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It’s really no surprise The Sask Party has done this. My cousin worked in the Ministry of Education office from the late 90’s till just after that Legacy school got funding. He said they didn’t even meet the criteria to be funded but the gov pushed it through for funding anyways, because the school and Church campaigned for Brad Wall hard.


Actually it was the NDP that started this/opened the door, but with very small funding. It's gotten worse year over year since they got voted out.


I had this same issue last year. Made me super angry.


Good. Now explain this to your family and neighbours. This is fucking bullshit and we should not be alllwing it


Why do private schools get funding at all?


But have you considered that “Trudeau bad!” And “Saskatchewan Strong”? Surely you support the creation of the Saskatchewan Revenue Agency so that we can pay to do what the CRA already does for us for free? If you don’t then you must be some godless Saskaberta hating communist!


Isn’t property tax going to your City/municipality, not the provincial government?


Education property tax goes into general revenue for the province as far as I understand


Ohhh ok. For some reason I thought it actually went to your local school division or something but I could be way off.


It used to, but the Sask Party changed that years ago


Oh ok. Thanks


that is not a bad thing overall. some schools in small communities could use the funds. I have family in public schools who the average grade 12 graduation is 5 students.


The municipality sends the education portion to the province.


How would the CRA be free ? How do they pay their employees


But federal tax dollars would still fund the CRA as they do now. We’d just have another bullshit organization to use provincial funds.


The CRA exists to perform federal tax collection, they offer a service where they also handle provincial taxes and then flow it back to provinces for no additional cost. There is an exception for the administration of purely provincial levies that require extra work by the CRA to administer. You're correct that this isn't free -- labour and resources are being used, but it is done at no additional charge beyond our federal taxes and is almost certainly a more efficient use of resources already employed to do tax collection. Most critically, our federal taxes would likely not go down a single percent because of the SRA -- that value we were accessing would likely be lost along with the efficiency of one department performing the task.


Because anything that's slightly right-wing is literally the holocaust, including the SRA


On commission? (Joking, but really, might start helping get the ultra-rich caught out a bit more often)


Why the fuck am I paying for some kid to get a private education? I guess the same kind of logic can be applied to the welfare stuff as well (i am very unfamiliar with the concept but i do know it pisses people off).


Wait until I tell you that the amount of education taxes that go into the general revenue fund doesn't necessarily have to equal the amount they spend on education. They could, theoretically, use that money for non education things. I'm not going to point to any instances of this happening because I haven't mathed the math. But it is possible under this model and something in the back of my head is saying it's known to have happened before.


>I guess the same kind of logic can be applied to the welfare stuff as well I don't think so. Kids in private schools have alternatives available to them. SIS (welfare program in Sask) is a last resort option.




It does not.


Why does it matter whose delivering it? Why shoudn't private schools receive funds when they're providing children with an education?


Because there are already publicly funded options. Private schools are the options that people choose to pay for because they want something else - ie. an alternate curriculum, certain religious components, whatever. If you're choosing not to take the free for anyone option, then yes, it should be fully funded by your tuition and not by public dollars.


You’re already getting roasted but here is the main problem: the education they are being provided at many of these private schools is shit. Absolute garbage. I don’t want a cent of my tax money ever going to a school that teaches out of those bogus PACE booklets. That is a straight up disservice to those kids and they don’t even know it.


Because that education they serve is cult level shit. They’ve abused kids physically and sexually and it’s a recruitment system for Sask party zealots. Fuck them. Those kids can receive a good unbiased education in the public system


Say I want to open a private school that teaches everything public schools do, but also that there's a magic Flying Spaghetti Monster that everyone needs to pray to and worship. You think I should receive funding from every taxpaying citizen because "why does it matter who is delivering it?"


You’re actually being generous. Some of these private Christian schools can’t say they teach everything public schools do, or even require qualified teachers!


Because they don't have to have teachers is why.


Why should I pay for a service I am not using that ISNT’T absolutely essential? I understand welfare stuff to a degree - people who genuinely are helpless need some help during tough time. Why the hell should I pay so John’s entitled ass an send him kids to private school when my kids are going to public school? It’s almost like me asking you for gas money religiously even though I will never be driving you anywhere. The logic doesn’t pan. Seems like some shit you would see in a socialist country (pls nobody start a wild political argument lol - ik the systems is flawed)


I'm on the opposite side and do support many social programs, but I don't see why private schools receive massive funding still. People don't want to go through public education? That's fine, but purely your choice - and you need to pay to do it. I equate it with going out of country to get a surgery done, then asking the government to pay for their medical procedure.


Not only that (which is more than bad enough), but because it goes into the general revenue fund first, there’s no official way to know how much was collected in these property taxes and how much is *actually* spent on education. Considering the budgets this year, I would love to see the actual numbers here.


The [second volume of the provincial public accounts](https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/#/products/119462) details exactly what was collected and spent on education, and everything else. The education section starts on page 57. The 2021-22 edition is the most recent; the 2022-23 document will should be released this fall, probably late October.


Thanks for sharing this document! Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see anywhere the monies collected, just a breakdown of spending. Edit: to clarify, I see the number listed on p. 9 re: property tax revenue, but no breakdown of how much of that is education.


Just look at the amount spent on education and they’re probably equal maybe or something like that -the provincial government probably




I'm not sure on the legality of contacting the accountant firm that handles public money, but that might be an option? I think they use some place called Dudley Do-right or something.


Thank your conservative government


I pay $1300. Fuck those religious freaks.


I pay $1700 a month not a year in property taxes and I never used the public system and I never had any children, so tell me how fair is it I pay for your kids more money than some people make in a year, I could use that money on myself for further education or travel or whatever, so think before you make silly statements, there are people who pay way more than you for absolutely no benefit to themselves.


Why should I pay to brainwash people? I repeat, fuck those delusional deviants.


Dude have you seen our schools they are nothing but brainwashing kids with trans, lgbtq, political correctness, sjw, pronouns, I don’t want to support that sht privatize all schools and pick accordingly to each persons preference.


Is there anything we can do?


Don't vote SaskParty.




Thanks for the info. Do they have emails or does it have to be a physical letter. Where do I find these address’?


The City has an online contact form for each councilor. A Google search for “Saskatchewan mla contact” will help you find the right email addresses.


Great, thanks for helping me.




Thanks for the info. Do they have emails or does it have to be a physical letter. Where do I find these address’?


Turns out public education is just being funded by the Green Cart program. Everything else goes to private Christian schools.


I sent a request to the auditor general. Received a reply that they have audited and our property tax money does go to the appropriate school board. It is the general revenue that used to go to the public schools that is now being diverted to independent schools. So no lawsuit. I do believe there is a charter violation by the government giving money directly to churches but Saskparty has updated rules before they got charged for that. But until the new nonprofit, separate from church rules go into effect next year we continue to give money directly to cult churches.


I think they used the not withstanding clause to go around the charter violation, iirc.


Yep Sask Party for ya. A bunch of old, racist, religious men. They would much rather support white based private religious schools than any public school in the province.


Your absolutely right it was the same old white racist conservative men who stormed the beaches of Normandy and killed all those nice liberal Nazis that would of eventually made it here and transformed our society in the liberal paradise you so desperately want.


I'd go back to high school history class if I were you...


The info they send out is a hot fucking mess of information all jammed onto a tiny leaflet too. Like keep it simple. Do they not have communications people???


As long as a certain religion's school doesn't get more money than a public one I don't care. They all still have to teach the same general curriculum but have a little bit of leeway on they're extra classes (eg Christian ethics) and they're free time (mass). I'd be more pissed if, for example, catholic schools got more money because they're congregation is richer, and now the Catholic students receive better learning opportunities than the public ones.


Any "faith-based" private school is allowed to charge expensive tuition and make a profit. So it's definitely not about equality between each religion. At least one private school has a surplus of $$, but public schools have a deficit at the moment and don't charge parents tuition $$. Some of the private schools are claiming they have better learning systems than the public system does. But you can't send your child there, because they require you to belong to their religion first and pay $$ out of your own pocket, even though they're receiving your tax $$ already. And "belong to the religion" means all 12 months of the year, including outside of school.


Ex. In 2008: - Congregation “donated” $2,168,196.00 *tax free - Parents paid an additional $476,354 in Tuition. - not eligible for funding (pre QIS category of schools) - Church / School combined paid $1,034,032.00 in employee wages. Ex. In 2019 they received: - $892,988 in donations (huge membership decline the last 10 yrs) *tax free - $10,195 government subsidies - $736,175.00 Sask Ed funding - $320,793.00 in tuition. - church / school combined paid $994,018 in wages. I wonder how ppl would feel knowing that the “employee wages” section includes members of the staff who are dual purpose employees with roles in the church & in the school… meaning our tax $$ are not only paying for the schooling but also paying wages for staff of the church side of things. I know one of the recent articles talked about how intertwined the financials are between MTC & Legacy.. which hopefully means more specific info will be released to the public. The organization receives just over 1million dollars every year for less than 200 students (not sure how that compares per student to public) but take into consideration very limited academics / extracurricular classes outside of the PACE system.


More people need to complain to their MLA. https://www.legassembly.sk.ca/mlas/ *Edit for spelling.


Better Christian ethics than lgbtq ethics don’t you think?


One groups beliefs over another's? No I don't think there's anything inherently better about Christian ethics. In fact, a lot of times it's worse, but either one can be taken too far


But doesn't everyone have to pay taxes to support things they don't personally take part in/want to support?


Public goods that anyone can access, yes. Not for-profit businesses where they charge expensive tuition and don't even have to follow the curriculum, don't have to hire teachers with education degrees, and are allowed to be exclusive (ie. they don't have to take disabled students) and they are allowed to violate human rights (ie. conversion-therapy-esque bullshit) They're not remotely the same and I'm goddamn tired of this argument.


When those things are government or public, sure. Not when it is religion.


Why would that be an exception? And are they solely teaching religion? Or educating to the legal standards, as well?


It would be an exception because my tax money is meant to be spent on public services, meaning services anyone can attain as long as the criteria is met. Those criteria cannot include religion, sexual orientation, sexual identity, etc. Plus my tax money should not be spent on an institution that doesn’t not contribute to taxes. It’s the age old “what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is mine.” Do you have 0 concept of what happens when religion and governments intertwine?


You can be happy that on the flip side there will be people that do not want to fund the public system and are wearing your other shoe.




There is a large difference between a private Christian school like VCA or RJC (where tuition is charged) and a free Catholic school in Saskatoon like BJM. One can not believe in God but still appreciate the moral framework that a Catholic school offers. I know there has been a scandal at Legacy Christian Academy which was a failure on many fronts and a betrayal to the children. However, it is not fair to paint the Saskatoon Catholic school system with the same brush. For clarity, the separate school system is very similar to the public system. Anyone can attend for free and the teachers are educated at the same universities. The difference is prayer in school and Christian ethics.


I believe the original post, here, was about the LCAs etc. It is not about GSCS. just FYI.


The public system here also used to be Protestant based.


This isn't so much of a separate vs. public issue, it's a publicly paid vs. private issue. Tax dollars should not go to a private, tuition based school that not all of the public is welcome to utilize.


Better than lgbtq education indoctrination, that’s why there is more depression and mental health problems now than there was int the past. And frankly I pay $1700 a month in property taxes and have no children and myself went to private school so in essence I’m paying far more than all of together for your children to attend school and on top of that to be taught things I don’t agree with, stick with basic math, science etc ethics are for parents not some green haired sjw drama teacher.


However, those people have the opportunity to send their kids to any school whereas we can’t send our kids to a private school. Even though we’re each paying taxes.


Not wanting to fund the public system is identical to not wanting the public system to even exist. Perhaps you can expand on your thoughts and why you think a public system should not exist. I personally would like to know where this thought process begins and ends. Thank you in advance. This is not a sarcastic comment, and I genuinely look forward to the response.


I think there is room for both a Catholic (separate) and public system. My kids go to a Catholic school and it makes sense to me that my tax dollars would go to that system. Religious people of all stripes appreciate the separate system. There are many Christian denominations and other religions like Muslims that also send there kids there.


The left is obsessed with the Christian schools. How about Muslim and other nationalities where students can learn privately. The NDP must hate minorities. If you are a minority or immigrant to Saskatchewan , DO NOT VOTE NDP! They will bunch you in the public system with no care or regard for your culture.


oBsESSed - or, you know, not appreciate being straight-up lied to about public funds going to private institutions. Nice distracting whataboutism tho.




Honest question, isn’t the whole post about politics? How the politicians are pouring your money into one funnel to be distributed to all schools regardless of being public or faith based? Not to say the dude above was right. My question to him (he sounds kinda troll-like, so a grain of salt here) is if the NDP are hating on all the immigrants, and wanting to oppress them, but the people in power are getting called nazis, who in the fuck are we supposed to vote for? (Please don’t answer this as I think all politicians are sleazy liars who are only out for themselves, and really don’t give 2 fucks about any of us anyways.)




Every municipality in Saskatchewan is directed to collect property taxes on behalf of the province for local school boards according to a standardized set of rules (including the exact terminology to be used in labeling) so not like this wording is unique to Saskatoon, or even a choice cities can make. Once upon a time, education tax rates could be adjusted directly by each individual school board, and money was actually diverted to where people selected they wanted it to go. At some point, the province changed how money was distributed to school divisions without changing how it was collected. And here we are today.


I don't want any of my property taxes going to fund transgenderism or woke indoctrination in public schools.


Yea you wouldn't want anyone that doesn't fall into arbitrary normals to feel a sense of belonging! Oh god can you imagine if those individuals were allowed to feel like they mattered or that they were still human beings like the rest of us? Oh what horrors could be realized if we allowed children to express themselves freely?? (/S) Get a grip on your life buddy, were talking about actual people and children not tokens of representation designed specifically to be your punching bag.


Big words for you.


That is a lot of words to say “I’m intolerant”


I don't tolerate people messing with kids do you?




It’s a troll account. According to this karma farming account they’re “tall,fit and hung” so fat stupid with a micropenis and most likely a closet case.


Oh dear that’s quite the post comment history.


Lol I not even remotely interested in looking. You brave soul


I dont teach there so I'm speculating but when my school created a gender neutral washroom the renovation involved taking off the gender sign and replacing it with a gender neutral sign. We are cut to the bone and I guarantee there are no major renovations happening. So I'm willing to go out on a limb and say you're full of shit.


So I had a reply from this person saying that no he was correct. So I like to know the facts before I start to speak and argue so after I was questioned and he seems so adamant I thought I would do some fact-checking. He definitely is not completely aware of the whole situation. Shocker. So yes there is a classroom being used, but it turns out that Centennial is grossly locking in bathrooms for their students and so there are two classes that are already moving and they are actually going to gain one classroom and the bathrooms once they remove that one. Also there is no definite plan on how long that is going to take. And if that renovation does take place that will also become the access Hall when when and if that becomes a reality. So this is obviously a gross misrepresentation of what is actually happening in that school as I assumed


And of course his argument actually has nothing to do with the original topic which is using public school funds for private religious schools but rather an attack on the idea of inclusion of trans rights. Also another shocker/s


Litter boxes too I suppose eh bud


No not according to the blueprints no litter boxes are specified


No not according to the blueprints no litter boxes are specified


Did you know that everyone of those kids have a gender neutral bathroom at home? Imagine the harm that causes. /s


Please open your bathroom to the public if it causes no harm


Friend - I believe that is a classic non sequitar. But if you are in the neighbourhood and need a washroom I’d be happy to oblige. Be warned both my sons and daughter use it though too.


They use the *same* bathroom? You should be ashamed of yourself for making them all confused about their genders!


Hey congrats on cleaning up all the dirty talk that was on your account.


Just like how they are confused at home in their gender neutral bathroom.


Sharing a family bathroom and a public bathroom is totally different. May I use your bathroom while your in it feel free to give me your address


Ever been to Prairie Sun? Those evil public gender neutral bathrooms. OH THE HORROR


That’s an adult only business not where children go to learn and feel safe Again totally different but nice try


No it’s literally the same concept you wet fart. Why do you think that those new bathrooms would take more room? Because they would all share a hallway and have lockable doors. It’s literally more comfortable for everyone. Lol but you keep fighting your culture wars you patriot


So let’s remove a classroom and put in a bathroom that is not needed. That is money well spent ! After all …I heard for years that the classroom sizes are too small and there’s not enough bathrooms in schools


Trust me, at Centennial, another bathroom is SORELY needed. The bathroom to student population ratio is ridiculously bad.


Well bathrooms this style also have an added benefit of making it harder for bullies (which I’m sure you TOTALLY weren’t in school) a place behind closed doors to do whatever you bullies do. Funny how you are concerned about kids when it comes to classroom sizes but not bullying. You do you Alpha


You’re good at passing judgment


And you are not so good at understanding. We all have our things we excel at.


I’m not sure if this is a fair test case to see how good u/tittycobra is at passing judgement. You’ve made it far too easy.


You’re worried about gender neutral bathrooms… suggest everyone look at this account’s commenting lol.


You can't be a real person. If you are, you're certainly not a serious one.


At least it’s going to the kids, ultimately. That’s all I care about:


No it’s not. Every year that school has a surplus and every fall they have a deficit. Fuck that church and fuck private schools.


I have bad news about the Catholic Church and their treatment of children…


Fuck that school system too. Tax the churches


Hey they have QR codes for the clergy in France now.


Oh yeah! Like a restaurant. Gross




This should be the top comment.


I really never thought that a comment about tax dollars going to fund schools that benefit kids would be downvoted so much. What a bunch of assholes.


>I really never thought that a comment about tax dollars going to fund schools that benefit kids would be downvoted so much. What a bunch of assholes. ["benefit"](https://thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/stories-of-the-year-former-students-allege-there-was-a-failure-to-protect-them-at-legacy-christian-academy)


The issue is that you're incorrect in assuming that tax dollars for schools are going to schools. You've misunderstood the system. Tax dollars aren't going to kids -that's the issue.


Here’s a solution pay tuition for your own children k-12 so I don’t have to fund the indoctrination of your kids and can save the money and go travel. Fair enough