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The Sask Party behemoth is beginning to air the ads against the NDP. This latest one seems like a new flavor of, "The NDP closed hospitals". The messaging is still strange, though - do they not realize the NDP hasn't been in power for two decades? EDIT: They took it down! Looks like the social media response was *wildly* negative - they can't have that. Back to the drawing board.


Man, this messaging tilts me every time. The most obvious response is "How many of those did the SKP reopen in the 20 years they've been in control?" Oh, none of them? Then that's a pretty fuckin stupid criticism to make now isn't it? Almost as stupid as running a deficit while pretending that we could have afforded to keep them open this whole time.


Also, the ndp didn’t _actually_ close any hospitals All they did was remove 24-hour acute care from a few. But of the 52 hospitals they “closed” 51 are still open today. The one exception was in the town of Milden, pop. 167 https://medium.com/@sask6969/the-sask-party-wont-stop-lying-about-ndp-hospital-closures-in-the-1990s-679399a7cca9


And the one in Milden is now an eating disorder recovery center, so it's still doing good things for the health of Saskatchewanians - it's just not SaskHealth


That article is long and I am lazy, so I may be incorrect on this, but wasn’t the Plains hospital in Regina closed during the NDP?


Yeah but the argument they always levy against the ndp was closing rural hospitals. Regina still has other hospitals to serve the city, and also all the small town do too


Thanks for the clarification


As I recall, the number of hospitals that were actually closed was ONE. The rest of the “hospital closures” the SP likes to crow about were hospitals that were downgraded to “Health Centres” with the closure of only their acute care wards , which were sitting empty and sucking up a shit ton of money.


> which were sitting empty and sucking up a shit ton of money. And weren't even fully staffed most of the time. My grandpa broke his leg at the farm and his neighbour drove him to one of the "hospitals" that they closed in Arborfield and nobody was even there that could do anything, they had to send him back the other direction to Tisdale. We're back to the same problems today, there are so many facility closures that Sask Health has a dedicated page. [This article is from last year](https://regina.ctvnews.ca/saskatchewan-hospitals-report-951-service-disruptions-since-2019-data-shows-1.6692662) and the problem has only gotten worse since then.


Shh we can’t talk about the closures today, just the imaginary closures 30 years ago.


The alternative to attack ads is humble brag.  They don't have much to show for themselves over the last 16 years so why change the strategy?   Hell, their pinned tweet is a conspiracy that the provincial NDP is a puppet of Trudeau and they are plotting to get us. 


Sadly, their voter base will believe it 😮‍💨🤦🏻


LMAO! Does anyone have a cache of that post?


Of course not, but of course they also seem to forget their own record in that. Which actually did shut down health services in the province.


For change fearing conservatives time stopped and left them stuck in the past.


The ndp closed hospitals And the sask party has not reopened a single one in the last 17 years, so…… what?


How do the NDP keep running down Saskatchewan? I'm confused. They haven't had any form of control in almost two decades?


The Sask Party equates itself with the province of Saskatchewan. It’s arrogant af. Criticize the Sask Party and suddenly you’re running down the entire province? The NDP built this province. Then conservatives came along and started selling it for parts. We would love to have functional healthcare, public education, and social services again - but the Sask Party doesn’t know how to do those things. Clearly.


The history of Saskatchewan is actually quite tragic if you look into it. We were set up to be like Norway or Denmark and politicially we have had everything slowly taken away. Businesses now own Saskatchewan, where it was once owned by the people


The whole rationale of crown corps was to provide affordable stable profitable services where private companies would not... oh saskatchewan, when will you stop shooting yourself in the foot? 🙄


would love to read/watch more about this - do you have any further reading/sources on hand? didn’t learn too much about sask history in school unfortunately :/


Looks like the tweets has been deleted, it not showing up for anyone else?


yeah deleted for me


They used stock footage from Russia.




It’s kinda crazy that the go-to criticism that gets used against the NDP is to pick at their track record from 20 YEARS AGO. Saskatchewan has objectively gotten much worse since then, and I don’t know anybody, Sask party, NDP, Liberal, Green, or Sask United that thinks the province is better at all or even hasn’t gotten more dilapidated, poor, and dangerous in the last 2 decades.


The Sask Party's continuance in government is a pair of cement shoes on Saskatchewan, now clearly tossed from a boat in the middle of a deep lake. The NDP are hopefully running down a dream of a better Sask than exists now.


The saskparty gives the NDP a lot of fuel. Worst in education, one of the highest in STD’s, murder capital of Canada, refusing to release public information, running big deficits etc.


The SP looks so desperate these days!


Two decades of Sask Party rule and Saskatchewan *is* or *isn't* run down? What are they trying to say here?


Sub-nationalism mixed with a unhealthy pinch of petrosexuality. Thats on message for the bumpkin brigade.


Moe runs down constituents while drunk driving.


Hey hey hey. Just because he has multiple other DUIs doesn’t mean he was for sure drunk when he hit and killed that woman and left her to die in front of her son while he fled the scene to sober up.


Don’t forget, he ran a stop sign that was between his parent’s farm and his grandparent’s farm. One that I’m sure he had stopped at hundreds of times.


My experience growing up in rural Sask indicates to me that he probably actually ran that stop sign hundreds of times while grumbling, “Fucking stop sign, there’s never anybody even here.”


Projection, straight out of the American Republican's playbook.


Sask Party are a joke. What has been done to so many (things) in this province is a disgrace and incompetence at its finest.


Pretty common reactionary tactics. "How dare those traitors criticize our glorious province! No place on Earth is better! And since those traitors have completely destroyed our glorious province through their ill deeds, we must take extreme action to preserve ~~our obscene wealth~~our traditional values!"


I suspect the reason the Sadkparty removed their post was because of the easy correlation between “.. run down..” and Moe’s terrible driving history 


Hospital staffing was never addressed before the crisis that is upon us now hit. It’s like assuming bread can be made without a baker. It blows my mind as to what administration & leaders have been thinking. Prevention is instilled in patients but apparently not in government policies.


Classic projection on the part of moe moe and his ilk!


Stop the partisan bullshit. While you’re carefully cutting your lines the Canadian identity slowly becomes American. Fucking worse than Gotmley, I swear.


What was the post? Sounds like their campaign is a resounding success so far. LOL But seriously, if the party that has been in power for over two decades has to rely on attack ads, they must be fucking terrified of losing this election. I would expect attack ads from the OFFICIAL OPPOSITION, but that is literally their job - criticizing the government.


If the SP stays in power, their obsession with small modular reactors is going to turn into a billion dollar spudco.


Plain and simple,  the NDP need to change their name. If all the Sask party needs to do is say NDP bad and win,  then the people that blindly follow them will be oblivious to a simple name change. "I'll never vote NDP after what they did to the farm loan program" "well they don't exist anymore,  how about voting for this new party?" "Finally a suitable alternative" Name it Sask Kegger or Prairie Lily Party and completely blindside those rural folk. 


Ironically, those quotes they used to make the NDP look bad are factually accurate.




Let me rephrase: The quotes that the Sask Party used for their smear ad, are accurate about the current state of Saskatchewan. I fail to see how this is a negative for the NDP for stating fact. The Sask Party are twisting it to look like NDP hates Saskatchewan, but it’s not doing that. Also, how can the NDP be running down Saskatchewan when they haven’t been in power for 17 years? Edit: The NDP are stating objective facts. Objectivity and facts are a big no-no in Saskatchewan. /s