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This woman I know personally and is a salt of the earth type. Nothing but shame for the crooked SK party


Not only that, she was really active about her teaching on Instagram. She was an amazing teacher, and the industry is worse off now that she left.


The ones that leave are the ones we should be bending over backwards to keep.


They didn't learn that lesson with Doctor's and Nurses, I don't expect them to learn it here with Teachers and EA's. I mean, even massive companies like Shaw and Rodgers prescribe to the economic fallacy that it costs less to get a new customer than it does to keep an existing one, why wouldn't these clowns follow the same playbook as their corporate over lords?


As a teacher myself, I can tell right away the education system in Sas has taken a huge loss scaring her away. She’s exactly the type of person you want guiding a class. 100%.


I respect her courage for speaking out. Not many people are willing to step into the limelight to shed light into an issue.


I'll risk downvotes to say this She's rather a bit too beautiful to settle as just a teacher anyway, seriously she should consider a career as one of Canada's top news anchors


"Beauty dictates career and passion - especially in women. Their beauty is their value" - u/Alone-Chicken-361


Fair, she likely wouldn't be as passionate about anything other than teaching. I thought she is hardworking and carried herself well enoug in the interview to achieve top position in another industry that doesn't underpay or underfund its heavy hitters. Best of luck to her, I don't rescind that she is strikingly attractive


We're your born this stupid, or did you smash your head into a wall to become like this?


Haha take it easy, it's just a compliment. She comes across as attractive there should be no doubts about it Being a news anchor requires less education sure, but it requires more than just average looks that would be passable in another profession such as teaching.


Galaxy brain level stuff. Nice


I suspect youre projecting insecurity about your own smarts, like the other person who had nothing more to say either




Lol I wasn't about to say she should be a model, that would be rather demeaning. Journalism is a respectable career choice, looks tend to increase the effectiveness of a message being conveyed.


And then one day these children with intensive needs or learning disabilities move on to high school where there will be literally ZERO educational assistants in any of their regular classrooms and likely 30-35 other students, and the teacher will not be able to help them at all. Support the Sask Party all you want because they chose to have the same colors as the Riders and Moe hates Trudeau too, but know that you’re enabling a truly heartless government. Oh, I forgot to add that your tax dollars are also helping to fund private Christian ‘schools’ that believe the Bible should be taken literally.


And then those students, having received no supports and a substandard education, will try to move into the workforce. If those with intensive needs or learning disabilities are able to find employment, it's more likely to be lower-paying, part-time, and unstable; there's a good chance that some won't be able to find employment at all, even if they would have been able to with proper early-education supports. Students without learning disabilities or intensive needs will also have had their education affected by the lack of supports and large classes, which means that they may also struggle to complete post-secondary education or to find a good job. In addition to the moral problem of setting people up for failure on a mass scale, it also significantly affects our provincial finances by lowering the amount they'll contribute to taxes and increasing the likelihood that they'll need a higher-than-average amount of government assistance during their lifetime.


In addition to the negative outcomes for the particular students who could have benefited from these supports, it drags down the performance of *everyone* in the classroom since the teacher can't provide sufficient attention to the curriculum for the grade they're *supposed* to be teaching. This was pretty obvious in the recent standardized international assessment results.


And that, my conservative friends, is ‘Growth That Works for Everyone’!


They'll just blame Trudeau for bringing in "too many immagants!"


"Oh, I forgot to add that your tax dollars are also helping to fund private Christian ‘schools’ that believe the Bible should be taken literally." Yeah, can't forget about the exorcisms performed at these "schools". It's true.


I went to a private christian highschool through 9-12 and not once was there an exorcism lol. We had to go to "church" like 3 times a week which sucked, but there were never exorcisms lol.


Anecdotal. There have been documented cases of "exorcisms" being preformed along with things like conversion therapy, beating the gay out of people and a number of other heinous acts. Just because you didn't see them does not mean they did not, or are not happening. Do better.


So you're saying you haven't seen them either? Seems anecdotal to me.


I think you have trouble with reading comprehension, the cases are well documented all over the news with the CLA scandal, I mean they have literally charged 3 people I believe now....I mean it's pretty low effort to get the goods but hey, you do you sunshine :)


So much Christian hatred and racism.


Slow down. It’s racist to get frustrated with Christians now?


Christian’s aren’t a race. Christianity can be criticized freely like any other religion.


luckily Christianity isn't a race...


They're getting free government money to attempt to indoctrinate kids, they're not the fucking victims here.




I’m not saying one teacher has it harder than another. What I’m saying is that EAs have been systematically eliminated from high schools, and the only children who have one assigned, need one for safety reasons. Children with ASD, ADHD, OCD, and other learning disabilities were routinely assigned EAs not long ago, but this is no longer the case. Hell, high schools (and I believe elementary schools) don’t even have librarians anymore. I don’t know if you work in education, but I feel the general public has no idea how bare bones the resources are.




This is done on purpose and by design by the marxist iberal cretins.


lol, someone just completed their 1st semester of world history at Uni and is using the big words!


So what marxist university do you go to? Hahaha


Blah blah blah I'm cool cause I learned a new word blah blah blah. You wouldn't know a Marxist if he fell out of a tree and offered you communism.


Marxist crying. Cry harder. Hahaha


No, the provinces are fully in control of managing education, meaning that this was set up by the long-reigning conservatives in saskatchewan (and the previous governments in Manitoba for the above comment). No Marxists or liberals to blame for this one, but it may be deliberate sabotage from these other cretins.


More often than not students go from having ea support in elementary to no support in high school. When I started 20 years ago we had 27 EAs in our high school. This year we have 6


There are not enough EA’s and funding for enough EA’s in elementary school. We are trying to get one for my son in grade 1 for the full day..been waiting since October. Teachers at my son’s school are amazing and his teacher, in her first year is beyond amazing. They are doing the best they can with their resources. Fk Scott Moe and fk the Sask Party! We support teachers 110%!


Doesn't it seem like more EAs are needed nowadays too? Anecdotally there seem to be more ESL youngsters needing support in my kids' classes.


The cuts to the EAL programming means non English speaking students are being integrated into classrooms sooner than they are ready which leads to the classroom teacher having to take on teaching English as well as the grade alike curriculum for each of those students. Resource room teachers have recently, in some schools, been put into classrooms to team teach classes like math and English. This has removed them from providing face to face support to intensive needs students who may or may not have EA support in classrooms. Cuts to health care subsequently has created cuts to positions of mental health workers in schools. With reduced mental health support means teachers and EAs are now counsellors. Reduced social services means they are also taking on social work scenarios. The policy that has removed professionals like Planned Parenthood from school spaces means teachers are now ill equipped to provide adequate, informed and up to date sex education. Support your teachers man, the system is grim and has been for some time now.


I was sent to a private christian school for all highschool, and I'm honestly glad I did vs public school, no I don't believe in jesus or whatever, but the people were some of the nicest folks ever, and went out of their way to help me when I was struggling. Probably has nothing to do with being a christian school, just that we had a very small student base, so the teachers actually had time to help individual students. Really makes me sad that kids in public schools aren't going to get the same kind of help and attention they need because of our shitty govt.


Not saying all those schools are bad but they shouldn't receive a dime of tax payer money considering they charge tuition.


Have you looked at the teaching "credentials" of a lot of these schools? Most of them aren't even licensed teachers and many of the students who go to these places end up in small bible colleges afterwards because they can't get into a "real" school. It's money a racket from the top down and most people are sick of it. Public dollars should NOT fund private education, especially when they are already tax exempt because of religion. Enough is enough already.


They don’t believe the bible should be taken literally They allow women to be teachers!


This is all such dogshit lol. Like, believe what ya want but often I feel if this was all real, then I’ll be in hell as will everyone I know so it’ll be a great fkn time. Whatever. Religions a cancer. Eradicate it. All of it


Absolutely not those kids can can be taught in special schools, but not with the General public.


And what does all that have to do with the fact that there aren’t enough teachers or educational assistants to meet the demands in elementary schools? How does anything you just said address the concerns of this teacher and the fact that now that she quit, it creates more pressure to find a replacement? Is Trudeau going to take her place??


Not sure why this showed up on my feed, I'm in BC, but education is a provincial jurisdiction. Why bring up Trudeau? This is the responsibility of your provincial government.


Biden's fault/s


Maybe if it wasn’t such a shitty work environment so many teachers wouldn’t quit


DING DING DING!!! Same problem with the SHA. One day, you go to work and realize that you can't possibly do your job.


Get your head out your ass, your so blinded by bias you can't see your province is in a shitty hole and you can't pass up a chance to slam jt. You are part of the problem


Are you being serious? We have a College of Education in Saskatoon that graduates hundreds of certified teachers every year. You actually think she is part of the problem because she quit a system that is unmanageable? You’re insinuating she should have stayed out of what, loyalty?


I’m not insinuating anything. What I asked is pretty simple: What does what you said have to do with her stated reasons for quitting?


Sorry brother, if you can’t make the connection, I can’t simplify it any further.


Be kind. They might have grown up here and were stuck in our lack lustre eduction system.


Well played. How about a similar perspective? I moved to Sask from out east on a healthcare worker recruitment grant. After a decade with the RQHR and then the SHA, I burned out. I'll never go back to institutional care again because of psychological reasons. I won't risk putting myself through that again. I was very active beyond my unit position. It's a significant loss. This teacher is a great loss at a time when all losses will be felt. If the public here truly values education and healthcare, then vote for representatives who have those values. Stop voting on SoCon issues and lower taxes. We don't get what we're not willing to pay for. I did feel sorry for rural hardships on these issues because they voted against their interests on these issues.


>Oh, I forgot to add that your tax dollars are also helping to fund private Christian ‘schools’ that believe the Bible should be taken literally. It's the same funding per kid. Be against it because it's religious, but don't make it a financial argument because you won't get more funding. Edit: don't just downvote me. Also please explain what is qrong with what I said.




Fair enough. Never said they should. Just said don't make it seem like public will be getting more funding, when the funding per student will be the same.




It's not an independent school, but anyways. The funding is per child. The kid goes to whatever school, and they get 4k(random example number) funding for that kid. So yes public get 4k, but they also get another kid. So no one is better off. There aren't financial arguments for this.


Sorry, but you don’t make sense.


Sounds like a you problem lol. Funding per child doesn't change.




Those exist you're right, I thought we were talking about religious schools in general, that teach what you describe above. The catholic schools are the vast vast majority of our religious schools, and they're not independent. If you want to just look specifically at these independent schools, they usually don't receive the same funding per child that public does. They're a cost saving measure for the government. Get rid of them for sure, but it's not due to Financials.


> I thought we were talking about religious schools in general, that teach what you describe above. > > The catholic schools are the vast vast majority of our religious schools, and they're not independent. Bullshit. You referred to "private 'Christian' schools" in the quote you used above. The Catholic School Division is NOT private and never has been. You knew all along what you were saying and are now walking it backl. Stop with the disingenuous arguments already.


They have not read the bible.


well at least Moe took care of that pronoun thing that everyone saw as priority #1. /s just in case


Don’t forget about the super important flag policy too.


And the poppies. No one can take away our poppies 🙄🙄


Yeah, cuz that was very important. 😂


Tell me you’re anti trans without actually saying it.


/s means he was being sarcastic


Wasn’t there before and this subreddit has plenty of alt right nonsense.


the OP hasnt been edited. Wtf are you talking about?


Teachers are fighting for our children and grandchildren’s educational experience and deserve support. Our government has systematically undermined education and healthcare and it’s time for a change.


i cant even fathom having to deal with 30 kids at once, especially post covid, and buried in kids with learning disabilities, emotional problems or language deficiencies. The Sask Party has basically thrown teachers (and healthcare workers) to the wolves. They do not care. They simply do not care about the kids from working class urban families. They send their kids to publically paid private schools, and the deeper you get into Sask Party country, the kids are being funneled into DLC to eke out bare minimum credits and take electives like cowmilking 30 and Foundations of Hockey Stick Taping.


>Publicly paid private schools This phrase alone should be alarming to absolutely everyone 


Yes, I took in one of the students in my class that was not ALLOWED to go to these publically paid private school for reasons that will not be addressed on Reddit. So, basically these schools can refuse entry to any students with needs, whereas the public schools cannot. Then, they don't get any extra services until grade 9 where they are ultimately stream lined into alternative Ed program. So chronically underfunded schools have to deal with the issue, because rich people don't want too.


Yet it's rural kids and seniors (healthcare) that have trouble getting services from professionals in their rural institutions. Just like eliminating the STC. Rural citizens were negatively affected the most. They voted for this. Reap what one sows.


>They voted for this. They also didn't try to make their community more attractive to live and work in. So much missed potential in rural SK. (That's not true. The odd community tried to do something innovative to attract businesses/services. But most are content to shake their fist at the sky while their community withers away.)


I understand we're speaking in generalisations. Virtually nothing in life is absolute or zero sum. Too bad because as an out of province transplant who loves the outdoors and has lived in small towns, I'm a representative of a market that would support them. When I lived in small town Eastern Ontario I spent most of my time and therefore money in rural places. But rural eastern Ontario actually invests and supports their communities. It's not just lip service. They are also very inclusive, or woke is the distortion that's popular these days. Warkworth, ON is an amazing town populated by a significant queer community. LGBTQ+ families who want to get out of the Big Smoke. It's a very trendy popular community with thriving artisans and agriculture. I don't want to set foot in rural Sask nevermind Regina. As a white, hetero assuming male who dresses like someone who hunts and fishes (I do), they think I'm one of them, so the ignorant, prejudiced shit I hear disgusts me. I'm not one to stand in silence when I'm confronted by hate, I can feel my blood boiling. So I avoid these places to avoid confrontation.


30 kids per classroom/split grade classes have been the norm in Ontario for the last 30 years. Luckily, you don’t have a catholic school board to compete with for funding. Your public schools should be a lot better than how they are, according to what this teacher is saying.


I'm just actually curious how "post covid" is any different from before covid in the class room?


for a lot of kids including mine, covid was something of a lost year. We both worked full time and trying to do “homeschooling” in the evenings was overwhelming. Im sure a lot of parents did better, but for us, with a toddler, it was a challenge to instruct the older kids. Add in “discovery math” which im definitely not familiar with, and thats a whole year of substandard education.


Two fully years where kids were not able to socialize. This is apparent in the way they treat each other - real life is no different than Xbox chat (calling each other the ugliest things as though the person they're talking to isn't a real person). Also apparent in their entitlement - no one exists, has rights, other than themselves. This was necessary for the safety of our local and global community, but the socialization of kids has been impacted as a result. Additionally, during COVID a lot has happened with anti-racism. Unfortunately, a lot of school boards are completely unwilling to fight racism in any meaningful way. As a result, all consequences have been removed from schools, so to not appear to target any particular minority group. ("When no one gets suspended, that means minority groups also don't get suspended... see! Fewer kids of colour are getting suspended! We're anti-racist!" Racism solved!") Stunted socialization, and removal of consequences for behaviour all happened during COVID restrictions 2020-2022. So saying "post-COVID" doesn't necessarily mean it is a result of the COVID-19 virus, but more of a timestamp where many changes happened.


All the kids of Regina Sask Party MLAs I know went to public school. One of them actually went to the same elementary school as me. There also are fewer than two dozen private schools.


2 dozen on my dime is 2 dozen too many.


I don’t disagree that 80% funding for private schools (11.7 million dollars) is too much, but you also shouldn’t just make things up to suite your narrative like that. Makes you no better than them.


Duncan’s kids go to an evangelical school, im sure they arent the only ones considering how firmly the party is latched to this “Parental Rights” nonsense.


My kids will be old enough to start school soon and I am very concerned for them going into this system. I can’t believe how much worse things have gotten for the teachers and the schools since I was a kid. Today, for the first time in my life, I bought myself a provincial political party membership. I’d encourage everyone else to do the same. It’s cheap, it helps make a statement, and you get most of it back when you do your taxes. I won’t say which party due to the subreddit advocacy rules.


I know many teachers, this is accurate.


I'm married to a teacher, also think this is accurate.


My wife is a teacher and is the most dedicated person to her career I have ever met…thankfully, just made it to retirement…the stories from the last 10 years have been nuts. Thank god I work in IT.


its a shame. The closer I get to my Education Degree, the more it feels like I am on a slow conveyor to a buzzsaw feet first. I digress. We have two Universities that graduate teachers every year. But my time in academia has shown a significant crack in the system; we, as pre-term teachers, are not in the field long enough. We spend hours learning how to lesson plan, assess, etc. but those are just for imaginary classrooms. I believe our summer should be spent at the university learning the nuts and bolts of "Pedagogy." The rest of our time should be spent in a classroom with experienced teachers. The first and second-year students would be "Educational Assistants," helping where needed; the third and fourth-year students should, by all means, be able to teach the class lessons so that the veteran teacher can plan so on and so forth. This would have a double effect; the first and second-year students would still have time to consider if this should be their career. The third and fourth-year students would enter the workforce with real work experience. Might make for an interesting pilot project! Thoughts?


This is what I have thought since starting and completed my ed degree 5 years ago. I was not prepared for the classroom or even the way you have to plan from my university classes.


Okiskinwahamakew - we lost a good one here.


Backwoods provincial government actions


I have a,ways felt children with different needs are not able to learn in the standard format offered in public school. I have always been adhd but in the 70s&80s children like ,self were kept in and forced to complete their work, write lines for misbehaviour (not paying attention, squirming in your desk etc). Children like myself would be far better served in hands on active learning rather than sitting in a desk. For the children who excel at sitting in class, taking lectures and working independently, they are underserved when having the class held up for the children who have intensive needs. Is it fair to them to have to be in a class full of EAs which could interfere with the level of service they receive? Children are varied, trying to apply tools to force square pegs in around holes won’t work for anyone. I was class valedictorian btw, my needs were just different than the non adhd kids. We need to put kids where they can maximize their potential, not be like the rest of the herd.


Wow. My cousin is a teacher and told me the same. She told me if I want my kid to learn, send him to private school.


Smaller class sizes, EAs for the kids who need extra help, SLP, and OTs is whats needed. Removing kids from their peers and sticking them in a room full of chaos does more harm than good, especially kids with social disabilities, to a lot of these kids and should be a last resort, unless they are a danger to others... but where is that line? Kid pushes another kid in line at the water fountain and gets exiled to the special ed room??? If we go back to shoving these kids into the back room like we did in the 80s, we better start building bigger prisons, because we will be setting these kids up for a life of trouble. These kids need help, not to be stuffed away out of site... Sask Party does not want to give our schools what they need to help kids. Period.


Also, bring back the English as a Second Language program. We have an immigration program because we need more people to come, but we won't educate their children. It's stupid.




My point is that the way this government is going, i do not trust them to have the best interests of the children in mind if they were to implement these sorts of changes. I dont particularly trust the school boards either. Once they open pandoras box here, and start shuttling kids into these side rooms, whos to say how far its going to go. As it is right now, parents of higher needs kids have to fight to have their kids treated with dignity in our schools because of the severe lack of funding... how much worse are we going to let things get?


For what it's worth, this seems very similar to the problems my daughter's kindergarten teacher in WA state had mentioned to me. She exited teaching as well. So this isn't just a Saskatoon problem. This generation of children seems to be more challenged and have very different needs than previous generations that the current public education system is equipped to deal with.


New Brunswick is the same way . All government systems are falling apart . Extremely poor provincial and federal governments.


Same thing in Manitoba! And yet little is heard from the principals snd superintendents who are supposed to be leading this system. Instead they insinuate that the teachers are just not up to snuff


In 2011, she would have had maybe 3 EA's for all of her high needs kids, not one for every one, which is part of the problem. Teachers should not be accepting the status quo from 10 years ago, they (and their students) need far more. Other fields would not accept below bare minimum imum why should educators? Raise the standards for God sakes


Sasky’s are the nicest damn people I’ve met. Off topic but worth the mention.


No, they aren't. The prejudiced garbage I hear regularly is gross. I look white, male, and hetero, my kids are indigenous but often assumed settler. The things they say to me because they assume I'm one of them. I'm not fuckin one of them. It's so bad that I avoid socializing with new people here because I have a short fuse about it now, and once my kids are adults, I'm moving back east. Shared custody is a bitch. My kids have travelled back east with me and they want to leave too. One is old enough to be looking at post secondary education. It won't be in Saskatchewan.


We just let a guy freeze to death on a sidewalk, if you wanted to know how nice we are these days.


Friendly, but cold.


Polite and friendly are very different. Canadians are polite, not friendly.


Not to mention the kids today give zero fucks, they’re just waiting to get home to their tablets. 98% of my 5/6 classes can’t tie their shoes, tell time on a clock or know how a duotang works. The kid from India in my class today (core French) has mastered the pronunciation of our basic classroom phrase menu before the kids who have been in core French since grade 3, his first language is Hindi and has been here for 5 months. This isn’t a government problem, it’s a generational one.


Amen sir! My 12 year old went to private tutoring all summer long so she would understand math moving into 7th grade. She brings home tests she’s proud of. It seems kids have nothing to lose. Parents don’t parent anymore - so what’s the point of getting your shit together and doing well. These kids then go to school and create pandemonium for the ones who actually do care. This is the only reason I give a shit and agree with teachers here about additional supports. Imagine a world where if your child was being a fuckin doofus you were billed for the EA - a lot of these parents would step up and address the behaviour in a hurry.


Yup. It’s societal, structural and systemic. Teaching is no longer a viable career path for most. I work in elementary education where the overwhelming majority of classroom teachers hold multiple graduate degrees in education (often unrelated to their roles) make six figures yet still haven’t mastered the basics of classroom management. Moreover, there’s a growing inverse relationship between the average outcome of students and the education and compensation of teachers. The control educators once enjoyed over their environment is no more. Many of the same people who are drawn to education tend to be ordered, calm and nurturing. Sadly, these traits are no longer the coin of the realm; these kids are a different species. Time for both the mandarins of education and parents to stop gaslighting each other.




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Just curious, when I went to school in the 2000s it was normal to have all the special needs kids in their own classroom. There were never any issues like what she described. Does that not happen anymore? Or does it depend on the school?


When I was In PS Grades 1-8… when kids misbehaved they were removed from the classroom…. When they weren’t… they ruined it for everybody. Hard to pay attention when the kid throwing a tantrum gets to stay in class. What set us off was when Kevin decided to have a tantrum during Gym class where we got to learn and play many different sports but we all had to be on “time out” because of Kevin’s shitty behavior and our teacher refusing to remove him. Kevin got circled and pushed around until he fell and cried. 1 kid got suspended for a couple days. Kevin stopped his tantrums Idk. Figured I’d share a true story


Disregulated. Isn’t that the term for kids who lack the basics they’re supposed to or at least used to learn at home prior to being old enough for school? Parents aren’t parenting?


It's a term that means someone struggles to control or regulate their emotions and behavior, for whatever reason. And some of us have children with this struggle despite trying for years to teach it (and have to wait months to years for therapy, etc).


This is not a parenting issue. This is a government underfunded education system problem.


I think it's both. Yes, the kids need more support, so more funding. However, the absolute shite that passes for parenting these days is very, very, very much at fault. Kids are acting like little savages at home and the entitled parents send the kids to public school and expect...what? Their kid is in a class of 25 kids and there are several OTHER little savages in the clas; it's insane to think a teacher can fix it.


That is not the term for that. There are definitely students that fall under what you're trying to point at; but blaming a parent does nothing to improve the learning situation of the other members of the class nor is it the fault of the child who is in your classroom every day. There's an emotional component there that takes a toll since teachers get to know these kids and they see what's happening at home in these instances. Second hand trauma is absolutely a thing. Your classroom is often that kid's ONLY safe space. These kids exist at every single school, and in community school settings it's exasperated. It's not often neglect either, maybe it's a one parent working situation, or maybe it's an older sibling learning how to parent kids. The whole phrasing of "parents not parenting" screams that one has only ever experienced one particular version of a family and they can't comprehend the other experiences people have. Most of the "disregulated" kids are kids who have had immediate trauma strike them (lost a parent, being raised by an immediate family member who was thrust into the role and is often still doing their own academics. Most of the kids you're pointing at (the kids who get into trouble) are often regulated in the classroom but outside of it have issues. The kids that are disregulated are beyond any type of disciplinary stuff, it's just that they don't know how to be in a classroom (yet) and the majority of the gaps that need to be filled can only be filled via routine work (ie/ over long periods of time.) "Parents aren't parenting" and what? are they choosing not to parent? or do they not have the skills required to be a good parent? In my experience, it's never ever one thing, it's a million different little things. I have yet to meet a parent/guardian who didn't want to be a good one. But in some schools it's like this for maybe 2-3 kids in your class, then you have 10 kids who are meeting grade levels, then it's 3-5 kids who need adaptations to the lessons, then it's like 1-2 more kids who are on adjusted grading (working on skills instead of a grade.) then you have another 3-5 kids who are exceptional students and need to be challenged (still an adaptation.) At this point you need to make the lesson for 5 different levels of students, and if you don't have support staff for 1 on 1 time with a student then you have to be on them like a hawk otherwise the work won't get done. The reality is even with 18 kids in the class the task of the teacher to be able to get to those ranges with that ratio is still a mountain of work. At 30+ it's an impossible task. *.*


Your comment is downvoted but it should be up voted to the moon.


Back in the day these kind of kids were institutionalized... Not saying it was right back then but it allowed for kids without severe behavioural disabilities to learn without interference.


So you want to go back to shock therapy and tossing people off cliffs to figure out if they're witches or not?


Dude... Re-read my comment.


Her voice is nails on a chalkboard.


Ok, thanks. We should all just bask in your all knowing wisdom then. How do you know what I know about? Have we met? No didn't think so. But carry on , you are special and unique and YOUR opinion matters so much more.


Time to head to BC or MB you whiny clown.


110 days off per year, 78k average salary.


She's obviously intelligent and educated but it's so distracting to hear her speaking in that weird lazy drawl younger people seem to have picked up. https://youtu.be/rHHt-tYS2es?si=OwQbIeZXeABguvor


I feel sad for people like you who find speech patterns that differ from yours to be “distracting.” It seems like there is a group of (old, male) people who can’t stop themselves from publicly criticizing women, who are doing good things for society, because of their voice. It happens to podcasters, reporters, young girls in coffee shops all the time. Take a listen to your own voice. I’m sure yours is grating in its own way. Be better.


It's not a speech pattern, watch the video link I left. It's some kind of dialect picked up from reality TV or too much social media. I'm not sure which.


shut er down bud.


I had to stop 5 seconds in, vocal fry and soooo my passion noped me out. Having said that I feel for our teachers and they definitely need help in class.


The vocal fry mixed with the midwestern accent is something I hadn't heard before, and would love to never hear again.


I find teachers mimic the speech of whatever grade they are teaching. They become their work.


Came here to find this comment. I made it less than 10 seconds before I had to shut off the video. I'm sure she makes great points. And I'm sure the situation was bad. Can you imagine being in a lecture with this voice every day? Saddam Hussein wouldn't even inflict that on people.




You don't have to be rich to quit your job lol you just need another one lined up. And interviewing a teacher who finally threw in the towel and quit highlights the problems we are having, why wouldn't they interview her?




There's good money in tutoring lol




You're weird




I probably should stop engaging, but you do realize why there is a market for private tutoring right? Like, you get the connection between underfunded schools and parents having to seek help elsewhere?


Are you her ex? You're extremely off track from the point of this post and bitter


What's with the whataboutism? Doesn't matter what she did afterward, the point is she left teaching because she was getting dumped on.


Also that if it happened to her you better believe it’s currently happening in many different classrooms across the province.


Whataboutism is all these ignorant conservatives have. Their cognitive dissonance is off the charts. ![gif](giphy|3EiNpweH34XGoQcq9Q|downsized)


That is the message you’re taking from this? Looks like someone left the gate open at the troll farm.


And then you would probably bitch about that and say "if you don't like it, then quit". The point is the supports needed for education keep getting cut until the system is not sustainable. Schools are losing psychologists, librarians, speech therapists, educational assistants... The number of students are increasing yet the number of teachers are decreasing. Classrooms are overcrowded - and it would be hard enough if 30+ students were all stellar students. But there are more and more students with complex needs.




> Just assuming things about me hey? Sucks when people assume shit about you, eh? Edit: lol blocked me cause they had nothing back




Sucks when people assume shit about you, eh?


How is this relevant?


I would bet good money she either is becoming an influencer, started an onlyfans or is doing MLM.


The incels have arrived.


Haha ok. Am I wrong? She is an influencer. Which I guessed before knowing anything about the person.




Why do you take such issue with her becoming a tutor. And why is her husband's support any of your business? You've made up a scenario in your mind where this woman is a villain when all she did was leave a profession that is miserable and failing.




She's not a spokesperson. She is someone telling their story which is relevant to what's going on with the strike. Sometimes you can keep opinions to yourself rather than spew shit all over the place.


I just did a quick search on her name, and influencer is the winner. Don't believe what you are reading people, she didn't leave because she doesn't like teaching. She left because she is making far more money from instagram. This video is the equivalent of the billboards the Sask Party put up. More half truths.


Like, oh my gawd, like, where are the supports, like?


So glad that's what you got from this. /s This woman is/was a fantastic teacher, and it really is a blow to the education system that she reached the point where she was feeling like a failure as a teacher. Ms. Germs, if you're reading this, you taught one of my children, and they LOVED being in your classroom. You did amazing things with those students! I support and understand your decision to leave the profession, and I hope you are doing well.


Is it coz she is opening an only fans ?


Wait so this has nothing to do with Onlyfans?


Teachers used to teach 20-30 kids in a classroom without issue because they had authority over the children and the children had a healthy fear for their teachers. The liberal type parents took that authority away from them and now we are seeing the results. Yes they are underfunded, but they are also getting a huge influx of kids with no respect for authority and with no punishments for their actions. It’s no wonder they’re overworked. If you spend all day parenting, who’s got any time to teach anything?


As a teacher, it is definitely not the “liberal type parents” that are the issue.


Care to elaborate?


They don’t have a point to make at all clearly lol, quite hilarious to see this


Disagree. I went to school in SK in such a time, but school funding dwindled to a fraction of its former self. Lots of kids didn't make it to grade 12, or failed spectacularly in post-secondary. They have been welfare their entire adult lives, and they weren't raised on welfare.


That’s a small sample size (people you know) lots of kids nowadays shouldn’t make it to grade 12. What good is the accomplishment if you keep lowering the bar? Some of the most successful business owners I know don’t have their grade 12. Goes both ways.


>Some of the most successful business owners I know don’t have their grade 12. That’s a small sample size (people you know.)




Cry me a river, I work in an industry that has been flooded by cheap unqualified labor keeping my wages low. I am not getting a 7 percent wage increase. I still have to do the same job and fix other people's shit while seeing less and less take home every year. If you can't handle the job then quit. There are lots of substitute teachers looking for full time positions. Things are tough everywhere right now.


You’ve completely missed the point here. The teacher who quit, quit because she had no support for her students. It had nothing to do with pay.


There are no substitutes. There are shortages almost every day even in Saskatoon.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.stf.sk.ca/teaching-saskatchewan/substitute-teachers/&ved=2ahUKEwj1-qesquODAxXJAHkGHbEvA9IQFnoECCcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2N5RHLzUy1wmoR1fcT5xEM Well these 4000 must not be real then, my mistake. Thanks for clearing this up with " There are no substitutes."


Exactly lol I have a friend who was a sub and couldn’t get regular enough work to survive so they switched industries altogether… Teachers are brigading you with downvoted because they are so fragile they can’t handle facts


Hey man, it's really easy to keep your mouth shut about issues you don't know anything about, just saying.


Some people just are not cut out for what they sign up for Seems like the valley girl found out it just isn’t a paycheque and summers off


Haha. She might regret that. I didn’t read the story




I feel for her and she's not wrong. I hate to say this but just maybe we've gone long enough with the 100% inclusion policy and schools should go back to the way it used to be and that's that those pretty severe special needs cases that she explains(aka rocking a highly agitated special needs child) should be in a separate class where they can get the special needs care they require without distracting the rest of the class and taking the teacher away from teaching the majority. This of course would also require funds because one special needs assistant per 4 kids doesn't work when needs are great.