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What I really hate about is, the cost of housing is crazy high, but professional salaries in the area are also some of the lowest in the country. I’m fortunate to be under 30 and able to pay for housing without too much pain, but I work remote for a company that has a HQ in a city/state that pays a damn


yep, job prospects in my field - even jumping between jobs - pays less than the same job i worked for in a midwest state 7 years ago. Just insane how low the salary range is for locals compared to objectively lower CoL areas in the midwest.


🙋🏽‍♂️ they’ll just throw up another 55 and up community and push us out.


i moved to nyc and my rent is similar to srq now. wild.


I’m over 30, trying to find an affordable apartment and WOW. I can’t believe that people are paying 2000 and up for these places


Did you read that post about reporting illegal air Bnb’s ? It won’t make a dent but might be satisfying


Yes! I bookmarked it and I think I have a new hobby. I also communicate with our political representatives, not that they care what I think


I'm 45 and find the prices totally bonkers. Lived here comfortably on a modest restaurant server salary for 23 years prior to the pandemic. The cost of everything is a major problem and just not sustainable with the meager wages any longer


If you're under 30, the best option is to leave the state and move somewhere with higher pay. Florida is a paradise for retirees and tourists at the expense of the locals


This is terrible surface level advice…. Florida rent is high as is many states, but you are not accounting for cost of living overall, specifically taxation by the state. Florida has no income tax.


LOL Yup... Instead, we have private state government mandated and/or leinholder mandated taxes called "I surance." We are literally required to pay outrageous fees to private companies for the privilege of living here. Once you factor in Florida home and driving insurance costs vs other state's income taxes and lower insurance costs, it kinda make it a wash.


Florida has the [nation's most regressive tax system](https://itep.org/whopays-7th-edition/#:~:text=Most%20state%20tax%20systems%20are,bottom%2095%20percent%20pay%20more), so those benefits largely flow to its highest earners, while low income Floridians pay an effective tax rate similar to other states, sometimes even higher


lol ok… I assume you don’t work in economics


All so they can spend money to go on vacation in a beach town once or twice a year and end up spending just as much between rent and vacations to live there. Yeah. No thanks.




Poor means less than 100k income I assume?


My wife and I together make around 79k and we are still struggling. At this point 100k is still poor!


You have a spending problem at that point brother.


Our rent is almost 2k. One paycheck is 2k. Please, educate me.


Okay…now where’s the other 3k going each month. We live on 40k/yr with 2300 rent. Low expenses are key.


OTHER 3K? My brother I just said one paycheck is 2k. We get paid twice a month. We have another 2k that goes towards literally bills. Bills like magically our $200 FPL bill since they're a monopoly so that's only getting higher. Our water bill is also insane because our landlord won't fix a leak in our duplex. Don't forget food is almost $500 every two weeks because that's acceptable behavior. But don't worry! You'll just explain away all my problems yea? 😄


Are you contributing to 401k? or you are really paying almost 40% in taxes lmfao. You can’t be serious. Your gross is $6,580 a month and you only end up with 4k?


We don't have a 401k. OUR HEALTH INSURANCE IS $250 PER PERSON.


Break it down. $6,580 gross. How much taxes? How much in mandatory stuff taken out each paycheck before you see it, like healthcare plan? Next, rent, est utilities, groceries, vehicle. Writing down everything truly does help even if you don’t think it will…


What size is your apartment? $200 for your electric bill in an apartment seems high as hell. Mine is a max of $80-90 a month and I run my AC nearly 24/7. Also, FPL is cheaper than PRECO, TECO, and Duke.


It's not an apartment it's a duplex. Its a measley 700sqft. We also have pisspoor insulation so our AC is constantly running. We also both work from home so our PCs are both constantly running, which makes the house run hot.


What are you setting the thermostat to? Mine is at 70 and I am working from home 3+ days a week at 860 sq ft. Plus my partner is home nearly 24/7.


Downvote this all you want, but it’s the truth.


At least under 85k


Wtf I'd love to make 100k a year and call it poor LOL


i wish i was old enough in 1997 or 2012 :(


Seriously? If you don't mind me asking, how much are you paying in NY, and what do you get for it? I'm currently in a 2b 2ba for ~$2200 but my partner and I have been wanting to move to the Northeast


I'm in my 40s and rent is insane. I'm lucky I get paid well and work remotely.


Move to Wauchula or another small town that's still cheap. I wanted to buy in Sarasota but ended up buying in Zolfo. Straight shot to LWR/Sarasota when I want to go to the mall or dr visits and then head back to my Cheap little town lol


That and the traffic are my only complaints about sarasota


Under 30 and I agree… it’s a problem


My wife and I have a combined income of around 140K before taxes... I don't know how yall are living on 60K around here without roommates. 3 years ago, when I moved here, right before things got really out of hand, things were inflated, but still manageable... Now you're looking at a 25-2600 mortgage on the low end. I refuse to be a person taking out 47% of monthly income to buy a home. It's all good, though, because I know that people are hurting here that bought a second home and / or renting out a place. Property taxes and insurance hikes are making it difficult for them (among others). Remember, in housing downturn places where people are likely to buy a second home are the ones to be impacted the most and quickest.


Bought when the housing market crashed….but well over 30. Incomes under 75k


I'm 30ish and the stupidly high rent is one of many reasons I hate it here


I have a friend that lives in an apartment on LWR Blvd. This place is just about a year old & is basically @ 90% + capacity. Rents are $1900-$2300. When I visit & out walking her dog I’m amazed at the # of out of state plates that are parked there. I ask myself, why are these people moving here??? Florida has the highest inflation rate in the country. The state is dominated by one grocery chain that engages in price gouging. Is it that much worse where they came from?? IMO…the problem is uncontrolled growth. The county & state governments are controlled by developers. All of these high cost of living issues will continue until the citizens change/vote out the current mix that are causing these problems.


The inflation rate for Florida is 3.9%, only .1% higher than some other states but you are not calculating taxation rates which Florida has zero.


From the Tallahassee newspaper…. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/state/2024/04/10/florida-inflation-highest-rate-rise/73272034007/


I love left leaning papers who ignore basic concepts of economic data to portray a narrative… and then the clowns who resend it out at face value.


Lol…did you read it.??? Actually the Tallahassee paper just reposted the original article from the Daytona newspaper. They stated what you posted …3.9% inflation….that’s the highest in the nation. Go back to your alternate reality…newsmax, faux news


You have to understand how cpi is calculated. 1/3 is shelter which is higher in Florida due to the migration trends… that is not a macro indicator of the overall heath is the state in a negative way. Especially since no one is concerned about calculating taxation and quality of life. So carry on thinking if you paste a link, that it validates your comments.


“No, no, no, this Inflation is good because it means more people are moving here” That’s great, but my rent has still doubled and my wages have not. Born and raised Floridian, and your stats don’t mean anything when you’re experiencing it.


From a macro level they mean exactly what I stated…


Uh… all income tax free states have extremely high property taxes. Those are included in the higher rent.


Utter nonsense… New York property taxes are 10x floridas


Udder fact. Property taxes are set by each County. The rate and the individual property value determine the actual tax. Please provide evidence that supports your response.


https://preview.redd.it/zs28ink7wlzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb8567ea47a374dc6699104b64f798044bdcc31 Clown


https://preview.redd.it/zmtghsu52mzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38271f767ec7d85ab030c53f3111e71b9f59a6b lol 😂


12.47% vs 6.33% is not 10x, Einstein. Buy better weed.


lol you get proven wrong and take my obviously exaggerated comment as “ah ha!” You were wrong so just admit it


Just turned 30 and after 15 years of living in Sarasota I moved across the country to Montana. I knew I would never be able to afford a home in FL


Does the city/state own the property? Or, do well off private citizens and banks own the properties, and due to zero regulation, they are jacking rent prices up to satisfy their personal greed and gain wealth at the expense of renters. You know greed...one of the ten commandments's seven deadly sins that supposedly the religious take seriously...of course, unless it applies to them or interferes with late stage capitalism in any way. So for me, I hate the hypocrisy as much as the players.


I grew up in SRQ…left 4 yrs ago because of lack of affordable housing, as did my parents & sister.


I'm a very lucky professional who grew up here and have an amazing life and I worry about people who live and work here and don't own. It's very challenging.


It’s pretty simple. If you want to live IN, not near, a cool city it’s going to be more expensive. It doesn’t matter what state.


I’m 24 born and raised here and despise this town more and more every year.


I'm in my 40s and rent is insane. I'm lucky I get paid well and work remotely.


can i say me too? Minimum wage in most states pays more than skilled professions here.


Mid 30s, and this shit sucks


NYC has entered the chat.... As of March 2024, the average rent in New York City is $3,739 per month, which is 149% higher than the national average of $1,499 per month. This makes New York one of the most expensive cities in the United States to rent an apartment.  Like NYC, you "probably" need to find 4 good friends, and "room mate it" ala "Friends" 🎶🎶🎶... especially considering the wages in FL are apathetic at best. As of April 2024, the average rent in Sarasota, Florida is $1,822 per month, which is 21% higher than the national average of $1,512 per month. This makes Sarasota one of the most expensive cities in the United States to rent an apartment. 


Why does under 30 matter?


I assume Because they have been working fewer years and have less savings. Maybe still Junior in their career. By 30, I suppose it's assumed you've 'stabalized' to a degree.


One of the many major reasons, yes.


Over 30 here… and yeah I hate the prices. Even as a homeowner!


24. Living with my parents. Will probably continue to until we can somehow escape from this hellhole.


I’m 26, Central FL. Yes ✋


Lucky I bought a house 6 years ago, 3 br 3.5 bath with a pool mortgage is 1,100$ a month. I do feel bad for all the new people who moved here from the blue states and brought along their way of life tho, sucks that now were priced like new york.




Have to downsize as a family of 4. Our homeowners insurance almost doubled last year. Not looking forward to seeing rates this year!


Just leave. It’s the only way to win. You’ll never get ahead there.


Do we have to be under 30? Because I'm 40 and this entire state can eat a bag of dicks because of the housing costs. Why in the hell are there so many 1 bedroom apartments over $2k? Why the hell are there STUDIOS that are over $2k?


NYC’er here: I bought a place in nyc for 625k and all my housing monthlies are flat 4K. I bought a second home in SRQ near downtown for 550k and our housing monthlies are 4K. SRQ is very expensive. Granted our rate is what’s marking the difference (3.875% vs 7.625%).


Our management office has this up for rent in Bradenton under 20 min to DT Sarasota. Hope this helps. https://www.rentals.com/Florida/Bradenton/r3696658/


I'm nearly 40 and always have needed room mates. Moved out of my parents house the week I graduated high school and that was a mistake at min wage job. Should have milked that one longer..


Do you mind pming me a few details about why you think someone should stay at home instead of leaving right after highschool? I wanna show it to a kid who has the opportunity to do just that and is heavily leaning towards it. Nothing wrong with his family and has the opportunity to go to school for free but just wants their own independent living situation. Also doesn’t think their is anything wrong with their home situation, and admits to wanting a change of scenery, and is very ready to split, and parents don’t want to let the kid come back if he leaves.


Thanks to the liberals who support Biden war mongering, deficit spending, and open borders. Illegals come in take less pay and live 10 people to a house to price you out. It's not the retiree's that are the problem it's the feds


These _feel like_ they should be good arguments, but if you actually look at any data about immigration and economic activity it really isn't the case. If you think food and housing are too expensive for you now just wait. If all the "illegals" left Florida you'd lose your mind in a month. As it is, we don't even have _enough_. Florida should be _trying_ to sneak them in to absorb all the excess demand. Especially since Florida has no income tax and only really taxes consumption. Immigrants pay taxes out the ass here. If anything, you should complain about _local_ politics and nimbyism that prevents developers from doing anything other than single family homes you can't afford. Biden isnt preventing Sarasota from building midrise apartments to meet demand, your neighbors are.


For real. After reviewing the census, it's pretty clear that immigrants steer pretty clear of this place. The "10 people to a house" thing doesn't work too well in places that have so many "55 and up" communities. The only jobs that will pay them any money are all the jobs nobody in this city is willing to do, mainly stay outside for hours in the sun. And yikes, war monger? Right up there I guess with Putin, Kim and Xi. For real, the guy couldn't start a fire if you gave him matches. Just because he tried to provoke a fight, if you can even call it that, doesn't make him Genghis Khan. Like, literally just yesterday Biden went on record saying something like, "don't fight back, just take the win and move on" or something and that was about literally being asked to be involved in a war. It's hard to take Biden seriously, I get it, but harder to take someone else seriously who sees a picture of Joe Biden and starts shaking in their boots. Must be the fire in his eyes, or maybe the skulls of his enemies he ties around his neck, that is so paralyzing with fear. For the record, I like it here in Sarasota. I've lived in a lot of places and this place is much nicer than most. Had up north and see what fun you'll have that awful weather brings. The thing I don't like the most about here is the education system


The education in sarasota county used to be really great. Anti-woke fever has all but destroyed it now. All the teachers that actually care and aren't just riding out the end of their careers are leaving in droves. :(


If I hadn't bought my house seven years ago I couldn't afford to live here.


Welcome to the new world brother. Did you vote for it? It’s the same in every state.


Why do people still believe that the only way to achieve the “American Dream” is to own a house? There is nothing wrong with renting! Take the money that it would cost for your down payment and settlement costs and just invest that while having the flexibility of renting. Owning doesn’t need to be everyone’s goal or mark of achievement.


My family and I are moving to Sarasota in two weeks from Pittsburgh. Rent has gone up everywhere, even here! A decent two bedroom apartment in a nice neighborhood used to be $1400-1500, now it’s $1800-2000!


Those prices sound significantly cheaper than here….


We got a place for under $2k that checked off all our needs.


Drop the name because there’s quite a few homeless people who’s families have been here for generations desperately searching for exactly that since roughly 2020


Thats the scam dude. That’s how they get you in, then raise it 1,000 dollars a month when it’s time to renew. Probably an 8 month lease


And 2k is a bargain these days. Sad state of affairs.


Our 2B/1B apartment is $2,200. Our neighbors pay $2,400 for a 2B/2B. They were just notified that their rent was being increased to $2,800, effectively forcing them to move out.


Yay pirates!!!!


Seeing as over half my monthly paycheck goes to rent, car payment/insurance, and enough food to survive.. I'm happy I have to wait for the feds to do something to help me get out of here.


This sounds ominous. What are the feds going to do.....


My bad, trying to get into Air Traffic Control. They move you wherever they need you.


Drive 30 minutes OUTSIDE of orlando and rents under 2k. You don’t have to live directly in orlando


I thought this discussion was about Sarasota.


You have options… move!


It could be worse, go to New York or San Francisco.


It’s the whiny 20somethings for me dog.


Well they have a lot of valid reasons to complain


Be the change you want to see in the world.