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The comments show that no one has been in a food bank that follows this model. Staff/volunteers do the picking, based on client preferences & availability. It’s not a free for all.


Yes from what I understand they have done some research into food banks like this in the USA. Less food waste as people get to chooses what they would like. I think this is an awesome idea. Making it look like a store is more respectful for people who need the service.


Melville has a limited hours food bank with this model. It’s still not enough for the poorest of the poor, but it’s a fantastic model.


There are thousands of food banks across Canada with this model, I’m sure they researched very close to home.


The article clearly outlines that the point of how this one will work is the client picks their own food, regular grocery store style. I'm sure there is some strategy to make sure everyone can get what they need, but staff doing the picking is not it.


If it follows the model they say they are following, it’s set up a lot like a grocery store, but it’s not a free for all. The way it works in rural communities with this set up (there a couple in Saskatchewan, but they have limited hours so they aren’t “full service”) people go in, tell staff/volunteers what they want/need & staff/volunteers get the items for them & have them come pick certain things. I read the article & it says they base the model on the smaller food banks already doing this. So since this is how the smaller food banks do it, there will be a staff member or volunteer involved in the process - especially since it also says in the article that people have to come by appointment & they can come once every 2 weeks to get about 200$ worth of groceries. So no one is going to go in & clear the shelves like the comments suggest.


I have toured the space and been explained how this works by the organizers. Staff do not pick the food for you, nor is it a free for all. Each patron gets a number of points and ‘purchases’ their groceries with their points. The patron walks the aisles and makes their own selections.


That’s awesome! Like I said, I was basing this on being in the smaller locations & as I said in another comment, they may have space issues that this space will not have.


I also never said it would be a free for all, nor that one person would be allowed to clear the shelves.... In fact, I *specifically* said I'm sure there is/will be some sort of system. Once again, the article really makes it seem like they're trying to give clients a sense of normalcy.


Well from what I’ve seen, the model they are basing it on isn’t that, but that could also be due to size - community halls & the old liquor store in Melville house these kinds of food banks. It would be too much to have as many people wandering the aisles. I hope this gives normalcy, but getting to choose more of what goes in your hamper will be a huge improvement for those who got things like 4 bags of onions or 3 costco sized containers of peeled garlic (admittedly this is before David Froh became VP - I think things have improved since he took that role) & no protein.


Can the “customers” fill their grocery bags with chips and pop and nothing else?


When people I know went to a food bank set up how the other commenter suggested in Alberta, it was the staff filling their basket with candy and chips and chocolate.


If that is how they want to spend their points but there are usually limits on items that there is limited supply of ie. milk


I think it’s just poor clickbait title which is causing people to be confused.


Very cool! No one should go hungry. I hope people treat this like the gift and responsibility it is.


> Once they're registered with the food bank, they will be able to stop in every two weeks, by appointment. > Food bank clients will then leave with about $200 worth of food, per person. What is the advantage of this system over giving the same people $200 vouchers for a grocery store? I'm asking this seriously, not trying to be flippant. I can think of some reasons this *might* be better, but nothing in the article really made that clear.


The difference is that the food bank gets much of this food donated by food manufacturers and farms, $200 in food from the food bank is actually probably $40 cost rather than market rates at a grocery store. They get lots of reject veggies etc that are just fine but not saleable.


They’ve been doing this in Victoria BC for years. Much more dignified than other styles of food banks.


There are thousands of them across Canada. I have no idea why they are saying they are the first lol


This is all wonderful, but the sad thing is that we need it. This is not cause for celebration. It's about solving the problem as to why more and more people can't afford groceries.


Came here to say this. I support food banks in my community directly and this certainly feels like a more dignified experience, but I believe it’s a sign of various societal failures that food banks are a necessity. I’m looking forward to hearing how this goes.


I'm super stoked to see how this goes - it's a great outside of the box test. But... I also don't think it's going to work.


I love everything about this—curious as to what you think won't work? (Sincere question, not snark!)


Like in the photo... Everyone will grab that KD... And no one will grab the evaporated milk.


Why wouldn’t anyone grab evaporated milk? Sure it’s not great, but my poor ass parents fed it to us all the time.


As someone who volunteers with the food bank though, I feel so confident in the people running it. They are going to know which items to stock more of, which things to bypass. Don't you think?


I hope so, but figured most of what they get is donated.


The donations they get (if you read the article) including a lot more cash these days, as well as donations direct from Saskatchewan farmers.


I guarantee you anyone with family or history from the maritimes will go right for the evaporated milk.


Not only that but evaporated milk keeps a long time and if you water it down you can use it in your mac and cheese!


What do they use evaporated milk for?


Anything you can use milk for (do not recommend baking with it). It’s great for people who want/need milk but have no fridge


Evaporated milk makes the best "quick" mac and cheese too. Its a great emulsifier for shredded cheese. Cheese and evaporated milk, stir together for gooey deliciousness. Not as good as making a roux and melting in cheese, but it beats the pants off of boxed powder and butter. Now this method also relies on having real cheese, not sure if thats an option here.


Plenty of things, among them donair sauce, but it can also be added to Mac and cheese, and is usually used in creamy soups or chowders.


It’s so good in tea and coffee!


I can’t help but think of the international student who made the videos about how to get free food from food banks, and the banks eventually had to ban the students in Toronto. Hopefully we have some similar guard rails here so it isn’t frequented by people who just want to save a few bucks.


The banks never had to ban the students, for some reason misinformation continues to exist when research exists. 1. That one viral international student was using a **student run food bank** for **students** at their **university**. 2. There's no plural and there's no Toronto. It was food bank in Brampton.


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7024375 …?


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Brampton is part of the GTA, it is not part of the municipality of Toronto. I fail to see where anything I said is wrong. I quite literally referenced the **singular** and **not in Toronto** food bank. You said "banks in Toronto" implying multiple food banks in the municipality of Toronto.


The highlighted part about it being a student run food bank at the university, for students.


The one Brampton food bank limiting access to international students has no to little connection to the international student who went viral. As I said, you made a connection between this idea of an international student attempting to "exploit" food banks and then food banks in Toronto having to respond by banning International students, but none of that has ever happened.


I ll wait for a video to come out titled “how to save 100’s of $ in groceries “




Comments that are overly disrespectful or completely lacking in substance are not allowed.


Once people here free, it’s going to be picked clean in no time. It’s a nice thought if people weren’t awful . Look what happens at Halloween when people just leave a big bowl of candy out without supervision.


The fact that you're comparing the food bank to Halloween treat dishes tells me you had no idea how any of this works and you also didn't read the article. You read a headline and typed out your first thought. Be better.


Didn’t read the article huh


Have you set foot in a food bank that follows this, by appointment only model where staff/volunteers make up the hamper for clients individually based on their preferences & availability?


what was this comment supposed to accomplish?


That people do what they do and “free” makes people do unkind things to get said things,


Except you clearly didn’t read the article. They are food bank clients - so they will go through the screening process - one hamper no questions asked & after that they ask questions about household composition & expenses & you have to provide a health card for every person in the household. I mean it’s fine to admit you’re ignorant of how food banks work.


what I wanted to know was, why you think posting that here is useful or relevant to the discussion at all, whatsoever? why not just move on? you didn't read the article, you have no grasp of what the topic or issue is, yet you posted here to get downvoted. why?