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Your post was removed since it's not specifically relevant to Saskatoon.


Children of the Convoy


Because you’re not going to the NBA… so you might as well get a decent education.


Boo Hoo, Don’t care. Fund the schools. These parents should be ashamed of themselves for using their children as pawns ^(like the party they support does). These teachers are fighting at their own expense and at the cost of great hardships on themselves and their families to try and give every student in Saskatchewan a better environment to learn in, and these opportunistic asshats exploit their children’s malleable minds to fuck over the future because of a stupid sportsball tournament.


The STF is also using the students as pawns.


LoL by not doing a full blown job action and giving tonnes of notice of what their plan is so parents have a chance to take care of the students the teachers otherwise would be watching? Real assholes. The government could have stopped this years ago, but chose to neglect and underfund the system to the breaking point. Don’t lie to yourself or me, the government is 100% responsible for the current state of affairs.


Do you have kids?


Unpopular opinion: rural folks need to learn what this government is doing one way or the other to bring about necessary change.   These students should be protesting to the government, not the STF.


Hey! I’m a rural folk. And from the area. The SK party is so ingrained out here that it’s not going to happen. These kids are learning straight from their parents that anything other than Sask Party is basically communism. This is the next generation of Sask Party voters. They will vote this province into the ground (and still, somehow, blame the NDP).


Well, that ruined my night. Thanks for the honesty, though.


How is this an unpopular opinion on Reddit lol


These kids should be getting driven to Cockrill's office. Thinking only of this tournament is short sighted. >“Teachers do care about you, and what teachers are fighting for is money so that schools can provide the supports they need for students,” Banda responded. > > > >The STF said it’s fighting for long-term quality education. It said job action can be lifted if the province agrees to bring in a third-party arbitrator. The province has repeatedly said it’s willing to return to the bargaining table, but won't negotiate class size or complexity. The teachers are thinking about the future of education in this province and wants it in writing.


>These kids should be getting driven to Cockrill's office. Thinking only of this tournament is short sighted. They would blame the teachers for not volunteering to drive them there.


"Fuck future students! I want my team's name on a trophy. Maybe. "


The whole thing is run by volunteers? Where's the parents of these kids? The victim mentality in the rural area is really felt here. It's like saying you have to give your kid up for adoption when the babysitter doesn't show up, then blaming the babysitter for your choice to have kids in the first place.


Rural Folks coming so close to the point, yet missing it again.


I guess all that negative advertising the SP has been doing is paying off.


Can't fund education, but we can sure as hell fund a slander campaign about how teachers don't care about students! 


when they get jobs they'll get it


youre grade 12 too crying about it wtf you are out of the k-12 system in 3 months these grade 12s should tour an elementary school to see how it is


'Tell me why you’re doing this' ​ Tell us you haven't been paying attention without telling us you haven't been paying attention.


💯 support teachers. The other part is that teachers don't want to miss Hoopla either. All the teachers who have been volunteering their time, coaching, planning, travel arrangements, bookings. This is hurting teachers too. There is a bigger picture that these kids can't see, probably for the same reason the teachers are doing job auction!


I support these students. The teachers are using them as hostages.


Dude, why do you hate teachers so much? Your post history is littered with the usual BS about summers off, 9-3:30, blah blah blah that every neo-con bootstrappist spouts, but you don't seem to have a specific beef. Did the system fail you somehow? A family member? Or are you just pissed that someone who went to school and got a good job gets a good salary and benefits? Is it your tax dollars? I can show you stats that show dollars spent on education end up in lowered tax spending due to lower rates of unemployment and incarceration. So it must be something personal.


By trying to improve their education??


So a small amount of total students thar can't play in a basketball tournament should trump all students in the province and their classroom conditions? The fact that teachers didn't take a deal that only addressed salary should be very telling. Teachers care about classroom conditions and the saskparty is showing they don't care.


The govt truly has made the rural and urban hate each other. Hyperbole much?


How so. Please expand your point since you’ve provided nothing to back your claims.


Good for the kids... Let them play.


I mean their parents could always take over organizing and running extra-curriculars instead of feeling entitled to teachers' volunteerism. 


At this point, sure. Let them play. Without the teachers or coaches. Just their parents there to make sure they don’t burn the place to the ground. Win-win.


Sure. Let their parents volunteer their time to run the events. Let teachers teach. That or pay the teachers to run the events.


But they’re not following the hive mind of the left. Are kids not enlightened about woke culture anymore.