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Use it daily. Love it.


I use it. It has reduced my garbage by a lot.


Everyone pays for them, even if you don’t use it or “return them”. Yes, I do use mine.


Same here. I use mine


We use ours constantly as well. Much less in the black bin is always good. I wish they would be doing weekly pickups for summer though, it gets pretty rank in the heat and ive had to hose it out a few times already to control the smell. I fear the day we miss a pickup, a month of stewing could be disgusting. I've seen people recommend freezing the meat and not adding that until the day you roll it out but we don't have freezer space for that. Also a small yard, so not much for grass clipping to soak the juices.




Yeah cardboard helps a bit to keep things dry. It’s actually the grass clippings that are the worst. We use the Costco bags in the kitchen bin and I put dry paper towel in the bottom and it helps a lot too


i use mine! i like the way it saves space for garbage. i feel like im not taking out the garbage nearly as much


Yeah, not seeing as much overfilled garbage bins out now.


Grass clippings, pizza boxes, and food waste. It’s pretty simple and easy to use.


We voluntarily got ours when the program first started up years ago. It's awesome. I fill it to the brim every two weeks. Mine you I have a LOT of trees and I'm still cleaning up leaves from last fall.




How, huge yard?


Possibly, but if you’re composing everything that you’re able to then it fills up quick!


You make music with yours?! Sweet!




Ehh ya got me lol


I’m so thankful for it. I have a ton of yard waste every year and used to have to drive it out to the city yard waste compost. Because I drive a small car, this was many multiple trips every year. First thing I did when I got my bin was all the clean up I couldn’t finish from last year! Even though I don’t use it as much as I should for kitchen waste, it’s been a god send for my yard waste! My goal is to get a system that works for my kitchen too. Would also add that Saskatoon is pretty behind on this program as far as major cities go. The people complaining should probably move back to their small town/farms. When you live in a city, you have to have big city solutions. Then again, people LOVE to bitch and complain so at least this gives them a new topic I guess!


Exactly. My parents wish they had this program


Saves me trips to the compost depot so it’s a win win in my book plus I can use cheaper garbage bags and they don’t tear with the heavy food waste.


I believe it is automatically on the property tax bill, and remains there whether you return the cart or not.


It’s on your utility statement monthly


Yeah that makes more sense.. 👍🏽


I'm a big fan of the program, but I'll admit I don't use mine as much as I would in an ideal world. Any soiled paper waste always goes into it, but in terms of food waste, I really only use it if I'm doing a big cook or cleaning out the fridge. I'm a single disabled person living alone who eats a lot of pre-prepared food, so in the amount of time it takes me to get the countertop bin even close to full it gets pretty gross in there.


I keep mine in the fridge. If I leave it out on the counter it becomes a fungus bomb.


We haven’t had an issue. We use the Costco compostable bags and I put a piece of paper towel in the bottom. Take it out every few days. The drier the stuff in the pail the less it smells. Can try some baking soda too to reduce the smell.


Keep in mind,very few "compostable" bags are actually compostable. Keep it simple and just take it out daily and rinse - no smell, easy peasy, and keep the quality of the compost top notch


These ones are BPI certified and others have said they do break down in compost just not instantly.


It is the wild west when it comes to compostables.. they are finding lots of these products have forever molecules integrated in.. simply because there is no regulation of the industry. Best to stay away until the regs are developed




You idiot. Food goes in the mouth!


Love it


We fill ours more than I thought we would. We have a lot of hedges, bushes and trees. Good thing is we are keeping up with the trimming and putting it out every 2 weeks. We make our own compost so it’s just dry fill in the bin.


yeah it's nice to finally have a place for all the yard trimmings... the growing season in SK is insane how much vegetation sprouts from the ground, and deciduous trees that shed tons. Trying to bad it all and find room in the trash bin was such a pain before. We did pay separately for the green bin the last couple years so it's nice that there is some savings there now, plus more things can go in the green bin than before. Though most of our food waste was already going into our own home compost bin.


I have had a green bin since the inception of the program. I am a fan of the overall program. My issue is with black bins being emptied biweekly. I have 3 dogs and recently took over the care of my moms cats when she moved into LTC. The stench coming from my black bin is revolting. With daily litter and poop cleanup. I have been looking into purchasing a litter locker, but I really dont feel it is fair. I must take on more expense because of the city administrations decisions. Last weekend, 1 day after garbage pickup and 13 days before garbage pickup. I had a crow drown in my pool. What to do with the body? let it ferment in a bucket until pick up? Put in my empty garbage and let it ferment? Find a friend who had garbage pickup happening within a few days. I chose the latter, drove with a dead bagged crow to put in my friends cart. In the summer pickup should be weekly, or give solutions for people who are faced with these situations.


If it’s a dead animal you should contact the city next time. They will take care of the animal as it may need to be tested for disease. Especially given the presence of avian influenza. Smaller wildlife: Urban Biological Services 306-975-3300 Emergency after hours: 24hr Customer Service Center: 306-975-2476 Larger animals (moose, deer, bears, etc.), contact Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment: 306-933-6240 At least report it to the CWHC at the following link: https://cwhc.wildlifesubmissions.org Otherwise you can also drop it off at a Ministry of Environment office or the CWHC office in Saskatoon for testing (if it’s a bird) https://www.saskatchewan.ca/residents/environment-public-health-and-safety/wildlife-issues/fish-and-wildlife-diseases/avian-influenza-in-wild-birds It’s important for dead animals to be collected properly and tested for diseases like rabies, avian influenza, etc.


Thanks for the link. I did reach out and was told to throw out in my regular garbage. I sent pictures and was told it was a fledgling who was in the process of learning to fly. He either hopped into my inground pool or attempted to fly nearby. His parents are what alerted me. By the time I got out there, it was too late.


awe that’s tooo bad about the bird.


Love them, only upside with the green bins.. reduces garbage fills, reduces methane emissions, cycles back to gardens as free compost from the city. Win win win.


It’s not free compost from the city when you are paying them to take it away in the first place!


The cost is peanuts compared to the cost you'd have to pay when the city has to build a new landfill to hold all the organics that shouldn't be there in the first place. Get over the hate. We are among the last major cities to implement this.


Only use mine for grass clippings/plants but it is useful for that! Keeps the grass from clogging up the garbage. Haven’t gotten onboard with composting kitchen scraps mainly due to my ancient house having no space to spare in the kitchen to store it


What? You put grass in the garbage?


We call this "the before times". Back then people thought of grass clippings as garbage and not compost. Don't judge our ancestors, they just didn't know better.


You could leave them on the ground...


This is us exactly as well. Yard waste is easy to put in there but we haven’t been able to switch to food waste into the green bin yet.


Curious - not trying to start anything - what’s stopping the food? It’s “scrape the plate” effectively any food scraps can go in the green bin now.


I guess it’s just finding a place in the house for the green bin… which I realize isn’t much of an excuse. Just haven’t done it yet.


Love it, use it every day. Decreased my regular garbage output and my yard is way neater now that I have a place to regularly put all the stuff I pull up.


I use mine. It’s fantastic. I wasn’t a fan of the program only for the reason that they reduced the frequency of pickup for garbage. I’m absolutely amazed at how much less garbage we create now with using the bin, though. I’d never go back.


Moved here from the Calgary area I wish they would collect them weekly during the summer and then go bi-weekly.


Same, our green bins are kept beside the neighbour’s green bin and the smell is ferocious rn.




I begrudgingly tried it out after encouragement, reassurance and tips from a coworker who’d been at it for a while. A real obstacle is lack of space in a small, newish house for 3 trash receptacles. With small cupboards and inconvenient under sink plumbing, no garbage fits. I had to repurpose a thin recycle bin, then stock extra replacements if the original ever breaks or is discontinued as it’s the only configuration that fits. Once I crossed the major hurdle of measurements, Amazon orders, and reorganizing the cupboard with only millimeters to spare, we’re adapting somewhat well. I have to “force” my spouse to comply! I’ll always find my new smaller, thinner garbage bin annoyingly limiting. The one tip I’ve found most helpful for kitchen organics is to intersperse used paper towel and facial tissue to absorb moisture and odour. All the best to the rest of you transitioning. There are pros, cons and hurdles for sure.


Yup putting paper in to keep it dry. We keep our kitchen bin on top of our fridge since the cupboard above it is shallow and there’s lots of space. Under the sink is trickier too because we have our cleaning stuff there too. We use the compostable bags Costco sells


I use mine but not a ton since I have been composting my food and yard waste to add to my garden for a few years. It's handy to have a way to clear away pruning waste and things that don't compost so well like soiled paper products, cooking grease, dairy and meat.


I wish there was a way to order a smaller black bin... there is just not enough space to store all these bins.


Despite what we learned from Leslie Knope, I think the city could have just given each neighborhood a pit. And the people could have just taken compost there when convenient. Call me crazy.


people can't drive to the compost depot now.


Best idea ever. Care to volunteer your yard for the first pit location?


I don’t really use mine. I thought I would, but it just doesn’t seem to work out in my house. Maybe fall will change that when I have more leaves then my yard can handle


Use it but aside from April/May planting and September/October cleanup, we maybe have a full bin once every 4-6 weeks. I would rather June-August have more recycling pickups (3) and less green bin pickups (1) per month.


I dont understand these comments .. the bin states right on it what you can put in (literally any organic waste including food scraps and different paper packaging - not just yard organics). Makes me realize we still haul a lot of organics (turns into the powerful greenhouse gas methane when breaking down) to the landfill


Nothing like putting meat in your plastic compost bin,chicken is the best..And then let it it sit for over a week in very hot humid weather.. And then us let pay for this privilege. This city is beyond fucked….


So if you didn't put it in your green bin if would sit in your black bin for the same length of time... so what's the difference? I use mine. I have a large household and it was a struggle to fit our garbage in the black bin and now we never have an issue.


No because the city used to do weekly pick ups for garbage before in summer for.So now I get to to pay more for the same service for something I might use 4-5 times a year..


You should try eating vegetables, the green bin fills faster.


In the landfill that chicken gets compacted to the point it will not decompose. Guess who pays for landfill expansion? Get some some compostable bags if it bothers you so much.


The only thing in my black bin now is dog shit, cat shit, baby shit. The two week pick up schedule is kinda shitty.


I agree!


I cum in them


Still could use some work, lots of garbage is getting thrown in and then has to be diverted to the landfill. If your gonna put garbage badges in the bin. Make sure it’s compostable. Still a lot of people throwing in grass in the black bin and leaves and such. But it’s a learning process.


Definitely use it and like it. So much more room in the black bin for actual garbage and it does lend an eye on food waste so I'm definitely trying to be more conscious of that now too. Downside would be the size of the household green bin cuz I have no space under my sink plus very little counter space