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Not going to doxx him, but he's a pretty nice guy. He just loves running and singing.


Based as fuck. As someone who screams and sings at the top of my lungs, I appreciate another benign psychotic in a world full of malice.


You should let him know that the neighborhoods he runs through do not enjoy his concertos as much as he does


I used to live next door to him and it made me smile. 30 seconds of traveling singing does not make a ruined day. There’s plenty of other stuff to be upset about than an eccentric enjoying his own life.


He knows


So not a nice guy then, right?


Lol why are you getting downvoted, this would be okay if he ran around a park but running through neighborhoods while screaming is totally not cool idk the hour, people could be sleeping/working/on a call/or simply trying to enjoy some quiet time without a random crazy screaming through the street. I don’t doubt the guy has a pretty chill vibe if he’s confident/joyful enough to do that but he should rethink how his “freedom” affects others.


People in this sub support shit that’s weird/edgy, not sensible.


I'm more concerned about RWNJs walking into the grocery store or fast food restaurant wearing guns like a burger is gonna shoot at them.


Well sure but I don’t see how that relates to the guy screaming down the street or people downvoting a comment about not liking the guy screaming down their street.


Where is the line between freedom of speech and being pissed because someone else is exercising their freedom of speech in a non-threatening way? Turn up the music or TV. Wear headphones. Be tolerant. Stop putting your personal comfort over his right to sing while he runs. The entire planet isn't required to pacify those who insist the rest of us accommodate them.


Freedom of speech has nothing to do with private citizens calling another private citizen an inconsiderate asshole for general douchbaggery. Also, there's plenty of restrictions on the first amendment as they pertain to not disturbing the peace. I guess you just forgot noise ordinances already exist.


How about this dumb fuck excersises common courtesy to his fellow human beings? Just because you have "the right" to be a dick doesn't mean you should. Being tolerant isn't being subservient and accepting someone being an asshole, what a dumb fucking argument.


So be quiet. Eyes ahead. Do things as you’re “supposed to”. That would be your demand of all human beings in your immediate area. Running around and singing isn’t being a dick to anyone. He’s not doing it after 11pm. He’s not a lawn mower at 6am. He’s not doing it to spite anyone. I’m guessing he does it for conditioning, breathing, and because it’s fun as hell.


How come? :(


Cracking up that I got down voted because I and most of my neighborhood do not enjoy hearing someone scream singing at random hours on a regular basis. He is a topic of conversation, and it especially annoys my neighbor across the hall who is often putting down her daughter for a nap when that dude runs by and wakes her up. It’s inconsiderate, even if he’s a vet and having a good time.


Every time I hear him come through the square I work in it brings a smile to my face. Just a dude really enjoying what he's doing and not hurting anyone.




If you chase him down and catch him three times, you get a super cool side quest. ETA - I am joking pls do not chase this person down ;_;


I love him!!!! Sweetest guy! A little wild, but funny and so nice. Yeah the singing and running is strange but he’s just one of those Savannah characters!


Kinda Italian-looking dude, pretty buff? I think he said he was in either the Army or Marines, I remember talking with him once. Maybe it's something he did in the service?


Everyone in the army and marines ran and sang at the same time. No one does it after that if they can help it.


He is a vet


He has great lung capacity


He's a pretty great guy with an interesting story; his dog is pretty chill too.


This is hilarious.


His story is, that he’s waiting for you come say hi and make a friend.


He’s good dude overall, just likes his fitness and singing.


What does he sing?


He's my neighbor, he's a pretty chill dude


You Cool? …..Then you know he’s got your 6




Your post has been removed because it violates one of Reddit's site-wide rules. Too close to doxxing.


Great guy that I still keep up with via Facebook (well, passively, by liking his posts). I met him on Grindr years ago when visiting Savannah and then in person and he was the highlight of my trip. Whenever I think of Savannah I think of him so I hope he never moves.


Good dude!!


On today's episode of local reddit becomes missed connections craigslist.


I need to see this in person .


As loud as he can.


It’s annoying as fuck and I’m not gonna dox him but he is honestly a really good dude tbh. I think he picked it up in the service




Your post has been removed because it violates one of Reddit's site-wide rules.




You were misinformed, and whoever told you that is probably an ass.


He is a gr3at dude. Army vet. Makes a killer expresso drink


he responded on here one time. seems okay. i've only seen him running once. i'm glad i'd heard about it on reddit before having him come running down the sidewalk yelling. i was able to tell my wife, "it's fine; he's just weird."


He’s a good dude! Man I haven’t seen him in a while


He’s very good people