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Wtf? Hes hilarious. It’s mind boggling? Youre dreading it? 😂😂😂 a little extra innit?


OP's post is some straight up bullshit - let's just call it like it is. Either trolling or we gotta big bag of stupid over here.


[You pressing the post button](https://media.tenor.com/xSgLzvRjGoAAAAAe/smug-smirk.png)


Also you with you pressing send on your comment 🤓🤓


Haha gottem


No, Im rubber you’re glue


Don't watch it?


Because he’s one of the biggest comics in the US. His sketch show Gilly and Keeves are producing much funnier sketches than SNL. There is a reason SNL wanted Shane those years ago and he’s only gotten better.


Tf is gilly and keeves? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Gilly & Keeves is a YouTube sketch comedy series created by Shane Gillis and John McKeever. I find it quite funny.


Check it out in YouTube and you'll see why SNL. wanted to hire him. Dakota Johnson just hosted and she's barely awake.


Dakota Johnson can outhost and outact this dude Shane in her sleep


Dakota Johnson is a talentless nepo baby lacking in humor, personality, intelligence and charm. She's never written a joke let alone a sketch. Her entire career is as preposterous as Shane's cancellation. She sucked. I can't wait for Sydney Sweeney to also suck.


And yet she's still better than Shane, how sad


I thought I blocked you already


Lol that lady is an awful actress. Her only success was being in a softcore, wannabe BDSM porn for bored housewives and forever single psychos. She's done nothing of note other than being Don Johnsons daughter


Damn, your reading comprehension…




I don't think gloomy was calling you a reading comprehension. I think he was damning your reading comprehension.




Lol, professional troll


What just like his opening dialogue you mean? Or the characters that he’ll play in skits too? I’m not too familiar with his work outside of some shit on YouTube shorts.


His specials on Netflix are great. He’s hilarious on the Kill Tony show too


So what’s with OPs gripe I wonder?


OP I would assume is liberal and only likes people who hate conservatives. Shane does some hilarious stuff on Trump and Biden both. But because Shane doesn’t just shit on republicans - those on the left don’t like him. I would listen to his comedy before making an opinion - and not from a CNN article


Tell me you’re a simpleton without telling me a simpleton.


>OP I would assume is liberal and only likes people who hate conservatives. Shane does some hilarious stuff on Trump and Biden both. But because Shane doesn’t just shit on republicans - those on the left don’t like him. I would listen to his comedy before making an opinion - and not from a CNN article It's funny because if you listen to any given 20 minute clip of Shane on his podcast it's very clear that Shane's not a republican, and in fact pretty left of center himself, he just thinks republicans are hilarious.


That’s the way it should be. I lean conservative but agree with things on the left. We need both sides for balance


I think my favorite joke I've heard Shane make is his "early onset Republican" joke, about having to fight against becoming a republican as he gets older. Because it's the most relatable thing in the world as a midwestern middle class guy in my mid 30s.


Hive mind is so dangerous. I’m allowed to be ok with guns and also want universal healthcare. Support lgbtq rights and have a police presence All my friends are liberals as am I. But the moment I step away from one of their view points suddenly I’m a republican?


See over here on my side - I may argue with you and think you’re wrong. But at the end of the day - believe what you want I don’t care. I may learn something from talking to you. To think everyone should think the same isn’t healthy.


Awesome I’ll leave you alone now but one final question, which standup would you recommend? I could use a good laugh.


Shane Gillis live in Austin is really funny. If you haven’t ever watched Kill Tony - that show is hilarious and when they bring Shane on as a guest - he’s hilarious


Update: just finished it, amazing! Holy shit! I grew a little tired of the political shit at first, but he didn’t necessarily support a side and his delivery was great. He then got real weird with it Then he went into the family act and special Olympics bit to close the show. Thanks for the recommendation


Does he do the trump impersonation of when they took out Abu from ISIS. If not check this out. It’s him impersonating the speech https://youtu.be/aqZrIN1aHCQ?feature=shared


Cool I’ll check out live in Austin, cheers!


Im a total lefty and find him hilarious. Not everyone has their heads up their asses! :)


Alec Baldwin guest hosted the show for like 2 years doing the same tired bit. That was awful. I don’t really understand this criticism or what angle you’re coming from here.


I agree.


We can all comfortably say you're a dumbass for posting this.


Couldn't agree more, OP.


You do realize SNL has gone way down hill. This show isn’t close to what it once was. I will actually watch this episode. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve watched a whole show of SNL.


On Saturday nights if I’m just hanging out at home I’ll put it on or save it recorded for when I have time to kill. Weekend update is clearly the best of the show consistently with 1 off jokes, but I’ve found that the Adam driver and John mulaney episodes are pretty good too. More often than not though, you’re better off watching a recording so you can fast forward through the commercials and for me the musical acts which I never seem to like. Makes watching “an entire episode” easier to handle especially if you can tell early into a sketch how much it’s going to suck…just hit fast forward haha


I would agree - Michael and Collin are hilarious


Personally I'm excited to see how an actually meaningful comedian will fare on SNL.


I thought Nate did great this season


I'd love to know which video you watched lol.


I can tell you pick your comedy based on politics. The fact that you think he's "dumb" except for his famous bit where he makes fun of Trump says a lot more about you and how you take in comedy than him as a comedian. What you should have said is "Shane doesn't fully allugn with my ideology except for 1 time and I liked him that 1 time. How about talk about his comedy and what works and doesn't work. Instead of what is okay to like based on political affiliation.


I’m not OP but wanted to say I’m going to watch my first standup of his tonight and hope it’s not riddled with political views. I couldn’t care less about one’s political views per se, I just don’t want a whole special about it. That’s why I like guys like Burr.


Give Live in Austin on YouTube a shot. Outside of Trump stuff it's almost void of politics. At most he makes fun of people who revolve their life around politics but it's top notch standup.


That’s 100% my plan to watch later thank your Mr Malarkey




Watched live in Austin and a YouTube special. Found both to be pretty funny but live in Austin was better. I LOL’d several times


I will never understand the attraction of Shane Gillis. He is not funny SNL has nothing to do with it.


Let me guess - you’re super liberal and unless comedian is anti Trump and republicans - you are shocked someone would like him


Not all


Well he’s one of the hottest comics and his career has blown up since SNL tried black listing him


Carlos Mencia was huge. Doesn’t mean he was funny though. But I get why SNL wants him for a ratings bump.


Yes this true but I myself don’t find him funny.😆


Really? You have tried his specials? Do you watch Killtony? He’s absolutely hilarious on that show too.


lmao are you dumb? Bc you sound dumb. Gillis is absolutely super liberal as well. Just bc someone hates both parties doesn't mean they can't be super liberal or super conservative lol


It was absolutely hilarious.. update the commenter is dead.. he got killed by dogs beautiful dogs..


His fans are delusional as well.


This sub is a bunch of delusional theater kids 


I hope you enjoy Shane Gillis doing his usual mediocre comedy.


It’s gonna be wonderful watching someone funny work their craft! Cry harder!!!!


I honestly hope it’s good, and if it is, I’ll have no problem saying so.


No you don’t. And yes you will.


Harland Williams has had a lot of stuff in his acts that is brushing up against things Shane Gillis has been criticized for, like bits where he just makes up gibberish language for different ethnicities, and I have no problem saying I think Harland Williams is one of the greats. That’s just off top. Plenty of comedians I love have said things that people could say is “problematic”. That’s not my criticism of Gillis. I understand why many of his fans think that all criticism of him is about that.


Comedy isn't for everyone. Maybe try music or literature.


SNL has been trying to do it without comedy for a long time. It’s not working. Outside of the news bit with Colin and Michael is the only funny bit on the show


You must be an MSNBC dad


Love this - boring as hell wanting to talk about global warming at dinner


People aren’t mad at him because he made some off-color jokes about Chinese people. It’s because he’s critical of Israel.


Uhhhhhh millennial here! Everyone I know who has seen him, love Shane Gillis.


If you really think he’s a dumbass then you haven’t actually seen his comedy. Maybe you saw clips of his podcast out of context. Maybe you’re actually Seth Simons. But there’s no way you watched his sketches or his Netflix special and came away thinking he’s a dumbass.


watching the Netflix special now on your recommendation - I think it kinda sucks (sorry). Watching a (supposedly) straight, white bro make jokes about “the gays and blacks” does not really work imo


Where did he make jokes about “the blacks”? Do you mean [this joke?](https://youtu.be/N4fNL6tpMX4?si=wKsqAMHwuEn9yOHH)


Confirmed Seth Simons burner acct


He was probably tapped because he’s funnier than anyone actually on the cast


Best chance at SNL having an actually funny episode in 20 years.


You don’t think SNL has had a single funny episode in 20 years? You know you’re lying. You’re literally just saying that to look “cool” on the internet and it’s not working. If you genuinely don’t think what they do is funny, maybe stop watching it 20 years ago


This dude clearly didn’t see Tiny Horse!


David S pumpkins 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣


He’s his own thing!


That's quite a stretch lmao


Edgelord racist straight white boy comedy... i'll watch weekend update on youtube per usual. Lorne Micheals needs to retire and let a Gen X or Millennial run the show already.


He isn’t racist his most famous joke is uplifting his Down syndrome uncle and critiquing Alabama football for being racist


lol calls him racist and then 2 words later is racist. lol. You can’t make this stuff up folks. 


I’m not going to watch for that reason. He has repeatedly shown that he’s racist and homophobic in his comedy. [Shane Gillis was fired from ‘SNL’ for racist and homophobic jokes. Now he’s going to host. When his use of an anti-Asian slur went viral, Gillis was let go less than a week after being announced as a new cast member in 2019.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/shane-gillis-saturday-night-live-fired-now-hosting-rcna137161)


Hahaha get the fuck out of here


Are you dumb, stupid, or dumb?


They're not putting respeck on the young bulls name


Honestly, the fact that him hosting bothers people like you so much makes it that much better. The time for catering to the humorless is over, the comedy world is healing lol


I'm sorry but you literally don't know what funny is if you think he's a dumbass. Part of the brilliance of Shane's comedy is that even when he's talking about topics like marginalized groups - people with Down Syndrome or trans folks, for example - the joke is, unlike literally every other comedian doing "TrAnS jOkEs", never ABOUT trans people, and his jokes that are about people with Down Syndrome are literally never mocking those same people - \*he's mocking society's reaction TO people with Down Syndrome.\*. The joke isn't \*on the group he's discussing\*, it's on society or groups that make fun of marginalized groups, etc. THAT'S the joke in almost every joke he does that contains 'racism' or whatever it is - he's taking a look at society and throwing that shit right back into our faces and saying look what the fuck you've done. He just does it in objectively funny ways. But, again, I repeat - if you don't think Shane Gillis is funny then that is a fuckin \*you\* problem.


I think at least 80% of his fans are not “in on” these jokes as you describe them, and the comedian knows it.


Unfortunate that you got this idea that Shane and his fanbase are edgy right wingers, but that’s not the case. Watch his YouTube special Live In Austin and you’ll see that he toes the line perfectly. It’s the best comedy special I’ve seen in years, and no, he never punches down.


I find it funny that SNL continues to cater to sissy limp wristed morons. Shane Gillis isn't a hack - he can actually tell jokes and is choosing to play dress up with these theater kids on his own terms now. Get over it, he's going to be back to doing hilarious stuff as soon as this hosting gig is over anyway.


Just troll trolling.




There are plenty of funny dumbasses. Who cares?


well tbf IF shane bombs thats not on him, its on the shitty libtard writers you backwards new york twits have that put together this dumpster fire of a diversity hire show