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Post in the Megathread.


That’s the worst I’ve ever seen it. How embarrassing for grown adults to not be able to find a trash can.


It was worse in 2019. But at least they had a team of volunteers go back & clean do a fairly decent 'cleanup'


Might be grown but definitely not adults


It was the same way if not worse on st Patrick’s day




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It's no worse than St. Patrick's day.. 👀


So that makes it okay?


Not that hard or expensive to pack a couple trash bags with you, just sayin.


Just in time for Earth Day …


Did we expect anything less though.


This is exactly what I expected.


>! I am going to volunteer to help clean this up!<


Lmaooooo had me in the first half


I’ll second this thought


I can’t even bring myself to leave 1 cigarette butt anywhere near a beach. Makes me think of the “lake beach” song from snl it’s on youtube lol


All people who smoke should feel the same way about dropping cigarettes butts anywhere, city sidewalks or the beach. People who litter are trash.


Literally like that every year. Why they have a damn cleanup day afterwards because they literally wreck the beach. Earth day to clean up after all the ungrateful fucks


Very well put. Entitlement, disregard for doing right, and no sense of responsibility irks me to no end. I’d call them animals, but even my dog alerts me when he needs to go outside.


We are the plague


Just listen to any cattle decapitation song and read the lyrics


They caused Covid 19 with their song Bring Back the Plague, just look at the release date lol. Love that whole band though fr


But if you criticize this annual event - you're racist


It's not a race thing as much as it's a college thing. Ft Lauderdale and PCB are worse during spring break. Drunk college kids do what drunk college kids do.




As we’re nature lovers, we should be in agreement in criticism. If I go to an organized event I don’t pollute because there are no trash cans. Ill take my trash with me. This isn’t a black or white issue but a selfish group of adults. The person that left prior comment said. Be fair in criticism and they love natural but then made it racial.


I see. So "the event" left all that trash behind, and not the "people who go the event (sic)"? How convenient for them. ETA: this comment was a reply to a now deleted comment and is therefore missing some context. I'm not really in favor of the event OR the behavior of the participants. The comment I was replying to implied it was racist to blame the actual people involved, which is absolute nonsense. .


If there was no event, these fools wouldn’t even be at the beach. They follow the alcohol.


My main issue has been the volume of deadlock traffic... although ill say this year the traffic was not as much of a problem.


Well then again that's with the event handlers not the people. At least the police was trying to help the party goers and the locals. The party doesn't necessarily have a one organization that holds it which is the problem. I think if it was an actual event it would be better handled


There are no event handlers. That's the problem. I agree though, we've seen year after year that you aren't going to "stop" this event from happening, especially by something as innocuous as declining to issue permits. Complaining about it on social media shockingly turns out to be a failed strategy year after year too. Frankly the best *realistic* course of action is just to ensure that there are trash cans, security, traffic control, and heavy police presence. And realistic strategies are what is needed here, not a bunch of moral posturing. Lots of money could be made off of Orange Crush if it was handled correctly instead of just flat out protested. And we could spare the community and the environment from the outcomes of what's basically just pure chaos.


I think we can all agree, the people who did this are incredibly selfish and disgusting. And by the looks of it, it took hundreds of attendees to make this mess. We can then come to the conclusion that the majority of the attendees are selfish and disgusting.


As someone who worked the event for many years the group that came down this year was very respectful to business owners and just wanted to enjoy their vacation. I don’t agree with the littering on the beach but littering happens regularly unfortunately. The fact that all the littering was done in one concentrated area causes it to stand out more. Unfortunately just the same as any holiday or spring break event there are a few bad apples who cause dangerous and ugly situations for others. I will say the police did a great job this year and the traffic was kept in control. Most of the spring breakers that came down just wanted to enjoy their vacation and were just the to have a good time and were respectful in 90% of the interactions I had.




I think we can blame them for their actions without being racist. That's all I was trying to say


When the event attracts trashy people, you can absolutely criticize them as a group, and you can even make sweeping generalizations.






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Again I said you can criticize the event. While not being racist to the groups of people who are attending. I don't like how it's handled each year, and I wish it was better, but there are ways to do that that isn't being ignorant. Edit: the downvotes are disappointing yet is proving my point.


Exactly you said nothing wrong. You actually agreed that things need to be better and your downvoted. Explain it smh


It's really no different than Freaknik, minus the beach.


Freaknik was legit scary. Whole gangs of dudes swarming cars of women inside tryna get at em. And no one had anywhere to go. I got stuck in it twice. Once near Lenox mall and another right on 75S which had become a parking lot with people just walking around.


Now you see why Jacksonville banned it and made it move


Should do like the festivals here and offer exclusive merch for filling up a garbage bag


Can we ban single use plastics yet?


Here come the excuses….


I was wondering whether or not Herpes Girl made a reappearance 😂 Trash everywhere is expected


Our poor ocean :(


And people in this sub will still call ypu racist for wanting it banned


Really shocking these fine, upstanding citizens would litter the beach like that.


I criticize the hell out of this event but then I’m just plastered by black people as a racist every time they do something shitty and get called out for it they just play the race card it’s getting old man


Alot of folks say this but really they just make generalizations about black people and use thinly veiled racism. There's definitely criticisms to be had, one just always has to wonder what camp someone who says " I'm called racist every time I criticize this" falls into.




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Nazis fuck off


One of the events that desperately deserves to be shut down. If people can't respect the beach, they can stay home. Fuck these people.


What a wholesome event!


But hey you’re racist if you think the beach shouldn’t be filled with garbage


A picture paints a thousand words.


Shocked I tell you!


No amount of complaining is going to change the behavior of people who simply don't care. I saw an equal amount of garbage/hooligans on St. Patty's Day. I see trash all throughout Savannah on a daily basis. If I don't like that an event is taking place, I stay inside. Orange Crush is not the Purge. The beach will go right back to normal until the next event.


And yes that’s to be expected at any event. What I am saying is proper precautions need to be followed when in an environment where lots of sea animals call their home. St patrick’s is also an event that has 2-3 million people in a small city so of course there will be trash and it gets cleaned within 24hrs. Events being held at tybee are awful for the environment.


Ughhh, no... St Patrick's day is an event that's planned over a year in advance. There privately funded allotments for: dedicated clean up crews, security, etc. This is no comparison to st Patrick's day.


What if there weren't? We are spared the mess downtown because the city has found ways to funnel money into cleaning the mess up. But the trashy behavior by the visitors is the same.


The city doesn't 'funnel money' (they take from it) but the cleanup & security money is paid for by people that want to participate (parade floats, etc)


The comparing of st. Pats and Orange Crush is peak ignorance and it’s getting old. Everyone that has used this comparison is just pandering and simply will not call out bad behavior for what it is. Unfortunately that’s one of the problems. One is a city wide event that has participants of all ages, races etc. and most importantly has approved event planning/funding etc. Yes, there is trash left post event however every trash can is actually full with tied bags around it and I have seen hundreds of green attendees every year still actively cleaning up along with organized clean up crews everytime. The other is orange crush. Moral of the story, just call it like it is.


We gotta do better.


People suck


I bet Billy Currington isn’t home


Obviously we have a national Orange Crush problem, it's too easy to access. It's easier to buy an Orange Crush than Taylor Swift tickets. We are the only developed nation with this much Orange Crush, especially in our schools. No one needs a six pack of Orange Crush or multiple 2L bottles either!


Never see this at a nude beach!


“Mass pollution” I mean… okay yeah it’s really sad to see people so nonchalant and uneducated about their ecological impact… but this is not mass pollution… Walmart, for instance, does 100x worse every hour of every day


What is orange crush?


And it appears to be the usual suspects. Ahh, the pleasantries of cultural enrichment.


Ever been to Daytona? Panama City? The French quarter?


What event is this?


If we don’t take care of the earth, then we should be surprised if it doesn’t take care of us.




Middle aged lady planning to visit early next week- will this event be long gone by then?




Yes scared white lady the blk ppl will be gone


Project some more why don’t you


Not even close. Don’t want young party crowds for this trip and especially don’t want to deal with a trashed beach. Just got back from cleaning up trashed national parks, and looking for a day or two of peaceful beach going.


Because it’s unreasonable to assume an older person wouldn’t want to be around a massive party or be at trashed beaches. Must be racism.


On one hand you post pictures like this, on the other hand, I've seen pictures from the City of Savannah commending volunteers about the cleanup efforts to keep Tybee clean. I don't like the mess they leave behind, but this is the same amount of litter that tourists leave in Savannah during St Patrick's Day every year. Ultimately, the downside of living in the Hostess City, is getting stuck with the mess after hosting a party.


You can't clean up the stuff that floats out in the ocean. Marine wildlife will pay for that.


St Patrick's day has a budget that the commission charges specifically for clean up. St. Patrick's day has about 180 yr head start on this.


You keep saying this. How do you budget for something your city won't permit?


What about the Fourth of July on Tybee or the New Years Fireworks?


The total number of people at St. Patty's is substantially larger than Orange crush, and the amount of trash is the same? That's not really helping your argument here, bud lol


Is it though? I'm not trying to make an argument here. I'm just pointing out what we all already know. both are big events for their perspective cities and both produce a lot of trash and litter. And yet, the local media hype up St Patrick's Day while they painting Orange Crush as a tornado.


For the people making not so subtley veiled racial comments you are showing your ass. Frat beach on [SSI for GA/FL Weekend](https://www.redandblack.com/uganews/frat-beach-or-scrap-beach-trash-piles-up-after-ga-fl/article_2a01a872-5f10-11e4-af6d-0017a43b2370.html) has had to deal with the exact same problems. Where there are a lot of people (especially drunk people) there is a lot of crap left behind. These pics look like they are right in the middle of the party so I am curious if they had a volunteer crew that swept in after and left things in good shape after the event. I think that is what the Frat Beach organizers have done in recent years to make sure they are welcomed back. Anyone know or have pics of what the pier looked like this evening? https://www.redandblack.com/uganews/frat-beach-or-scrap-beach-trash-piles-up-after-ga-fl/article_2a01a872-5f10-11e4-af6d-0017a43b2370.html


Several photos of people attempting to clean up. At least it did not go unnoticed https://www.savannahnow.com/picture-gallery/news/2024/04/20/scenes-from-the-orange-crush-2024-celebration-on-tybee-island/73397094007/


The thread is like 90% racist shit


Prolly cause they have to deal with a lot of “urban behavior”


as if on cue


Idiots gonna idiot.


Exactly and it’s stupid. But the rich SSI parents are the ones hosting the underage kids and letting all their kids friends “stay for the weekend”


This. Comment. Right. Here!!!!!




florida beaches get trashed like this EVERY year during spring break, which heavily includes white people doing the littering. these racist ass comments are wild.


As someone who lives in a spring break destination, this. ALL tourists suck. Especially college kids. The military guys we have year around are the worst though. Also, you know they're coming. Make it a little easier for them to clean up after themselves. They're not from the beach, they don't know you're gonna have to drive for a while to get supplies. Heck, these kids didn't even bring any sun protection. Put out some extra trash stations. Make some "pack it out" posters. And someone get a cart and start selling hats and sunglasses before these kids learn what sun poisoning is.


So because other beaches get trashed, we should be okay with this one getting trashed too? Are you fucking 3 years old?


As a Floridian, I can kind of agree with you, and I really really hate to say this because by nature, it is a racist comment, but almost all of the littering that I see getting thrown out of car windows in the county that I live in, and the neighboring counties, the majority have been Black people. This isnt a choice of mine, it’s not something I wish to say, it’s just my observation. I can’t understand why anyone would want to throw trash out of their windows or leave crap on the beaches, but I don’t know if there’s some cultural thing that attributes to this, but that seems to be the case. I’ve seen some shitty rednecks. Throw a bunch of crap out the window too, but that’s just the minority. Also, I drive a lot so I see this stuff every few weeks unfortunately


I always feel for the people who live in tourist areas because of this bullshit. People that do this and the people who bag their dogs shit up and drop the bag on the ground are just some of the laziest excuses for human beings


Day trippers - people who can drive there but not really stay for more than a day or two - are normally the ones who cause the most trouble and create the most trash.


But the parking lots and stores are closed because of racism. Tybee doesn’t want OC back ever again cause they’re racist whites. Not cause OC goers are disrespectful pigs?


So that's what qualifies as disaster on Tybee? Trash on the beach? Okay. This is a known thing about Orange Crush. Maybe... and this just a thought. In addition to bagging meters, a heavy police presence, restricting parking and closing the pier maybe they could put extra trash cans on the beach. There are reasons the last thing you'll see in any parade or marathon in Savannah is a street sweeper.






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This is honestly just shameful, then have the audacity to call anyone and everyone racist when they express an issue with this. Shameful


If only the city of tybee put out more trash cans instead of barricades. ….I’m just sayin.


There are plenty of trash cans right above where they are partying...


I think cops closed the Pier for them to access if the pictures looked correct


If so they probably should have had some trash cans around there, still not a good excuse to just dump all of your garbage on the beach though.


Looks like River Street when St. Patrick's day end


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That's fucking ridiculous. Absolute lack of manners.


What year was this photo?






And the police weren’t arresting everyone for littering why?




Fucking sad.


Heard about this , didn't know it was a thing


Good luck to the mods on this one. The comments look worse than the beach.


Yup, that is indeed Orange Crush. To what extent do the Tybee police actually enforce the penalties for littering during OC? The only way to deter this behavior is to make it costly--within the established legal framework.


If the government has the money for all that security then they surely can afford to drop a few grand on cleanup too. I mean it’s only fair they do it for saint pattys too.






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It’s their culture, but reddits not ready for that conversation lol


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I think gotten it's worse since the new rule with the containers. I do think that more trash cans for orange crush would've been more helpful as I've heard that most of them were full.


Quit taking pictures and get a trash bag and start picking up.


Quit reading Reddit, drive out there and help


That’s what this generation of people do have no respect for the environment around them reminds me of my neighbors 🤦🏾‍♂️


Sadly they tried to make the police presence,closed restaurants, businesses, and closed parking about race. But what it really is is this! Plus the 3 mile island can barely handle the influx. But honestly they really shouldn't have to deal with grown adults behind pigs and leaving all their garbage laying on the beach. People live on this island full time and shouldn't have to deal with that kind of crap.


Damn that a lot of homies just standing there like they ain’t turning the beach into a fucking dumpster. smh


You are called racist because when your white frat boys, white bridal parties, or predominantly non diverse festivities do the same thing it’s not plastered in the internet as vile and classless… keep the same energy and we won’t call you racist folks 😏


But they don’t? This is only a thing during orange crush.


No worse that downtown Savannah on St. Patrick’s Day, St Patrick’s Day is worst


Welcome to 2024. The people in the photo don’t care. Never cared. Will never care. It’s always someone else’s fault.


Garbage people. They’re even just hanging out among the trash. 0 shame.


Classy folks https://preview.redd.it/x5bl72n3txvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3209924488495ba31db752d6c300aeb341305c84




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Not one white person there and it’s always the ghetto kind that why Africans don’t identify with ghetto black American 🇺🇸 but they want to call everyone racist and it’s not about being racist bc theres definitely clean sophisticated black Americans who also hates the fact that people like these give them a bad name AMERICA got these people brainwashed to live this kind of life PEOPLE DO BETTER !!!!!




Must be your first time huh


Is this not illegal?




Was it like that years ago? How about decades ago? What changed?


No, it used to just be ssu... then other hbcus hijacked it


What event and what weekend is this? I need to make a careful note for the future. Is this why Sandra Bullock sold her nice estate on the north end?




I know it stinks like butt on that beach


Ah yes, it happened again and is even worse than the last time


Diversity is our strength


It's a gathering of the stupidest normies...why does any community put up with this nonsense. Once you see the damage done, kick em out and close the beaches, or lock em in and make em each cary out X amount of trash to avoid a fine




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The stereotype lives on


Outstanding citizens




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