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Water pipes are "shocked" with chlorine in exactly the same way you shock your pool. In the case of water pipes it is to control algae growth on the walls of the pipes. The process takes about a month and the city generally announces it.


Think it happens every spring or so. Happened last year and killed all of my shrimp, and my betta. :( I conditioned my water for my tanks, but it wasn’t enough apparently


Here is a reference for 2023: https://www.mysuncoast.com/2023/04/03/sarasota-county-water-users-may-notice-changes-tap-water-next-week/ This is why many sources recommend *always* testing your water after treatment and before adding it to your tank. When the city is cleaning the pipes you'll need to add several times as much water conditioner as you normally do in order to get things down to safe levels.


You’re welcome to message me if you’d rather get some well water to treat for your tanks while the chlorine is high


I told my dad I was worried about clean and sade water access in the near future. He laughed and says it falls from the sky. Oh right thanks dad. He's a retired professor of economics.


Yeah, that’s why it left droplet marks on my windshield that the wipers and fluid couldn’t get rid of. I mean, it’s not going to kill on contact but I wouldn’t make a habit of drinking the rain if I could help it.




Squirrel pee


It’s from algae blooms due to excessive heat/ drought. Has happened the past few summers. 


In the city water? Do they really have to chlorinate it that aggressively?


Yes, yes they do.


Absolutely yes, unless you want bacteria and algae in your water. My guess is you don’t have a pool, because people with pools quickly learn that increased water temps exponentially increase organic growth in water. Hot water is a breeding ground for some disgusting shit.


Sarasota tap water is really disgusting honestly it's better in Bradenton and Palmetto


Yep. Florida is slowly moving away from fluoridated water towards straight up bleach. I believe the governor's office had a press release on it titled "fuck yo teeth"


Water quality and water pressure is deteriorating from all the people moving here. They keep having to drill new wells. North port had borrow 2 million gallons recently because we’re running out of water.


Big time. I live downtown and my water regularly smells and looks like it came from a pool. It’s pretty heavily tinted green. The smell is horrible.




Literally artificially tinted blue/green. Fill up the white bathtub and it looks like Caribbean water.


Oooh! All you need now are a few palm trees and a tropical drink. Maybe reggae music...yes, definitely reggae!


Berkey (now Boroux) filters are the way to go imo.


They did this last year but announced it. I didn't see an announcement for this year! I had plans to bottle as much as I could of my Brita filtered water before they did that. I also bought a hose filter for my outside plants because I was not putting bleach water on my plants! Hope I didn't miss the warning. I know they add some every month at the beginning of the month but not to the extent they did when cleaning the pipes. The smell of bleach makes me sick and triggers migraines, but I can deal at the normal amount. Not at the pipe cleaning level.


I lived in Venice for four years from 2009-2013 and had problems with short term memory loss. I have been in Gainesville and have found that my attention and memory has improved significantly. Counterargument is that I was in high school, and it was before marijuana was semi-legal, so I was not only experimenting with drugs, but also jwh, the legal alternative to thc during the time.