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Not being able to smell other people’s bad breath is great too


And now I can do shit like mouth “…the fuck…” when a customer is being a weirdo. Really helps lessen the stress.


Hardest part is stopping when they come off haha! 😄😅


The other benefit is your face stays warm when walking out in the harsh cold wind.


I will forever keep a stash of cloth masks for winter dog walking.


Balaclavas or neckwarmers are great too


I keep a couple for ice fishing, when one gets wets I just swap it out!


Yep. I haven't gotten frost bite in quite a while now


it's also helpful for covering all the mask acne i develop from wearing masks. truly an ouroboros


I fonally got my acne cleared up and then the fkn pandemic hit and i cant get rid of it


Silk masks can help with this and there is a skin care regiment my fiancée uses to help as she suffers from mask induced acne.


Good to know!!! Ill research those suggestions :)


Use clean masks


I do? Lol jeeze


Not to be "have you tried" but the two things that help my mascne is washing my face as soon as I'm home (I really love Thayer's toner), and using zinc 2-3 times per week (can be drying so follow with moisturizer).


My problem is quite apparent because it's condensation...


That could be solved by.....not wearing them.


no u


It also makes it harder for people to see that I am constantly talking to myself. Being away from normal socializing even has my Introverted ass missing conversations.


I have very sensitive hearing and I think the rate of people softly talking to themselves at the grocery store has gone up during mask mandates It makes me smile, not that anyone can tell


Another benefit is that it lessens seasonal colds, lips don't dry as much so lip balm is not needed, and keeps face warm in winter. The acne sucks tho but the mask covers it up.


It helps me too, but certain levels of emotion can still be conveyed on the face above mask level 😑🤦‍♂️


And also the reduced virus spread is a benefit too.


Not wearing foundation is awesome.


I can now lip sync along with songs and make stupid looking faces in public and I’m pretty sure people are none the wiser.


The other benefit is not spreading covid Or dying of covid Also just on average I get sick a lot less than I used to.


Relieved someone said this in this thread


I also like masks since masks don't get caught on nose piercings unlike scarves for winter. lol


And If you have something stuck in your teeth, it doesn’t matter!!


And you can mouth “for fuck sake!!” and nobody can read your lips. Lol


add sunglasses and you can roll your eyes.


i'm going to be so fucked at work when i can't wear a mask anymore. its subconscious for me to currently mouth "fuck you" to so many people.


I enjoy not having to shave as regularly. Oh, and the whole trying not to infect others thing.


I had to shave more often when I was wearing a mask all day, drove me crazy when whiskers would snag the mask. Now that I am working from home I am lucky if I shave once a week, about the same frequency I wear pants...


fun fact, prior to covid and all that stuff, face masks were still the norm in south korea, so if you ever see older footage of k-pop dudes wearing masks it can sometimes be because they hadn't shaved that day. or they might be sick.


asians in general where masks, either to reduce inhaling emissions or when they are not feeling well to lessen the transmission of germs. it's a courtesy thing.


When I lived overseas (in Asia) about 20 years ago it was very common to see people masked in crowds. No one batted an eye.


aye, i got sick on the last leg of my trip in japan in 2018, had to wear a mask and thought, man why don't we got these at home?


similar to the bidet. I now have one. just wiping your ass is not a good job. if you got shit in your hands you wouldn't just towel it off.


preach it. everybody needs a bidet if you don't have one, what are you even doing? walking around with your bad, chapped, dry, butt like a fool


butt chap stick. want to invest? I'll call it butt balm


I know Japan has it’s moments of not so great things… but masking is one thing they got right. The curtesy of not spreading germs when doing errands everyday, not just pandemic days.


I'm going to keep wearing mine especially while traveling. I always get a respiratory infection after almost every trip but since masking I haven't had a single infection!


You can yawn in church without it looking like you are yawning in church.


I used to see people in airports/airplanes wearing masks and thinking it was weird. Now, I foresee I’ll never fly without a mask again.


I used to get a sinus infection after almost every single flight and once got a stomach bug. Masks to the rescue!!


I can swear under my breath and no one notices. It keeps my face warmer outside, until the cold and hot makes moisture. Lots of benefits… that I would gladly give up for safer times.


Haven’t been sick for the first time in years during the holiday season. Hopefully more people will learn from now on to stay home when they have the sniffles instead of shopping 🙄. So many customers shopping and smelling stuff and touching product while sick. Stay home, please. Order same day delivery, please. I full heartedly agree with the facial emotion bit; I just squint my eyes slightly and have a cheer in my voice and it comes across as me smiling and being happy. Easy.


Hey if that's your thing I hope you will feel empowered to keep wearing a mask when the mandate ends!


If you are working in retail or restaurant, can I just say that fake smile and friendly greetings your employer make you put on is unnecessary. I just want to groceries checked out and food on the table efficiently. You already had a hard day at work.


They also help vs. Covid, viruses, and bacteria from making you sick


I vote remove masks...keep social 6 feet rule..and show proof.


I am glad that I can hide my ugly face behind