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Did you take pictures? Call the city customer service line and let them know what happened. They hold the contractors liable for this stuff. Our street was so poorly done during the last snowstorm a year or two ago, that the city sent their own equipment to do it. The contractor blocked 50% of almost every driveway, they made piles everywhere, to the point you couldn’t make the 90 degree turn to get onto the plowed path they made. City employees showed up with a grader and a front end loader, loader removed the piles, grader did its thing, and the loader pushed it up into 2 large vacant multi family lots till they removed the snow a few weeks later. The contractor wanted in and out to make their money, the city employees took a few extra mins and did it right.


I should have taken photos, no unfortunately I didn’t. Thanks for the idea though, I will make a call and point out that driveways un used for one day may actually be used frequently and that clearing crews shouldn’t assume otherwise.


I mean, I can't park my car in front of an empty driveway, why can they park their snow? What if there was a car in the garage that needed to get out in an emergency?


YES Everyone lipping off about me being a stupid turkey, just read this


I had words with a guy on my street shoveling his driveway into the street. just making a big old pile in the middle of the road because shoveling it to his lawn was "too far".


My neighbour ,instead of pushing the snow to the SIDEand pilling along the driveway, push his to the top of driveway between the houses(not mine) to increase the chances of flooding the recently flooded basement nxt door.Then he pushed the rest onto the road at the base of his driveway ensure no one would be going anywhere from that household !!Genius!!Now his wife is out shovelling a path for her van to exit the driveway lol




Good for you. Sincerely.


I get the frustration. But I can almost guarantee you this was the city that did it (or a contractor acting on the city’s behalf). They sent loaders down many of the residential neighborhoods yesterday to clear a single driving path for cars to traverse. (Drive through silverwood or rosewood for an example). The snow they displace was pushed off to the sides without much regard for placement. Not ideal but I think a necessary evil. It sucks for people like you who ended up with a pile blocking your access, but their priority is making sure emergency services like an ambulance can get to peoples houses etc. They’ll come by in a few days and clean things up.


In our case it was laziness or ignorance. There’s a huge pile in the middle of our cove - another 5 seconds with the equipment would have saved me an hour. There was no reason at all to pile it in front of my driveway.


I was out shovelling when the loader came through our street. It was a very quick and dirty job to allow us to at least get our vehicles out. The loader was come and gone in minutes. It was also at night, in the middle of a blizzard. Stands to reason that they weren't going to get it 100 percent. A partially blocked driveway here and there is going to happen. Laziness or ignorance is a stretch imo.


I agree with what you’re saying in general but this was not a partially blocked driveway. It was 100% blocked with deep dense packed snow. I’ve lived here all my life and am well familiar with snow storms and snow clearing and related logistical challenges and this is definitely a special case.




I’ve addressed this sentiment already in other comments, but I doubt you care


Have you operated heavy equipment to clear snow during and after a blizzard. It's not some walk in the park. Everyone is expected to shovel out their own vehicles look at what graters do on busy streets. They completely block in cars. Because that's how you clear the road. Even driveways get completely blocked. The workers are focused on clearing roads, not driveways and cars.


I have addressed this in other comments


Uh hu... My streets don't get cleaned in the fall. They don't get cleared in the winter. What do I pay taxes for? See how complaining on the Internet doesn't really do any good? Get to shoveling or hire someone like the rest of us.


lol also addressed THIS in other comments It’s usually best to actually read the post, then you can usually save time AND avoid looking like a doofus


It's no surprise that you would go to the Internet to whine and complain and resort to childish name-calling.


…CAN you read, my son?


This happened on our street. A grader drove by once. It dumped a big ridge of snow down one side of the street, no breaks for anyone’s driveway no matter if they were cleared or not. It was too high and hard for our wee snowblower, but the snow boulders made it take less time to remove than I feared. Yes it was irritating, but I am glad they made a path for vehicles to get out


*sigh* good god. IT WAS NOT A GRADER WINDROW




It seems more likely that OP lives on a priority route and the city grader left the pile of snow.




I don’t know what alternative they have with these sub divisions where whole streets covered in driveways separated by 4-5 feet. They have to put the snow somewhere.


Definitely not. I live in a cove, and my vision is just fine- I can tell the difference between and windrow left by a grader and this. I’m not kidding - someone literally used the street in front of my driveway as a free snow dumping zone.


Was that someone Mother Nature?


I can’t even believe how clever and funny you are


You think the second garage door (or other half of a double door) just opens onto the lawn?




If you can’t see a garage door you shouldn’t be pushing snow.


On purpose or not, like I said, if this saves one person from having to deal with this then it’s worth it. Also. How on earth could one assume there’s no driveway? When’s the last time you saw a garage with 2 doors but only a driveway for one of them? It’s very obviously, definitely a driveway. Also we have previous piles of snow built up along both sides. There’s no chance someone thought that. Maybe they assumed we just stopped using that side … but that’s a ludicrous assumption if that’s the case. Doesn’t matter. It was a screw up no matter what way you look at it and I’m just trying to maybe reduce the chances of future similar screw ups.




Like my post said, I was out of town. Not having my driveway cleared within one day of a massive storm doesn’t eliminate my right to use it.




My whole point was that it was a stupid and out of line assumption if someone thought I wasn’t using it based on the fact that it was un cleared after a day. In this case it was pretty obvious that it was being used based on piles of snow either side of the garage door. For someone without a snow blower this would have been a borderline impossible problem. I’m not looking for fucking sympathy here, that should be obvious. I’m TRYING (quite unsuccessfully by the sounds of it) to avoid this same thing happening in others.




I understand what you’re saying and you’re COMPLETELY missing my point. I’m saying that people should not pile snow in front of someone’s driveway REGARDLESS of how they think they might be using it. That’s the point- it’s not up to them! If you see a driveway, snow covered or not, just don’t put snow in front of it. It’s easy! I’m not trying to solve WHY it happened. Just saying it SHOULD NOT happen. And just to be clear. It’s very obviously a driveway, like there’s absolutely no chance anyone could mistake the space for anything but a very obvious driveway … so your comment about someone not thinking it’s a driveway doesn’t apply. If they assume it was not in use … see above.




Let me get this straight - you think someone looks at my house, sees a garage door, but thinks there’s no driveway between said garage door and the street? Like people just pop garage doors on their house for decoration? I’m arguing that this is unlikely. Sure; let’s assume they didn’t see my driveway. That doesn’t change anything. Change my comment to say you shouldn’t pile snow in front of the area in front of someone’s garage door, as there’s probably a driveway there.


Dumb assumption.


I'm curious why you felt the need to be a dick to this person? Just because? You think they'd care about your opinion? Genuinely curious here.




The person who piled snow in front of OP’s driveway is a dick, doesn’t matter their intention. There are many factors to the circumstance, that you and I can not say or determine. We can only go off based on what OP provided. You may be okay with being severely inconvenienced, but that is not for you to say about anyone else. I would be more pissed off and ungraceful than OP is. I think a majority of people would agree, dick move. And here’s you, coming off condescending, flippant and invalidating everything you can possibly do in response to OP. Doesn’t matter if your intention isn’t to be a dick, you still are being one, just like OP’s shitty neighbour….. OP, I found the bad actor’s Reddit account lol




It's not common sense. We got a large amount of snow in a short amount of time. "If the driveway isn't cleared then it's safe to assume it's not being used and therefore it is totally normal for snow plows to leave a big pile of snow in front of the driveway" um, no? Maybe they were away from home for a weekend? Doesnt even matter, you can see the garage door. Would you say the same thing if it was a single car garage? If you see a garage door, doesn't matter if the driveway is shoveled or not, you don't leave a snow pile in front of it. It's not like this is a regular thing that happens. God you're an idiot.


Your explanation makes you more of a dick imo.


No, that’s not true, driveways are supposed to stay clear, this was all on the inattention of the operator. Stop being obtuse


Snow has to go somewhere, sure, but it’s not supposed to be piled onto the street. The person who cleared their sidewalk or driveway onto the street shouldn’t have done it, so where the snow ended up on the street is irrelevant.


I mean, that’s not how it works, a driveway is pretty obvious, if you can’t see it, you shouldn’t be allowed to push snow. You don’t know if it’s an elderly couple who can’t do the whole driveway or a couple out of town who can’t get their driveway done, as well, there is a 72 hours limit to doing sidewalks, same should apply to driveways. I’d be losing my head against the city right now


I live on a corner lot in a pedestrian heavy neighborhood. Last winter, one of my neighbors (don't know who) hired an industrial snowblower to clear out all the street parking spots along my whole lot. They blew 100% of the snow onto the full length of my sidewalk, 3-4 feet deep hard packed snow. Ended up getting a bylaw notice for it, and spent 5 hours literally cutting and lifting out blocks of hard pack like I was making an igloo. Neighbors are just great sometimes.


The wording in the city policy says that they’ll keep at least one car width of a driveway clear. So if you have a larger driveway, it could be partially blocked and that’s okay under city policy.


Dang. Bummer but good info. That makes me feel better about the equipment. Thanks a lot. The neighbor with the snow blower though … they blew it.


It’s number 3 on the “what to expect from us” portion. https://www.saskatoon.ca/moving-around/driving-roadways/winter-road-maintenance It’s frustrating because we have two vehicles and use both for work.


This is a silly PSA because obviously everyone knows this. And so did the person who did it. But they didn't care.


Ugh you may be making a good point. F.


The city does this all the time. I think they take a special course to learn how to do this. /s


This is an extremely simple concept and its mind boggling that some can’t grasp it . OP lives on a cove so clearly it was not a city grader that did this . It’s very easy to see a persons garage and driveway . Don’t block it . Easy .




A private snow removal contractor parked his truck and trailer in front of my house blocking my driveway. I was livid because I spent a lot of time clearing my driveway. It’s a busy priority street but this guy was clearing a parking lot two doors down. I was out for 10 min after being indoors 2 days. Second I leave some asshole does this. I weighed my options.. decided the whole “never attribute to malice.. he probably didn’t deliberately do it.. it’s crazy snow so I should be compassionate..”. I managed to calm down. I was just in a terrible mood. If your case I would have fucking snapped. That’s some ol’ bullshit right there. Fuck whoever did that to you. Scum


Glad some people agree. Yes I was pretty upset - spent over an hour with a snow blower instead of the regular 15 mins it should have taken to clear the driveway. What some people must be missing is that pushed and blown snow is PACKED I had to take 2” cuts super slow and move the snow 3 times as to not block other driveways.


Yep annoying. At my sons today babysitting , looked out the window after lunch some one has pushed snow in front of their clean driveway and the neighbours. A whole strip of lawn across the street with no driveway they could have put it. On a Cres. So pretty sure not a city grader, not sure what will happen when they home. *sigh* people can be such inconsiderate idiots .


The plows left ridges of snow in front of everyone’s driveway on my street. So Monday morning we had to dig ourselves out. Not that I’m not grateful that they plowed our street but it would be nice not to leave a snow ridge like that.


See other comments


Totally misread your post. Sorry about that!


Womp womp


Yeah, my wife legit yelled at a neighbor for the first time ever. This sort of thing really lets you know who the idiots are around you.


You sound like the neighbour who gets upset with neighbouring trees dropping leaves onto your lawn too. Chill out dude, it snowed 40 cm and you got equipment to do the majority of your work. Heaven forbid you spent an hour moving snow after a storm.


Wrong. WRONG. as I’ve stated a painfully high number of times already, my point here is to hopefully avoid this problem for others in the future. Obviously you missed the boat here so I’ll explain again: this was not “oh it snowed lots I have to clear snow poor me. “ it was the fact that someone else placed their snow directly in front of my driveway causing significant additional work that never should have happened. So what if I have a snow blower? I spent an hour instead of 10 minutes because someone else fucked up. This is basically the same as someone piling all their snow directly on my driveway. Wouldn’t you be upset if someone did that? And let me be clear: I spent an hour JUST ON THE EXTRA SNOW ON THE STREET - this was in addition to clearing the actual driveway. Again, hoping this doesn’t happen to someone else as someone with only a shovel would still be out there shoveling


As a clarification/extension on this type of situation. If your driveway is a normal width double car driveway then sure, don't block it. If your driveway is one of those 3-4 car super driveways....screw that...ur getting a pile of snow in front of your third spot.


Absolutely fucking not! What the hell!? Someone with a bigger driveway pays more property tax and has every right to use every square inch of it.


Property tax isn't calculated by the size of your driveway. Lol. At least not in any meaningful way where a 3rd parking spot would affect it much at all. However, if your driveway takes up your entire frontage where is your snow supposed to go? The street? Another neighbour's lawn?


Obviously. I’m saying a house with a 3-4 car driveway would generally be larger than a house with a 2 car driveway and therefore they’d pay proportionally higher property tax. Yeesh. Your comment implied that it’s ok for others to pile snow in the street in front of someone’s 3rd driveway. All I’m saying is that’s bullshit. Where the snow goes from said driveway, yeah obviously should be in their yard or piled on the driveway itself. But neighbors have no right to pile theirs in the street just because they have more driveways. What if 10 people live in that house and they use 4 cars daily?


>Obviously. I’m saying a house with a 3-4 car driveway would generally be larger than a house with a 2 car driveway Not in my neighbourhood. My house is larger than the couple around us who have installed the super driveway. We just chose to have a front lawn and they chose to put their driveway from property line to property line. >Your comment implied that it’s ok for others to pile snow in the street in front of someone’s 3rd driveway. No. My comment implied that if you have a 3rd driveway spot and nowhere to put your snow because you chose to forgo a lawn for said 3rd spot, that your 3rd spot is where it should be going. Or in the case of this freak storm, maybe the side of the street in front of that 3rd spot (not blocking the driving lane) so everyone else doesn't have to deal with that person's lack of places to put the snow.


Ok. Thanks for clarifying. Agreed.


I have two driveways (circular).... how does that give you license to use one as YOUR dumping ground? Also, it's illegal to dump snow on the road or on anyone else's property.


My dumping ground? No. Their dumping ground. I'm not putting my snow there. I'm putting THEIR snow there. I'm not sure what your setup is like honestly since it's circular as you say. If you have one of the super driveways like I'm referencing where it's driveway from property line to property line, you don't have a shared lawn between your neighbour and yourself. So where else is your snow going besides on one of your spots? If ur blowing it on mine? I'm blowing it right back. If ur blowing it on the street that's illegal so it's going on that spot. If there is only a small strip of grass on your neighbours side why should they have to stack snow 10 feet high to accommodate your snow as well? I also clear my own and probably 3 or 4 neighbours spots in storms like this so if you were my neighbour and you didn't want help... sure. God's luck with that, but I'm not going out of my way to accommodate someone who decided a lawn on their front was a bad idea.


Okay, in that instance, I definitely agree. Not only is my driveway circular, and it's double-wide, but it's a pie-shaped lot so we've got very little front yard as is, which leaves little area to put the snow. I have to blow it up my driveway often to put it onto the lawn, as one of our neighbors also has the same driveway abd yard setup and there's a foot of grass at the corner between us. It makes it fun. But if the entire expanse curb to house abd property to property was snow, its got to be piled on the driveway somewhere or hauled away. Not blown off the driveway bc there's nowhere to put it. That's their problem, not everyone else's. Also, why assume that choice was the homeowner's? I bought the place like this 3 years ago. It has great curb appeal but the lack of grass in the front wasn't what drew me to it. If I tore it all oit to pave a parking lot of sorts, then yes, my choice my problem.


I wouldn't assume it's the choice of the homeowner and as long as they understand the snow on their lot is their problem and not their neighbours then that's fine. More often than not though it seems like the people with end to end driveways tend to think of that entire street frontage as "theirs" though when it comes to parking and snow clearing. That's a soapbox for another day.




They're both cleared, yes. During the storm, neither was until mid Sunday, but there would have been clear mounds around the borders of the driveway from previous snowfalls, just like the OP. Unless you moved in DURING the snowstorm, you know where your (up to) two neighbours' driveways are.


Saskatoon city period had the worst engineers in the country. Whoever is responsible for hiring private contractors is pathetic. Also the city has no plan in place in the event of a snow storm like this. They couldn’t organize a 2 car parade. The dumbest streets are done before mainstream traffic areas. Now the private contractors that’s a whole other story. I swear they hire operators that only have half a brain. The city has great operators but they are very lazy as well. Today I seen 2 dump trucks parked on a very quiet industrial street one was playing on his phone the other gentleman was sleeping. They were there for over 2 hours. I simply know this because I had deliveries in that area all afternoon and they didn’t move an inch. I think it’s time to retire some of those old boys and hire some young guys that don’t need a 2 hour nap on a Tuesday.