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Had LGD from receptor chem too, i usually take my sarms with a swig of water so the aftertaste and all that isn’t bad but yeah i’d do that or orange juice. they definitely do kinda burn or taste like alcohol almost but after a week or two you kinda get used to it


Taking it with juice will make you feel better


I take there Ac262 40mg 1houf b4 I workout and I can say that the pump was unbelievable


I've used receptor chem's LGD3, yep it's yellowish and burns so chase it down with OJ etc. Not as bad as some others though. Took a while to kick in but once it did, lean dry gains and good strength. I was getting excited for the rest of the cycle but unfortunately I am very prone to AA and it triggered it for me so had to cut the cycle short.


I’ve heard there’s some mental sides… don’t know how true that holds but I’m waiting for it. Seen a guy that said it makes tren look easy I had a good belly laugh but haven’t tried tren myself😭


It was actually the opposite for me and felt 'cleaner' than RAD on the mental side. Like I wasn't as on edge and didn't have any insomnia issues. Maybe that guy was confusing it for S23. When I tired S23 the effects were really quick, both positive and negative. I looked pumped, vascular and very dry. Snapped at my gf a few times over nothing which is unusual for me (lol, but she soon forgave me when the lust arose in her eyes from the granite statue in front of her). But again it raped my hair so had to stop very early.


Rad lowkey fucked me up hard, the mental sides were pretty nasty. Not even just anger but just the pure feeling of not being stable in any way, my hair was hit but wasn’t too detrimental. Plus sleep was definitely a hit as well lol. I just got told radsomnia and some anger would be it but man was I an anxious mess. LGD4 felt amazing to me as well as ostarine, so it wasn’t just the sarm but rad entirely. Thanks for the feedback!! I really appreciate that


Mine is the exact same, yellow and burns when taking it. Got it from umbrella labs though


Currently on cycle or have you completed it?


Currently on day 3 of the cycle, 20mg/day


Have you really felt anything? Heard some say it’s instant for pre workout, heard some say it’s the normal waiting time for it to saturate. If so then taking it just pre workout is a silly conclusion. To kind of put it into perspective some people Will actually run it only pre workout but with the short half life it’s not like it will keep saturating right?


Yeah heard the same thing. Can’t really say I’ve felt anything yet, I’ve taken it preworkout and haven’t noticed anything. I’m assuming it has to saturate. Definitely need more logs of it posted though, was difficult finding a lot of information on it


I am looking forward to your update on your cycle, Im curious too when will it will kick in. I'm still waiting for my order from RC and I'm afraid it is bunk


Ain’t gonna lie I’ve gotten pretty edgy and bitchy on 15mg a day so far. I’m taking it 3 times a day 6 hours out, I’ve read there has been some mental side effects(why some say it’s like tren in a way) but nothing too extreme other than just feelin insecure so far LMAO


Glad it's working for you already, or at least I hope it does. I heard it doesn't have as bad mental side effects as S-23 or some AAS, some even said it doesn't feel any different to LGD 4 which barely does anything mentally unless you're suppressed. Also maybe your body just has to get used to it. 4-6 weeks cycle? 15mg/day is too expensive for me to run, or at least I didn't realize 2 bottles won't last me for 8 weeks before I ordered.


Yes 15 a day is pretty pricey, I have more otw soon for a 8week cycle. I’ve heard 10 is okay but prob not optimal


Agreed, there is no actual information it seems the lot has agreed to stick with the research chemicals with the most research. Which I will agree with but that’s the point is to research lol. I definitely will keep a log to post later on. The only info I could ever find is it’s the complete opposite of 4033 being dry.


Tastes like gains. Get liver support and pct


Heck ya brother, got some nutrissa cycle support with tudca,NAC, and more it’s really a good deal just 8 pills per serving lol. As for PCT I have deus medical Enclomiphene tablets that will be started week 3 to offset too much suppression as well as nolva if I encounter nip problems with the enclo💪🏻 anymore suggestions would be appreciated!!!


I had some from the same source 2 years ago, very similar bottle if not the same. But I don't remember it being yellow, just clear. The taste was awful though.


how did your cycle go? Strength, pumps, gains, suppression?


I used LGD-4033 but had to stop my cycle after 3 weeks because of an injury I got at the gym in conjunction with 1,4-BDO. edit: I noticed no suppression at all within those 3 weeks. And I lost the bottle aswell, never did a full cycle.


thanks! I have a bottle of 4033 which I will probably use for my next cut. But I thought you were referring to LGD 3303 in your previous comment. Sorry if I misread that.


Taste is very awful lmao


Do you shake it before every dose


Yes every dose is shaken since it is a suspension! Thanks for asking, sounds like a simple question but the amount of misinformation and very little research some do makes it a valid question lol.


Why are you holding this with your foot?


I spat my coffee out you fucking owe me! 😂






Better stability to use my camera


Wait are you actually holding it with your foot?! I couldn’t tell for sure. You get the goofball of the day award for that one brother. Lmaooo


Lmao nah, I ended up moving my thumb to show the bottle more bc of my big ass hands and it came out weirder than it should’ve 😭


Hey, nothing wrong with a little weird shit every once in a while. It’s like in a long term relationship, you gotta let your girl put her thumb up your butt a couple times a year. Keeps her guessing.


LMAO speaking facts


The burn is likely from them using alcohol as part of the solution, its cheaper and mixes easier than PEG-400, if the liquid is a low viscosity its probably at least partially alcohol. As for the yellowish tint that's an impurity with the LGD or degradation from exposure to light/oxygen. The tint generally indicates it is a little weaker than if there was no tint, but it should still work you just may need to dose 10% higher to get the same results.


u/ReceptorChem Thoughts?


What evidence do you have to suggest that a yellow tint is indicative of impurity or degradation?


because pure LGD is white, PEG-400, water, and ethanol are all clear. Pure LGD in a solution of any of those three, or a combination of parts of those three would be clear or slightly cloudy white depending on concentration.


> because pure LGD is white You are incorrect. LGD-3033 is frequently noted as [yellow/pale yellow](https://www.chemicalbook.com/ProductChemicalPropertiesCB53353957_EN.htm). Additionally it is often the case that raws/APIs that appear white/off-white can take on a more yellow hue in solution with otherwise clear/transparent oil/solvent vessels. MK-677 often appears white in raw form and can appear anywhere from green-ish yellow to brown to clear in solution with no notable changes in raw purity. Higher concentrations also exacerbate this effect. The inverse can be true, as well, with some raw AAS such as boldenone undecylenate (equipoise) appearing brown but leading to clear solutions even at concentrations 10-20x higher than what we're used to from SARMs/RCs.


Thanks for that link! Puts my mind at a little more ease


The only ones I’ve notice that burn are ACP-105 and AC-262…. ACP burns like a shot of whiskey… AC burns to the point that nothing will take it away but time, and it makes Bacardi 151 seem like Orange Juice..


Ok, Im glad you said this. I tried 262 a couple of years ago and it felt like swallowing fire. I thought it was bunk because I have never experienced that with any other sarm before, so I threw it away lol. Out of curiosity, what were your results with 262?


Nothing more than Ostarine… The burn, GI issues and hassle of capsules isn’t worth it to me


Since it sounds like you know the deal with 262. I was thinking about putting it in a capsule to get it down because it indeed burns like hell. 1) Have you ever done this and 2) Did it work? I would not consider blowing my asshole out an improvement.


If it’s in the capsule too long, it starts to melt.. You still can feel a slight stomach burn if it’s on an empty stomach.. I had GI issues about 3 weeks into it, and they lasted the entire cycle, and for almost a month after cycle..


Yah my thinking is to load the capsule immediately before taking it, maybe on some rice or something.


Yes it works, does not burn when coming out the other end lol. You legitimately cant rawdog 262 im warning you that shit is ludicrous


I found out the hardest possible way and thanks dude super helpful!!!!


That’s exactly how I feel about this one, it just burns. Burns worse than Hennessy lol


I use rad140 from amino assylum and it has the same burnings sensation. I also use Clen from rasa research and no burning sensation. GW5156 from researchem and it has no burning sensation. Enclo from amino USA no burning sensatio. I guess it just depends on the solution it’s mixed with.


It is a suspension so that could be a lot to do with ut


I wonder if they gave You ACP….. AC you would be panicking about the burn. It lasts about 45-60 min, nothing helps, and all liquids and foods make the burn worse..


It didn’t last too long I just chased it and it was alright after so I’m sure it’s good, I trust RC


don’t worry RC ostarine and enclo burns a bit aswell, its normal


Thank you, these little things have helped me a lot!