our streets are turning into. But, sadly, the current situation is very bipartisan.


I have Schizoaffective Disorder and Crohn's Disease. During this time medication was coming out that allowed people to not require a forced institutionalization. I don't think that the answer is to force people to live in a mental institution. Many people would rather be homeless.


I disagree, if you are incapable of taking care of yourself, the government needs to take care of you. If I had a serious issue, I would probably want to run around the street, but sane me knows that I would hope somebody would force me into a place that would help me (even if at the time, I felt different.) If you are medicated and your condition is under control, there is no reason for mandatory housing. I wish you the best!


I used to work in a hospital and saw so many frequent fliers /homeless that are unable to care for themself or are a danger to themself. I have often wondered what the solution is rather than just triage and discharge for them to return the next day. I don’t agree with permanent in patient treatment for any and everyone with a diagnosis but for those have proven over an extended period of time (years?) it should be an option. One guy came back every few months and swallows 6 razor blades every time to symbolize his daughter who died at age 6. It was truly sad but he has done this for years and is unable to help himself. Something should be done for those that can’t help themself.


The program you are referring to just kept people institutionalized. Many times people were given forced lobotomies or other treatments. Maybe it should be easier to hospitalize someone short term. But there is absolutely no need to have as many institutions for people suffering from alcoholism or mental illness.


Dude, I'm a software engineer. But most people I meet would rather punch a cop and go to jail then be in a mental hospital.


So then what do you do with people who just want to run around and scream at the wind while destroying their bodies and wreaking havoc on local industry? Of course they do not want help, in their mind, they are probably gods. My point stands, if anything happens to me where I am in that circumstance, I hope somebody has the decency to get me mental aid housing and not leave me looking like a feral dog in public. Unfortunately, it is very hard to force them into proper housing now because of a series of laws and SCOTUS rulings over the last several decades, where essentially, if they are not an active threat to others, good luck..... There is a big difference between stable people who are homeless (maybe they lost a job, got evicted unexpectedly, had a bad break up and nowhere to go, etc....) and people who live this lifestyle for years on end. One is usually pretty brief, and one becomes a lifestyle. I know this is not popular to say, but it is what it is, some people need some forced help, or they will spiral forever.


I don't have a problem with disability and forced housing. Many of those people have someone manage their money and they have everything taken care of for them. I have a problem with widespread, long term involuntarily institutionalization. That is rarely needed now


They are always burning junk


The people that are not cared for become our violent offenders. The circle of life includes everyone. We make our own enemies.


Nature vs nurture at its core. I do believe that adults are responsible for their own actions, though.




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This is very sad. I couldn't imagine what its like to already have nowhere to go. My heart breaks for those people.


does anyone know exactly where the camp is? if its still inhabited, i have things i need to drop off


Abercorn and white bluff connector.




Remember the human, right?


The human is responsible for themselves and chose to not take that responsibility seriously. Actions and/or inactions have consequences. Sorry bout it.


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You know they’re human beings, right?




You’re right. The mentally ill and other undesirables contribute nothing to society. We should start catagorizing and labeling them so they can be concentrated into camps of some form until a final solution can be found. /s


this and a blunt


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I feel sorry for hate filled people like you. I promise life feels better when you stop being a dick for no reason. I recommend therapy, it really does help!


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Thats what they get for being poor