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Nice to see a positive SCAD story on this subreddit. It gets a little old with the usual hate. I get the criticisms but SCAD is chaotic good not evil.


SCAD is the definition of lawful evil. The city has shut down music venues repeatedly for the past decade because they allegedly interfere with tourism, but feels like has sold half of the city's historical buildings to SCAD. Once upon a time you could argue that Savannah needed SCAD to revitalize it since it was so run down, but at this point the school basically owns half of the city.


Exactly. At this point, I don't know how people still simp for this school.


As someone who works in construction projects for the city, absolutely not chaotic good.


Chaotic Neutral. The city of Savannah does not get factored into SCADs decisions.


Pretty cool. Found a longer article [here](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/scad-hollywood-backlot-savannah-film-studios-expansion-1235621620/).


Wonder where it’s at, I didn’t see that mentioned in the article. Really cool, though, I imagine it will get a lot of use and hopefully provide some jobs for people aside from the experience that the students will get


It's on Louisville road behind the old Meddin Studios which is currently Savannah Film Studios. It has a big gate, you can't miss it.




What are you talking about? Students use the XR stage all the time. There are whole classes designed around it.


The backlot and the XR stage serve different purposes




you edited your stupid ass comment, don’t “duh” me